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Yeah, this is becoming a list title, but I'll throw my two cents in:

With the growing popularity of Metroid, I'll bet on a couple more Metroid stages (a stage with Ridley flying around wildly, attacking random players, perhaps, or Dark Aether, where characters take damage outside roving light spheres of protection, or maybe the Artifact Temple, where the huge temple pillars move around at random and will shoot up and down from the ground, maybe combined with the Ridley stage above).

Also, I'd predict one Kid Icarus stage.

If they put Pit in game, yeah, you're probably right about the Kid Icarus stage.

On a side note:

I always said that Smash Bros. needed supers and finally they have come.


I don't understand anti-Snake people. That's the beauty of Smash Bros. It takes characters that have absolutly no business even meeting each other, then making them fight. Come on, the idea of Snake choking Popo in a grab would be awesome.

Snake's taunt should be like Luigi's in that it deals 1-3% damage, in that, Snake takes a smoke off a cigerette then puts it out on a character nearby.


Ok time for some major speculation here.

On http://www.smashbros.com/en/story/index.html , Masahiro Sakurai, the director of SSBB, says that he is working with a studio that he cannot name. He goes on to mention that the studio had just finished a big game project, and were willing to work on the SSBB project. If Sakurai accepted the job in May of 2005, and the project he talks about finished a large-scale game soon afterwards, which studio might he be talking about? Which big game completed soon after E3 last year?

My first impulse is to guess Metroid Prime 2, which if true means that the studio is Retro Studios. The inclusion of the new Samus character helps support (but not prove) this theory. So what do you guys think?

Ok time for some major speculation here.

On http://www.smashbros.com/en/story/index.html , Masahiro Sakurai, the director of SSBB, says that he is working with a studio that he cannot name. He goes on to mention that the studio had just finished a big game project, and were willing to work on the SSBB project. If Sakurai accepted the job in May of 2005, and the project he talks about finished a large-scale game soon afterwards, which studio might he be talking about? Which big game completed soon after E3 last year?

My first impulse is to guess Metroid Prime 2, which if true means that the studio is Retro Studios. The inclusion of the new Samus character helps support (but not prove) this theory. So what do you guys think?

Of course not, you fool, they're too busy working on MP3 to satisfy the masses.


Given the huge team working on SSBB, and the increased size of the storage capacity of Wii media over GC media, I'm curious as to the quantity of characters/levels.

I mean, sure, there were PLENTY of characters and PLENTY of arenas in SSBM - but why not MORE 8) why not overwhelm us with sheer vastness of content - take the endlessness of SSBM's trophy mode and apply it to creating dozens of secret characters and secret stages, and who knows where you could end up. From the looks of it, Snake won't be the only 3rd party participant (as indicated from the interviews - plus it would be REALLY silly if he was :roll: what was it, a celebrity endorsement?), so that could be a great way to expand the universe, as long as the 1st-party to 3rd-party ratio stays at a good 4:1 or higher.

The whole style seems radically different - not really sure how to take it, but I'm sure it'll be great. The brash title, the over-the-top super-moves, the dramatic arenas, the cinematic trailor, the heavy Nobuo music, the uncharacteristic fan-service, the addition of 3rd-party characters... none of these things are bad :) not at all - but they are definitely different. I think going WAY overboard on quantity of characters and arenas would be perfectly well in keeping with that paradigm shift - so bring it on :D:mrgreen:

Ok time for some major speculation here.

On http://www.smashbros.com/en/story/index.html , Masahiro Sakurai, the director of SSBB, says that he is working with a studio that he cannot name. He goes on to mention that the studio had just finished a big game project, and were willing to work on the SSBB project. If Sakurai accepted the job in May of 2005, and the project he talks about finished a large-scale game soon afterwards, which studio might he be talking about? Which big game completed soon after E3 last year?

My first impulse is to guess Metroid Prime 2, which if true means that the studio is Retro Studios. The inclusion of the new Samus character helps support (but not prove) this theory. So what do you guys think?

Of course not, you fool, they're too busy working on MP3 to satisfy the masses.

Ahh, good point. That pretty much eliminates Retro as a posibility, so who else can we consider? Maybe Namco, who would have completed Mario Baseball and Tales of Symphonia around then (I think).

Ok time for some major speculation here.

On http://www.smashbros.com/en/story/index.html , Masahiro Sakurai, the director of SSBB, says that he is working with a studio that he cannot name. He goes on to mention that the studio had just finished a big game project, and were willing to work on the SSBB project. If Sakurai accepted the job in May of 2005, and the project he talks about finished a large-scale game soon afterwards, which studio might he be talking about? Which big game completed soon after E3 last year?

My first impulse is to guess Metroid Prime 2, which if true means that the studio is Retro Studios. The inclusion of the new Samus character helps support (but not prove) this theory. So what do you guys think?

Of course not, you fool, they're too busy working on MP3 to satisfy the masses.

Ahh, good point. That pretty much eliminates Retro as a posibility, so who else can we consider? Maybe Namco, who would have completed Mario Baseball and Tales of Symphonia around then (I think).

Namco isn't really a specific dev studio, and Tales of Symphonia was 2004, am I right? Let's try to come up with some more independent dev companies rather than large-scale producers...personally, none come to mind right now, but if anyone has any ideas...

Snake's taunt should be like Luigi's in that it deals 1-3% damage, in that, Snake takes a smoke off a cigerette then puts it out on a character nearby.

I think it's more likely that it'd actually hurt Snake, just like in the MGS games. It would be the ultimate insult, to finish off an opponent with a taunt that causes self-inflicted damage. :D


there's a few things that need to be laid to rest:

Sonic was already in his own fighting game. Sega and Nintendo hate each other. This is 1993. What are you thinking!!?!

Doesn't ANYONE remember Dream Mix TV World Fighters? Oh, I guess not since it was never released in the US.

So, this will be Mr. Solid Snake's 2nd game where he is to be featured as a playable fighter. Let's look at the roster:

Bomberman, Master Higgins (from Adventure Island), Optimus Prime (from Transformers), Simon Belmont (from Castlevania), the Mascot from Konami’s Baseball series, characters from BeyBlade and Licca (from Licca family and friends). Solid Snake, Moai from Arkanoid, and many more... I really wish I could find the official website, it had the whole roster and cool pics.

UPDATE: Well, after some research, the website used to be worldfighters.com, but it seems it no longer exists. Just goes to show how much of a failure the game was!

Also - Capcom has featured Megaman in tons of other fighting games already so the chances that they'll put him in SSBB is really low. I think Snake is just in there because Kojima wanted him to be. That's it, plain and simple. Otherwise, we're just going to get Nintendo characters, and that's that.

and sorry if someone's already mentioned this...don't really want to skim 20 pages of "oh god I want so-and-so to be in the next Smash!"


Speaking of Dream Mix TV World Fighters...

Ever since I heard Konami was already on board with this thing, I'm personally hoping for the inclusion of a whip-brandishing Belmont, either Simon or Trevor. Cross-crash supermove? Oh hell yes. May be a tad overpowered, though. :-P I highly doubt seeing a Belmont in SSB:B will happen, but I highly doubted the Snake news when I first heard it.

Dare to dream.


In all likeness, I think that Sonic is the only third-party character with any real chance of making it in. Yes, playing as Belmont, Crash, Ryu, Dan, or one of the other million TP characters mentioned (or, as an ultimate nose-thumb, the Spartan :lol: ) would be pretty damn cool. However, bear in mind that the only reason why Snake made it is that Kojima practically begged Shiggy to put him in. So far, there's been only one other character whose creator has been serious about including in Smash Bros., and that's Sonic. In an interview several months ago, Yuji Naka mentioned that he would have loved to see Sonic in SSBM, and that he had talked to Miyamato about the manner. That sounds like more work than Kojima's done towards pushing Snake.

Going by this (and it really hurts my pride to say it), it looks like Sonic is the new shoo-in for SSBB.

[/$0.02 from a newb]


Sonic has been in a fighting game before. I think it was called Sonic Fighters, and it was on the arcade. I've wanted to try it out (via emulation) but I don't know what arcade system it was on, and I'm not even sure what the game was called, so I haven't put much effort into finding it. Though, from what I've read, it was actually started as a joke because one of the developers was bored. The boss guy liked it, so they developed it further, and released it. I seem to recall that it's good for a few laughs, but that it wasn't really a lasting game. Also, who's to say that Sonic can't have some new moves? Sure, a spin attack is necessary, but it should be a short burst thing. Personly, I'd love to see Sonic in SSBB. I've always wanted to have a fight between him and Mario (or vice-versa, however you want to look at it).

I must admit that I've never gotten further than 3 or 4 stages (if even that far) in a Sonic game, so I'm not a *huge* fan of the series. I do love the music though, and I think as a character that Sonic is awesome (perhaps not the "newer" Sonic, I'm more familiar with the Genesis Sonic). Actually, in Sonic Robo Blast 2 I've gotten somewhat far (at least to stage 3, perhaps to stage 4), but that's a fan-made game, so it doesn't exactly count. And, I always play as Tails and fly over everything... Really, good game, I think, but I still avoid direct "combat." Either way though, I'd still like to see Sonic in SSBB. Perhaps with Tails and Knuckles even (though, just Sonic himself would be good enough for me). Mouser X out.

They could totally do a level based on the insides of Nova.

I know kwarp would cream over that :D

Like the Halberd isn't already awesome enough. :roll:

That's unfortunate, if there's one character I don't want to see in SSB, it's Mario. Seeing as his primary attack is jump.

fixed :P

They could totally do a level based on the insides of Nova.

I know kwarp would cream over that :D

Like the Halberd isn't already awesome enough. :roll:

That's unfortunate, if there's one character I don't want to see in SSB, it's Mario. Seeing as his primary attack is jump.

fixed :P

Amen, and amen. I think I was wiggin' out more over the Halberd than ZS Samus.

Sonic has been in a fighting game before. I think it was called Sonic Fighters, and it was on the arcade. I've wanted to try it out (via emulation) but I don't know what arcade system it was on, and I'm not even sure what the game was called, so I haven't put much effort into finding it. Though, from what I've read, it was actually started as a joke because one of the developers was bored. The boss guy liked it, so they developed it further, and released it. I seem to recall that it's good for a few laughs, but that it wasn't really a lasting game.

Sonic the Fighters, aka Sonic Championship. It was fun in a silly way, but yeah, not too deep.

There's also Sonic Battle. The gameplay wasn't too hot, but oddly enough the story had more to it than usual and the sprite animation was fairly nice.

EDIT: So, uh, has this been posted yet? Supposedly they're accepting suggestions for characters and music.

Now you have the chance to decide the future of your favorite fighting game! The poll allows for submissions of both character and music suggestiong. Voice your opinions now! The poll can be found here...


This page explains the poll, just click the button at the bottom of the page to start.

Doing so will take you to the poll page. Enter a nickname in the first box. The second box has a drop down where you can choose from three selections. To sugest a character, choose the option that reads


The third box (the really big one) is where you insert the body of your suggestion. I chose to include both an english and a Japanese version. If you choose to do the same, just write your english message, and copy it into google translator and select 'english to japanese'. Then copy the japanese text into the poll message box under the english version.

Although the site is in Japanese, you can easily make it through with the aid of google translator...


Voice your opinion now! Here is an example of how your finished message may look.






I would really like to see Tingle as a playable character in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. After his great influence, he deserves it! He could also have some awesome attacks...just imagine his kool-oh- im-pa attack! Please put Tingle in Super Smash Bros. Brawl! I know a LOT of people would appreciate it. I'm sorry if this message is hard to read, I don't speak Japanese.

私は実際に極度の粉砕Brosのプレーできる特性としてうずきを見ることを望む。 口論。彼の大きい影響が、彼それに値した後! 彼はまた…攻撃をある驚くばかりの攻撃を彼のkoolオハイオ州impa想像してちょうどもらうことができる! 極度の粉砕Brosの置かれたうずき。 口論! 私は多くの人々が感謝したことを知っている。私はこのメッセージが読みにくければ残念私話さない日本語をである。 私は訳者を使用した。 再度ありがとう!

Given the huge team working on SSBB, and the increased size of the storage capacity of Wii media over GC media, I'm curious as to the quantity of characters/levels.

I mean, sure, there were PLENTY of characters and PLENTY of arenas in SSBM - but why not MORE 8) why not overwhelm us with sheer vastness of content - take the endlessness of SSBM's trophy mode and apply it to creating dozens of secret characters and secret stages, and who knows where you could end up. From the looks of it, Snake won't be the only 3rd party participant (as indicated from the interviews - plus it would be REALLY silly if he was :roll: what was it, a celebrity endorsement?), so that could be a great way to expand the universe, as long as the 1st-party to 3rd-party ratio stays at a good 4:1 or higher.

The whole style seems radically different - not really sure how to take it, but I'm sure it'll be great. The brash title, the over-the-top super-moves, the dramatic arenas, the cinematic trailor, the heavy Nobuo music, the uncharacteristic fan-service, the addition of 3rd-party characters... none of these things are bad :) not at all - but they are definitely different. I think going WAY overboard on quantity of characters and arenas would be perfectly well in keeping with that paradigm shift - so bring it on :D:mrgreen:

I want alot of new characters too, but you have to remember that having balanced characters is also very important. It takes alot of testing to get all the characters balanced, so they can't just keep piling them all on. It takes alot of time for each one. Probably the biggest mistake in Melee, balance-wise, was chain grabbing. Mainly chain grabbing with Sheik. Sheik can chaingrab certain characters so badly (Bowser, Link, Pichu, etc.), it's basically like if a good Sheik gets one grab on that character, they will get chaingrabbed to death, no questions asked. They are more than likely going to fix this in SSBB, but other stuff will be discovered.

As a competitive Smash player, balancing the characters is very important to me. Of course, it's impossible to make the game completely balanced, and it would probably suck if it was. But people will discover and exploit everything they can, so the developers need to make sure to do alot of testing for each character to keep the game an excellent fighting game with an insane amount of depth, like Melee.

For the record, chain grabbing, or chain throwing, is just chaining together throws. Sheik's is one of the most famous. She uses her down throw to chain-grab, which, on most characters, pops the character right up for another grab. Certain characters can be chain-grabbed to really high percents, and then finished off with something like a down throw to forward air (Sheik's forward air has insane knockback, so this works out a little too nicely for her). It is possible to escape chain grabbing though; making your DI (directional influence, just pressing a direction in the air to make your character move that way) as unpredictable as possible, and DI'ing towards a platform (if there is one on the stage). But if it's Sheik vs. someone like Bowser or Link on Final Destination, and the Sheik is relatively good at chasing DI, the Link or Bowser is not going to have fun.

Heh, I got kind of carried away, sorry. I just love talking about Smash Bros. :D

Oh, and I just realized something: If the game is online, hopefully they will just patch some of the stuff that gets discovered that really throws the balance off. But hopefully if they do this, they won't take out every little thing that gets discovered. It would be really bad if they took out something essential like wavedashing or jump-cancelling shines, just because a bunch of noobs complained about getting beat by people who take the game seriously enough to discover cool things. Holy CRAP that would suck. Maybe they could make it so that when you go online, it automatically downloads the latest patches, but then when you play against someone, you can have a little option thing where you can choose to remove certain patches. It would be kind of an obscure option that you don't have to set every time, because casual gamers wouldn't care about it. They would just want to get in the game and start smashing (don't get me wrong, this is perfectly fine.)

Speaking of Dream Mix TV World Fighters...

Ever since I heard Konami was already on board with this thing, I'm personally hoping for the inclusion of a whip-brandishing Belmont, either Simon or Trevor. Cross-crash supermove? Oh hell yes. May be a tad overpowered, though. :-P I highly doubt seeing a Belmont in SSB:B will happen, but I highly doubted the Snake news when I first heard it.

Dare to dream.

Well if anyone cares to speculate


This looks like a level tailored to CV. I fact in the red circle I painted looks to be a coffin standing up. Perhaps Simon Belmont might be in the cards......or my eyes are playing tricks on me and this is a Fire Emblem level.

It would be really bad if they took out something essential like wavedashing or jump-cancelling shines, just because a bunch of noobs complained about getting beat by people who take the game seriously enough to discover cool things.

I doubt they'll take out WDing, as it was an intentional part of Melee. Perhaps not to the extent that people have been using it, but intentional nonetheless.


i must say, the lyrics are VERY Uematsu.

here's the lyrics for you whiners:

ali babaaaaa

eee eee oooooo


fafa fee hassy mommyyyyyyy

ali babaaaaa

eee eee oooooo

foody flay faaaaairrrrr

to be eating a spooooooon

all of youuuuu are idioooooots

all of he froooom idiooooots?

bell asshat beeboos

weeeeee found a

they found a need to speak ONE DAY

weeee plaaaaaaaaayyyy

and I was going to translate more, but I got bored. can't blame me for trying :D

Speaking of Dream Mix TV World Fighters...

Ever since I heard Konami was already on board with this thing, I'm personally hoping for the inclusion of a whip-brandishing Belmont, either Simon or Trevor. Cross-crash supermove? Oh hell yes. May be a tad overpowered, though. :-P I highly doubt seeing a Belmont in SSB:B will happen, but I highly doubted the Snake news when I first heard it.

Dare to dream.

Well if anyone cares to speculate


This looks like a level tailored to CV. I fact in the red circle I painted looks to be a coffin standing up. Perhaps Simon Belmont might be in the cards......or my eyes are playing tricks on me and this is a Fire Emblem level.

That looks like part of the painting on the back wall.

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