atmuh Posted June 28, 2007 Posted June 28, 2007 One thing though. We dont know how good (or bad) the Wiimote config will be, it might simplify the way to play the game, yet be effective yes we do heres how its gonna work the gamecube controller is just the same as it is now the classic controller is similar to the gamecube controller but the analog stick is in an annoying place, and the grip isnt as good the wiimote nunchuck will also be similar but the b button will have to be the trigger which is just odd and to jump i guess youd use the d pad which would suck the wiimote will be all motion and trust me i think anyone could press a button to kick you in the face a heck of a lot faster than you could move your hand to do pretty much anything plus motion can be unreliable and i play 2-3 hours a day because i am bored and have no job
Rambo Posted June 28, 2007 Posted June 28, 2007 and u doubt you will be configuring what button does what its just what controller you wanna use lol, I saw that before you realized your error.
Dhsu Posted June 28, 2007 Posted June 28, 2007 Wait, when he says you enter your name like on a cellphone, does he mean you have to press the button multiple times to get the letter you want? Because that sounds totally gay.
L.T.W. Posted June 28, 2007 Posted June 28, 2007 Oh right. I'm sure it will still be a fun way of playing the game, no doubt. I'm talking about for serious tounament play where every advantage you can get over your opponent, you take it. You got a point there You know... Unless the custom configuration with e GC controller allows me to say.... assign X as wavedash forward, and Y as wavedash backwards... It won't be in the least useful. (and I sincerely doubt THAT will be an option) That would be really cool! yes we doheres how its gonna work the gamecube controller is just the same as it is now the classic controller is similar to the gamecube controller but the analog stick is in an annoying place, and the grip isnt as good the wiimote nunchuck will also be similar but the b button will have to be the trigger which is just odd and to jump i guess youd use the d pad which would suck the wiimote will be all motion and trust me i think anyone could press a button to kick you in the face a heck of a lot faster than you could move your hand to do pretty much anything plus motion can be unreliable and i play 2-3 hours a day because i am bored and have no job And you could be right about that... Trying to do a forward +A and then you hit your friend in the stomach or something
Rambo Posted June 28, 2007 Posted June 28, 2007 Wait, when he says you enter your name like on a cellphone, does he mean you have to press the button multiple times to get the letter you want? Because that sounds totally gay. How else can you interpret that. I don't know what they were thinking... but it sure looks as though thats what's "cool" And you could be right about that... Trying to do a forward +A and then you hit your friend in the stomach or something lawl, just get nintendo costumes and duke it out! Next gen fighting!!!!
The Mutericator Posted June 28, 2007 Posted June 28, 2007 We are talking about Sakurai at his best here. I'm sure it will be a good way to play the game, if not it would not be on it. Corrected for an increase in faith that the game will be awesome.
Effector Posted June 28, 2007 Posted June 28, 2007 Wait, when he says you enter your name like on a cellphone, does he mean you have to press the button multiple times to get the letter you want? Because that sounds totally gay. Well, I mean even on the Wii message board/Internet Channel, you can use the cell phone style for entering text. So I guess (hope) that Sakurai meant that "This time, you can enter it like you would on your cell phone!" Regarding controller usage, yes, everyone who wants to be competitive will use GCN controllers. Still, I can see people who're just playing at home using the 'mote + nunchuck if they never owned a Gamecube.
anthonium Posted June 28, 2007 Posted June 28, 2007 I think the multiple controllers for the game is definitely a plus. I know most will stick with Gamecube controller but I think the wiimote or nunchuck configuration will be much more friendly to newcomers to the game. Plus it opens up the game to say...somebody with just one arm. *shrugs*
Neo Samus Posted June 28, 2007 Posted June 28, 2007 I don't think someone with one arm would be able to play SSBB.....
Sir_NutS Posted June 28, 2007 Posted June 28, 2007 I'm a bit worried about SSBB's online mode. According to the IGN review, pokemon battle revolution's online mode is shit. No leaderboards, no after-fight stats or results, no online functionality whatsoever than to find random people to do battle with, that coupled with a lot of technical shortcomings too. And this is a turn based battle, not a hectic battle where a split-second reaction can win or lose a fight. I have high hopes for Sakurai and his team, but things aren't looking pretty for wii's online functionality. EDIT: PKR Review
atmuh Posted June 28, 2007 Posted June 28, 2007 I'm a bit worried about SSBB's online mode. According to the IGN review, pokemon battle revolution's online mode is shit. No leaderboards, no after-fight stats or results, no online functionality whatsoever than to find random people to do battle with, that coupled with a lot of technical shortcomings too. And this is a turn based battle, not a hectic battle where a split-second reaction can win or lose a fight.I have high hopes for Sakurai and his team, but things aren't looking pretty for wii's online functionality. EDIT: PKR Review well if you started with the first online DS game, mario kart ds then played a game like metroid prime hunters you would be very satisfied with the progress i have the same fear though
Rambo Posted June 28, 2007 Posted June 28, 2007 hmmm, as great a job as they did compiling generic names... they didn't include a single female name in that list. How can we make SSBB less of a sausage fest if Nintendo won't even acknowledge the presence of the odd female gamer!
Bigfoot Posted June 28, 2007 Posted June 28, 2007 Because females on the internet do not exist, so there'd be no point.
KakTheInfected Posted June 28, 2007 Posted June 28, 2007 Mario Strikers has a great online mode. PBR's shitty online mode is shitty because the shitty game is shitty. It's best you even forget it exists.
friendlyHunter Posted June 28, 2007 Posted June 28, 2007 Good to know =D heres how its gonna work the gamecube controller is just the same as it is now the classic controller is similar to the gamecube controller but the analog stick is in an annoying place, and the grip isnt as good the wiimote nunchuck will also be similar but the b button will have to be the trigger which is just odd and to jump i guess youd use the d pad which would suck the wiimote will be all motion and trust me i think anyone could press a button to kick you in the face a heck of a lot faster than you could move your hand to do pretty much anything plus motion can be unreliable You realize that you can change the buttons to whatever you want, right? That's what the whole update was about. .....or are you just guessing what the defaults will be? Though the gamecube controller definately seems like the best so far, I see some potential for the nunchuck configuration. I don't exactly like the Wii remote's lack of buttons though - every button configuration I can think of has only 2 buttons on the remote that can be confortably reached at one time. The nunchuck has some extra buttons on it, but I found using Z and the control stick in Twilight Princess to be terribly uncomfortable. So uncomfortable I needed to take breaks from the game (gasp!) ...has anyone ever tried holding the nunchuck upside-down to be able to confortably press both Z and C, using your thumb (but sacrificing the use of the control stick)? Surprisingly I found it VERY confortable. It's almost as if they had that in mind when they designed it... The Wii remote on it's side will hopefully take advantage of the orientation sensing (sensing the "slantyness", if you will). It'd be great if you could tilt the controller to move your character, and then use the d-pad's 4 directions as 4 different buttons. Something like: - Tilt left/right to move left/right (analagous to the control stick) - Press d-pad up to jump - Press d-pad down to use shield/dodge - Tilt remote's pitch up/down to crouch and be able to perform A moves without jumping (analagous to lightly tilting the control stick up or down) - Grab with... o shit, we ran out of buttons! Now here's a REALLY weird possibility. One that I definately hope is in the game: In the nunchuck configuration, pointing the remote at the screen to replace the control stick. Point to the left side of the screen to move left, point to the top- get the idea. That'd let you give up the nunchuck's control stick and you'd be able to use C and Z comfortably =D ...And I'm curious: does anyone actually care how you type in your 4 letter name? "Pressing a button three times to type one letter? What were they thinking?! It's ruining the entire update!"
atmuh Posted June 28, 2007 Posted June 28, 2007 I don't exactly like the Wii remote's lack of buttons though - every button configuration I can think of has only 2 buttons on the remote that can be confortably reached at one time. The nunchuck has some extra buttons on it, but I found using Z and the control stick in Twilight Princess to be terribly uncomfortable. So uncomfortable I needed to take breaks from the game (gasp!) and with that you prove me right there arent enough buttons and motion sensing in a fighting game is automatic loss
friendlyHunter Posted June 28, 2007 Posted June 28, 2007 Heh, never said you were wrong - just that the other schemes may have more potential than it may at first appear (if the developers do it right). However, I can probably think of alternate schemes for the Gamecube controller that are better than any other controllers' possible schemes. I agree that MOTION sensing won't work well - but they might not go the weak Twilight Princess 'move the remote to attack' route. Instead they could use the pointer and the gyro thingy to sense position and orientation. I can imagine some will find that tilting the remote or nunchuck can be done just as fast or faster than tilting a control stick, and that some may possibly prefer that to a control stick. It's definately a plus when you don't have enough gamecube controllers, anyway.
atmuh Posted June 29, 2007 Posted June 29, 2007 i have a feeling that they wont allow you to tweak button configs for the classic controller and gamecube controllers just the wiimote and wiimote nunchuk ones
Strike911 Posted June 29, 2007 Posted June 29, 2007 Yes but Nintendo has officially come out and said that online mode WILL NOT be the same as regular multiplayer that we're all used to. Someone official said this, although I don't have the interview handy. I did read it though a few months ago. Nintendo is way behind in the multiplayer aspect of things. For crying out loud, look at the Xbox and Xbox360. It caters to communicating. Nintendo needs to look at XboxLive's business model and improve their (lack of) online service... for real. This is an issue that should have been dealt with last generation... not to mention Reggie said in an interview that they dropped the ball in the online aspect and that now that he has more of an issue and is in charge he'll not let that happen again... but seriously, I don't see this situation changing any time soon. You lie Reggie! YOU LIE!
KakTheInfected Posted June 29, 2007 Posted June 29, 2007 No, they said their may be MULTIPLAYER but if there is, it won't be the same as Echoes. I don't ever remember reading anything mentioning online specifically. Which is a shame, because I loved Hunters and would love a console online Metroid FPS. Edit: Wait, did I just post about Metroid? zz
ILLiterate Posted June 29, 2007 Posted June 29, 2007 You lie Reggie! YOU LIE!But he's such a god damn sexy lierI also like how the Samus player has the name John NO JOHNS
AMT Posted June 29, 2007 Posted June 29, 2007 I'm liking the multiple controller thing because it'll be way easier to gather 4 controllers together and duke it out with friends than if you needed to buy 4 Wiimotes / Nunchucks. I think the Classic Controller might work really well, too. I like it more than the Gamecube controller. EDIT: I was watching through the Nintendo World trailer just a few minutes ago, and noticed something near the very end, when it has a clip of Wario, MetaKnight, Zero Suit Samus, and one other person (Snake I think) fighting. Wario recoveres with a second jump from the right, then proceeds to hit the ground and slide forward without stopping at all, which obviously looks like a wavedash. Here's the part of it in gif form, slowed down at the end: What do you guys think? That looks just like one to me.
ILLiterate Posted June 29, 2007 Posted June 29, 2007 I don't see an animtion of him touching the floor when he lands, and if you notice from any other wavedash in Melee, your character does something like crouch or touch the floor, and I don't see i there. Probably just him landing, but maybe
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