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When did Diddy use Rockets? I mean, he had them back in Mario Tennis on the Gamecube but... I just don't recall seeing him use a rocket pack in any DK games... maybe I'm forgetting. Can anyone tell me, I'd honestly like to know where it came from...?

Anyway, awesome moveset! I love how he's got some interesting moves, plus the eat the peanuts for health thing. That's just neato. :) And... haha... that look on diddy's face when the gun explodes is hilarious.

... and the wild and crazy flying away rockets when you get hit is WICKED awesome. I love that!!!!! I hope they go all over the place.

I'm liking Diddy. ^_^

EDIT: Seriously though, one of the captions should have read "Do a Barrel Roll" ... come on now... you know it.

DK Jungle Blast. Coming soon to a wii near you.

Cool moves btw.


I think it just hit me how this will be so much more than just an update to melee. There's real ingenuity here. Though I'm starting to worry about online play.

Making the entity who gives Pit his bow Farore instead of Palutena would be as dumb as making the last boss of Metroid Prime 3 a giant red brain that isn't Mother Brain.


Not cool dude. If it was a mistake, you are forgiven. If not, that was so not cool.

I dug the pit video. Pit is rad. Palutena is officially rowr.

Uh, yeah it did spoil much. It spoiled the final boss, of the game I have been playing, which is not cool.

I actually figured it out early in the game, I wont spoil much more, but they give you a lot of blatantly obvious clues.

In fact, with the preview channel, I had a good idea what was gonna be one of the bosses. They left a lot of breadcrumbs.


If knowing the final boss of a game spoils the game for you (especially when that boss appeared in a preview for the game), it's probably not a very good game.


Well, I like to discover these things on my own. It's not like the guy committed a mortal sin, but there definitely isn't anything "cool" about intentionally posting spoilers. It doesn't deserve a 'GTFO', but it should be avoided and looked down upon.

And I'm assuming that you people have already beaten the game, and therefore may be a bit biased and tend to think "Why do I care I beat it already", but I have yet to actually beat the game, and was kinda looking forward to the surprise.


I haven't played Prime3 yet. But i'm not stupid. The "oh wait" at the end of the post made it lame. I happen to look forward to that game.

So what if it's obvious. There is a difference between thinking it, and having the HA, i'm smart, feeling when your hunch comes true, and KNOWING something because some ass gave a rather unsubtle hint

Not really. I don't own the game. I was thinking about asking for it for Christmas.

I'm not that huge a fan of the Prime series though.

Well that helps. But not a huge step to imagine how people that are fans feel about something like this, right?


Yeah, that's pretty much what I'm thinking Nookster, and yet I'm not telling anyone to go to hell, just that they shouldn't do it. It's like starting forest fires. Its bad, and only you can prevent them.

Well that helps. But not a huge step to imagine how people that are fans feel about something like this, right?

Not really. Spoilers, shmoilers.

Can we get back on topic here? Diddy's up-B being chargeable should be interesting. I wonder if you pre-charge it, like DK's B, or charge it as you fall (or if you stop/slow down in the air while you charge it).

I hope your control over Diddy's flightpath while using it is more like your control over Ness' ball of PK Thunder rather than like Fox's straight path.


Naw, no flaming here/ Just saying it was lame. Sometimes it's good for someone to hear what they're doing wrong ;)

On topic though.

Considering how long it will take for ssbb to reach Europe, and taking into account the vast amount of daily updates till that time, i'm beginning to worry. I can't stop watching this. Hell it's the first thing I look at in the morning. Nice little "ow cool" factor to start the day.

However. I'm scared i'll know half the game by releasetime.

I HAVE to go cold turkey within months !!!


Spoilers is something else as knowing every (not hidden) stage, adventure cinema or character by heart before even buying the game. But meh, not that worried. Daily updates are far to much fun

You're worried about spoilers for a fighting game now? THAT is ridiculous.

No it isn't - it's been a very long time since I've played a great game I knew nothing about beforehand, and thus it's been a very long time, probably since Metroid Prime, that I've experienced that same kind of surprise and joy of playing such a game and finding something new. I'd rather go "wow this is amazing" DURING the game than before it, only to get the game and go "yeah, there's that, I already know about that" like it was for me with Twilight Princess. I think I'm actually going to just stop reading about the game altogether, be it here or on the dojo site.

In short, spoilers piss me off.


One thing that worries me about some moves characters have is that some of them can "break" and become unusable (or can they?)

Take Diddy there for example: when his gun pops, does it just stay broken untill KO-ed? What about the jet-barrels? Does he have to pick them up again like Wario's chopper or does he have infinite acces to these jet-barrels?

I know the game was meant to play somewhat different, but I wouldn't want certain moves to become unavailble for a certain time, or permanently.

Imagine using Rest as Jigglypuff, but you miss and you get smacked and lose the Rest ability...You're pretty much screwed then 0_0; (hold your rants about how awesome you are with Jiggly and you don't rely on Rest, you know what I'm talking about).



I imagine charging Diddy's gun too long will have the same effect as charging Roy's neutral-B too long. He'll take some damage, but still have access to the move. The jet barrels will probably just explode and not leave remains.


Well, the fact that a peanut gun can have so many features (charging, edible bullets, exploding) gives me a LITTLE hope that they'll do something interesting with Samus' shooting move(s) this time. She'd better not have the slowest projectiles and the slowest "draw" again... she doesn't even draw a gun, it's her freaking arm! Sorry for the Samus rant, couldn't help myself :oops:

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