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Unless the MGS4 music means something else...

As if MGS4's music, being from a game that is supposed to appear on a nintendo system to be in the game could be interpreted as meaning that a specific game related to MGS4's music might appear on the Wii...

If only I had the brains to figure out such a puzzle. Let me consult my computatron for a while.




Yes, we could interpret that MGS4's music being in SSBB means that somewhere along the line, another game could be on the wii...



I think I figured it out.

Coming next spring:

Snake Snake Revolution, a DDR clone that uses MGS4 music coming exclusively for the Wii.

(Well that or they decided to use a badass music they had on hand.)


Oh and and I wish we get the radioactive zanzibar gerbils or whatever the hell it was in the game.

Edit2 (the game being Metal Gear 2)

Edit 3 Errr... Snake's Revenge, not MG2...

Edit 4: I hate conflicting source. There were mutant radioactive something from zanzibar land in one of the unreleased MG, most likely MG2, but maybe Snake's Revenge...

Hmm, so how many non-Nintendo characters would you guys think is necesary for this game to feel like "that game that is open to any cool mascot"?

Didn't Sakurai say way back when that there'd only be a max of 2 or 3 third party characters anyway?

Didn't Sakurai say way back when that there'd only be a max of 2 or 3 third party characters anyway?

And speaking of that, I seem to remember a rumor that Rayman MIGHT be included. Personally I think this seems relatively likely - he's a mascot that's appeared in a (for a time) Wii-exclusive game, and he's been in many games on Nintendo consoles in the past. Plus I mean to be honest there aren't really many mascots from other companies that COULD be used other than himself and Sonic.


Mega Man. I know a lot of you grow weary of us Mega Man fans, but seriously, there is no other third-party character that deserves placement in brawl more than him.

And speaking of that, I seem to remember a rumor that Rayman MIGHT be included. Personally I think this seems relatively likely - he's a mascot that's appeared in a (for a time) Wii-exclusive game, and he's been in many games on Nintendo consoles in the past. Plus I mean to be honest there aren't really many mascots from other companies that COULD be used other than himself and Sonic.

Yeah, but does it have to be a mascot? It could be anybody. Besides, didn't the Japanese vote for who they would want to see?

Just so we could see everyone dance themselves to death during his final smash.

Forward+B for moonwalk dash.

Down+B and he turn for his post-90's pedo transformation.

Mega Man. I know a lot of you grow weary of us Mega Man fans, but seriously, there is no other third-party character that deserves placement in brawl more than him.

This man speaks the truth. If there are any other third party characters to be in Brawl, I'm thinking Sonic is probably the most likely, followed by Megaman.


Michael Jackson's grab: picking somebody up, and dangle him on the edge from a platform.

obligatory lulz

This man speaks the truth. If there are any other third party characters to be in Brawl, I'm thinking Sonic is probably the most likely, followed by Megaman.


obligatory lulz

Word up. I think Sonic is likely to appear in there. I'd be surprised if he wasn't.


Hmm okay, let's try a different question then: did this whole 3rd party character craze start only because of the Snake announcement, or did people feel the want for 3rd party characters after Melee in the first place?

I for one don't feel Brawl NEEDS 3rd party characters, so in that sense, I would be happy with just having Snake (I'm neutral towards his inclusion since I dont know him or his games).

However if so, then this wouldn't be that "all mascots welcome" thing I for some reason thought it was supposed to be...I probably misunderstood some of Sakurai's very early comments about Brawl when it was announced.

If Snake's inclusion is merely a favor to a friend then I'm fine with that too. :) Still he may feel a little out of place...

Mega Man. I know a lot of you grow weary of us Mega Man fans, but seriously, there is no other third-party character that deserves placement in brawl more than him.

What abilities would he have? As we all know, one of Mega Man's main things was using abilities he obtained from defeating his opponents.

... interesting.


It'd be Battle Network Megaman. The original and X aren't currently as popular as the other two (Though even the BN Megaman isn't very popular anymore. Now it's some Star Force wtf-ery).

I'd prefer Zero from the Megaman Zero series, myself. I know, another sword-user, but it sure beats Navi Megaman.

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