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I want a version of Comrades from The Sacred Stones as one of the Fire Emblem music choices. That is probably one of my favorite FE songs.

If they had "Beneath a New Light" or "In the Name of Bern" from FE 6, I would be an extremely happy camper.

Im not liking the fire emblem theme. Melees version just got you in the mode to fight. This is ok to listen to but feels like it'll bring the fighitng mood down while playing. Feels like one of those history films about world war and they have the a national theme playing in the background which you cant turn off.

Melee's version was just some sort of latin song. This version "inspires the players to be brave", due to the lyrics in the song. Therefore, this song has meaning, and isn't expendable like the Melee's version.


I personally really like the Fire Emblem music. The Latin vocals are a very nice touch, and the song's words actually have meaning (if you can understand Latin). Would've been nice to have Japanese lyrics, but I'll accept Latin.

Fox owning Rayquaza is pure gold. Considering that the big dragon is a likely boss, I can't wait to fight it (Rayquaza's genderless, btw:mrgreen:).

10 isn't on SNES.

*wind rustling by* :wink:

This update(s) was awesome!! I really like the FE music, A big smack to anyone complaing about too much MIDI tunes. And Fox kicks ass!!!

Oh I see. I understand why Rayquaza would be cheesed off. He doesn't like any foreign beings coming onto whatever planet he is protecting.

And plus, it's Fox. I wouldn't want Fox on MY planet... would YOU?? Polluting the land with his Landmaster, decreasing airplane safety with his barrel rolls, reflecting things with his reflecting thing, being fast... he's a menace I tells ya!

I really like the FE music, A big smack to anyone complaing about too much MIDI tunes.

there are 2 many MIDI tunes!!!!1!1 jsut because there is 1 more that is not a midi does not mean that their r still 2 many that r midis although a slightly smaler percnetage of the songs revealled on the dojo so far r mi-*SMACK*

That's not to say I'd prefer more songs that are recorded live. I definitely enjoyed that FE one, and the live orchestra and vocals can really create a dramatic atmos-*SMACK*

And plus, it's Fox. I wouldn't want Fox on MY planet... would YOU?? Polluting the land with his Landmaster, decreasing airplane safety with his barrel rolls, reflecting things with his reflecting thing, being fast... he's a menace I tells ya!

there are 2 many MIDI tunes!!!!1!1 jsut because there is 1 more that is not a midi does not mean that their r still 2 many that r midis although a slightly smaler percnetage of the songs revealled on the dojo so far r mi-*SMACK*

That's not to say I'd prefer more songs that are recorded live. I definitely enjoyed that FE one, and the live orchestra and vocals can really create a dramatic atmos-*SMACK*

*SMACK!!!!* :<


If we don't get Norfair this week, then I expect something that has to do with F-Zero, definitely. Falcon or a stage, whichever, but mark my words...

I'd feel hurt if Sonic's stage got revealed and they saved the F-Zero stage for "last" among the revealed characters.


They haven't announced any of the four original unlockables: Captain Falcon, Ness, Jigglypuff, or Luigi. If they announce one of those and not Captain Falcon, then you can complain.


It makes me think they won't announce them or any of the unlockables. The original four unlockables were unlockables in Melee. So, I gotta wonder--are all of these announced characters just the starting characters?


Even so, it's hard for me to believe that the "big three" characters of the Kirby franchise are going to be available from the VERY start. I mean, maybe a franchise having an unlockable character isn't seen as a kind of badge of honor like I thought, but even so...

EDIT: Gah, okay, nevermind!

Mario / Peach / Bowser

Pikachu / Squirtle / Ivysaur / Charizard

Kirby / Meta Knight / King Dedede

all as starters seems both fair and sane.

They haven't announced any character that has ever been unlockable.

Woah, you're right. That explains why they haven't announced Ganondorf and Game & Watch yet. And Pichu, Dr. Mario and Young Link, we all know they're gonna be in.


......BWAHAHAHAAAHA!!! :lmassoff:

I also just noticed that Capt. Falcon and Ness were NOT unlockable characters in Melee. Food for thought.

Personally, I'd be disappointed with a Capt. Falcon dojo update, unless there's something awesome to go along with it like a stage, movie, song, or final smash. Although.... wouldn't it be 10 times more awesome if Falcon's final smash was shrouded in mystery until you see him do it on your own TV??? I can bet the first thing I'll do after unlocking Falcon (assuming there's no Dojo update for him) is do a Falcon vs Falcon match with Smash Balls on highest. Much showing of moves would ensue.

....anyone else have the Fire Emblem song stuck in their head all day? It makes for a badass national anthem, but it gets tiring after a while. Especially after playing the Temple stage in Melee too much =/


I can't remember if I asked this before, but I'll ask it now: did the Brawl demo have crouching and walking at the same time, like they kept showing off in the first and second trailers?


Quick, compile a list of games that have a stopwatch!!

I'll start:

- StarTropics

- Legend of Zelda

- Super Mario Bros. 2

...if that stopwatch does indeed stop time, perhaps Peach's final Smash (or rather, stopping time/putting everyone to sleep) is not as overpowered as we might think? Or, at least less advantageous than it was in "previous installments"?

ZOMG Stopwatch stopwatch stopwatch STOPWATCH....!!! =O

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