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Off topic a little, but me and pi has this little conversation earlier today:

Never give out your password or credit card number in an instant message conversation.

Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:

Maybe I'm just being ignorant, but who do I know names Michael, exactly?

michael says:

Umm, do you mean who do you know NAMED michael?

Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:

Err... rather, whos this?

michael says:

Michael! (The-Almighty-Tallest)

Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:

Oh. okay there, now I feel stupid...

michael says:

Aww.... Don't

Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:

err.. ok then. So whats the deal with Gary Oak? I guess we're waiting till you're done with what you have going now?

Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:

or maybe, whens Andross going to get a WIP?

michael says:

Yeah - I'm doing Andross first. Its a bit of a bitch, but I'm getting there. Then I'll start Garry Oak

michael says:

Andross Wip will hopefull be posted by the 19th

Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:


michael says:


Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:

Yeah, OK

michael says:

Ok what?

michael says:

I'm just winding you up

Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:

yeah, ok, i guess you have tiill the 18th

michael says:


Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:

no, no

Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:

i keep messing stuff up. Yeah, ok, you can get andross done first, then Gary. I just hope you can get at least a framework in for both by the 19th

michael says:

Will do

Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:

Do I have that right, then?

michael says:

A right to what?

Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:

do I have it correct?

michael says:

Oh. yeah you do. Oops.

Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:

So, you think anything will be in before then

Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:


michael says:


Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:

maybe? by which you mean, Andross?

michael says:


Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:

As in..., when, now?

michael says:


michael says:

unless something horrible happens

Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:


michael says:

are you being eaten by a kirby?

Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:

uhh... mehbe

michael says:

Use the hammer.

Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:


Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:

I find myself in a maze of twisty passages, all alike

michael says:

You know the LYRICS?

Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:


michael says:


Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:


michael says:

I just know the lyrics for the hammer song in Super Smash Bros.

michael says:

Doo-do-do-do do do-do-do-do!

Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:

wow. I forgot after I stopped playing...

michael says:

You stopped playing?

Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:

which game?

michael says:

You just can't stop playing. Its like pringles. Only not as a convieniantly tinned crisp-thing

michael says:

SUPER SMASH BROS! (do do do dooooooo!)

michael says:

Wait, I'm confused to....

michael says:


Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:

Donkey Kong? I always thought he was more of a "tastes like chicken " kind of guy. I've never had monkey

Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:

oh, smash bros...

michael says:

wait a second....

michael says:

youve never had monkey?

Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:

thats not necessarily a bad thing. while you were out, I invaded your house, stole you silverware, smashed your TV, and shaved your ca

Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:


Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:


Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:

well, let me more specific. I've had monkey, but no great apes, no

michael says:

Wait... you stole my stuff?

michael says:

I don't even have a cat....

michael says:

Oh my god! My Weasel!

michael says:

You didn't do a very good job of smashing my tv

Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:

well, Im sure it looks like a weasel now..

Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:

no, the downstairs one

michael says:

No. Weasels have hair. It looks like... um...

michael says:

I live in a bugalow

Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:


Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:

wow, you must be pretty small to live in an insect

michael says:

You should see my weasel

Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:

uhh... no, i think Ill pass, thanks

michael says:

Its long and shaved

Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:

oh, god. what have I done?!?

michael says:

You burgled my insect-home, silly

Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:

oh, right. thanks for that, I have short term memory loss

Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:

very short term

michael says:

i thought so.....

michael says:

I'm not your Grandpa, by the way

Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:


michael says:

Its a date!

michael says:

I was told to say that in akward silences....

michael says:

By a T-Rex

michael says:


michael says:

Your computers on the blink, isn't it?

Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:


michael says:


Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:


michael says:

seh weh?

Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:


michael says:

I no speak teh weeble and bob....

Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:

now, I've heard of it, but,

Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:

Ive never watched it

michael says:


Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:


michael says:

behind you

michael says:

actually, on Newgrounds

Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:


michael says:

*Uses corpse as weapon, phantom brave style*

The following message could not be delivered to all recipients:

I was told to say that in akward silences....

The following message could not be delivered to all recipients:

By a T-Rex

The following message could not be delivered to all recipients:


The following message could not be delivered to all recipients:

Your computers on the blink, isn't it?

Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:

*still dead*

michael says:

Take that, evil penguin!

michael says:

No wait, thats Disgea

michael says:


Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:

*if possible, even MORE dead*

Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:

*Arm rots off*

michael says:

Still Dead?

Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:

no, never saw it. But Shaun of the dead cracked me up

michael says:

Ive got that on DVD!

Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:

listen, doctors appointment. Speak later, mehbhe?

michael says:

Cool. So posting this in our OCR topic, though...

michael says:


Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:


michael says:


Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:


michael says:

Playing Smash Bros.?

Pi_r_[]ed (Frank S.) says:

no, doomedness!

michael says:

Aww... I wanted to explode.....

The following message could not be delivered to all recipients:

Aww... I wanted to explode.....

I'm sure that was useful to everyone.

ed]I think you may have embarrassed yourself more than me by posting that...

Hey, now everyone knows you know the lyrics to an Mc Hammer Song. you sure you still don't wan't to see my weasel?


Ok, actually, the date is coming up pretty fast. How about this?

Everyone who wants to suggest bosses, do it here, no more than three for each of you, only one post.

Fair enough? Get to it!

EDIT: woah, tallest. Thats like, the third time weve posted within seconds of each other...

ed]Ok, actually, the date is coming up pretty fast. How about this?

Everyone who wants to suggest bosses, do it here, no more than three for each of you, only one post.

Fair enough? Get to it!

EDIT: woah, tallest. Thats like, the third time weve posted within seconds of each other...

Even if my posts are almost completely pointless

Ok, 1st boss - Dizzy, Guilty Gear X

2nd Boss - Ramriez, Skies Of Acradia

3rd Boss - Magician, House Of The Dead


ooh boy, suggestions, here I go

1. Griever-Ultimecia - Final Fantasy VIII (specifically referring to the song 'Maybe I'm a Lion', it totally kicks ass 8) )

2. Odio - Live-a-Live (a totally overlooked Squeenix SNES RPG, pretty amazing source tunes, finally found the OST, please check it out, or better yet; play the game! :))

3. Dhaos - Tales of Phantasia (pretty obvious; great game, amazing soundtrack ;))


Let me add something to that: NO FINAL FANTASY VILLAINS, PLEASE.

If we took all that were suggested, we'd end up with a whole FF album. Besides, isn't Kefka "Haywire" enough for the next album? 8)


3. Justice - Guilty Gear (forget which GG game he is the boss of, but his theme is completely kick ass)

Its just Guilty Gear. You know, the first one. Not Guilty Gear X, X2, X2 Realoded or Isuka

Oh, and justice is a her :wink:


3. Justice - Guilty Gear (forget which GG game he is the boss of, but his theme is completely kick ass)

Its just Guilty Gear. You know, the first one. Not Guilty Gear X, X2, X2 Realoded or Isuka

Oh, and justice is a her :wink:

First GG game I played was X. Never played the original. Haha never knew Justice was a girl.


3. Justice - Guilty Gear (forget which GG game he is the boss of, but his theme is completely kick ass)

Its just Guilty Gear. You know, the first one. Not Guilty Gear X, X2, X2 Realoded or Isuka

Oh, and justice is a her :wink:

First GG game I played was X. Never played the original. Haha never knew Justice was a girl.

She was a hidden charecter in Guilty gear X2: Reloaded. I think she might of been in Isuka as well.

Not very people have played the original Guilty Gear.


if you're still taking on new bosses might I request the streets of rage 2 boss theme.Maybe in a funky style or something.

Oh and congrats on making it to gen disc.

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