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Back on topic, folks.

Sorry, Shariq.


I'm kind of curious about the custom avatar thing. I thought the reason we couldn't do that before was because it was hard to moderate, not because of software capability?


And I know someone else mentioned this, but what happened to the "remixer" tag/remixer profile link?


hey just cuz your production chops are better doesn't mean you get to insult my poop :(

really itching to make a killer studio chops joke oh wait


So, is there any way that we can start getting notifications on thread replies like vBulletin did, instead of getting seven or eight different notifications to essentially tell you that someone replied to a thread you follow?


really itching to make a killer studio chops joke oh wait


So, is there any way that we can start getting notifications on thread replies like vBulletin did, instead of getting seven or eight different notifications to essentially tell you that someone replied to a thread you follow?


Click on "What's New?" in the top right corner and mess with the options there.


Alternatively, click your name in the top right, and click "Content I Follow."


Both are analogous to vB's old UserCP view.


Loving the new forums, great work guys! I think it's already been called out, but I am really missing the function to show the newest posts first, which is what I always used to do on the old forums. Having to go to the last page to see the newest posts is a little annoying, but no biggie. I also miss the link to OCR Artist Profiles being part of the forum account, as I also used that all the time to quickly look at people's music without having to search for them (or wonder if they were an OCR Artist or not), but it sounds like guys are working on that.


Nice job!!!


Loving the new forums, great work guys! I think it's already been called out, but I am really missing the function to show the newest posts first, which is what I always used to do on the old forums. Having to go to the last page to see the newest posts is a little annoying, but no biggie. I also miss the link to OCR Artist Profiles being part of the forum account, as I also used that all the time to quickly look at people's music without having to search for them (or wonder if they were an OCR Artist or not), but it sounds like guys are working on that.


Nice job!!!


Reverse chron order for posts on a per-user basis is something that Invision just doesn't support out of the box.


You can, however, click the date in the latest reply column of the topic which will take you to the last post.


There's also topic previews. When you mouseover any topic on the forum, there's a little black circle with a down arrow that appears in it. Here's what happens when you click it:





As you can see, it shows a couple of things: a preview of the first post, a preview of the first unread post, and a preview of the last post. You can click on those "first, first unread, last" links to take you directly to those posts.


Try it out.


Reverse chron order for posts on a per-user basis is something that Invision just doesn't support out of the box.


You can, however, click the date in the latest reply column of the topic which will take you to the last post.


There's also topic previews. When you mouseover any topic on the forum, there's a little black circle with a down arrow that appears in it. Here's what happens when you click it:


Oh nice, that is spiffy! Thanks for sharing Shariq!


In Chrome (Version 42.0.2311.135 m), grabbing the "Drag to resize" handle at the bottom right of the reply form causes the window to scroll up, resulting in the selection of stuff elsewhere on the page and generally annoying behavior. This does not seem to happen in Internet Explorer or Firefox, nor does it happen in Chrome when in the "More Reply Options" view.


Also, pasting in the reply form causes the form to scroll so that the text you pasted (and the cursor) ends up at the bottom at the form, which is super annoying if the cursor was somewhere else when you hit paste.


In my web design experience, I actually find it a bit of a hassle to do sidebar containers (like for the MultiQuote, Quote, etc. positioning you have there) since it requires a "float" function in CSS that depends on having enough space between column 1 and 2, and actually, it kinda limits the horizontal space for the signature. Something to consider. I like the Like button and Posted contents being next to the post number.


Probably. But as long as it doesn't inflate the posts' vertical space, I don't care where the buttons are.


Right now, each post is made up of


-a bar with username and post number

-posted date

-actual post

-like button


-report, quote, and multiquote buttons


Even with sigs disabled, the posts take up a lot of vertical space, most of which is white empty nothingness. the Like button shouldn't be its own row. The posted date shouldn't be on a row all by itself. I'm okay with these things sharing a row with the quote buttons or username or something, but where they are now is making the posts unnecessarily tall.


Short posts, like my previous one, have a lot of unnecessary space because of things in the left-hand user information bar, which is made up of




-user group/rank

-two dots that mean something, or two stars that mean mod or admin

-post number

-warning points, which only shows up on my own posts



This stuff inflates the short posts unnecessarily, and I would suggest this stuff be optional and only appear when there's actually room for it.


Is there a way to get back the old "raw" mode where I could see the actual code instead of this WYSIWYG editor? I need to be moving stuff around a lot, cutting quotes into smaller pieces and stuff, and this editor makes that a lot more difficult than it used to be (I really dislike WYSIWYG editors in general, but I actually have a good reason for it in this case)


Also, the mobile version (on Chrome, on Android) only gives me buttons for "Prev" and "Next", which, in a thread with 50+ pages, makes it really hard to navigate. A "First" and a "Last" button would be nice.


You can click the upper left icon in the posting container. Leftmost, near "Font", "Size", etc. Might be better to have an Alt message for that.

So that's what that button does. Alt messages are for winners. You, sir, get my first like.

In chrome, on Android, using the "full version" of the page, I do get the raw editor in the reply form, but with no means of switching to the WYSIWYG one - there are no buttons at all in the form.


I don't know how well Javascript works on Chrome for Android, as I haven't explicitly tested javascript items on that browser, but it looks like the WYSIWYG editor is powered by javascript. Should that affect anything? Probably not.


I would really avoid using Javascript, because people can disable it on their own. Instead, if possible I think it should be done in jQuery. While it's similar to Javascript, it's referenced similar to CSS files, and afaik isn't able to just be turned off.


But JQuery is built on top of Javascript :< So it wouldn't work either if JS is disabled.

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