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Oh my! It's hard to believe. We'll have to wait a little bit more maybe, but let's hope this becomes a true reality, I'll be buying the game the first day probably :<


Of all the games to remake in HD, it had to be 7? Why not FFV or VI? (besides the crappy iOS remake)

Final Fantasy VI was by far my favorite for a long time (even though I didn't play it until about 2000, I think I was in 6th grade). Then I played Final Fantasy VII (for the first time in 2011, don't judge...ok, you can judge). Now I think they're about equal as far as how much I enjoy them.


Final Fantasy VII ranks at about my fourth or fifth favorite entry in the series so I'm not exactly dancing on the ceiling over this news. I'm glad they're finally doing it and all, I just hope the translation gets a serious overhaul and they don't shoehorn in too much of the convoluted Compilation of FFVII stuff from the movie and spinoffs. 


FFVII was and still is my favorite entry in the series.  It's a game that i have played through once a year since it launched in 1997 and I was really excited for a remake when the PS3 tech demo came up about a decade ago....


but then they released 13.  


Now i'm not as excited but if SE is looking to turn things around from the tunnel simulator (complete with minimap and an arrow so you didn't somehow accidentally walk the wrong way) that 13 was then there is a reason to be cautiously optimistic that this remake will be worth it. :)


Now another question is, who are they going to get to voice the characters?  The english dubbing in Advent Children was amazing and I would really love to see them come back to reprise their roles.  Who do you think the narrator was?


Now another question is, who are they going to get to voice the characters?  The english dubbing in Advent Children was amazing and I would really love to see them come back to reprise their roles.  Who do you think the narrator was?


Cloud-Troy Baker

Sephiroth-Troy Baker

Barrett- Troy Baker

Cait Sith-Troy Baker

Tifa-Troy Baker

Yuffie- That chick from the Last of Us; or Troy Baker.


Don't trust any site unless they list a source, which this one didn't. They simply said "Our site 'learnt' something"


It was just featured in the SONY PRESS CONFERENCE! So it's real :)


Like I said before, Siliconera is trustworthy. They never report anything that's just rumor/hearsay. Also, they were right about this. I've said it elsewhere. Ishaan has his sources.


They're redoing the soundtrack too, right?  Because they've totally got to redo the soundtrack if they're remaking it.


And they're totally bringing Uematsu in for that, right?  Because goddamnit Squenix don't toy with me on this.

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