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MAGFest 2016 (Combat your Post-MAG Depression here)

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1 hour ago, Sagnewshreds said:

My main complaint from this MAGFest outside of getting WAY too drunk Saturday night in the shizz suite would be not getting enough hang time in with zykO. Dude was pretty stretched thin at his first MAG trying to get facetime in with everyone he's never met irl haha. But we managed to get some solid kazoo jamming in on our way back from Nandos.

Seriously though it was an amazing weekend. MAG Underground made it for me. So much awesome music. Two Bit Brigade sets in one day!? Unreal man.

dude, your awesome and positive energy was one of my highlights of the whole weekend. much love to you brother. next time we're bringing TWO kazoos hahaha

54 minutes ago, Brandon Strader said:

I would go to MAG just to hang out with zyko and Garpocalypse. And maybe some other people

But seriously why pay to go to MAG when you could just come visit me? <_<


because efficiency? haha i mean, if it's gonna cost two limbs and next month's laundry, why wouldn't you try to see as many of the homies as you can???? MAXIMIZE that SHIZZ SON

19 minutes ago, YoshiBlade said:

After listening to a vinyl copy of SoR 2 while relaxing in a vintage rocking chair at SteveO's, I've developed a taste for Natural American Spirit cigarettes and Narragansett.....help me


i am not even gonna get into the shit i've developed a taste for in even just a handful of minutes with SteveO :) 

11 hours ago, Garpocalypse said:


I had pre-mag, during-mag and now post-mag depression for not being there and having to wait a year for the next one...

this didn't help it :(

Tekken 7 is probably going to be out this year on PS4.  I say we all get a ps4 and wail on each other when it does. 


Didn't mean to make your MagSadness bigger. We all missed you though!


I had a great time at MAGFest, overall better than last year. Was fun playing tabletop games with people, checking out some of the performances, beating Battletoads on a projection screen in the game room, checking out the merch tables, cosplaying as Phoenix Wright, hanging out at Stevo's afterwards among other things. It was great seeing so many of you there, whether it was a reunion or meeting for the first time. I'm looking forward to next year. It was a good MAGFest!


Another amazing MAGFest, #1 highlight for me this year? The hyped madness of Ben Briggs at the VGDJ Battle. That man has a stage presence like nothing I've seen.

I'm sorry I didn't make more of an effort to meet OCR MAGFolks! I had every intention of trying to link up and hang out with people but wound up so caught up in the chaos that I hardly spent time even with the friends I brought!

I'll have to try even harder next year. ;)

For those of you that missed it, I am sorry, but fear not! "For as the sun rises on yet another day, so too, are we closer to another MAGFest." - Benjamin Franklin



On February 24, 2016 at 10:19 PM, Garpocalypse said:


I had pre-mag, during-mag and now post-mag depression for not being there and having to wait a year for the next one...

this didn't help it :(

Tekken 7 is probably going to be out this year on PS4.  I say we all get a ps4 and wail on each other when it does. 

way ahead of you on the ps4 front!! Ill gladly do some online sessions with people in tekken, or rocket league (despite my suckage).

On February 24, 2016 at 7:58 PM, YoshiBlade said:

Esperando where/who the frek were you?!? I was trying to expand my PeopléDex, did I meet you and just not make the connection? 

Im one of those dudes you go up against over in the compos section. As for where i was, i just never made if over to the OCR suite, assuming that you made it there yourself! go again next year and we can clank beers or something!


Just realized I never posted this in here, but:

I was on a flight a little while ago and I made a Post MAGFest Depression hotline for all of you to call. it's basically an anti depression SEGA hotline where you call a phone number and select a happy SEGA tune to listen to. Because who doesn't get cheered up after hearing some classic uplifting SEGA music?

Try it out by calling (855) 635-SEGA (or 855-635-7342)

Let me know if you have any SEGA-gestions (sorry for that extra pun).

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