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Man this news sucks. I was really hoping I could get a new 60GB model in Novemeber. Looks like I am just going to have to buy an old 20GB model off ebay or something.

  SilverStar said:
Like most people who don't seem to get it, you're comparing a media center PC, to a game console. And don't forget, the "price drop" is only while supplies last.

X360 Premium lets you play all the games, no worries. Toss in a Gold membership(which you get the first month free with the system anyway, to see if you actually like it), and the.. oh, what was it? 20 A+ titles coming out in the second half of this year?

Compared to a BluRay player that has some game functionality added onto it.

Well, the PS3 will be a multimedia center too, so I'd say that's besides the point.

  DJ Skratch said:
Sure the 360 is 200 bucks cheaper (now only $100 though)' date=' but you have to buy accessories up the ass. A charger? $25. Wireless adapter? $100. HD-DVD player? $200. New [i']20 gig HDD? Another $100. Xbox Live? $50 a year. Plus the HDD is 40 gigs smaller and the PS3 frickin' utilizes Blu-Ray. So, assuming you want your Premium 360 to be up to par with Sony's 60 gig console, it'll set you back $975, and that's just for one year of online play. 360 sounds twice as expensive to me. Did I mention the 360 has a 33% failure rate? Has anyone heard of a PS3 Red Ring of Death? PS3's also support SD cards! They're up to 4 gig sticks now, ain't they?

Now, with such an awesome E3 line-up, I think it's pretty clear who's winning this console war.

Also, I only have a $20K income, thank you very much :)

Most people don't buy the wireless adapter or HD-DVD player. Plus I got my 360 Premium for $300 with a $100 gift card back around Christmas, so I spent even less.

While the PS3 isn't as faulty as the 360 (and please do not cite percentages without any source to back it up), again, at least Microsoft extended the warranty to 3 years.

Your post here is like standard fanboy fare - much of your claims are exaggerated or lacking fair consideration. I really don't care about console war bullshit that idiots concoct to make their purchase look better, but there's little need to slam another console just because you prefer a particular one.

  Bahamut said:
While the PS3 isn't as faulty as the 360 (and please do not cite percentages without any source to back it up), again, at least Microsoft extended the warranty to 3 years.

Indeed. As I mentioned earlier in the thread, where was Sony when their PS2s were being returned regularly, burned out and unable to read discs? Microsoft had the balls to own up to the fact that their original batches of systems had a problem, and took steps to try and help those who bought those units, and future customers. Sony just looked the other way and spouted how many units they'd sold.

Oh, and...



  The Damned said:
Nintendo? Because they are outselling everyone combined? Because they can't produce enough to meet demand (and not an artificial shortage, either; they're pumping out hundreds of thousands a week in multiple factories)? Because the games they offer are popular and fun? Because They have the best price? Because they have the best customer service off all three companies? Because they have incredibly popular first-party titles? Because a lot of the developers that used to be pro-PS2 have switched over to the Wii?

omg I love you.. :P

I hate it when people say the wii is nintendo's worst idea, and its gonna die... I really dont understand those kind of ideas, when you still cant find a fucking wii in any store :P


i used to be a nintendo fanboy but when i came to this place and realized how retarded fanboys sound i slowly drifted into the neutral zone so i can objectively say that this ps3 price thing is gay as balls


There are a zillion things I want to say here.

First off: the Wii is only selling because it's cheaper than the other two and it's more family oriented. There aren't that many good games on it. Let's be honest here; most are games with the whole motion sensitivity gimmick just tacked on. I'm digging the Virtual Console more than the actual games myself.

  Bahamut said:

While the PS3 isn't as faulty as the 360 (and please do not cite percentages without any source to back it up), again, at least Microsoft extended the warranty to 3 years.


"In the quest for supremacy in next-generation gaming consoles, Microsoft (MSFT) had a big advantage by releasing the Xbox 360 a full year ahead of competing devices from Sony (SNE) and Nintendo (NTDOY). But hardware failures on the device are forcing Microsoft to cede some of its hard-won ground.

After months of reports about unusually high hardware failures for the Xbox 360, the Redmond (Wash.) software giant on July 5 said it will take a $1.05 billion to $1.15 billion charge to extend warranty coverage on repairs and replacements. The company said a months-long investigation into an "unacceptable number of repairs" to Xbox 360 consoles has helped it identify several flaws that caused the system to crash—indicated by three flashing red lights on the front dubbed the "Red Ring of Death" by gamers.

Robbie Bach, president of Microsoft's entertainment and devices division, declined in an interview to say what specifically caused the failures or how high the failure rate has been.

But the disclosure follows weeks of online chatter about a high retail return rate for the console. While the normal console return rate is between 3% and 5%, online news site DailyTech on July 2 said it surveyed retailers and found that the Xbox 360 had a staggeringly high return rate of 33%."

Found it on Digg.

It's easy for me to rip on the 360 for this simple reason: of the 5 people I know that bought a 360 (including myself), 4 got the Red Ring of Death. One of us even got it a second time after it had been "refurbished".

I'm not a Sony fanboy. I just think they made a better console and people are getting a hell of a deal for all the crap they're getting with it. Yet they still bitch about the price.

  SilverStar said:

X360 Premium lets you play all the games, no worries. Toss in a Gold membership(which you get the first month free with the system anyway, to see if you actually like it), and the.. oh, what was it? 20 A+ titles coming out in the second half of this year?

Free for the first month? I didn't get that.

And what A+ titles? You mean the ones that are also available for the PS3? Cause it seems the only good 360 exclusives coming out the rest of this year are Bioshock and Halo 3.

Wow. Huge post.

First off: the Wii is only selling because it's cheaper than the other two and it's more family oriented. There aren't that many good games on it. Let's be honest here; most are games with the whole motion sensitivity gimmick just tacked on. I'm digging the Virtual Console more than the actual games myself.

i actually agree

i personally think the wii sucks balls

all i have played on it for the past three months is smash bros melee

I'm not a Sony fanboy. I just think they made a better console and people are getting a hell of a deal for all the crap they're getting with it. Yet they still bitch about the price.

youre a tad confused

ya see people care about choice

most people dont care about all the crap you get in a ps3

i worked in a game store and when i explained what extra crap you get 95% of the people said so what

And what A+ titles? You mean the ones that are also available for the PS3? Cause it seems the only good 360 exclusives coming out the rest of this year are Bioshock and Halo 3.

which is good enough for most people


Ho boy, now we have the other consoles being brought in to a PS3 thread :???: .

The 360 has plenty of fun exclusives out there, and some upcoming ones like Mass Effect, and Blue Dragon. But more importantly, when given a choice between a PS3 version and a 360 version of the game, so far the PS3 just doesn't have something as good as achievements, which push you to go that extra step to doing something more in a game, or even finishing it. In addition, the 360 is cheaper than the PS3 for what appears to be generally a similar lineup. For what it's worth, so far the PS3 just has the weakest set of exclusives coming up, even when compared to the Wii. What's coming out in '07 for the PS3 that'll be on par with Metroid Prime 3, Super Mario Galaxy, or Smash Bros. Brawl for fun? Or even for the 360's offerings? It's looking rather bleak this holiday, and this is coming from a PS3 owner.

The only thing that seems worth buying a PS3 for is its own exclusives, and it is sorely lacking in that department now and for the near future.

Also about the return rate, a survey is a poor substitute for actual data. It said up to 33%, not mostly.

  Bahamut said:
Ho boy, now we have the other consoles being brought in to a PS3 thread :???: .

The 360 has plenty of fun exclusives out there, and some upcoming ones like Mass Effect, and Blue Dragon. But more importantly, when given a choice between a PS3 version and a 360 version of the game, so far the PS3 just doesn't have something as good as achievements, which push you to go that extra step to doing something more in a game, or even finishing it. In addition, the 360 is cheaper than the PS3 for what appears to be generally a similar lineup. For what it's worth, so far the PS3 just has the weakest set of exclusives coming up, even when compared to the Wii. What's coming out in '07 for the PS3 that'll be on par with Metroid Prime 3, Super Mario Galaxy, or Smash Bros. Brawl for fun? Or even for the 360's offerings? It's looking rather bleak this holiday, and this is coming from a PS3 owner.

The only thing that seems worth buying a PS3 for is its own exclusives, and it is sorely lacking in that department now and for the near future.

Also about the return rate, a survey is a poor substitute for actual data. It said up to 33%, not mostly.

As a long-time Nintendo fan(but not a fanboy), I have to say that, more than anything, Sony is looking just like this generation's Nintendo.. only without the profit.

They're already releasing an "updated" PS3, not a year out of the gates, and for the most part, their only really interesting games.. are first/second party titles. The difference between them and Nintendo the past 2 generations, is that Nintendo was actually turning a profit, constantly. Sony's taking huge hits for every system sold, because they are trying to force blu-ray.

Like I said, though.. PS3 is just a multimedia PC. Built for the multimedia, but with some gaming capability added in. X360 was more built for gaming, and had the multimedia added on to that.

And even if every game between PS3 and X360 between now and the end of the year were coming out on both systems.. that would still make X360 a superior choice for a gaming perspective, since it's cheaper for what it would be used for: playing games. And so far, in side-by-side comparisons, the X360 games have been coming out stronger in a lot more areas than the PS3 versions.

So, unless you actually have a true 1080p HDMI/HDCP HDTV and have a hard-on for buying all the movies you already own, on another format(and in turn, more money than sense for that reason), 360 is actually the better choice.

But, if what you REALLY want is a HD DVD player to watch movies on.. well, that's when PS3 shines. It's a high end BluRay player, with Linux capabilities, and even has the ability to play games as a bonus.. which is actually how Sony has been marketing it since they announced it. They have not once called it a gaming machine or game console(at least, not as far as I recall), and have actually gone on record as saying that's exactly what their system is NOT.

So, you could spend $600 for a gaming PC that is supposed to last you for 10 years(and by then, you could build a better one for less, and actually have superior PS2 emulation by then), or spend $400 to get a game machine that has some bonuses and, largely, plays the same games, at the same quality.


I just noticed something in today's Best Buy circular. They listed the 60 gig version of the PS3 as $499, without mentioning the 80 gig at $599. If they continue advertising like that, when the 60 gig version runs out, it's going to seem like a price increase to the average consumer. Not a good thing for Sony.


After this I'm done arguing:

E3 '07 showcased almost nothing for the Wii. The Zapper? Useless. That balance board thingie? Who cares? Super Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3 are the only awesome things coming out for the Wii this year.

The 360 has Bioshock, Halo 3 and Blue Dragon. Let's be honest here, Blue Dragon doesn't feel right for the 360. It's never been the expansive role-playing game console but, who knows, maybe this'll make way for other cool RPGs to come. I'd also like to point out that Blue Dragon alone is selling 360's in Japan; about 380,000 consoles sold versus 200,000 copies of the game.

The PS3 totally won E3 (not that it's a competition, but you know what I mean). With such awesome looking games as Heavenly Sword, Killzone 2, Uncharted, MGS4, Tools of Destruction, FFXIII, FF Versus XIII, Folklore, God of War 3, Infamous, White Knight Story, Heavy Rain, Lair, Warhawk and Little Big Planet. I know quite a few of these won't even be coming out until '08 but, holy shit, what a line-up.

  Bahamut said:
Ho boy, now we have the other consoles being brought in to a PS3 thread :???: .

Being pro PS3 sounds worthy enough for the PS3 thread.

  PriZm said:

This 'console war' fanboyism never fucking ends. People only talk about price and potential and future exclusives blah blah fucking blah because all three consoles currently suck goat balls.

Aren't those the only things to talk about?

  PriZm said:

This 'console war' fanboyism never fucking ends. People only talk about price and potential and future exclusives blah blah fucking blah because all three consoles currently suck goat balls.

Well, if you look at what's currently available.. PS2. Or X360. Everything else is future(next few months, out to a year or so).

  PriZm said:

This 'console war' fanboyism never fucking ends. People only talk about price and potential and future exclusives blah blah fucking blah because all three consoles currently suck goat balls.

That's why I am nowhere close to buying one of them.
  DJ Skratch said:
E3 '07 showcased almost nothing for the Wii. The Zapper? Useless. That balance board thingie? Who cares? Super Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3 are the only awesome things coming out for the Wii this year.

I actually agree except I'm not exactly blown away by the Metroid Prime 3 hands-on videos. It looks like the aiming system seems clunky' date=' and though the developers are aiming for 'mouse and keyboard style accuracy', it's still not quite there. And platformers really have been taken down a notch in the last few years. I'll still buy Mario Galaxies, but it's just not the blowout event it used to be IMO.

The 360 has Bioshock, Halo 3 and Blue Dragon. Let's be honest here, Blue Dragon doesn't feel right for the 360. It's never been the expansive role-playing game console but, who knows, maybe this'll make way for other cool RPGs to come. I'd also like to point out that Blue Dragon alone is selling 360's in Japan; about 380,000 consoles sold versus 200,000 copies of the game.

I would think JRPGs will do way better in America/Europe than otherwise. The fanbase reception is huge and 11+ million owners have been waiting for an RPG experience for a long time. I'm a bit burnt out on RPGs of the last year, but I'm itching for an RPG on the 360 too. Also, Blue Dragon isn't the JRPG highlight of E3. Eternal Sonata was. And Lost Odyssey sounds pretty original for a JRPG. I just wish they announce more games beyond those three from Mistwalker. As for shooters and action games, 360 will have more than enough to satisfy. PS3 too actually.

The PS3 totally won E3 (not that it's a competition, but you know what I mean). With such awesome looking games as Heavenly Sword, Killzone 2, Uncharted, MGS4, Tools of Destruction, FFXIII, FF Versus XIII, Folklore, God of War 3, Infamous, White Knight Story, Heavy Rain, Lair, Warhawk and Little Big Planet. I know quite a few of these won't even be coming out until '08 but, holy shit, what a line-up.

The thing is, most of those games are purely tentative and most probably will be 2008/2009 titles.

PS3 did pretty well, but I just think the 360 had more games that will actually come out in 2007. But as for tentative, future projects go, PS3 really does look promising even if the fanbase might not be there yet, if it ever catches up to the 360 at this point.

  Jam Stunna said:
Aren't those the only things to talk about?

Yes. That's why it's pointless. If we could discuss the games currently available and draw our conclusions from these, it would make sense. But now all the talks I see on the tubes is about: "My Wii kicks ass, I'll be able to play Smash Bros Brawl/Mario Galaxy/Metroid Prime when it comes out. My X360 kicks ass, I'll be able to play Mass Effect/Halo 3 when it comes out. My PS3 kicks ass, it can process 5000000GFlops/s and I'll be able to play Final Fantasy 13 when it comes out.

The price difference isn't so big. Let's say a Wii is 250$ and a PS3 is 600$. That's 350$. At 70$ a game that's like 5 games. And if you buy games that last 4-5 hours like Wario Ware that's like 25 hours worth of gameplay. Whatever, this is not in defense of Sony or whoever, but that's just to make a point that the best console will not be determined by price or potential, but by the games avaiable. And since the library is so small for all consoles we don't know yet.

The novelty of the Wii controller could end up being not much more than a gimmick. Or it could be awesome. Same goes for X360 and PS3.

The fact of the matter is we don't know yet. I see the different threads about the consoles as a discussion about what's new and what's good/bad regarding the console, not about why it could eventually potentially possibly in the future if everything goes well if we kneel down and pray/suck their corporate cocks be better than X other console.

  PriZm said:
Yes. That's why it's pointless. If we could discuss the games currently available and draw our conclusions from these, it would make sense. But now all the talks I see on the tubes is about: "My Wii kicks ass, I'll be able to play Smash Bros Brawl/Mario Galaxy/Metroid Prime when it comes out. My X360 kicks ass, I'll be able to play Mass Effect/Halo 3 when it comes out. My PS3 kicks ass, it can process 5000000GFlops/s and I'll be able to play Final Fantasy 13 when it comes out.

The price difference isn't so big. Let's say a Wii is 250$ and a PS3 is 600$. That's 350$. At 70$ a game that's like 5 games. And if you buy games that last 4-5 hours like Wario Ware that's like 25 hours worth of gameplay. Whatever, this is not in defense of Sony or whoever, but that's just to make a point that the best console will not be determined by price or potential, but by the games avaiable. And since the library is so small for all consoles we don't know yet.

The novelty of the Wii controller could end up being not much more than a gimmick. Or it could be awesome. Same goes for X360 and PS3.

The fact of the matter is we don't know yet. I see the different threads about the consoles as a discussion about what's new and what's good/bad regarding the console, not about why it could eventually potentially possibly in the future if everything goes well if we kneel down and pray/suck their corporate cocks be better than X other console.

What? How can you limit discussion about videogames (or anything for that matter) to only what you can see here and now? Half of any interesting conversation is discussing what is possible, and determining if it's likely or not. You'd run out of things to talk about pretty fast if you didn't have a healthy amount of speculation thrown in.

  I-n-j-i-n said:
I actually agree except I'm not exactly blown away by the Metroid Prime 3 hands-on videos. It looks like the aiming system seems clunky, and though the developers are aiming for 'mouse and keyboard style accuracy', it's still not quite there.

not to sway talk from ps3 but i just wanna say that i played that about a year ago and back then it was CLOSE to being dead on. id say that if it was as accurate as it was back then (i nailed pretty much everything on the first shot with little difficulty) itll be fine for release

and basically after sorta following most of everything with e3 i am in the same boat as where i started

i have no desire whatsoever to purchase any new console at all

really the only thing that was mildly interesting to me there was smash bros but its not like that is new stuff or anything

  Atma said:

and basically after sorta following most of everything with e3 i am in the same boat as where i started

i have no desire whatsoever to purchase any new console at all

really the only thing that was mildly interesting to me there was smash bros but its not like that is new stuff or anything

Only Smash Bros? How can that be? I thought it was full of neato stuff. Like inFamous! That game came out of nowhere and looks awesome.

  Jam Stunna said:
What? How can you limit discussion about videogames (or anything for that matter) to only what you can see here and now? Half of any interesting conversation is discussing what is possible, and determining if it's likely or not. You'd run out of things to talk about pretty fast if you didn't have a healthy amount of speculation thrown in.

I'm not saying we shouldn't discuss about future games. I'm saying it is impossible to gauge the consoles current quality by only speculating about future games.

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