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I rely on Nintendo's past track record. The kiddy argument is accurate when you compare the types of games released for the N64/Gamecube versus the Playstation systems. Keep in mind that I rarely played any Playstation games, so I should be biased towards Nintendo. It is not a dumb argument; it relies on experience and prediction: two traits that are rarely found in these types of threads.

One could make the claim that Sony's consoles have a reputation for attracting games for the immature. However, let's not go towards that stupid route and keep this on topic.

I have been perfectly on topic. Kiddy games are immature. We won't know if the PS3 or Wii are successes until a full year from now...unless, of course, something absurd happens. The PS3 represents a dramatic step upward in technology; if the price wasn't so high it would probably take the field handedly.

I keep reading mixed reports on the controllers. Will they be able to be plugged into the console? I have little need for wireless controllers, and the limitations of the battery life do not appeal to me. Some sites claim "yes", while others give conflicting info.

I keep reading mixed reports on the controllers. Will they be able to be plugged into the console? I have little need for wireless controllers, and the limitations of the battery life do not appeal to me. Some sites claim "yes", while others give conflicting info.

Considering that there's a standard mini-USB port on top and the system has USB ports on board, I'd say yes.

How else would you be able to charge them anyway?

I keep reading mixed reports on the controllers. Will they be able to be plugged into the console? I have little need for wireless controllers, and the limitations of the battery life do not appeal to me. Some sites claim "yes", while others give conflicting info.

Considering that there's a standard mini-USB port on top and the system has USB ports on board, I'd say yes.

How else would you be able to charge them anyway?

I had thought some of the articles I read referred to a charger that was sold seperately. It would plug into a wall. I could very well be wrong (or the article or both :)).
I keep reading mixed reports on the controllers. Will they be able to be plugged into the console? I have little need for wireless controllers, and the limitations of the battery life do not appeal to me. Some sites claim "yes", while others give conflicting info.

Considering that there's a standard mini-USB port on top and the system has USB ports on board, I'd say yes.

How else would you be able to charge them anyway?

I had thought some of the articles I read referred to a charger that was sold seperately. It would plug into a wall. I could very well be wrong (or the article or both :)).

You are really wrong and so is the article. You use a Mini-USB thing, like the one that you use on the PSP. It plugs into the PS3 to recharge.

Why do I say before christmas?

Well, in between January and april, it's pretty much a dead season.

Good point. That's always been a dry spell for games for as long as I can remember. I still think the price tag will be the deciding factor for the console's success.
If Nintendo reclaims the market, we will see some intense stagnation; same with Microsoft.

How does this make sense exactly? Like sony being on top for 2 generations hasn't caused that?

Sony is doing some things right.

Apparently their online Playstation store will be a lot less confusing than Microsoft's point system, and playstation games will be $5.

Not bad at all. By the way, does anyone remember that game (playstation 1 game) when you were a bunny rabbit and you jump around from a semi-third person view? It was really weird and there was a demo for it when the playstation first came out.

By the way, Lair looks fun.


^ Whoa, $5 for a PS1 game?? THAT'S the way you do a virtual console. Don't try to screw gamers out of their money like Nintendo is doing by charging too much for ROMs you can get anywhere for free. There are TONS of great PS1 games I'd be willing to to pay at least $5 for. Just another reason to get the 60 gig model...

And Megadave, you are thinking of Jumping Flash (and Jumping Flash 2), which are great games. There really haven't been too many games like it since. Trippy assed 1st person platformer with weird environments and the ability to jump miles into the sky. I still play my copy from time to time.

To answer Yokai's question, no, I don't think it will fail miserably. There is a chance the Wii or 360 will give it good competition, which is the best for everyone. I hope all three systems do well so the companies actually have to try to sell their games to people. But 3D0 or Saturn-level failure (well, Saturn in the States anyway) is impossible. The 3D0 was graphically advanced and expensive like the PS3, but it had almost NO software support. Go look up some list of 3D0 games. There's nothing on there. The Saturn died because of it's limited 3D abilities. There are TONS of great Saturn games out there, but at the time people where whores for the then impressive PS1 3D cababilities. When I go back and play both systems now, I have to say the Saturn was pretty damn solid. And had a great library, at least in Japan. But that's the American public for you.

Anyway, with the amount of software support, jaw-dropping graphics, and brand-loyalty Sony's got going, there's no way the PS3 will fail. Just watch some of the videos and say you don't want to at least try the damn thing.

Anyway, with the amount of software support, jaw-dropping graphics, and brand-loyalty Sony's got going, there's no way the PS3 will fail. Just watch some of the videos and say you don't want to at least try the damn thing.

I've watched them. They would be nice for me to watch other people play them.

And I NEVER want to watch other people play games. I'd always rather be doing it myself. My hate for the PS2 "dual shock" controller shape is massive. Seriously, it hurts my hand after a while, and I always get the buttons confused and have to look down AT the controller to see what button to push. I shouldn't have to do that.

Eh, it took me a long time to get used to the SNES game controller, too. I just don't like having similar sized buttons in rows like that, I guess. :?

^ Whoa, $5 for a PS1 game?? THAT'S the way you do a virtual console. Don't try to screw gamers out of their money like Nintendo is doing by charging too much for ROMs you can get anywhere for free. There are TONS of great PS1 games I'd be willing to to pay at least $5 for. Just another reason to get the 60 gig model...

ISOS??!?! WHAT? There are things called ps1 isos?

^ Whoa, $5 for a PS1 game?? THAT'S the way you do a virtual console. Don't try to screw gamers out of their money like Nintendo is doing by charging too much for ROMs you can get anywhere for free. There are TONS of great PS1 games I'd be willing to to pay at least $5 for. Just another reason to get the 60 gig model...

ISOS??!?! WHAT? There are things called ps1 isos?

Those can be incredibly hard to find for size reasons.

Just try finding a non-clone Jet Moto 1,2, or 3.

If Nintendo reclaims the market, we will see some intense stagnation; same with Microsoft.

How does this make sense exactly? Like sony being on top for 2 generations hasn't caused that?

Yeah, Sony has stagnated the market a lot more than Nintendo has ever done. Developers have been decrying Sony for a while for difficulty worse than Nintendo currently has been doing. It's like Sony forgot why developers started supporting them in the first place.

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