I-n-j-i-n Posted July 15, 2007 Posted July 15, 2007 I think it's understandable if someone doesn't want to buy any new consoles. By all standards, this year's E3 is good grounds for there to be no more E3 since most companies' own press events revealed a lot more than E3 did this time around. Also, beyond a few exclusives for PS3 and 360 and a few little known stuff for the Wii, all the blowout news happened outside of E3 this time around. No more Peter Moore tattoos... (or Ridge Racer) Quote
Bahamut Posted July 15, 2007 Posted July 15, 2007 Also, beyond a few exclusives for PS3 and 360 and a few little known stuff for the Wii Funny how you hold to this view, but I felt like Nintendo revealed more interesting new stuff than Sony or Microsoft...which says a lot about how poor the offerings all 3 companies made. A lot of articles I've read in the mainstream press are of a similar view as well. Quote
dsx100 Posted July 15, 2007 Posted July 15, 2007 Sometimes it seems like I am the only one excited about this generation. There are a ton of games I can't wait to play on both PS3 and Wii many coming out this year. Sure some aren't all that new, but that doesn't mean they'll be bad or not fun. But it's understandable why many wouldn't see much in these consoles, especially when there are so many great games avialable for the last gen systems. Quote
DJ Skratch 'n' Sniff Posted July 15, 2007 Posted July 15, 2007 Sometimes it seems like I am the only one excited about this generation. You're not the only one. People just like to bitch. Quote
Jam Stunna Posted July 15, 2007 Posted July 15, 2007 You're not the only one. People just like to bitch. I guess people are becoming disillusioned with the industry. Alot of people on these boards have been playing videogames for around twenty years, so there's really not that much they haven't seen already. Quote
The Damned Posted July 15, 2007 Posted July 15, 2007 I guess people are becoming disillusioned with the industry. Alot of people on these boards have been playing videogames for around twenty years, so there's really not that much they haven't seen already. QFT and QFE. Quote
The Coop Posted July 15, 2007 Posted July 15, 2007 You're not the only one. People just like to bitch. More like, "Some people don't like to base the worth of a game system on what they themselves can't yet form an experienced opinion on" Scores of people on these boards have been excited about the latest big game coming out, only to be stung hard for $50-$60 because the game didn't live up to what it was supposed to be. Busted controls, iffy frame rates, bugs in the code, questionable gameplay, things that were supposed to be in the game that got left out... it gets to the point where people prefer to take a "wait and see" attitude. The same thing goes for consoles. Promises get made about how many third parties are on board, what the system can do, how committed the company is to that system... and then suddenly, no one's making games for that system any longer, and games that are nearly done get canceled. It doesn't take long in the gaming world to have an eye opening experience that makes you stop and think about diving in head first again. You learn to be patient until the game/system can prove itself, eventually showing you how much of the hype turned out to be true. So when folks come in and start preaching about what's yet to be like it's the greatest thing ever, and start claiming that system X is the one to get because of games no one's played yet (or will play for a good while)... well, you get what we have here. For systems, I personally only go by what's able to be bought, not what's coming down the pipe. If there's nothing that interests me now, I'm not buying the system. It's as simple as that. No amount of "LOOK WHAT WE'VE GOT COMING UP!" hype is going to make me buy it. Some might call this jaded, but I call it being smart. $250-$600 is a lot of cash to spend on "what's coming", and I'm not into throwing cash away on promises for the future that could very easily not be kept. When there are enough games that interest me actually in the stores, then I'll get a given system if I have the cash. Otherwise, all I see is hype... not reasons why system X is better than system Y. For games, I prefer to wait until reviews have started pouring in. I like to see what reviewers have to say, and find out how much of the promised gaming experience is actually there. Very few games make me want to get them on day one. And unless it's a situation where a lot of game magazines and websites get to review it before it hits store shelves, 90% of those don't come home with me on release day. I don't want hype and franchise pedigrees to be the deciding factor on whether to buy a game or not. I want how the game actually turned out, to be that factor. Edit: Expanded on a few thoughts. Quote
Bahamut Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 Yeah, Coop makes an excellent point here. I try to ignore hype and stay disinterested towards games until I actually play them and am able to judge them for myself. I think the whole hype for future games viewpoint goes too far and does a disservice for many fine games in the industry that the developer doesn't unload the hype wagon for, as well as doing a disservice for the gamers who may miss out on gems. Quote
Jam Stunna Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 Yeah, Coop makes an excellent point here. I try to ignore hype and stay disinterested towards games until I actually play them and am able to judge them for myself. I think the whole hype for future games viewpoint goes too far and does a disservice for many fine games in the industry that the developer doesn't unload the hype wagon for, as well as doing a disservice for the gamers who may miss out on gems. I think the hype comes from the videogame industry, as a whole, becoming increasingly more hit-driven. Take Two is the perfect example of that. They seem to lose money every year, except for the ones where a GTA game is released. Developers are having a hard time pushing these next-gen systems to the limit, and still turning a profit, so they need that one huge game that everyone's been talking about. Quote
PriZm Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 Thank you, that was what I was trying to say, only much more concise and eloquent. Quote
The Damned Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 Yeah, and most of those games end up being another Dai Katana. Hyped all the time, and the result is a feeling not unlike a girl's disappointment when her boyfriend jizzes all over her panties their first time. ... OK, that was a terrible comparison, but you get my point. I actually staying away from most big budget/hype games, simply because, like Coop said, I've been burned too many times by shitty titles that promised a lot. In fact, I think this explains why there are a lot of series that have repeat customers. But that's getting into the whole "new ideas versus old gameplay" argument... Quote
Atomicfog Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 Same old gendisc . It's great, thinking back to all of the older arguments made, and what ended up happening regarding future predictions. Quote
Bahamut Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 Same old gendisc . It's great, thinking back to all of the older arguments made, and what ended up happening regarding future predictions. So how's your PS3 doing? Quote
I-n-j-i-n Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 Funny how you hold to this view, but I felt like Nintendo revealed more interesting new stuff than Sony or Microsoft...which says a lot about how poor the offerings all 3 companies made. A lot of articles I've read in the mainstream press are of a similar view as well. For one, the biggest thing Nintendo has unveiled is with hardware. Namely the controllers. Also, I would not trust my gaming knowledge from the mainstream press which most of them aren't even true gamers but more like the casual types Nintendo is aiming for. Also, this is not bias talking since I OWN a Wii and not even a PS3, but PS3 had way more things happening this year. 360 was actually pretty consistent with the games. I don't know about you, but I care MUCH more about games than hardware news at this point. The PS3 Playstation Network actually showed a lot of original content and Naughty Dog is a constant surprise with their new brands and mixes of genres. Uncharted looks like the spiritual successor to Tomb Raider 2 that adventure gamers have been looking for almost 10 years now. Heavenly Sword looks like another solid action/platformer effort, possibly even more solid than God of War. Haze could be a potential sleeper hit considering it's from the team that did Time Splitters. And Everyday Fighter seems to be one of the most original game ideas I've heard in this E3 Also, what is so surprising about Mario Kart or Brain Academy/Age 2? We all saw them coming YEARS ago. Not that they're bad games. Hell, I'm a FAN of them, but it's not exactly news other than the controller for Mario Kart. What I'm not a fan of is something like Wii Fit which I don't see the point of, since good old exercise is way more fun to me. The best games Nintendo had were the little known 3rd parties especally. Jenga actually looks good and De Blob is probably the best Wii news I've heard that could potentially be really good. As for NiGHTs, I'll hold reservations until they finally do an old Sega franchise justice. The only game that did that was Out Run 2.. And 360 had its share of unique gaming property. Namely Mass Effect, Blue Dragon, Eternal Sonata, Lost Odyssey, and PC/360 exclusive Bioshock and otherse. And though totally out of my price range (probably), there's Rock Star and other little known titles too. Wii didn't do bad, but as far as the actual games and epic-titles go, 360 and PS3 were far from disappointments. If the mainstream media can't pick apart the game nuances from all those new crop of games, it's their loss. Quote
Bahamut Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 Well, I wasn't expecting Mario Kart to come out so soon, or SSBB AND SMG either. I didn't see anything for the PS3 that would be that compelling for that time period. In the top notch software department, PS3 is on uncertain grounds for the holidays, compared to the heavy hitters that Nintendo and Microsoft are unrolling. Quote
I-n-j-i-n Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 As for the foreseeable future, I'm probably going to buy around 10 360 games (some being PC versions I'd rather play on a console or Virtua Fighter 5 and other PS3/360 titles) before the end of the year compared to around 5 Wii games. I agree that PS3 this year is a bit anemic. I'm not going to buy one until another $100 price drop anyway. But as far as title announcements and tentative 2008 titles go, I think PS3 has been pretty exciting this E3. But Wii probably will get a new Zelda, Animal Crossing and other Wii titles and 360 already has a stock of titles for 2008 too, including other exclusives from PS3 that converted for 360. PS- All this could mean moot if Heavenly Sword and MGS4 live up to the hype and become the greatest pair of games ever released before holidays. You never know. Quote
Atomicfog Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 So how's your PS3 doing? The real irony is that I never got one. I did wait in line when it came out but barely missed getting one. Really, I don't really care for the PS3 right now, but when it starts getting all of the amazing games that have been shown at this and last years E3 I will most definitely get one. Right now I really think that the Xbox 360 is way better then I would have ever expected, and I want to get one of those as well. I have played all of the systems quite alot though because all of my friends have one or two next-gen consoles. Sadly, even the best next-gen console games just don't feel "next-gen" enough for me. This generation of consoles is really exciting graphics wise, but, for me, extremely disappointing game play wise. Regarding game play, I feel like we have been doing the same thing for years, and even the Wii-mote doesn't seem like much innovation to me. There are so many awesome games out there, but I just don't feel like the controllers match the graphics. It is also pretty annoying that almost all games still have doors that just don't open, scenery that you can't explore, and there doesn't really seem to be that many new ways to interact with your environment... With all of the insane amounts of details in these new games it still feels like your limited to the same amount of environmental interactions as most original Playstation games. Just because those trees look really beautiful doesn't mean you can climb them, or even move the branches (It takes a game as next-gen as Crysis to just scratch the surface of this issue for some reason). On the other hand the best of the games for the systems are extremely fun , and even if they aren't as next-gen as I'd like they are still very fun, just not enough to warrant me buying a next-gen console right away. I'll probably buy a PS3, Xbox 360 between next month and early next year, but I don't feel any rush since the majority of the games I care about for all of them still aren't out yet. I might get a Wii as well, but only if SSBB is everything I think it will be, since I really don't care for much else on the Wii. For now I am still getting tons of enjoyment out of my PSP, and my new high-end gaming laptop dishes out great fun as well. Quote
Bahamut Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 Well, why not get a PS3 from Amazon now, while the 60 GB one is still in stock and while there's still such a deal for it? Even if you don't necessarily want one so quick, it has the Emotion Engine still in it, and it's doubtful that the 80 GB one will be cheap anytime soon. Quote
Atomicfog Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 Well, why not get a PS3 from Amazon now, while the 60 GB one is still in stock and while there's still such a deal for it? Even if you don't necessarily want one so quick, it has the Emotion Engine still in it, and it's doubtful that the 80 GB one will be cheap anytime soon. Yeah, I'm going to try to get a PS3 as soon as possible because of that, but I don't mind too much if I miss the opportunity. I'm about to start college and move out of my house, so my money has to spent wisely, but even if I miss the opportunity to get the cheap 60 Gb model. The new PS3 will still play the old games, and it doesn't matter if for some reason it sucks at doing so since I still have a PS2, a PS1, and the ability to play any PS1 game on my PSP. Besides that, Motorstorm is more fun than one might think, and the extra 20 Gbs would be nice. I definitely want the cheaper 60 Gb version more, but it won't be a horrible loss if I miss it. Quote
Bahamut Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 Oh, I didn't say Motorstorm is bad (I actually have been a bit lazy in snatching it up), but the price upgrade from the 60 GB PS3 seems even worse than the jump between the 360 Premium and 360 Elite, considering that Sony actually lets you swap in your own hard drive into the PS3. Quote
Atomicfog Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 Oh, I didn't say Motorstorm is bad (I actually have been a bit lazy in snatching it up), but the price upgrade from the 60 GB PS3 seems even worse than the jump between the 360 Premium and 360 Elite, considering that Sony actually lets you swap in your own hard drive into the PS3. Yeah, it's not exactly worth the money when compared to the cheaper 60 Gb, but it won't be too bad if that is the option I'm stuck with. Also one other thing that plays a factor in all this is the fact that I don't have an HD T.V. After always playing the PS3 on a my friends huge DLP television, I don't know how well I could deal with my PS3 on a regular T.V. I've seen it it 480i, and it just seems so much worse. I was thinking of getting a T.V tuner card for my laptop since it has a 1080P LCD, but I heard there is a pretty decent chance I might end up with frame lag if I go with that option, so I probably won't. I'm definitely considering getting a PS3 soon, but I'll have to face the fact that it will probably be on a regular television for a while if I do. Quote
Groovemaster303 Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 For the PS3 i have to agree, you really do need to use a HDTV. Everything looks dreadful on 480i just look at the XMB the text is blurry and lacks clarity. With the 360 it's not too bad, but the fact for a few quid you can grab the official VGA lead and use any old pc monitor for some high definition gaming is a big plus in my book. It might not be as cool as your mates 40inch HD telly but it saves spending big bucks on one for the time being. Does the PS3 have support for VGA yet? Quote
Necrotic Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 Does the PS3 have support for VGA yet? Wondering the same thing myself. Also what about DVI? Me and my bro are thinking of investing in one of these while the opportunity's here. Quote
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