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Paths Less Travelled: Terranigma - History

Drawn by Dai

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On 23/08/2016 at 11:50 PM, Thomas Neil said:

Is Underworld still 'possibly' claimed? If not, I am interested in claiming it.

If you need any samples of my work, here is my submission from the PRC round 329. http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/PRC329.

Hey dude, sorry for not getting back to you sooner!

Underworld is claimed now, unfortunately I can't go in and edit @Odai's post. Also @David "Cookie" has picked up Southern Rhythm! Thanks Dave!

If no-one else picks it up I *might* try something with Lhasa, which would then only leave Freedom Village!

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28 minutes ago, Trism said:

Hey dude, sorry for not getting back to you sooner!

Underworld is claimed now, unfortunately I can't go in and edit @Odai's post. Also @David "Cookie" has picked up Southern Rhythm! Thanks Dave!

If no-one else picks it up I *might* try something with Lhasa, which would then only leave Freedom Village!

That's alright, do you mind if I try Freedom Village then? I just took another listen and I had an idea for a kind of peaceful little downtempo take on it.

Or if you want me to shut up and leave this project alone, I can do that too :)

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7 minutes ago, Thomas Neil said:

That's alright, do you mind if I try Freedom Village then? I just took another listen and I had an idea for a kind of peaceful little downtempo take on it.

Or if you want me to shut up and leave this project alone, I can do that too :)

I was impressed with your PRC entry so I'd be interested to hear what you can do with the track, I'll speak to Odai and see what he thinks.

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All initial tracks have now been claimed!
We did it, we got there folks. OK OK, so we're not out of the woods yet. Tracks are still being worked on and there's as ever a ton of behind-the-scenes stuff to take care of but we've hit a real target and milestone, methinks. Since this is the case we're opening up the remainder of the tracks from the OST. They're predominantly short tracks, loops and events which, though not integral to the album add some nice spice to the game. We're opening them up as a cherry on the cake, if you will. 

If you're familiar with Terranigma you may have noticed that none of the "resurrection" tracks feature in the following list. That's because @jnWake has already offered to do a resurrection medley as the last track on the album. Anyways, as many of these new tracks are just a handful of bars they make great medley fodder. So if you want to, you can claim multiple for a single remix. OK they are as follows (click on track for link):

Origins (Intro movie theme)
The Gaia Stones (Situation Theme)
Shopping (Shop theme)
Amusement (Minigame theme)
Race in Mushrooms (Minigame theme 2)

Mysterious Pit (location loop)
Entrance (situation loop)
My Beloved Loire (Trigger event loop)

Defeat (Game Over event)
Fanfare (Item acquired event)
Go to Rest (Sleep event)

 SO! Just to reiterate, there are now more tracks available! And as I say, these are optional, for fun and in no way conductive to the success of the album. I've added this to the OP as well. So once again... get claiming! 

In other news there's just a couple of days until the next submission deadline for some of you. You should know who you are. I PM'ed you a week or so ago. Looking forward to hearing your works!

Happy mixing peeps!

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Hey everybody, how's it going? so... first things first: Sorry for being (apparently) absent for the past nearly 3 weeks. I've had a rollercoaster ride of craziness to deal with in the real world but I've still been right here too, albeit in spirit. Sometimes you just gotta take care of what's right in front of you so you can concentrate on the stuff that really matters, like OCR :D 

Anyways, apologies out of the way, I just want to say there's just shy of a fortnight til the next deadline, and it's a big one for the album. A good chunk of you, in fact over a third will (should) be submitting updates. It's very exciting in that it'll really add more structure to the album, cementing a couple distant parts of it together. Some are expected to be completed tracks, some are meaty WIPs, some are even freshly squeezed concepts. Don't know which I'm most looking forward to! I've just finished PM'ing those of you it applies to, so if you have no message from me, you don't need to panic... yet.

Anyways, Keep it up folks. Drop me a line with any concerns!


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Heeeeey everyone!

1 week to go before the next deadline! Personally I'm super excited; the standard of the WIP's and concepts that have been submitted is already really high and it keeps getting better every time. If you're unsure as to when your deadline date is or you have any other worries/questions/deepest darkest secrets to divulge please drop me a PM and I'll sort you out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

October Update

Hello all! A small update for you on this spookiest of months;

Odai is temporarily out of action due to some minor health issues. The silly bugger has worked himself into the ground and has burnt himself out. As such he's been knocked on his arse by an extended flu/cold-type thing and has asked me to take helm of the good ship Paths Less Travelled Volume 1 and steer her in for a damned good docking at our next checkpoint. Speaking of which...

The next deadline is November 1st! Less that 2 weeks away! I'll be IM-ing those people who's tracks are due on this date individually just to remind you, though I have every confidence that everyone is beavering away nicely.

Our list of completed tracks is looking awesome (I really must get Odai to update the track listing on the first post when he's better to reflect this) and I always look forward to seeing what awesomeness you guys come up with on these deadlines. Remember that you're all a bunch of amazing people and if anyone tells you otherwise I'll kick 'em in the goolies.

Peace out mother-truckers!


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I'm baaaaack! (hopefully that's not speaking too soon). Cheers @Trism for holding the reins in my absence. You're a gent and a scholar. I still have heaps of life to take care of but you'll be seeing more of me now that I'm able. Lucky you.

Turns out there are no official deadlines for November 1st, we're rolling over to December 1st instead. That actually brings everybody in line for the same progress deadlines. except for those rogues of you who submit more frequently because you're insane. But I like a guy/lass who plays by their own rules. Eagerness gets you far.

On the downside, two tracks have reverted to unclaimed. That's Beruga and Freedom. I'm officially requesting that only posted remixers or people with full experience make requests for these two tracks, because they're really quite tricky ones. Sorry about that. 

Moving on! Keep up the brilliant work folks, with the way things are going we'll knock this out of the park.

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  • 2 weeks later...
18 hours ago, jnWake said:

Anybody here plays acoustic guitar and is willing to record some stuff for my Overworld remix? Ac. Guitar is like the most important instrument in my arrangement so I need someone to play it live!

My other track also has acoustic guitar in it. I think I'm gonna try to do it myself, but let me know if you found somebody because I might need his/her services too ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey hey HEY everyone!

We are rushing headlong into the final update of 2016! And oh MY is it a big one. No less than 13 updates are due on December 1st; some of which may well be the final products for a few tracks. Exciting! Myself and @Odai cannot thank everyone one of you enough for all the hard work that's been put in so far; this album is shaping up to be a right stonker (as we say in England. To those of you outside of the UK: that means it's shaping up rather nicely).
We're hoping to go into 2017 with a strong collection of WIPs and WAVs under our belts and with your help I see no reason why this isn't 100% possible. Keep it up!

As ever; peace out mother-truckers!

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  • 2 weeks later...

:mrgreen:*•LONG OVERDUE UPDATE•*:mrgreen:

HELLO EVERYBODY!! (that's right bee-hatches, two exclamation marks, count 'em)

I've been away for a little while now, what with one thing and another. My day job, getting sick, and most recently a broken computer have been conspiring to stop me from doing anything on here. But my day job has calmed down, I'm not sick any more. and my computer's been repaired. So now hopefully I can jump back in and actually directly contribute to the project I'm directing. I apologise to everybody who's been wanting to speak to me. I also owe a debt of gratitude towards @Trism who has once again stepped up to the mark in my absence. As a co-director I couldn't ask for much better. Without you guys this project wouldn't be doing so well. I'll be PM'ing everybody individually over the next couple days; just to discuss the track you're working on, and how to kick off the new year after the inevitable holiday calm period.

Moving onwards, a bit of news/info on the album's progress. We now have:
14 complete tracks
4 Tracks that are so near completion, they're basically complete
12 tracks well into the WIP stage.

Unfortunately, we've had three tracks revert to unclaimed. They are:
xx Beruga - Claimed by Ganaé
I've listed them in preferred order of claim if anybody's interested. If you're not familiar with Terranigma, a couple of those tracks are especially significant in the game.

Despite ending on a negative tip, the positivity of the first batch of info is very encouraging. Everybody appears to be very invested in their remixes, and general morale seems very high. All in all, we're doing remarkably schedule-wise. All going well, and we have no hiccups, I'll be discussing in February with most musicians about wrapping up their tracks and/or requesting all the other things like blurbs, permissions, etcetc. Except, of course for later adopters. Exciting times!

Sincerest best wishes to each of you over this festive period, be merry and be safe. and here's to 2017 where we'll be looking at tying this steed up!

EDIT: Ganaé has claimed Beruga

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