JohnDriLLL Posted November 3, 2006 Posted November 3, 2006 i use the old yahoo. whos up for a game. im or pm me Quote
Rainman DX Posted November 3, 2006 Posted November 3, 2006 Bump you guysSorry I haven't been totally pro-active about my games, but you guys should be pressing along with yours. I'm just afraid we won't get a lot of games played this week. Halfmatch 1-1-0 vs. Snerrak See, now, that's just not nice. Quote
Setz Posted November 4, 2006 Posted November 4, 2006 1-1 vs. Grayfox, game 2 was especially cool. Quote
damathacus Posted November 4, 2006 Posted November 4, 2006 Won two against Snerrak. Second game was very tight. Check out his moves at 39 and 40. The whole game went fast up to that point, but I spent a good five minutes on those last few moves, trying to avoid instant checkmate. ;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game;White: damathacus;Black: cr14s_genocide;Date: Sat Nov 04 05:28:32 GMT 20061. d2-d4 b8-c62. e2-e4 g8-f63. b1-c3 d7-d54. d1-d3 c6-b45. d3-b5+ b4-c66. c3xd5 f6xd57. b5xd5 d8xd58. e4xd5 c6xd49. f1-d3 c8-f510. d3xf5 d4xf511. c1-f4 f5-d412. a1-c1 o-o-o13. c2-c4 f7-f614. g1-e2 e7-e515. e2xd4 e5xd416. o-o g7-g517. f4-g3 h7-h518. h2-h3 h5-h419. g3-h2 f8-b420. f1-d1 c7-c521. a2-a3 b4-a522. b2-b4 a5-b623. b4xc5 b6xc524. a3-a4 c5-a325. c1-b1 a3-c526. f2-f3 b7-b627. g1-h1 h8-e828. h2-g1 e8-e229. g1xd4 c5xd430. d1xd4 e2-c231. f3-f4 d8-e832. f4xg5 f6xg533. d4-d3 e8-e234. b1-g1 c2xc435. d5-d6 c8-d736. g1-f1 c4xa437. f1-f7+ d7-c638. d6-d7 a4-a1+39. h1-h2 e2-e140. f7-f6+ c6-c541. f6-f5+ c5-c442. d3-d4+ c4xd443. d7-d8+ d4-e444. d8-d5+ e4-e345. f5-e5+ e3-f246. d5-f3++ Quote
snerrak Posted November 4, 2006 Posted November 4, 2006 Lost two to Dama. Jesus the second game was incredibly close. I'm waiting for the move list. Quote
Bahamut Posted November 4, 2006 Posted November 4, 2006 Bahamut wins two vs. Johnderilll - strange games, I know he's better than how he played in our games tonight, so I'm not sure what went on. Quote
JohnDriLLL Posted November 4, 2006 Posted November 4, 2006 a win is a win and a loss is a loss, you were better than me today. Quote
Bahamut Posted November 4, 2006 Posted November 4, 2006 But tomorrow...who can say. I think I'm going to be a tougher opponent from now on with my increased focus on my mathematics though. Quote
Nemitor_Atimen Posted November 4, 2006 Posted November 4, 2006 that is one messed up score board. no offense Kamoh. Quote
kamoh Posted November 4, 2006 Author Posted November 4, 2006 that is one messed up score offense Kamoh. HOW SO?!? Quote
Nemitor_Atimen Posted November 5, 2006 Posted November 5, 2006 its hard to follow. well, if anyone wants a game, I dont know the rules, and im too lazy to go look them up in the old posts. I am no longer on AIM either. Maybe if i feel like it, I'll go download the newest version of GAIM. or I'll just go stop in the table. Quote
Rainman DX Posted November 5, 2006 Posted November 5, 2006 im too lazy to go look them up in the old posts. n00b. Quote
kamoh Posted November 5, 2006 Author Posted November 5, 2006 One win and one draw vs. Kamoh.Good games, Kamoh. You threw me a nasty curveball that second game: draw by repetition or a loss. 1. g1-f3 g8-f62. d2-d4 b8-c63. d4-d5 c6-b44. b1-c3 c7-c55. a2-a3 b4-a66. e2-e4 e7-e67. f1xa6 b7xa68. b2-b4 f6-g49. e4-e5 f7-f610. e5xf6 g7xf611. d5xe6 d8-c712. c3-d5 c7-d613. b4xc5 d6xc514. e6xd7+ e8xd715. o-o c5-d616. c1-b2 c8-b717. d5xf6+ d7-e618. f6xg4 f8-e719. b2xh8 a8xh820. f1-e1+ e6-d721. f3-e5+ d7-e622. e5-c4+ e6-d723. c4xd6 e7xd624. g4-f6+ d7-c725. e1-e8 h8xe826. f6xe8+ c7-c627. d1xd6+ c6-b528. a1-b1+ b5-c429. b1-b4+ c4-c330. d6-d3++ 1. e2-e4 d7-d52. d2-d3 d5-d43. d1-f3 e7-e54. c2-c3 c7-c55. c3xd4 c5xd46. g1-e2 d8-a5+7. c1-d2 f8-b48. a2-a3 b4xd2+9. b1xd2 b8-c610. b2-b4 c6xb411. a3xb4 a5xa1+12. e2-c1 a1xc1+13. e1-e2 c1-c314. f3-h5 c8-e615. h5xe5 c3xb416. d2-f3 f7-f617. e5xe6+ g8-e718. e4-e5 f6xe519. f3xe5 h8-g820. e6-d7+ e8-f821. d7-e6 f8-e822. e6-d7+ e8-f823. d7-e6 f8-e824. e6-d7+ all know I'm a draw-fiend...I just don't know why that is. Quote
kamoh Posted November 6, 2006 Author Posted November 6, 2006 So there's a few things I want to ask from you guys - one is a brainstorm, one is a project, and one is a cool idea that'd be fun to do: 1) Weekly and Monthly Awards I will be retroactively posting awards for each week, sometime before Week 4 ends. The ones I have for 1-week AND 4-week intervals: Best Total Score Best Wins minus Losses Most Wins 100% score for a week/month Any other ideas are always welcome. 2) Badges for Awards Badges for the above awards would be nice to see. 3) OCRCL All-Star Week Two captains would draft players, and we'd have one week where two teams would battle it out. The team with the highest score wins (every player would play two matches and the captains would assign players to certain matchups blindly). We could also have this be an award. Quote
damathacus Posted November 6, 2006 Posted November 6, 2006 So there's a few things I want to ask from you guys - one is a brainstorm, one is a project, and one is a cool idea that'd be fun to do: 1) Weekly and Monthly Awards I will be retroactively posting awards for each week, sometime before Week 4 ends. The ones I have for 1-week AND 4-week intervals: Best Total Score Best Wins minus Losses Most Wins 100% score for a week/month Any other ideas are always welcome. 2) Badges for Awards Badges for the above awards would be nice to see. 3) OCRCL All-Star Week Two captains would draft players, and we'd have one week where two teams would battle it out. The team with the highest score wins (every player would play two matches and the captains would assign players to certain matchups blindly). We could also have this be an award. I think the team battle's a really cool idea. Quote
kamoh Posted November 6, 2006 Author Posted November 6, 2006 So there's a few things I want to ask from you guys - one is a brainstorm, one is a project, and one is a cool idea that'd be fun to do: 1) Weekly and Monthly Awards I will be retroactively posting awards for each week, sometime before Week 4 ends. The ones I have for 1-week AND 4-week intervals: Best Total Score Best Wins minus Losses Most Wins 100% score for a week/month Any other ideas are always welcome. 2) Badges for Awards Badges for the above awards would be nice to see. 3) OCRCL All-Star Week Two captains would draft players, and we'd have one week where two teams would battle it out. The team with the highest score wins (every player would play two matches and the captains would assign players to certain matchups blindly). We could also have this be an award. I think the team battle's a really cool idea. Yeah...also there might be a "playoff weekend" where the top 3 awardwinners get one designated playoff week and only play against eachother. Then there'd be even more fun awards and stuff. Quote
Rainman DX Posted November 6, 2006 Posted November 6, 2006 Best Total ScoreBest Wins minus Losses Most Wins 100% score for a week/month Okay, no no no, bad, bad Kamoh! Please understand that you just ennumerated 4 awards for the same stat - wins. Which means on any given week, one person wins the first three (*coughchokeJDcoughgag) and then on special weeks, one person wins all four. This is dumb. Award #1: Most wins for the week (with an added bonus if that player went 100% that week, and played all scheduled games). Award #2: Most improved player has the highest differential of wins this week minus wins last week, divided by total games played. Award #3: Dark Horse winner is the lowest ranked player that week to have at least 1 win against a player in the top 5 (3?) (2?) of that week. Award #4: The anti-award is given to the person with the lowest differential (presumably large negative number) using the same stat as Award #2, or Biggest Fall Award. There. Now that I went to all that trouble, Kamoh won't use 'em. Oh, uh, the All-Star idea seems pretty shiny to me, though. Quote
kamoh Posted November 6, 2006 Author Posted November 6, 2006 Best Total ScoreBest Wins minus Losses Most Wins 100% score for a week/month Okay, no no no, bad, bad Kamoh! Please understand that you just ennumerated 4 awards for the same stat - wins. Which means on any given week, one person wins the first three (*coughchokeJDcoughgag) and then on special weeks, one person wins all four. This is dumb. Award #1: Most wins for the week (with an added bonus if that player went 100% that week, and played all scheduled games). Award #2: Most improved player has the highest differential of wins this week minus wins last week, divided by total games played. Award #3: Dark Horse winner is the lowest ranked player that week to have at least 1 win against a player in the top 5 (3?) (2?) of that week. Award #4: The anti-award is given to the person with the lowest differential (presumably large negative number) using the same stat as Award #2, or Biggest Fall Award. There. Now that I went to all that trouble, Kamoh won't use 'em. Oh, uh, the All-Star idea seems pretty shiny to me, though. Basically what I want to do here is have the three players with the most awards be in that playoff week I was talking about. Each award is the same value - for now. Top Score: -Best Score in One Week -Best Score in Four Weeks 100%: -6 wins/1 week -12 wins/2 weeks -18 wins/3 weeks -24 wins/4 weeks Most Improved: -White Knight: Greatest Positional Gain in one week. -Black Knight: Highest (points earned)*(their score - your score). Other Ideas: -King's Toilet: Outstanding exploitation of the rules. -Swiss Trap: 6 draws/1 week. comments? we still have time. Quote
JohnDriLLL Posted November 6, 2006 Posted November 6, 2006 When I get home I need some help. I have an over the board tourny friday saterday sunday. and im on a big losing streak. So I need your help to play many games. So put your game faces on cuz I'm going to ask you to play if you are on. I need to get all my losing out now before it attacks my wallet. Thank you. Good luck have fun. Advanced 7 for games. wo0t Quote
KeeganTheFox Posted November 6, 2006 Posted November 6, 2006 I'm definitly down for awards. And the team idea sounds awesome! Quote
kamoh Posted November 6, 2006 Author Posted November 6, 2006 The addition of player colors is here. Each player may choose two banner colors to represent them. Some of you already have...some I've just guessed up to this point. IM me to fix/change/request your colors. Quote
Rainman DX Posted November 7, 2006 Posted November 7, 2006 ...some I've just guessed up to this point. Let's see... that would be... ks_sox_fan? Amirite? Hmm... Gosh, this is tricky. Do I choose Georgia Tech's White & Gold? Or my alma mater's White & Blue? Or my sig's Red & Blue? So hard... Got it. Yellow Jackets' Gold & Black, or closest equivalent. Thank you. EDIT #1: By the way, I think it's no coincidence that Margoute has a dead-even score with moi, but in half the games played. She's really upped her performance from back when she joined OCR, and I'm sure she'd agree. Keep it up, Margo! The Clef's the limit! EDIT #2: Here's a badge idea. I can crank out the others no problem when I have some time, if you like it. EDIT #3: Oh, and KAMOH! (is that like, "SHAFT!" or something?) don't forget to change the subject on the thread... Quote
LongeBane Posted November 7, 2006 Posted November 7, 2006 Ok, I didn't play ks_sox_fan, and I don't want that half-half win/lose shit. Kthnx Quote
damathacus Posted November 7, 2006 Posted November 7, 2006 Yeah, ks_sox_fan hasn't been around for me either. Quote
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