drak2074 Posted March 25, 2004 Posted March 25, 2004 Wheel of Fate from House of the Dead 3. Not the hardest boss ever, but damn, the first time me and a friend took him on we had to use a lotta quarters...not to mention my arms were DAMN tired from that shotgun, but hey, nothin beats a shotgun when killin the undead Quote
Dark Star Kefka Posted March 25, 2004 Posted March 25, 2004 I say Myria from BoF III, have yet to beat her, that swarmy little...grrr....It's so not fair xD especially 'cause I lost my data and have to play the game over, for a 4th time, heh. That, or the Black pirates from Metroid Zero Mission And definately, definately the last boss in Gradius Galaxies, the brain? hardest thing ever Heh heh, just kidding xD Quote
Alexi Stuvok Posted March 25, 2004 Posted March 25, 2004 Omega Pirate in Hard Mode.no question. True that. I still haven't beat him, and I was amazing at the game. Try bringing a friend over... they seem to have good luck... and whenever you collapse from a pirate-induced coma ,they can cover for you... the ploblem is....I never found that last missle tank... but its nessessary that you grab every tank... or powerup you can get your hands on.... hand and a gun on.... and after reliving the PRIME nightmare... you're in for hell Actually, almost every boss in that game I only beat when I had a friend over. Maybe it is some sort of good luck thing... As for energy tanks, I have every single one that I could get at this point, and I have most of the missle upgrades. Omega Pirate would be no problem if it wasnt for his lackey pirates. Those are the guys that end up killing me in the end. But thanks for the advice, I'll keep that in mind. Oh, and Hell won't be a problem. Quote
Xuande Posted March 25, 2004 Posted March 25, 2004 I say Myria from BoF III, have yet to beat her, that swarmy little...grrr....It's so not fair xD especially 'cause I lost my data and have to play the game over, for a 4th time, heh.That, or the Black pirates from Metroid Zero Mission And definately, definately the last boss in Gradius Galaxies, the brain? hardest thing ever Heh heh, just kidding xD Myria was quite a time consuming boss... I can't think of a REALLY hard boss atm. Quote
CreatorGX Posted March 26, 2004 Posted March 26, 2004 well super missiles obviously...not the regular ones. it would take like an hour if you used regular ones I don't know what game your talking about.... this is METROID PRIME... there arent any super missiles...even with a gameshark Super missile? in PRIME? Geez you must have played it eons ago to forget that badly Quote
professor_scissors Posted March 26, 2004 Posted March 26, 2004 Try beating any of the bosses in Super Metroid with a keyboard... now THATS hard... since the keyboard cannot read 2 keys at once... you gotta be able to jump then let go then shot in about a split second... Hard shiz... Your keyboard sucks. Quote
The Coop Posted April 4, 2004 Author Posted April 4, 2004 Have you ever run into a boss that seemed so hard and unfair, that it just drove you nuts trying to figure out what in God's name you were supposed to do the kill the damned thing? I encountered just such a boss with the final boss of R-Type Final. The bosses in the rest of the game aren't too hard. But the final one... You arrive at the boss after going though a somewhat odd stage with the silhouette of a man S-L-O-W-L-Y moving onto the silhouette of a woman. Eventually you come to a big boss that creates a vortex of spacew junk around itself and starts spewing space junk, space ships, etc. at you... and a lot of them. It has a few other attacks that it'll use against you as you try and battle this thing, but blowing up this first half is pretty simple for those that remember the first R-Type. If you last long enough, the game'll actually give a direct hint as to what to do to get past the first half. Then comes the second half. I don't know how many times I died on this thing experimenting with ideas on how I was supposed to kill it. At one point, I stayed alive for fifteen minutes while it did it's only attack... hurling patterns of your own fully powered bit (the thing that you can attach and detach from your ship), and these bits are indestructable. I learned alot about timing and dodging during my repeated battles with this boss phase... only to find out that the solution to beating it was painfully simple. I won't say how it's beaten, only that you have to be patient, and watch carefully. It was a boss like the final boss from Quake... you can't figure out how to beat the damned thing, only to realize later that it was a very simple solution in the end. Quote
Sir Toaster Posted April 4, 2004 Posted April 4, 2004 First time I tried Omega Pirate on hard i got him to half health... that was after not playing the game for 3 months... So really I wouldnt consider him the hardest...I havent really faced anything that I would consider "hard" But the Boss that gave me the most trouble was Sephiroth from KH. But, its all about knowing what he does. He has like... 5 different stages. first he just does the slash and the firewall. Then he goes on to sin harvest. Then off into his beserk mad ground to aerial combo. Then the meteor attack, and those anoyying black orbs while he does the spinning attack right after teleport. Once you see all his stages, he's cake. For some weird reason I had trouble with Kurt Zisa... o.O Try beating any of the bosses in Super Metroid with a keyboard... now THATS hard... since the keyboard cannot read 2 keys at once... you gotta be able to jump then let go then shot in about a split second... Hard shiz... My 8-year-old brother started playing my game of Kingom Hearts, and beat Kurt Zisa. He's not even very good. I cast Tinkerbell for him, but other than that, he did it. It was crazy, and yet funny. Quote
hhallahh Posted April 4, 2004 Posted April 4, 2004 Try beating any of the bosses in Super Metroid with a keyboard... now THATS hard... since the keyboard cannot read 2 keys at once... you gotta be able to jump then let go then shot in about a split second... Hard shiz... Re-key your controls. Some buttons can be pushed in more than 2-button combos, some can't. I forget exactly how it works, but.. it's a problem that can be avoided. Quote
The Coop Posted April 18, 2004 Author Posted April 18, 2004 Taking a small trip across the pond, brings me another boss. While I didn't actually go anywhere, the game is a Japan only Mega Drive cart called Undeadline. The game itself is a good challenge, but the final boss is like hitting a sheer cliff in difficulty. After battling through the level and fighting a particular wizard for the second time, there's a big blast that vaporizes him and shatters the wall behind him. The screen starts scrolling up and your character starts running. Timed blasts start hitting on either side of you, pretty much keeping you in the middle of the screen. After a few seconds, you find out what's shooting those blasts. A rather good sized skeletal demon is sticking out from a large hole, an eye on each of it's hands, and it's those eyes that are shooting the blasts. Once the screen stops scrolling, the fun begins. You've got maybe a couple inches vertically and the width of the screen to move in. Not a lot of maneuvering space. The demon moves its arms around and the hands just follow you. There's no safe spot, and the blasts send out a small shockwave on the ground that hurts you just as much as a direct hit by the blasts. Each hand alternates firing, with about a two-second break between a give hand's shot, which doesn't give you much time to move around out of the way. If you manage to live long enough, and do enough damage, the demon adds a new attack that happens at the same time of the hand blasts... a showering of small shots that cover the width of the screen, guaranteeing a hit no matter where you are. What happens after that? I don't know, as I have yet to get beyond that second phase of attacking. All the while, you have three bars of life. Three hits, and you're dead... then you have to fight the wizard again and make your way back to the final boss. You have a shield to block the smaller shots, but it's useless against larger ones, and you can't shoot while using the shield. I don't know this final boss' name, as the game and manual are both in Japanese (oddly enough). But he's a tough shit regardless. Quote
Lavos - Devourer of Time Posted April 19, 2004 Posted April 19, 2004 I always found Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts to be hard. After a while I was able to fight him and when, then I found out he had another phase in battle. The "run around and annihilate you with quick blows and omnislash" phase. He always wiped the floor with my @$$ at that point. And yet, I still fought him about 20-30 times before I realized how futile it was. Quote
Wacky Posted April 19, 2004 Posted April 19, 2004 Mellissan from Baldur's Gate 2, Throne of Bhaal Expansion. To all you liars out there who said it was easy... BAH!!!! Mind you, she IS defeatable, but even doing it is tough stuff. Complete Magic Immunity, She casts Time Stop, removes all protective magic from your guys, curses them with a -10 malison (If you know your D&D rules well it's a REAL downer) she casts Balor demons and God knows what, has 4 phases, and her melee attack paralyses you. She's also immune to all but +4 weapons and above (To put it in perspective, there are about 5 decent weapons in the entire game +4 and above)... and it takes searching. Mind you the Battle music Rocks so hard you won't notice you're dying miserably Quote
equiski Posted April 19, 2004 Posted April 19, 2004 I always found Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts to be hard. After a while I was able to fight him and when, then I found out he had another phase in battle. The "run around and annihilate you with quick blows and omnislash" phase. He always wiped the floor with my @$$ at that point. And yet, I still fought him about 20-30 times before I realized how futile it was. hehe, beating sephiroth is hard, but far from impossible. Personally, this was the most rewarding thing i've ever done in a video game. It took me around 15-20 goes, but when i finally did it, i was so overcome with joy that i ran and hugged my little brother (who had been cheeering me on) and proceeded to run out of the house and roll around in the grass laughing. It makes me smile evan thinking about it. btw, i think kingdom hearts is fantastic, flame me if you must, but you're not changing my mind Quote
Elazual Posted April 19, 2004 Posted April 19, 2004 I always found Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts to be hard. After a while I was able to fight him and when, then I found out he had another phase in battle. The "run around and annihilate you with quick blows and omnislash" phase. He always wiped the floor with my @$$ at that point. And yet, I still fought him about 20-30 times before I realized how futile it was. hehe, beating sephiroth is hard, but far from impossible. Personally, this was the most rewarding thing i've ever done in a video game. It took me around 15-20 goes, but when i finally did it, i was so overcome with joy that i ran and hugged my little brother (who had been cheeering me on) and proceeded to run out of the house and roll around in the grass laughing. It makes me smile evan thinking about it. btw, i think kingdom hearts is fantastic, flame me if you must, but you're not changing my mind Agreed. It only took me about 10 tries though. it would have taken me less, but I didn't know where to get curaga. Quote
Ganit Posted April 19, 2004 Posted April 19, 2004 I always found Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts to be hard. After a while I was able to fight him and when, then I found out he had another phase in battle. The "run around and annihilate you with quick blows and omnislash" phase. He always wiped the floor with my @$$ at that point. And yet, I still fought him about 20-30 times before I realized how futile it was. hehe, beating sephiroth is hard, but far from impossible. Personally, this was the most rewarding thing i've ever done in a video game. It took me around 15-20 goes, but when i finally did it, i was so overcome with joy that i ran and hugged my little brother (who had been cheeering me on) and proceeded to run out of the house and roll around in the grass laughing. It makes me smile evan thinking about it. Sephoroth maybe hard, but try beating camp on extreme in Metal Gear Solid 2. That my friend takes dedication and co-ordination. btw, i think kingdom hearts is fantastic, flame me if you must, but you're not changing my mind Agreed. It only took me about 10 tries though. it would have taken me less, but I didn't know where to get curaga. Quote
Ganit Posted April 19, 2004 Posted April 19, 2004 The Hardest boss I've encounterd would have to be vamp on extreme difficulty in Metal Gear Solid 2, We had two people alternating fighting hm every day for some times hours. And it still to weeks to kill him, once they killed him once they could do it againg though, because thy had vamps moves and how to get out of them so memorized. Quote
Beatdown Posted April 19, 2004 Posted April 19, 2004 I may have already said it once in this thread, but it just needs to be said again regardless I hate Fernandez with all my heart and soul. I really do. Quote
Krendall Posted April 19, 2004 Posted April 19, 2004 Goenitz: King of Fighters '96 That bastard can play keep away with his tornadoes, he has unlimited supers, and he can block at a moment's notice. Quote
Skilless Posted April 20, 2004 Posted April 20, 2004 Culex from Super Mario RPG I have never beat him/her (i dont know what it is). Quote
Krendall Posted April 20, 2004 Posted April 20, 2004 Culex from Super Mario RPGI have never beat him/her (i dont know what it is). Equip Peach with the Lazy Shell Armor so she only takes 1HP of damage from anything. That way she can constantly heal when needed. Is Culex that dude from that one weird room? The guy who says he's from another world? If so... SPOILER Culex is a crossover character from Final Fantasy (remember, Square made Mario RPG). It looks similar to Astos from FF1, and it has the Four Crystals from the first five games. Also, after you win, the classic Final Fantasy Victory Fanfare plays. Quote
tgfoo Posted April 20, 2004 Posted April 20, 2004 I was wondering, has anyone ever beat Ruby Weapon (FFVII) without beating Diamond first? Not saying it's the hardest. But it seems like it would be damn hard (if not impossible) if you didn't have some mastered materia in the one character that doesn't get knocked away.....I was just wondering.... Quote
Killswitch Engage Posted April 20, 2004 Posted April 20, 2004 play Red Faction on IMPOSSIBLE difficulty...id have to say the last boss, the chic with the force field Quote
Silvite Gafgar Posted April 20, 2004 Posted April 20, 2004 Have I posted in this topic? Can't remember. Anyway..... LUCA FREAKING BLIGHT. You fight him five ####ed times. The first time it's your army vs. his army in a Fire Emblem/Advance Wars-esque battle. The next three times is using three completely differnet six-man parties of characters against him and some cronies, and the last time it's the hero vs. him one-on-one. Unless you bloody do the Rockaxe trick, or are a level up whore, you will NOT beat him anytime soon. Quote
Evilhead Posted April 20, 2004 Posted April 20, 2004 Nice double post! Thank you for posting to declare a double post! Thank you for posting to remind someone that they posted to declare a double post! Quote
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