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all the last mission bosses in all armored core games are hard unless you know what to do

you gotta make a heavy tank core with the karasawa or finger machine and put yourself in a corner so they cant get behind you..


In Super Mario RPG, beating Culex WITHOUT the benefit of the Lazy Shell (either the armor OR the weapon) is something that I cannot do, even to this day.

Otherwise, I slap both shells on Mario and laugh at Culex's pathetic attempts to kill me while the rest of my team dies.


I would have to say Dark Falz and The Mother Brain, last 2 consecutive bosses in Phantasy Star II. PSII made you work HARD to lvl up, it seemed nearly impossible! Phantasy Star IV was way too easy, but still fun!

I always found Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts to be hard. After a while I was able to fight him and when, then I found out he had another phase in battle. 8O The "run around and annihilate you with quick blows and omnislash" phase. He always wiped the floor with my @$$ at that point. And yet, I still fought him about 20-30 times before I realized how futile it was. :cry:

hehe, beating sephiroth is hard, but far from impossible. Personally, this was the most rewarding thing i've ever done in a video game. It took me around 15-20 goes, but when i finally did it, i was so overcome with joy that i ran and hugged my little brother (who had been cheeering me on) and proceeded to run out of the house and roll around in the grass laughing. It makes me smile evan thinking about it.

Sephoroth maybe hard, but try beating camp on extreme in Metal Gear Solid 2. That my friend takes dedication and co-ordination.

btw, i think kingdom hearts is fantastic, flame me if you must, but you're not changing my mind :D

Agreed. It only took me about 10 tries though. it would have taken me less, but I didn't know where to get curaga.

...I beat Sephiroth on the first try, with level 43 Sora, 42 Donald and 44 Goofy. You newbs.

Get out of my sight.


i was so overcome with joy that i ran and hugged my little brother (who had been cheeering me on) and proceeded to run out of the house and roll around in the grass laughing. It makes me smile evan thinking about it.

are you eight? the most energetic thing i do is stand up and shout


I have one. And I don't like this one. It's pissing me off.

The end of chapter 2 of Painkiller. You're in the middle of a swamp. You're standing on a small patch of ground, surrounded by water that does damage to you if you step into it. Circling around you, is a big water monster, made up of that dirty swamp water. From time to time, it stops and launches a big dirty water bubble at you. If it hits, it hurts quite a bit... but that's stopped easily buy a shot gun blast. Another time it stops, it trusts it's arms into the water and a scorpion-like tail comes up and thwacks the ground where you're standing... doing more damage than the bubble. Relatively easy to dodge.

The thing is, I have no clue where to damage that dirty watered bastard. I have shot every inch of that big shithead, tried every weapon I had, and I just can't find the weak spot. I thought it might have been the bubbles that rise up out of the water, but they never seem to break.

I know this thing has a weakness, but damned if I've found it.

Anyone have any hints for that guy after Kuja at the end of FF9? He's probably not the all-time hardest boss...but, he's been giving me quite a bit of trouble for a little while now.

Heh, noob. JK, but yea, I don't remember at all how I beat him, but it was ownage.

I still throw my vote to Wigraff from FFT. :D

God, i am getting fucking raped by him right now. please, PLEASE DON'T TELL ME HOW TO BEAT HIM. I like to read this thread, and if someone posts it i may accidentally scan over it.

Anyone have any hints for that guy after Kuja at the end of FF9? He's probably not the all-time hardest boss...but, he's been giving me quite a bit of trouble for a little while now.

Well, when I beat him, it was pure luck. You've just got to hope to not get raped to hard by status effects with his Grand Cross attack. However, I will say this. I forgot his other big attack, the actual attack one that does huge damage to everyone, but it seemed to me that when one character was dead it didn't deal fatal damage. So the more people you have, the more damage it did I think. If you can keep two people alive so that you don't get a game over from stonage, you might be able to beat him.


Not quite a hard boss, but in Metal Gear Solid 2, i can't do the bit before the last boss where (on xbox) you have to press Y as fast as you can. I thought of buying an autofire controller just to do it, but then thought, nah that'd probably just be a waste of money. If anyone has done it without an autofire controller, then you are not human!!!

...I beat Sephiroth on the first try, with level 43 Sora, 42 Donald and 44 Goofy. You newbs.

Get out of my sight.

I'm impressed that you beat him with Donald, Sora, and Goofy, considering that the fight is one on one.


And Coop, I see your pride still demands you not let your thread die, eh? Come now, let it go!


Heh, anyone ever play a game called palidin's quest? The last bosses final form can only be damaged by deflection shields, or this special spell which takes a huge chunk of the main characters HP. what makes it really difficult though is that people can't be revived mid-battle in that game.


Quite a few months ago, my brother in law came up to visit with my sister, nephews and niece in tow. We were playing a lot of MechAssault on my X-Box, alternating back and forth between either deaths or missions. That was nearly a year and a half ago... and I'm still stuck.

See, after getting through all those missions, I can to final hangar. That hangar opens up and out comes a new playmate... Ragnarok. He has PPC guns. He has Javalin missiles. He has a lava gun (ouch). He has a shield. He has enough armor to cover a third world country. And he chases you... methodically. A few shots from him, and the game is over. As such, you're reduced to running around a large plane and trying to pick him apart. Does this work? I don't know. The longest I've lasted against him is about ten minutes worth of circling and taking quick shots as he comes around part of the plane in the middle of the battle field. Add to that the turrets that help pick you apart, and you have a nice "OH JUST KILL ME!" session.

I do know that fighting him in the open is death, and so is letting enough of him show from behind the plane. I don't know if my shots do any damage to his shield, but I know his shield always lasts longer than my Mech at least.

I refuse to look at a faq to find out how to beat him. I've kicked some righteous ass through the single player campaign, and I know I can beat him. It's been nearly a year and a half. Classes are done for the most part. So help me, I will see the end of MechAssault.


With my luck, there's something AFTER that pain in the ass :lol:


I can't really consider this a boss but, The General Diego level in red dead revolver on hard mode is friggen impossible. If i miss one cannon with my flare gun every cannon heat seeks on me and then there are those super sharp shooting union soldiers who can kill a Mexican soldier by thinking real hard.

Coop i know who you fell about Ragnarock, Never give up.

  • 2 weeks later...

Still working on Ragnarok. Lousy stinkin'...

Anyway, I just got done with a fun filled swearing fest having finally reached the end of Unreal Tournament 2003. Now I had no problems getting through the game, as the various matches really weren't that hard. However, when you reach the end, then the game pulls a nifty little switch on you.

Your final opponent is a man named Malcolm... and he cheats. A lot. Not so much as your start fighting him for the championship, but rather after he's been killed exactly 6 times. Once you score 6 on him, he goes into an apparent overdrive. He's almost always near where you revive after that, so he gets a fast and easy second kill on you. He can magically blast you point blank with a rocket launcher, and not die himself. He grabs nearly every weapon except for the weaker ones. He almost always get the power ups that appear about once a minute in the center of the arena. He pulls off shots that simply shouldn't have worked. Half the time, he seems to magically know where you are to fire some odd ricocheting shot.

Now I know that things like the shield power up and the 100 health power up afford him some endurance, but he does this WITHOUT those things. God help you when he gets the double damage power up, because then you're just fucked. I mean, I had 150 health, plus the 100 shield... and he killed my character in one shot and he didn't have the double damage. No one else in the game can do this to your character, so that's pretty damn cheap.

Oh. Before I finally beat that bastard about 15 minutes ago, I was ahead 9 to 2... but he still won. Nothing hurt him, and he pulled every trick I listed, including 4 kills from being right where my character materialized.

Even Xan or whatever his name was from Quake III was fairer than that :lol:

Shinryuu from Final Fantasy V for the hardest RPG boss.

Hellya, thanks to a little bit of lazyness I didn't level my guys up and this guy dropped me in a single move.

As for bosses I managed to beat would prolly be the flying fortress defense system boss from FFV or that transformed commander guy from Xenosaga.

If I may say as for the easiest boss by expectation would be the Emerald Weapon in FFVII. I killed em in like 5 minutes. Two 4X cuts and a slash all all doing 9999 dmg. God I loved that game :)


It may have been mentioned before, but.....


From Viewtiful Joe, he runs, he jumps, and he shoots giant rocks out of his head. Honestly, he's hard enough on Kids mode, and on Adult mode I'm getting raped by the stone Charles the 3rd.

Anyway, Fire Leo also has a nasty spinning attack that's too fast for human reflexes (so you gotta slow down and use up precious VFX powers or dodge up a bit and spin-kick your heart out) and if you touch him, WHAM! Three hearts, all gone. I heard on Ultra-V mode, he does about 12 hearts of damage. Yeah, that's really fair.

Heh, anyone ever play a game called palidin's quest? The last bosses final form can only be damaged by deflection shields, or this special spell which takes a huge chunk of the main characters HP. what makes it really difficult though is that people can't be revived mid-battle in that game.

God, did you ever beat Zaygos fused with Kaymat (last boss' final form)? Let's put it this way: Even if you were crazy enough to level everyone up to 99 (did that once), if you don't get both Gigabottles (all healing items must be equipped to be used, you CANNOT use spare items in battle), you are absolutely going to get raped by that bitch...

Plus you still take damage with the shield... Fuck Enix for making that bitch of a game. What the hell is the deal with having to PAY people to join you, AND have to pay HP to cast spells? I was so glad when I buried that bitch...

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