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i can't beat the damn smithy in Mario RPG

Uhhh, put that special armor shit on peach. Lazy shell armor or whatever the hell that was. She's fucking invincible, then. Serious, his worst attacks did 1 hp of damage to her. Plus she can heal herself when she is low on health. She frying panned his ass to hell when I tried that....took way too damn long, though. Thank God for turbo controllers and paperweights...


I sat and thought about this really hard, and I can't recall any game newer than something like FFIX that I've played that even HAD a boss...so, I'm gonna be stupid and say the final boss on FFIX, which is lame, and the ending of that game, by the way...let me down very very much.


Fucking Metal Slug 3 on the XBOX. Jesus, FUCKING CHRIST! Even I can't cuss enough to express the difficulty of that last level. I can't even get close to the boss on easy mode. SHIT is that hard. Talking about it makes my thumbs sore.


im goin through ff4 right now, and i cant help but notice, its a lot friggin harder than it was when i beat it at age 8....WTF...haha....even though ive HEARD that ff4 is suppose to be the hardest of the final fantasies....

Man, I've read up to around page 25.

Here are some of my characters.

Almost any boss I've fought in Devil May Cry.

The Weapons in FFVII (I only actually attempted Ruby once, and that was years ago, and I didn't even prepare for it, nor do I really care to beat them.)

Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts - The problem with me and him is when he starts casting Sin Harvest, and I mis-time my attack, and instantly sends me down to critical.

One of the creatures from FFX's battle arena - he's the guy who has the attack convergance. He's one of the creatures that seriously annoyed me, besides the Jumbo Flan. That battle took awhile since I had to contantly switch people and heal and prepare for its attack.

Some Bosses that were mentioned but I beat/wasn't to happy with.

FFIX - This is going to sound odd, but I found Ozma to be a dissapointment. The thing is, after losing to him twice (without really preparing), I decided to go out of my way to prepare for him (lv to 99 and such). At around 70, I decided to see where I stand with him. I had Zidaine with Thievery at around 8000, Freya with a decent Dragon Lance, Aramant, and Vivi.

I beat him in 10 minutes, if that. He didn't cast curse once, and he used Meteor once (killed my party, but had auto live with auto-regan)

FFVIII - Omega Weapon. However, I did the Gllgamesh trick and used Squall, Zell, and Irvin. Here's the thing, I beat him at LEVEL 7 (Which means no Lionheart for me). (I beat the entire game without leveling up).

FFX - Nemesis/Omega God. After the struggle just to make it to him, he's a completely joke.

Skies of Arcadia - Rameriz final battle. ...It's a shame that he wasn't all that strong.

There are others, but till next time...


Strange...I can tell you were "attempting" to quote Anti-freeze, but it didn't work right. :? Oh well. Your message is clear. Hey by the way, shouldn't you be chasing Pac-man in a maze, somewhere? :)

I looking for pac man but cant really find him, but ill get him one day!

Actually Ghost, it wasn't as bad as you think.

The amount of time I would of spent leveling up I spent Drawing magic, then Junctioning them to my weapons/health. I spent about 11hrs out of the 14 on the first CD just drawing magic. Once I got "Encounter None"...I decided to actually go thorugh the game.

There were sometimes I had to reset cause I'd forget that certain battles have unavoideable EXP, so I would have to plan accordingly.

I guess in total it took me about 40hrs (incluidng resetting). Game time was 34hrs though.

And to answer your question, I did this on my spare time when I wasn't working last summer.

im goin through ff4 right now, and i cant help but notice, its a lot friggin harder than it was when i beat it at age 8....WTF...haha....even though ive HEARD that ff4 is suppose to be the hardest of the final fantasies....

Actually... ff5 was the hardest.. in fact that was Square's official reason for not releasing it stateside.


If anyone has ever played Gitaroo-Man (An incredible game) I must submit to memory that entering into master mode and attempting to beat the Sanbone Trio on Born to be Bone (download the mp3) is the hardest boss I have ever faced, and I have beaten the Emerald Weapon (I'm not bragging, cause I know I beat him simply because he decided to use weak attacks in sequence on characters at full health till he died.) It stumped veteran video game players for months, nearly breaking several fingers. After literally around a thousand tries, we finally began to reliably reach the ending, and we were finally able to move on to the rest.

im goin through ff4 right now, and i cant help but notice, its a lot friggin harder than it was when i beat it at age 8....WTF...haha....even though ive HEARD that ff4 is suppose to be the hardest of the final fantasies....

Actually... ff5 was the hardest.. in fact that was Square's official reason for not releasing it stateside.

But, FF4 was dumbed down for the North American release on the SNES. Play the Playstation version to get a taste for the real game (which is very, very difficult. I haven't been able to beat it yet. For example, Odin may use Zantetsuken on his first turn. Blarg.)

While FF5 was challenging, it's just not as insanely difficult as FF4('s rerelease).



you are all wrong.

the hardest boss in videogame history is Alma from Ninja Gaiden for xbox.

I cried, i swore, I cried some more, I stayed up into the wee hours of the night fighting her over and over again.


you are all wrong.

the hardest boss in videogame history is Alma from Ninja Gaiden for xbox.

I cried, i swore, I cried some more, I stayed up into the wee hours of the night fighting her over and over again.

My friend beat her on his third try.

im goin through ff4 right now, and i cant help but notice, its a lot friggin harder than it was when i beat it at age 8....WTF...haha....even though ive HEARD that ff4 is suppose to be the hardest of the final fantasies....

Actually... ff5 was the hardest.. in fact that was Square's official reason for not releasing it stateside.

But, FF4 was dumbed down for the North American release on the SNES. Play the Playstation version to get a taste for the real game (which is very, very difficult. I haven't been able to beat it yet. For example, Odin may use Zantetsuken on his first turn. Blarg.)

While FF5 was challenging, it's just not as insanely difficult as FF4('s rerelease).

ahhh maybe thats why its harder then, lol


I saw a bunch of Ninja Gaiden posts but if you use the Vigoorian Flails and the Windmill shuriken, almost any boss is a breeze.

Anyway, I think the hardest boss is the final boss from Arc the Ladd:Twilight of the Spirits... he was such a lameass

I saw a bunch of Ninja Gaiden posts but if you use the Vigoorian Flails and the Windmill shuriken, almost any boss is a breeze.

Anyway, I think the hardest boss is the final boss from Arc the Ladd:Twilight of the Spirits... he was such a lameass

I know. What a cheap little bitch he was, eh?

Him: I'll spit out these little eyeball-thingies!

Me: Alright! I attack you!

Him: Ha ha! You can't hurt me until you kill five of the eyeball thingies!

Me: Okay, I killed five! Now I hurt you!

Him: Not so fast! I'll either drain back all the HP you took from me, or I'll do a super attack which not only will probably kill you, but also give me back my dark shield, which you must get rid of by destroying ANOTHER five eyeball-thingies!

Me: Shit.


you are all wrong.

the hardest boss in videogame history is Alma from Ninja Gaiden for xbox.

I cried, i swore, I cried some more, I stayed up into the wee hours of the night fighting her over and over again.

Only on the hardest difficulty, which is great because it's almost as much fun to watch yourself fight/die miserably than it is to actually do it. Otherwise it shouldn't be that much of a problem to have her screaming your name before you send her packin. You just gotta suck less.

Take this guy for example...


you are all wrong.

the hardest boss in videogame history is Alma from Ninja Gaiden for xbox.

I cried, i swore, I cried some more, I stayed up into the wee hours of the night fighting her over and over again.

Only on the hardest difficulty, which is great because it's almost as much fun to watch yourself fight/die miserably than it is to actually do it. Otherwise it shouldn't be that much of a problem to have her screaming your name before you send her packin. You just gotta suck less.

Take this guy for example...

I already had the videos before this post, and I must say, he puts on quite a show.


The Earth Eater, found in the Monster Arena in FFX. I'm not sure about all-time toughest, but that bastard definatly ranks up there on my list. Magaton Punch (instant death) as a counter for any physical attacks...I had to level-up for about three straight hours before I could sufficiantly beat him down.

Ugly little bugger, too...


BTW, I never actually finished going through the Monster Arena, (I borrowed the game from my roomate and the semester ended...we all went our seperate ways) so I'm sure there are some even more difficult bosses after Earth Eater, but that's the toughest one I faced.

*end transmission*

BTW, I never actually finished going through the Monster Arena, (I borrowed the game from my roomate and the semester ended...we all went our seperate ways) so I'm sure there are some even more difficult bosses after Earth Eater, but that's the toughest one I faced.

*end transmission*


Yes you are right.

Earth Eater was an adventure (if I remember...it's been a year).

But I wouldn't consider him the hardest out of the battle arena.

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