Halberdier Posted June 25, 2005 Posted June 25, 2005 How is Sephiroth on FFVII hard when you're lvl 99. If you wanna make it hard. Be no higher than lvl 60 and use no materia whatsoever. Thats a challenge. I just recently finished Mario and Luigi Superstars on GBA. How nasty is Cackletta at the end. You start with 1HP each and have to dodge some of her attacks before you even get a chance to heal. I died about 5 or 6 times before I could blink. That was hard. Quote
+Persona Fiend+ Posted June 26, 2005 Posted June 26, 2005 Ok no matter what any of you say, I know for a FACT who THE hardest boss to ever star in a video game is.Ever hear of an old NES game called "Time lord"? It was actually made by Mattel. Yes the toy company. Well. The game goes pretty smooth until you get to the 3rd level. While traveling through time you somehow end up in the wild west with cowboys shooting bullets up your ass from all directions. Well, if you manage to survive the level, you are rewarded with meeting the HARDEST BOSS IN VIDEO GAME HISTORY! I KID YOU NOT! Basically, the boss is this gigantic Mexican looking dude with a poncho, sombrero, and a six-shooter. I think I remember fighting that bastard. Your story about fighting him portrays the hideous agony that is fighting him. I still couldn't help but laugh my ass off at the memory of what sad boss that was. Quote
halc Posted June 26, 2005 Posted June 26, 2005 omigod Omega Weapon. Speh in KH doesn't even compare. Kurt Zisa was WAAY harder than Seph. Quote
GreyFox587 Posted June 26, 2005 Posted June 26, 2005 Sorry if this has already been said, but I'm not too big on reading 130 pages to see if it has. Culex from Mario RPG. Insane. Quote
Langriman Posted June 27, 2005 Posted June 27, 2005 I just fought Bloody Mary in Terranigma. Every single attack I used only did 1 hp of damage, and every time she hit me I lost 20% of my hp. I had ten magic spells on me, and somehow, miraculously, one did more than 1 hp. I went back to town and bought a bunch of copies of the spell and finally took her out. I can't believe this topic is still going... Quote
Joshea Posted June 27, 2005 Posted June 27, 2005 Seph-man in KH was a bitch.. Took forever. Gigas in EB if you dont know what your doing lol ( that was my case the first attempt.. lasted about 2 hours). and Omegaweapon on FFVIII.. OW was the only " secret" boss i couldnt beat. Quote
RimFrost the Tourianist Posted June 27, 2005 Posted June 27, 2005 We should skip boss and go right to game.Gradius V I beat it with 12 credits used on very easy. The game is a beast I tell you! Rockcrusher (level 5 boss) Evil on Hard Quote
Skilless Posted June 27, 2005 Posted June 27, 2005 We should skip boss and go right to game.Gradius V I beat it with 12 credits used on very easy. The game is a beast I tell you! Rockcrusher (level 5 boss) Evil on Hard The asteroid level right? If its the boss that catches all the rocks, then yea youre right, hes tough. Sometimes im able to get into the area where the switch is and the rocks prevent him from shooting the "diamonds" at me. If someone beats that game on very difficult and makes a vid of it, then they are god in my eyes. The game might be harder for me because im playing with my friend and with 2 spaceships at a time is hard to keep track of stuff. I haven't been able to sit down with the game and play it because my ps2 has the disc read error problem and I have yet to fix it, so I can only play it at his house. Im a really big fan of the game (as well as series) so I suggest this game to all of you who like fast pace 2-d space ship games (also have a ps2 without the disc read error problem) While on the subject, does anyone have the plans on how to fix my problem with the blue bottom discs. Please link the site if you do. Quote
Fritz the Cat Posted June 27, 2005 Posted June 27, 2005 The Majin Fiends from Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne. Some of 'em are absolute whores. Quote
Pallad Posted June 27, 2005 Posted June 27, 2005 The Majin Fiends from Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne.Some of 'em are absolute whores. I'm glad I'm not the only one that can complain about how some of those bosses were complete bastards. I can recall a couple of instances where I was literally forced to fight a fiend to progress with the story and it required at least five levels over what I had to even put a dent in its health. Quote
Pattest Posted June 27, 2005 Posted June 27, 2005 I've got 3. First. Velius from Final Fantasy Tactics. You can't uberlevel with Tactics because every NPC that you fight is 1-2 levels higher then you. Second, Velius starts off with 3 Ultima demon he-bitches that enjoy summons as much as Velius himself. You were lucky to get a few shots in on him before he wiped you out. Since you don't have Cid, this boss is the hardest in the game, including St. Ajora at the end. Second and third. This isn't so much the bosses as it is the games themselves. Gradius V and Ikaruga were so hard I went to sleep with tears rolling down my cheeks. If I wasn't weeping, I was as frustrated as a porn star suffering from impotence. Getting past the FIRST LEVEL in Ikaruga ranks above figuring out nuclear physics formulas in your head. Gradius wasn't as bad until the third level or so, when you had to destroy a boss that had like 3 forms. (I'm not sure if he had anymore since I kept dying.) Quote
Halberdier Posted June 27, 2005 Posted June 27, 2005 HAHA, Omega Weapon is Easy (FF8). Just make sure your characters have 255 agility with auto haste and put the game battle speed on slowest. Use auras and you get at least 6 or 9 limit breaks in one of his attacks. Easy. You could make it really hard by putting the speed on max. Then he will hit you around 3 times before you even think of your next move I saw my friend get whooped by Omega Weapon (FF5 I think, could be FF4). I never fought it but that could be one of the hardest bosses of all time. It looked as so from where I was sitted. I gave up trying to complete Metroid Prime on Hard cause of the massive Pirate thing (can't remember his name). That was a hard battle. I don't even wonna attempt Meta Ridley. Uh uh, no way. Quote
Shattered Posted June 27, 2005 Posted June 27, 2005 I think I posted something here before my computer croked... Anyways, I'd have to say Genobee from Armored Core Nexus. Hes a friggen beast! Normally, he'd be pretty simple, however, he doesn't have to deploy to fire his high power grenades. The reload time on those grenades has no real impact on him either, since he can be flying and firing. Another boss, or group of them is in Armored Core 3, or Armored Core 2 Another Age. There is one mission where you have to explore some new area. You get 1 easy enemy at first. Then you get another one, then another one, I do believe there are 3 of them. They're only difficult because you don't get repaired or more ammunition through it. Warhammer Dawn of War... Anything involving 2 squiggoths is hard. Quote
Maco70 Posted June 27, 2005 Posted June 27, 2005 Final Sephiroth when you are at lvl 99 in FFVII. Impossible. Only if you really don't know what you're doing... it's really not that hard at all. Sephiroth was actually very easy. Just throw everything you have at him, how could you possibly lose? Quote
Doc Funky Posted June 27, 2005 Posted June 27, 2005 Velius from Final Fantasy Tactics. You can't uberlevel with Tactics because every NPC that you fight is 1-2 levels higher then you. Now...I haven't played FFT for a little while now, but I seem to remember that the only NPCs that leveled up along with you were the ones you met in random battles on the world map. It seemed like the ones in story sequences had fixed levels. Because I specifically remember power leveling really, really early in the game (right after you visit the castle, and set out to clear some bandits out of a town) and destroying everyone there with my Calculator, Samurai, and Ninja while Delita and the other NPCs waddled around at, like, level 5. But I might be wrong...and yes, Velius was a bitch and a half. I had to start my entire game over because I saved RIGHT before the fight with him, and (as everyone knows) you can't go anywhere else when you do that. Anyway, to stay on topic... Ricardo Martinez in the Arcade mode of Hajime no Ippo 2: Victorious Road (a.k.a. Victorious Boxers 2) has got to be one of the most impossible "bosses" ever. I've heard of people going through upwards of fifty matches without even knocking him down ONCE. Your punches hardly even faze him, and of course he can send YOUR sorry ass to the canvas with only one or two punches. The only proven solution seems to be to cheese your way past him by initiating your slow-mo special and then throwing nothing but uppercuts to the body. And even then, you need to be landing about fifty to a hundred of those per round, along with avoiding every single one of his punches, before you can even THINK about beating him. What's that, you ask? Have I beaten him? Goodness no. I can't even get to him. I can't even come close to winning the rematch with Sendo, for the Japanese title. As far as I can recall, he's got a height, weight, and reach advantage on poor Ippo (who I suck with anyway!) and can stagger me with just a few hits, while nothing I throw can even slow him down. If I try to dash in, I eat a monster combo. If I try to duck and weave to avoid his punches, he shrugs off everything I send back at him and staggers me with another combo. Lord, Arcade mode is frustrating. I can destroy just about everyone I face in Boxer's Road, but Arcade just kills me. Quote
Zyith Posted June 27, 2005 Posted June 27, 2005 I've got 3.First. Velius from Final Fantasy Tactics. Uh. I beat Velius in two hits last time I played. Maybe the first time you play him, he's hard, but when you figure out to Accumulate/Yell (or whatever) with Ramza during the previous fight, you can just walk up and kill him. It works REALLY well with a Two Swords ability. Quote
Doc Funky Posted June 27, 2005 Posted June 27, 2005 I beat Velius in two hits last time I played. Maybe the first time you play him, he's hard, but when you figure out to.... See? That's the catch. Sure, he's easy as pie once you know what's coming so you can properly prepare for it, but when it's your first playthrough, and you don't know that there's one hell of a battle coming up immediately after the one you've just completed... And, while they're not "hard" by any means, some of Namco X Capcom's bosses can be quite infuriating, what with their ability to spontaneously get their turns all at the same time, regardless of where they actually sit in the cycle of things. It's almost as if the game says to itself, "Whoops! I haven't screwed you over nearly enough yet! I better let all the boss characters have their turns now", automatically boosting them past everyone else that's been waiting when they should be 14th, 15th, and 16th in "line". Quote
Hyperion5182 Posted June 28, 2005 Posted June 28, 2005 I think I posted something here before my computer croked...Anyways, I'd have to say Genobee from Armored Core Nexus. Hes a friggen beast! Normally, he'd be pretty simple, however, he doesn't have to deploy to fire his high power grenades. The reload time on those grenades has no real impact on him either, since he can be flying and firing. Another boss, or group of them is in Armored Core 3, or Armored Core 2 Another Age. There is one mission where you have to explore some new area. You get 1 easy enemy at first. Then you get another one, then another one, I do believe there are 3 of them. They're only difficult because you don't get repaired or more ammunition through it. Warhammer Dawn of War... Anything involving 2 squiggoths is hard. SPOLIER ALERT! AC2 AA was the one you are thinking of...and i almost wet my pants when i encountered the last guy...its an old friend...Remember Nine Ball? From Master of Arena...HEEEEE's BAAAAAACCCCCKKK.... And he is even harder than before Quote
Shattered Posted June 28, 2005 Posted June 28, 2005 I know that, I'v beaten every Armored Core thats out there! Any ways, Nine Ball wasn't that powerful, just annoying because of the other 2 enemies. But thanks, Couldn't remember which one it was. The very last AC in Nexus was a joke. My all grenade AC destroyed him completely. Did you have alot of trouble with Genobee too? Quote
Hyperion5182 Posted June 28, 2005 Posted June 28, 2005 I know that, I'v beaten every Armored Core thats out there! Any ways, Nine Ball wasn't that powerful, just annoying because of the other 2 enemies.But thanks, Couldn't remember which one it was. The very last AC in Nexus was a joke. My all grenade AC destroyed him completely. Did you have alot of trouble with Genobee too? Torched em I have beaten every AC game in all 4 and now all 5 core types... Scary isnt it? Quote
Hybrid_Demon Posted June 28, 2005 Posted June 28, 2005 I know this is sad. The hardest thing I've played in a while is a LttP. It's not Ganon thats hard, its the level! If I had one more bottle I could of beaten him. Quote
RimFrost the Tourianist Posted June 28, 2005 Posted June 28, 2005 Dracula in Castlevania 2 - Simon's Quest. Hehe just kidding (takes 2 seconds w holy water.) Gaah ..I just perverted the thread. -------------------- Just remembered. Death in Lament of Innocence was pretty tough if you had very few healing items left. You always had to rely on jumping skills. Quote
Dahlia Posted June 28, 2005 Posted June 28, 2005 Orgulla from Xenosaga II is really hard. She can combo boost herself and go like 3-5 times in a row, airing and downing your characters. She can do 900 damage to a character without Ice Coat, even without doing her strength-buffing move. She can poison you, heal herself, and heal status effects you cast on her. She can hit everyone at once for high damage, and she will hit the person with the lowest HP. The fight in FF:Tactics where you can steal the Genji equipment is pretty hard, and extremely hard if you go for the stealing. Quote
Khift Posted June 28, 2005 Posted June 28, 2005 I don't remember Velius being all that hard at all. I do remember failing the first time I faced him, so I reloaded and tried things a little more cautiously and put all emphasis on taking him out, and I came out with a relatively easy win. Hmm, the last boss I remember having any difficulty with was the Ice Golem boss in Kingdom Hearts. And that's just because I didn't know to reflect his attacks back at him, so I just super-glided around casting Graviga whenever it was safe for 45 minutes. Eventually he died. Compared to that, Sephiroth was pretty easy, although much more intense. I also remember Luca Blight, in Suikoden 2, to be exceptionally difficult -- but then again, even he crumbled when I actually bothered to prepare all three teams for the fight. Normally I'd just have my main team and two filler teams with little to no armor, no runes, and piss-poor weapons. That just won't do, now will it? Surely there are some other difficult bosses I can think of... but not right now. I will testify, though, that Bladed Aatxes (Guild Wars, Underworld) are complete bitches. They can hit me, a warrior, for 1/5th of my life -- and will take out a caster in two hits. When three of them swarm you, you really wish your monk had brought Pacify. Edit: Soloing dragons in UO... with a swordsman. Once I decided to try this. Thanks to insta-hit hit-and-run tactics and constant (I do mean constant) bandaging, I was able to get him down to a little over 1/2 health before I failed a critical bandage and died nearly immediately. The whole ordeal took fifteen minutes. When fighting something with five times your health that can melee you for a third of your health each hit and can fireball you for twice that, it's wise to bring a mage. (Which, actually, was pretty easy, IIRC.) Once I heard rumors of someone soloing a Balrog... Quote
Azurewind Posted June 28, 2005 Posted June 28, 2005 there was once a time i actually fought some of the dragons in FF6 w/o the vanish/doom trick.... and then i fought the blue Ice dragon and White dragon...and i'm not sure if i ever want to return to the old days man...freeze in that was B.S!!! no relics to protect against. nothing.zilch, nadda, nope! and white dragon's 'X-magic' or whatever he has to allow a casting of 4 Pearls in a row can just shove it...what a bastard.. i should play Guild Wars sometime... Quote
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