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Sephiroth in FFVII has variable hit points; a formula is used to calculate how much HP he has. He has no fewer than 80,000 in any case. A few additions and subtractions are done for various quest items, but they're negligible; the end result of that is multiplied by your number of Level 99 characters. If everyone's at level 99, Sephiroth will have over 5,000,000 HP; Ruby and Emerald Weapon have 1,000,000. Of course, by that time most of your characters will have their Magic stat maxed, meaning KOTR will do like 150,000 damage. W-Summoning and Mimicking it is still the best way to whip his ass. I've never personally played Kingdom Hearts; I find it impossible to treat the storyline of a game infested with Disney characters as anything approaching epic or insightful. But from what I've heard, Kurt Zisa and Sephiroth are EEEEBIL.

Some of the bosses in Kefka's Tower in FFVI were really hard; in fact, I found them to actually be harder than Kefka, because you have to divide all your good characters up. I only had one or two characters per party who could actually do something worthwhile, mostly in the interests of surviving. Inferno, the Dragons, and the Guardian were atrocious bitches, whereas in the final battle against Kefka I could pick all my best party members, so I had Terra, Celes, Gogo and Sabin with all their best skills (Ultima for Terra and Celes, X-Magic on Terra, Sabin's Bum Rush). Bye bye Kefka.

I've got to give props to Lavos for just being a prick. Even at level 99 he'll decimate you if you aren't careful. The Criosphinx in Chrono Cross was a bastard, too; I'm pretty sure he had more HP than the CC incarnation of Lavos. In Diablo II, Duriel's an ass the first time you meet him, and again in Hell. In the 1.10 patch, they introduced Uber Diablo; several of my friends died literally 20 times in a row trying to beat him. In the 1.11 patch they've added Lilith and Uber Duriel as well as Uber Diablo; I had enough problems with the Lord of Pain the first time around, but I mainly play Sorceresses so it evens out. Once someone gets all three of the body parts from all three uber-bosses, they can synthesize them in the Horadric Cube to open a portal to Tristram and fight all three Prime Evils at once. I'm not even going to try to imagine all the dead players.

I've heard evil stories about Draco'dur in World of Warcraft; two of my friends play it CONSTANTLY and are obsessed with it. They've related stories about how armies of forty max-level players have allied and tried to beat him and have all been killed. The Omega Pirate in Metroid Prime was pretty hard, as well as Meta Ridley and Metroid Prime; you run out of missiles awfully fast when fighting them.

Desann can also be a bastard in Jedi Outcast; in single player mode, you don't have Force Absorb...I wonder what the developers were smoking that led them to do that. He'll throw you around like a rag doll, especially on Jedi Master difficulty level.

I remember beating Shadow Link when I first played him. That was pretty hard.

The idea of the thread is to name who you believe is the all-time hardest boss, not to explain every boss you thought was difficult in detail.


Hmmm...This'll take some thinking....

Actraiser had some pretty wicked bosses...

Then again...there is that 2 screen tall Triceratops Guy you fight in the Reverse mines in SotN.....

Ridley was Really hard in Super Metroid,

That brings up Omega Pirate in Metroid Prime( I was fighting him for 3 hours over Many, Many Attempts my 1st time)...

And then in ZoE2 when you fight Jehuty inside the Compressed Space....God....Took Me Months! (literally!)

But Truly...Nothing Can compare to the Final form of the Last boss in Panzer Dragoon Orta. I mean, Practically the only attack he uses is the Big Gren Lasery Move(sorry, I dont know a better name...) And since him doing that means he is Completely concealed...He is all but Invincible...


This was mentioned on the very fist post in this thread....

The JAQUIO from Ninja Gaiden 1. On the NES version (not the Xbox one)

On NES, if JAQ (the hardest)

the boss prior to him (your dad)

or the demon (very last boss, but easier than JAQ)

killed you then you were warped BACK to the beginning of the last level. (6-1 I believe) 6-2 was hell with those bottomless pits, and then of course you had 6-3 with the boss trio.

Also mentioned was Ghaleon in the Sega CD Lunar 1....nods to that. "COWER....IN FEAR! AS I DEMONSTRATE MY...TRUE.....POWAH!" The psx lunars are cake compared to the sega cd ones. BORGAN! Need I say more?


I just came across this forum, and I'll get to the other 130 pages I haven't read yet at some point :-D But I know most of the NES bosses I used to have trouble with I could probably take out easily nowadays.

But one of the recent bosses I came across that was especially troubling to me was the Forgotten One, the three screen mummy in Castlevania LoI, but doing so with the sword-wielding character Joachim. I had never played the game as Belmont, so I didn't know what to expect. That boss took me hours and maaaany many attempts (when I should have been working on my master's project :-D) And of course, the payoff, absolutely nothing but bragging rights...


Metroid Prime gave me a run for my money, but I think Lavos from Chrono Trigger when you take the Black Omen way. After fighting the Queen many times, you get to fight him, so in reality it's like five boss battles.


The last two bosses from U.N. Squadron were pretty tough (this game has amazing music and needs more remixes!) on the secret Gamer mode. The second last one is a machine that hangs from the ceiling with flamethrowers that fire downwards. It only has one weak point (a blue glowing orb) and you can only hit it with special weapons that fire upwards or everywhere. To make it more interesting, there is a conveyor belt on the floor which rolls past more flamethrowers that fire up and SAM's that fire homing missiles (which are damn fast on Gamer mode). That one takes forever.

The last boss is just big. And it fires shots everywhere. And you have to destroy sections of it to get at the weak point. The best way to beat it was to leave the bottom section below the blue orb intact, and to drop napalm bombs like crazy on it, which also hit the orb. It gets interesting.

Easy bosses were Ganondorf and Ganon from Zelda: OOT. You should not be able to kill the final bosses without getting hit once. At least, I shouldn't be able to. Then again, none of the bosses were very hard at all.

Sephiroth in FFVII has variable hit points; a formula is used to calculate how much HP he has. He has no fewer than 80,000 in any case. A few additions and subtractions are done for various quest items, but they're negligible; the end result of that is multiplied by your number of Level 99 characters. If everyone's at level 99, Sephiroth will have over 5,000,000 HP; Ruby and Emerald Weapon have 1,000,000. Of course, by that time most of your characters will have their Magic stat maxed, meaning KOTR will do like 150,000 damage. W-Summoning and Mimicking it is still the best way to whip his ass. I've never personally played Kingdom Hearts; I find it impossible to treat the storyline of a game infested with Disney characters as anything approaching epic or insightful. But from what I've heard, Kurt Zisa and Sephiroth are EEEEBIL.

Some of the bosses in Kefka's Tower in FFVI were really hard; in fact, I found them to actually be harder than Kefka, because you have to divide all your good characters up. I only had one or two characters per party who could actually do something worthwhile, mostly in the interests of surviving. Inferno, the Dragons, and the Guardian were atrocious bitches, whereas in the final battle against Kefka I could pick all my best party members, so I had Terra, Celes, Gogo and Sabin with all their best skills (Ultima for Terra and Celes, X-Magic on Terra, Sabin's Bum Rush). Bye bye Kefka.

I've got to give props to Lavos for just being a prick. Even at level 99 he'll decimate you if you aren't careful. The Criosphinx in Chrono Cross was a bastard, too; I'm pretty sure he had more HP than the CC incarnation of Lavos. In Diablo II, Duriel's an ass the first time you meet him, and again in Hell. In the 1.10 patch, they introduced Uber Diablo; several of my friends died literally 20 times in a row trying to beat him. In the 1.11 patch they've added Lilith and Uber Duriel as well as Uber Diablo; I had enough problems with the Lord of Pain the first time around, but I mainly play Sorceresses so it evens out. Once someone gets all three of the body parts from all three uber-bosses, they can synthesize them in the Horadric Cube to open a portal to Tristram and fight all three Prime Evils at once. I'm not even going to try to imagine all the dead players.

I've heard evil stories about Draco'dur in World of Warcraft; two of my friends play it CONSTANTLY and are obsessed with it. They've related stories about how armies of forty max-level players have allied and tried to beat him and have all been killed. The Omega Pirate in Metroid Prime was pretty hard, as well as Meta Ridley and Metroid Prime; you run out of missiles awfully fast when fighting them.

Desann can also be a bastard in Jedi Outcast; in single player mode, you don't have Force Absorb...I wonder what the developers were smoking that led them to do that. He'll throw you around like a rag doll, especially on Jedi Master difficulty level.

I remember beating Shadow Link when I first played him. That was pretty hard.

The idea of the thread is to name who you believe is the all-time hardest boss, not to explain every boss you thought was difficult in detail.

I'll post what I feel like, thank you very much.

On Ganon: Meh, by that time Link's powerful enough that I'd be surprised if an armor division could take him down. Hell, I'd be surprised if he didn't singlehandedly defeat an orbital bombardment from a fleet of invading aliens by using the Master Sword and Mirror Shield to reflect their n00b energy blasts right back up their ass.

Aliens = ZeldOWNED.


oh man here's one, Onslaught. jesus in MvC: clash of the superheroes. i have never to this day beat him. ive beaten apocalypse and cyber-akuma, but never apocalypse. well actually i think i might have beat him once. but still

I've never personally played Kingdom Hearts; I find it impossible to treat the storyline of a game infested with Disney characters as anything approaching epic or insightful. But from what I've heard, Kurt Zisa and Sephiroth are EEEEBIL.

I can testify to this. Kurt Zisa was MUCH harder than Sephiroth, though. Sephiroth was at least beatable as low as level 60-70, Kurt Zisa was next-to-fucking-impossible even at level 99. Both great and fun bosses, though. Sephiroth seemed to require faster reflexes while Kurt Zisa was more about tactics and stamina.

Kurt Zisa gets my vote for "Hardest Boss Ev4r".


I can add a few cents here.

Shinryuu (FFV): Locked inside a chest deep in the final dungeon, Shinryuu is a massive water dragon that I never challenged more than once. (Thankfully, I didn't have to beat him; he's optional.) The battle only lasted about 30 seconds; after I smacked him a couple of times, he hit me with Tidal Wave, which dealt around 7000 damage to my entire party. None of my characters had more than 4500 HP. You do the math. Needless to say, the next time around I completely skipped the thing and beat the game without the help of whatever was inside that treasure chest.

Dullahan (Golden Sun: The Lost Age): Dullahan is nearly impossible to beat without the right strategy. He attacks three times per turn and can do things like hit you with summon attacks and completely destroy your stats.

Evil Wall (FFIV): I HATED THIS STUPID THING. It starts the battle at the far left of the screen. Every few seconds, it moves forward a little, slowly approaching your side of the field. Once it's close enough, it proceeds to Crush your characters, wiping them out one by one. Once this starts, you're doomed; it's impossible to revive people as quickly as they're falling. Your only chance is to blast it with everything you've got and hope it dies before it reaches you.

The idea of the thread is to name who you believe is the all-time hardest boss, not to explain every boss you thought was difficult in detail.

What's wrong with explaining? If no one says anything more than "Oh, I thought this guy was tough," then there's no discussion. Plus, people who haven't fought these bosses might like to know what they're up against should they decide to play these games.


Shinryuu isn't that hard to beat if you know what to do. Just equip CoralRings on your whole party, and they will abosrb the huge wave attack instead. He's not too bad after that. Omega is weak against lightnig, but since he has wall on him, you need to use summons or use lightning sword magic and attack him with that. Having Big Guard also helps a lot, since he does lots of attacks that hit every member. Regen, Big Guard, and hit him up with as much lightning damage as you can.

While I'm thinking about it, there is one level in Doom 2 that can be pretty hard if you don't know what to do. (emphasis on if you don't know what to do) It features both the Cyber-demon (a tough boss that fires rockets and can kill someone with %200 health and armour in about 5 hits) and the Spider Mastermind (a big mechanical spider thing with a big chaingun). Trying to dodge both of their attacks at once can be interesting (the easy way to do it is to just run around the room until one hits the other, then they'll fight each other to the death, and you are left with just a somewhat weakened Cyber-demon). Sorry if this one has already been mnetioned, it's a huge thread.


-Big Doom 2 Thing-

Yes, but I prefer to unload my BFG on them... ::knows almost every secret about Doom 2:: I just can't remember how to open the panel to the rocket launcher on the first map! I remember no clipping mode is how I first found it, then the wall just opened...

But IMHO, I believe the hardest bossES are on The Guardian Legend. I'm on the final boss and NOTHING seems to even faze the bastard! And the big seaweed monster wasn't very fun the first 2 times around ¬_¬

I can add a few cents here.

Dullahan (Golden Sun: The Lost Age): Dullahan is nearly impossible to beat without the right strategy. He attacks three times per turn and can do things like hit you with summon attacks and completely destroy your stats.

Oh man. He was..Oh Man! And that guy you fought at the bottom of Cross-bone Isle on the First one, DAMN! And these games hold the honor of being damn near the only games ive played with difficult final bosses.

Evil Wall (FFIV): I HATED THIS STUPID THING. It starts the battle at the far left of the screen. Every few seconds, it moves forward a little, slowly approaching your side of the field. Once it's close enough, it proceeds to Crush your characters, wiping them out one by one. Once this starts, you're doomed; it's impossible to revive people as quickly as they're falling. Your only chance is to blast it with everything you've got and hope it dies before it reaches you.

Man, EVERY BOSS in FF4 was Hard! You dont wanna know how long it took me to beat odin.

Some of the tough bosses I remember were only hard because I was inexperienced with the game, or simply at low level.

Lost Number - from Final Fantasy VII

I remember getting to this guy, and I started my usual routine of summoning and healing. It was going fine until he broke out with his All Physical form. He simply ran up and beat on my party for 2000 damage at a time, when I only had 1500 or so HP.

I ended up getting stuck on that thing, and trained for hours in the Shin-ra mansion. I got my Fire Materia to level three before I went back and tried him once more. Turns out that while I was training, I unknowingly passed the point in strength to beat him easily. I kicked his ass after that.

I've never personally played Kingdom Hearts; I find it impossible to treat the storyline of a game infested with Disney characters as anything approaching epic or insightful. But from what I've heard, Kurt Zisa and Sephiroth are EEEEBIL.

I can testify to this. Kurt Zisa was MUCH harder than Sephiroth, though. Sephiroth was at least beatable as low as level 60-70, Kurt Zisa was next-to-fucking-impossible even at level 99. Both great and fun bosses, though. Sephiroth seemed to require faster reflexes while Kurt Zisa was more about tactics and stamina.

Kurt Zisa gets my vote for "Hardest Boss Ev4r".

o man do i agree......i was able to beat Sephiroth with the Kingdom Key, and STILL get my ass handed to me by Kurt


What a dirty Fucker.

If you fight him when you're supposed to, anyways.(disk 1)

This is debatable. There's hardly any evidence that you 'should' go to Wutai before the Northern Continent. Sure it's suggestive, but no where near forced.

Besides, if you fight Godo in disc one, it's impossible to get all the Enemy Skills trained on all four of the E-Skill Materia.

You must wait until you have all four of the materia (disc 2) and then go back to Godo, and he will teach you Trine. At the point where you find the fourth E-Skill materia, there are no more enemies who know it, besides Godo if you saved him to the last minute. (make sure not to have any of the materia that already have Trine equipped, or Yuffie will ignore the skill - otherwise, All of the materia will learn Trine at the same time).

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