jb_head Posted December 31, 2002 Posted December 31, 2002 CT, Spekkio, lv. 99 Whooped my butt everytime! although it's not really a boss, it's still tough. Also, Seymour from ff10 when he has that stupid lance of atropy. it's always great to beat those tuffies so you can stand there going, "OH YEAH! Who's yo' daddy now, be-yotch!?" ... or was that just me? Quote
ECMguy Posted December 31, 2002 Posted December 31, 2002 CT, Spekkio, lv. 99it's always great to beat those tuffies so you can stand there going, "OH YEAH! Who's yo' daddy now, be-yotch!?" ... or was that just me? You do that, too? Quote
Oldman Posted December 31, 2002 Posted December 31, 2002 Indalecio with the limiter taken off. He now has 1,500,000 hp. He casts meteor swarm on you twice in 5 seconds. Your entire party takes 7000 damage each, both times. Have a nice day -Side note: Hey ECMguy, are you the Eric Myloneas of Gamefan fame? If so, props to you Quote
SnowyThing Posted December 31, 2002 Posted December 31, 2002 The hardest boss is 'Super Shredder' in "Turtles in Time" for the SNES...... .... ...... Wait... ... .. He's the easiest. .... what are we talking about again? o.o;; Quote
Xenodreamer Posted December 31, 2002 Posted December 31, 2002 Indalecio with the limiter taken off.He now has 1,500,000 hp. He casts meteor swarm on you twice in 5 seconds. Your entire party takes 7000 damage each, both times. Have a nice day -Side note: Hey ECMguy, are you the Eric Myloneas of Gamefan fame? If so, props to you I still beat that bitches ass! Keep doing mirror slice and keep up in the air and he wont call upon his little angel bitch until he touches the ground again. Plus get some bunny shoes and you move as fast as him! Damn that game was great heheh But still he was a bitch even with proper leveling Quote
The Coop Posted January 5, 2003 Author Posted January 5, 2003 Well, I found new friend today. His name is Igniz... and he's the final boss in King of Fighters 2001 on the Dreamcast. In case you haven't guessed, I'm being sarcastic This guy, is SO fucking unfair. He has no striker characters, as he doesn't need one. He has a special move that uses his cape like a slicer and takes about a third of your health bar off. He also has a Super Move that once used, is nearly guaranteed to hurt you... as even if you block it, another character is summoned up to hit you while you're blocking, which then enables the Super Move to start hitting you. Unfair to be sure. He also has a Lion he can summon up to attack you, normal attacks that do much damage, and in general... the guy's a pain in the ass. And I thought Rugal was a bitch... Quote
fighters of destiny Posted January 5, 2003 Posted January 5, 2003 the hardest boss ive ever faced was the one in secret of evermore who the hell knows what his name is doesn't really matter he has three forms wait no, FOUR first there is kindo of a defense system for him that you have to beat (easy) then he makes enemies that are really hard to kill, do a lot of damage, luckily easy to dodge (moderate) here is the part i really got stuck on he sends a boss youve already beat and has thousands of more hp with harsh attacks that some are immpossible to dodge (hard) then if that's not enough, somehow he sends a kickass machine after you that can kill you in two shots (with full health) which is kind of easy to dodge, all you have to do is go to his side, but if you touch him, that even hurts you a lot (wicked) why the hell do they have that rule it would be different if you were touching a knife it really pisses me off Quote
Vagrant_D Posted January 5, 2003 Posted January 5, 2003 Rugal IS a bitch. You're just thinking only Rugal. In Capcom VS SNK 2, he absorbs Akuma's powers if you get a high enough Groove Point average, I'm guessin'. My best attack did about a fifth of his bar. One of his normal attacks did that much. Ult. Rugal took me 27 tries on normal. I'm dying to see how hard the s.o.b. is on the higest difficulty. And the Evermore boss wasn't that hard for me. Bazooka does wonders. And so does one certain spell, energize I think it's called. Keeps your attack at full. Useful for your pooch who can blast his metal can for some pretty big damage. Quote
Woffester Posted January 5, 2003 Posted January 5, 2003 Hmmmm....I'd have to say the hardest boss for me would be...Ummmm, Probably the master hand in SSMBM on very hard. Quote
MonkeySpank Posted January 5, 2003 Posted January 5, 2003 Dang after 40 pages"whew'' I can finally post( yes I'm that dumb). I used to think Castlevania 1 Drac was tough then I figured out how to beat it the easy way ater all these years of doing it the hard stupid way. By accident( yep, no brain power involved ) I used holy water on his second form. Didn't have to hit him in the head only anymore. Also see this technique at Gamefaqs too. Geez, I never thought anything there could help me make it easier since I beat it a decade ago but there you go Also used to think the Velius boss was hard too but someone suggested using demi on him. Not hard anymore. Still, if you can't beat them, cheat them. Quote
Wabbajack Posted January 5, 2003 Posted January 5, 2003 Bangai-O for the dreamcast, Final Boss. First of all, the last level is long and difficult. It probably took me 5 tries just to get to the last boss. Then when you fight him, you probably last 10 seconds at the longest. If you use a bomb at the wrong time, he counter-bombs you, and you die instanty. Then when you get him down to about 10% health, he goes invulnerable. You can't hurt him for 15 seconds, and if he gets near you, you instantly die. If you live long enough, his invulnerability wears off, and you can try to take off his last 10% health. Again, bomb at the wrong time, and you are still instantly dead. Another tough one: Super Metroid. In the intro, the first time you fight Ridley, keep shooting him until he runs away, without getting hurt down to 30 life or less. Quote
Entropy Avatar Posted January 6, 2003 Posted January 6, 2003 Jeebus.... are me and Chorozon the ONLY ones posting the Tyrant dragon from BOF4?? You people don't KNOW boss ownage until you fight him. >_< Quote
Entropy Avatar Posted January 6, 2003 Posted January 6, 2003 Alright... now this is REALLY annoying. Criosphinx this and Criosphinx that. ARE YOU BLIND??? DO YOU NOT SEE THE YELLOW DOT THAT SIGNIFIES (surprise surprise) INNATE YELLOW!!!! Sorry 'bout that. But for future reference, just equip the Yellow Plate armor and make one of your chararcter totally invulnerable to the Criosphinx's every attack. It helps. Quote
Refelos Posted January 6, 2003 Posted January 6, 2003 Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. when you have to kill nemesis in the trash compactor with the 10 minuite timer without using the acid spouts using only the combat knife. damn that was hard; i ran out of time like a dozen times before i killed him. And before that i thought the big spider in the original re without getting poisoned was hard (again, with only the knife). ff7 go through the final dungeon and kill jenova and sephtroth with no materia equipped at level 54-58. i used so many goddamed megalixers for hp, but i never game overed. Quote
Nordamerikanischegestreif Posted January 8, 2003 Posted January 8, 2003 Hrm, Kerafyrm from Eq comes to mind..... Ok, ok, no impossible bosses . I remember that Egg Viper from Sonic Adventure took me about half a week to beat. He always caught me off guard when I got to a new section of his technique. And then, after you kill him, he pulls one last trick on you that SO pissed me off. I mean, come on.... I'd spent several days of free time working on killing him and I see him spiralling downwards with flames spurting out of him. What did you think I'd do? Drop the controller and do a dance around the room, naturally! What?!?! But... but... but....... You're dead! You're not ALLOWED to do a kamikaze attack on me! Noooooo..... But anyways. I've heard that Sephiroth is one tough cookie in Kingdom Hearts, too. Hrm, too bad I haven't found him yet. I suppose I should look into that..... Quote
Odyeiop Posted January 8, 2003 Posted January 8, 2003 Xan on GodLike in Unreal Tournament.. that AI is just Superb it was hard enough getting to Xan on Godlike.. nevermind fighting him Xaeros on Nightmare in Quake III he had to have had 666% accuracy with the Rail Gun.. it was ridiculous Quote
The Coop Posted January 12, 2003 Author Posted January 12, 2003 Hey all. Anyone here have the game Draconus: Cult of the Wyrm? Yeah, it's not the best game in the world, but it is pretty fun... until you get to the BIG dragon at the end. I can't remember that last time I watched my life bar go down like that. While the dragon is cool looking, and it doesn't have a lot of different attacks, the ones it does have do enough damage to make up for that fact. Long range fire, short range bites... OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH the fun. Granted, beating the thing gives you a nifty real time cinema, but... Definitely a nasty boss... Quote
trinity - the hot one Posted January 12, 2003 Posted January 12, 2003 the bosses on some of the metroid games are so easy there is no way you can lose Quote
chocomog_moomba Posted January 12, 2003 Posted January 12, 2003 I think the hardest bosses i've faced would be OZMA from FFIX... i dunno, i just had HEAPS of trouble with him... or her... or it. And in Final Fantasy VIII i thought Omega... not ultima, as in the one in ultimecia's castle was really hard... if you don't use holy wars the only way i could see to beat him is to just rely on pheonix to be summoned after omega casts terra break... that's who i thought was hard anyway!!! Quote
trinity - the hot one Posted January 12, 2003 Posted January 12, 2003 hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm the omega pirate on metroid prime was hard until somehow i came back and whipped the shit out of him having him only 4 energy tanks destroyed hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm maybe the last form of wizpig on diddey kong racing but that game kind of sucked so i hardly even tried Quote
aotearoa Posted January 12, 2003 Posted January 12, 2003 Ganon's first form in Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time was pretty difficult IMHO... I only beat that game once because of him ARGH!!! Quote
Mamour Posted January 12, 2003 Posted January 12, 2003 Ganon's first form in Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time was pretty difficult IMHO... I only beat that game once because of him ARGH!!! You're kidding, right? He's so pathetically easy! Much much easier than Phantom Ganon... At least, his projectiles don't gain speed when hit! That kinda took the challenge out of it all... Quote
Odyeiop Posted January 13, 2003 Posted January 13, 2003 hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmthe omega pirate on metroid prime was hard until somehow i came back and whipped the shit out of him having him only 4 energy tanks destroyed hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm maybe the last form of wizpig on diddey kong racing but that game kind of sucked so i hardly even tried i didn think Omega Pirate was all that hard i killed him in less than 5 minutes as for Ganon's first for in Zelda.. sheesh.. so simple i beat that game (without dying) with only 3 hearts.. didnt even get the defense upgrade... on hit from a couple of things would have killed me that has to be the easiest (but funnest) game ever Quote
Strider Kyoden Posted January 13, 2003 Posted January 13, 2003 I think the hardest bosses i've faced would be OZMA from FFIX... i dunno, i just had HEAPS of trouble with him... or her... or it.And in Final Fantasy VIII i thought Omega... not ultima, as in the one in ultimecia's castle was really hard... if you don't use holy wars the only way i could see to beat him is to just rely on pheonix to be summoned after omega casts terra break... that's who i thought was hard anyway!!! ...Lord have mercy on your soul Child. For if you have Beaten the OMEGA Weapon without the Holy Wars which I am trying to do, and have been trying to do for quite some time. You are more of a person than I. The best of luck to you. Quote
Perndog Posted January 13, 2003 Posted January 13, 2003 Has anyone mentioned the Black Rabite from Seiken Densetsu 3? Imagine the killing power of all of the FF weapons in a cute but sinister thing like a black basketball with a face. Quote
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