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Okay, who remembers the boss from Mega Man 2's fourth Wily Castle stage? That sucker was nigh impossible! The only was it was possible to defeat was if you had a full magazine of Crash Bombs and plenty of Form. 1 lifts. The only way you could kill a turret was by hitting it with a Crash Bomb, but there were also little walls that needed to be broken, again with nothing but a Crash Bomb. The annoying part was, there were more walls+turrets than you had Bombs, thus you could only blast walls where absolutely necessary. And you had to plan your route while the little turrets were firing at you.

I beat it, like, twice ever.

what the hell are you talking about?? that never happened in mm2, i know cause i beat that game like 80 times.

Yes it does. It's the level right after you fight the GutsDozer.

MM2 is that the one with hardman, topman, woodman?

Okay, who remembers the boss from Mega Man 2's fourth Wily Castle stage? That sucker was nigh impossible! The only was it was possible to defeat was if you had a full magazine of Crash Bombs and plenty of Form. 1 lifts. The only way you could kill a turret was by hitting it with a Crash Bomb, but there were also little walls that needed to be broken, again with nothing but a Crash Bomb. The annoying part was, there were more walls+turrets than you had Bombs, thus you could only blast walls where absolutely necessary. And you had to plan your route while the little turrets were firing at you.

I beat it, like, twice ever.

what the hell are you talking about?? that never happened in mm2, i know cause i beat that game like 80 times.

Yes it does. It's the level right after you fight the GutsDozer.

MM2 is that the one with hardman, topman, woodman?

Top Man and Hard Man are from MM3. Wood Man is from MM2.


Oh, here's one.

You guys are probably gonna laugh, but:

The Metroid Prime fight from Metroid Prime Pinball.

Oh my god, you have no idea how ridiculously hard that fight is.

First you have to aim just right and shoot into one of his arms. Then you have to shoot up this corridor and "energize" your pinball. Then you shoot back up where his arm was, and since you lowered it, it's open, and you hit his face. The ball de-energizes and you start over. Do it ten times. Sounds easy, right? Well there are three problems - first, the corridor is really small and hard to aim at - second, you have a short time while his arm is stunned before he brings it back up and blocks again - and third, probably the worst part about the fight, is that every so often he fires an energy ring which quickly expands over the entire table. If it touches you you get badly damaged, and you can't dodge it unless you're already inside of that corridor I mentioned.

To really explain just how hard this is, I only managed to hit him with the energized ball ONCE before I lost all of my lives. I assume it's ten times, because of how little his life bar went down.


Try the last boss of Ikaruga, a GC space-shooter.

Here's a brief description. The thing lays down a moving grid of bullets while blasting away at you. And all the while, you can't fire a single shot back...


Are you talking about the Crystal fight, or the one versus the giant head? Cause the former's not that hard, and the latter's easier than the entirety of Level 4.

EDIT: Speaking of which, the Satellite Core from Level 4 is the hardest boss in the game. Basically, alternating streams of black and white lasers are rotating around a central core, which is also revolving around a point. You have extremely limited movement, and your goal is to shoot three targets deep within the revolving core until said target goes away, and then you can start damaging the core, but only through the narrow tunnels you shot the targets out of. All the while, the lasers are accelerating, and to top it of, the core starts shooting MORE lasers on top of the ones you're already dodging. I have yet to beat it with credit, more than can be said for the Crystal boss.

The most difficult Boss for me was...Culex from Super Mario RPG!!!! I think the last time I played it I just used cheats to beat him. Ok, I'm a lazy punk.

It is completely possible to beat him with Mario at level 13, no cheats, no emulators, just whole lots of power gaming. It may be possible to do it with Mario at an even lower level, but I have yet to get there at a lower level than 13. Actually, I may have gotten there at level 12, but I can't remember right now. To do it you just have peach with the lazy shell and the magic scarf, let mario and <person> die whenever, and just heal up peach till culex runs out of FP. You have to have lots of FP recovery stuff, though, as he still one-hits everyone but peach with his regular attack.

Anyways, for hard bosses, anyone who said any boss from an RPG loses.

Any SNK boss gets my vote. The freaking term for hard bosses is that they have SNK syndrome, after all.

Indalecio from Star Ocean: The Second Story was the worst for me. I never beat him and I must have tried hundreds of times. :x

He was pretty tough, but I'm just gonna go ahead and say it-- Unlimited Indalecio. He makes all other bosses look like a cake-walk.

I remember that MM2 crash bomb-turret boss. That was my introduction to the world of crazy-difficult bosses. I love that battle though, problem solving and ammo management while dodging? Pure gold. The giant dragon chase/fight was great as well, though it wasn't nearly as tough. My friends and I played Megaman games with the lights off, because when bosses exploded it would light up the entire room.

Indalecio from Star Ocean: The Second Story was the worst for me. I never beat him and I must have tried hundreds of times. :x

Definitely. I had all the characters at max level with all the best equipment and still couldn't beat him. I've yet to try it with Rena as the main character, though. So I didn't have Dias. Next time I'm gonna go Claude, Ashton, Dias, Rena.

Indalecio from Star Ocean: The Second Story was the worst for me. I never beat him and I must have tried hundreds of times. :x

Definitely. I had all the characters at max level with all the best equipment and still couldn't beat him. I've yet to try it with Rena as the main character, though. So I didn't have Dias. Next time I'm gonna go Claude, Ashton, Dias, Rena.

-_- Indaleccio ...


Definitely. I had all the characters at max level with all the best equipment and still couldn't beat him. I've yet to try it with Rena as the main character, though. So I didn't have Dias. Next time I'm gonna go Claude, Ashton, Dias, Rena.

I'm glad I'm not the only one here who had trouble with this jerk. :) I never got Ashton the first time around, though. My party had Rena, Dias, Claude and Celine if I remember correctly. I think someone mentioned that having Opera in your party was a big plus for that battle, but I never got her either. :oops:

-_- Indaleccio...

Sorry for the misspelling. I haven't played the game in about...five years? I had a feeling I was off a bit.

-_- Indaleccio...

Sorry for the misspelling. I haven't played the game in about...five years? I had a feeling I was off a bit.

No, no i said that because i don't like him either. :D

Okay, who remembers the boss from Mega Man 2's fourth Wily Castle stage? That sucker was nigh impossible! The only was it was possible to defeat was if you had a full magazine of Crash Bombs and plenty of Form. 1 lifts. The only way you could kill a turret was by hitting it with a Crash Bomb, but there were also little walls that needed to be broken, again with nothing but a Crash Bomb. The annoying part was, there were more walls+turrets than you had Bombs, thus you could only blast walls where absolutely necessary. And you had to plan your route while the little turrets were firing at you.

I beat it, like, twice ever.

what the hell are you talking about?? that never happened in mm2, i know cause i beat that game like 80 times.

Yes it does. It's the level right after you fight the GutsDozer.

MM2 is that the one with hardman, topman, woodman?

Top Man and Hard Man are from MM3. Wood Man is from MM2.

negative. On the gameboy version of mm2 i got

wood clash air metal hard top and 2 others. ;possibly freeze man.

then you fight that bitch with the pogo stick. quint maybe? then wily.

Okay, who remembers the boss from Mega Man 2's fourth Wily Castle stage? That sucker was nigh impossible! The only was it was possible to defeat was if you had a full magazine of Crash Bombs and plenty of Form. 1 lifts. The only way you could kill a turret was by hitting it with a Crash Bomb, but there were also little walls that needed to be broken, again with nothing but a Crash Bomb. The annoying part was, there were more walls+turrets than you had Bombs, thus you could only blast walls where absolutely necessary. And you had to plan your route while the little turrets were firing at you.

I beat it, like, twice ever.

what the hell are you talking about?? that never happened in mm2, i know cause i beat that game like 80 times.

Yes it does. It's the level right after you fight the GutsDozer.

MM2 is that the one with hardman, topman, woodman?

Top Man and Hard Man are from MM3. Wood Man is from MM2.

negative. On the gameboy version of mm2 i got

wood clash air metal hard top and 2 others. ;possibly freeze man.

then you fight that bitch with the pogo stick. quint maybe? then wily.

And in the original MM2, it's Metal, Flash, Quick, Bubble, Heat, Air, Crash, and Wood, followed by the Dragon, the Wall Robots, and the mentioned Sentry Room.


Eric Chahi, from Out of this World(Ok so he's actually the guy who made it, but the game is HARD). Just try to outwit him in that game. Don't use strategy guides you cheaters.


Lady Vox in Everquest around August 1999. Before planar gear. Hardest boss ever.

Trakanon in EQ around July 2000 was a huge bitch too. I want to say Cazic Thule around Jan 2001 was one of the hardest bosses I've ever beaten. They re-tuned him 2-3 times in a matter of weeks there, but one variation of him required cooperation between the two top guilds on the server (around 75 people) trying about 10-15 times to defeat.

Extremely tough. Dain Frostreaver, Zlandicar, and Derakor the Vindicator/Statue of Rallos Zek were huge pains in the ass too. Beat them shortly before I quit. :)

The 4-5 boss(es)-in-a-row level of Viewtiful Joe on Adult mode was also damn hard.

I don't know about anyone else, but it took me around 45 continues to beat that one level. That fire boss was pretty tough too, but not as bad as all the first bosses in a row.

Anybody still remembers Guilty from Quest64. Took me and my friend over thirty tries to bring him down.

I remember almost ALL the bosses in that game being hard. You know, fuck the haters, I kinda enjoyed that game.

  • 2 weeks later...

With the newfound joy of import Playstation games (thanks to PS X-Change), I have discovered a boss that currently is starting to piss me off.

In Gradius Gaiden, on stage 4 if I recall, you come to boss that should seem a bit familiar to those who are fans of the series. Two huge Easter Island heads come in on the left and right side of the screen. Not a good start, right? It gets better. These two heads begin to rotate around the entire screen. As they do, each fires a very big ring laser (much like the smaller ones do). These are shootable, but they're also multi-phased. Shoot the big one, it breaks into four medium ones. Shoot a medium one, and it breaks up into three small ones. If you shoot it, it breaks. If you let it reach the edge of the play area, it breaks. So basically, at any one time, you'll either two huge shots, 24 smaller ones going around, or some odd mix of huge, medium and small.

After doing this type of attack 3-4 times, these heads give a new attack... a string of different colored rings. Medium sized, these follow you, and each of the two heads fires one. Keep in mind, that as all this is going on, the two huge Easter Island heads are rotating around the screen, pausing to fire the chaser ring shot, and them rotating in the opposite direction. And since you can only fire forward, you have to wait until one of them is at roughly a 45 degree angle to you so you can hit them in the mouth... but only when their mouths are open.

"FUN" you say. Surely it would be, if I could get by the damned things without loosing my weaponry every single time. I have yet to beat this boss without dying. Sure, I've gotten past it, but only because the game makes boss fights a touch easier if you die during one. I must be missing something, seeing as the three boss before it, and the two after it, are pretty easy.

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