The Coop Posted January 24, 2003 Author Posted January 24, 2003 Well, feeling the urge to go a bit retro, I started playing Doom II on my PC. You know what I found out? That I forgot about probably one of the single, most unfair bosses out there. The Demon on the final level Jesus Christ is that thing is brutal. You get no clues as to just where the hell to hit it, BIG TIME monsters like Arch Viles, Revenants, Mancubus' and Pain Elementals are popping up all over the place (damn those Arch Viles for making Revenants like they were going out of style), and there's a tall elevator to ride on... that way you get killed at varying heights instead of just ground level. To say it took me a while before I figured out what to do is would be misleading, as it took a gamefaws to figure it out after watching my guy get splattered so many times, Jackson Pollock could have used him for one of his paintings. How do you do it? For those who have yet to play, I won't ruin the "fun". Quote
Straziante Posted January 24, 2003 Posted January 24, 2003 Seth, from Dink Smallwood. Hard motherfucker. You have to play that game to understand... funniest game I've played. Quote
Conan-San Posted January 25, 2003 Posted January 25, 2003 I alwa s considered the final bosses in the Megadrive/Genisis Sonic games to be nasty little moth*******ers But the worst one is the "finger and nose mech from sonic 3" Maybe it is 'cause i suck but I can do the fingers with no problem then you have to run from the mech whilst hiting it's stomach and the Master emerald Beam gun and if that wasent enough you had to avoid the nose flame-thrower and at times it seemed convient that the thrower would let the flame go just as you were going for the hit. The worst part is that when you die, you go the finger part with NO rings. I meen that's around 20 or so hits with out yourself gering hit once... Quote
DoorKnobJohnny Posted January 25, 2003 Posted January 25, 2003 Megaman Juno from Megaman Legends always gave me a little trouble.... I hated her... SO damn much... But I still have to say that Mecha Sonic from Sonic CD was the hardest. I tried for days to beat that little shithead... but after a while i just gave up. To this day i still havent beaten him. It was just the stupid, "try to beat the boss with NO RINGS" thing. Quote
Nordamerikanischegestreif Posted January 25, 2003 Posted January 25, 2003 Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts. Jesus christ.. i second that! lvl 90 and i can still barely hurt him Good lord dude. I killed him at 85. And I was taking away fairly large chunks of his HP's per hit (A couple pixels a hit, about a fifth of a HP bar per full combo). Are you sure you're not being fooled by his 6 HP bars? I know he has two purple HP bars layered on top of each other, so until you run the first of those down it doesn't look like you're doing any damage to him. Try fighting him again and just stick with it, keep hitting him. Of course, having the Ultima Weapon was probably a large factor in my victory, so maybe you should go for that too if you don't already have it. Quote
The Coop Posted January 31, 2003 Author Posted January 31, 2003 Ghouls & Ghosts... one boss that is so cheap it's not funny. The BIG fly that your have to fight before you enter the chamber and battle Loki... Beelzebub(sp). They should have made this little putz the final boss, as Loki is a cakewalk compared to Beelzebub. This huge fly foirms from dozens of little flies, then begins to float about the room for a short time spitting green larva eggs that spin end over end. Then, it changes back into the little flies... and God help you from there. I've watch Aurther get reduced to pile of bones so many times on this part, I could scream. Those little flies go anywhere... randomly. There's no pattern to avoid, and if you're on the lowest part of the floor and these flies stream across the screen at you, there's a 90% chance you're getting hit... twice. You can't avoid it as the stream is too long to jump over and a wall stops you from running any further. All you can do is get hit. This part just hands you your ass so readily... Quote
Wang Posted January 31, 2003 Posted January 31, 2003 Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts. Jesus christ.. i second that! lvl 90 and i can still barely hurt him Good lord dude. I killed him at 85. And I was taking away fairly large chunks of his HP's per hit (A couple pixels a hit, about a fifth of a HP bar per full combo). Are you sure you're not being fooled by his 6 HP bars? I know he has two purple HP bars layered on top of each other, so until you run the first of those down it doesn't look like you're doing any damage to him. Try fighting him again and just stick with it, keep hitting him. Of course, having the Ultima Weapon was probably a large factor in my victory, so maybe you should go for that too if you don't already have it. hey thanks ive already beaten him though i still say hes hard Quote
Mae Posted February 2, 2003 Posted February 2, 2003 Right now, I'm going through FF7 again, and this time I'm building up my materia (I have 2 mimes and 2 final attacks now =D) As soon as I get everyone up to level 99, I'm gonna go and kick some major Weapon butt! (And, I'm also gonna see what each of the characters has for their final stats so that I know which characters will make up the best team, and also so I know which characters are best to use in subsequent playings of the game.) So far, I haven't been able to beat Emerald or Ruby Weapon in FF7, so they are my two all time hardest bosses. Quote
DJ_Ikronix Posted February 2, 2003 Posted February 2, 2003 When I saw the topic for this, the first thought that immediately came to my head was Culex from Mario RPG. And then I remembered that I faced him when I was approximately level 13. Didn't go well for me... Anyways...I'm the boss of Battlefield 1942, and I'm more or less unbeatable. ( ) Does that count? Quote
Sgt. Joe Posted February 2, 2003 Posted February 2, 2003 also the dracula in castlevania sotn was way to easy i mean all you have to do was get two crissagrims and have a good level. i had him dead in abotu a minute. I didn't think two Crissaegrims would make it any quicker, I just kept hitting the button, dodging from left to right from his hands.. pretty quick death. And as far as "Hardest boss" goes I'd have to saaaay... Lumina - Brave Fencer Musashi.. It took me forever to figure it out.. I guess it wasn't hard after I did though. Nah... Blood Cape and the Cross and you're set. Blood cape gives you basically infinate hearts. Just keep crossin' him and healing when your HPs get low. Regarding Brave Fencer Musashi... gotta love Misahsi's comments on the last boss: "What a dumb looking wizard" Quote
Odyeiop Posted February 2, 2003 Posted February 2, 2003 Yeah. I finally did it. But now Meta-Ridley is killing me. Over and over.... I've figured it out, I just have to survive the charges long enough to end him. First Omega Pirate now Meta Ridley? Omega Pirate was kind of hard... but super missles rape the shit out of him as For Meta Ridley.. i had no problem.. then again i also had 1599 health when i fought him.... but still.. i only lost about 200 not even Quote
Ginzue Posted February 2, 2003 Posted February 2, 2003 (I think only very few ppl will know what im talkin about)Lady Vox/Lord Nagyfen/ The shizzar lord guy. I would like to see some one thats lvl 65 take any one of thoses. Even with a ton of AA. Ok now for RPG. Dear Lord Lavos was hard for me! Radical Dreamers was hard too.... Just Kiddin lol. Chrno Cross was hard at the last boss, god that guy just kept changin! Quote
Meiguoren Posted February 2, 2003 Posted February 2, 2003 Yeah. I finally did it. But now Meta-Ridley is killing me. Over and over.... I've figured it out, I just have to survive the charges long enough to end him. First Omega Pirate now Meta Ridley? Omega Pirate was kind of hard... but super missles rape the shit out of him as For Meta Ridley.. i had no problem.. then again i also had 1599 health when i fought him.... but still.. i only lost about 200 not even Well, I finally did it. I figured out how far away you have to stand to keep him from charging. Then I took out the Metriod Prime rather quickly... and let's say that the ending was less than stellar. But the game was amazing. Kind of like every other Metroid. As for a hard boss... you're all going to laugh, but Bowser at the end of Mario 3 is the only time a Mario boss has actually given me grief EVERY SINGLE TIME. I always end up beating him, but it takes me quite a few tries. Quote
kentares Posted February 2, 2003 Posted February 2, 2003 What about the original Metal Gear for the NES? At the age of 6 - 10 I don't think small children understand that the commander in Metal Gear would follow you into a different room and when in that room that is the only time you can hurt him.. also that game to my knowledge didn't have a health meter for the bosses. As for the Metal Gear itself you had to have around 300 missles to kill it because of those doors opening and closing (the doors of course when closed would cause your missle to blow up) Quote
CelticWhisper Posted February 2, 2003 Posted February 2, 2003 Don't know if anyone's mentioned this one (sorry, but the 44 page count is kinda turning me off to searching the entire thread), but Star Ocean 2 had the biggest b*tch of a boss I've ever seen. It only appeared when you played the song of evil, and it was the "dark" version of the end boss of the Cave of Trials...if I remember correctly, that is. I used GameShark to power up my characters, so I went into the battle thinking "piece of cake" and came out of the battle thinking "God, I hope I saved recently." The kicker was that there were only about 7 seconds gone by between those two statements. Mopped the floor with me. An acquaintance of mine who has actually beaten this boss said it was one of those "Hit...RUNRUNRUNRUNRUNRUNRUNRUNRUNRUN...hitRUNRUNRUNRUNRUNRUNRUNRUNRUN...hit againQUICKRUNRUNRUNRUNRUNRUNRUN!" kinds of battles and it took him about 15 minutes straight (real-time battles where things can happen pretty quickly) to finally beat it. Thank Goddess for bunny shoes and Mirror Slice. Hardest boss I've actually beaten? Real Eve at the top of the Chrysler Building in Parasite Eve 1. Took me about 20 tries, she was such a pain in the ass. Ultimate Being was nothing, NOTHING, compared to that. By the way, with regard to impossible bosses, there is one that I know of, but it's a trick. Any who have played Phantasy Star IV and acquired the Megid technique know what I'm talking about. Chaz fights the Anger Tower guardian...ALONE...and it can only do one thing-use Megid on him for about 250 damage each time. I tried everything against it-Rayblade, Nathu, Crosscut, but between healing and attacking there was no way I stood a chance. I'd like to try hacking a save state on a ROM and perhaps see if it's even possible to beat him with normally-impossible stats. Would definitely be interesting. Quote
doublejbass Posted February 2, 2003 Posted February 2, 2003 Impossible bosses? Battletoads anyone? Quote
Ser371 Posted February 2, 2003 Posted February 2, 2003 Hard Bosses? The Sky Dragon in Chrono Cross was a pain...but the have to pick over probibally say Seph in Kingdom Hearts, cause I still havent beat him Quote
kentares Posted February 2, 2003 Posted February 2, 2003 Posted: Sun 02-2-03 3:29 pm Post subject: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Impossible bosses? Battletoads anyone? I second that! Did anyone ever beat Battletoads in Battlemaniacs? I couldn't get past that stupid level with the jetbike, you know the rat with his jetbike(had a buzzsaw in the front of his) chasing you through that entire level Quote
Billy Lee Black Posted February 2, 2003 Posted February 2, 2003 Seiken Densetsu 3. The secret black Rabbite! If only I had a holy handgernade to use on it... that would kill that son of a monkey! Quote
Ginzue Posted February 3, 2003 Posted February 3, 2003 Oh ya, Magus, God he was hard, I had HORRABLY equiped chars, it was a real pain... Felt so good when I beat him. I still have that throbing Magus battle music in my head though. Quote
Snowman Posted February 3, 2003 Posted February 3, 2003 I dont know about anybody else but When i beat Xenogears i only got to the fourth combo, sad I know... it gets worse i didnt know how to use the combo command, but i did know how to use combos. Any way. There was a really hard boss on there for me. I dont know his name but he was that Floating orb gear guy that was in the shield generator cave next to Barts home town. (i frogot the town name.) Quote
The Coop Posted February 19, 2003 Author Posted February 19, 2003 Guess what I found? It's a new handy dandy ass handing machine called... hell, I don't know what it's called. In Panzer Dragoon Orta (great game btw), there's this cat-like skeletal thing at the end of stage 3 or 4... I'm not sure which because I've been fighting him for a couple weeks and I don't remember the level number. There seems to be a weak spot on the things face (what there is of it) that you're supposed to attack after you've blasted all the armor off from the rear. I say seems because I've hit the thing with a berzerk blast and barely saw that health bar go down. Of course, the fact that you're always dodging jelly shots and it jumping at you when you're in front of it makes this in no way any easier. Oh yeah... hard boss... Quote
Solid Krono Posted February 19, 2003 Posted February 19, 2003 Here's one that I guess count's as a boss... ya, well, anyway, here it is. The boss of the game in Diddy Kong racing. God, that pig guy is impossible! I never could beat him, but the worst thing is that I heard that after you beat him, you have to race him again or something and he's even harder! Quote
Psychonaut Posted February 19, 2003 Posted February 19, 2003 Here's one that I guess count's as a boss... ya, well, anyway, here it is.The boss of the game in Diddy Kong racing. God, that pig guy is impossible! I never could beat him, but the worst thing is that I heard that after you beat him, you have to race him again or something and he's even harder! Yes, that game goes on forever... I think I used pipsie or tubwhateverhisnameis on him. Yeah, it gets MUCH harder, and goes on much longer... There's one set of races where you have to do EVERY race you've done over again, only on mirrored tracks... terrible. I eventually beat it, but it was hard as fuck. You get codes whenever you totally wail on the entire game, so I played it wayyyyyy wayyyy too much to be healthy. Quote
AarowSwift Posted February 19, 2003 Posted February 19, 2003 I doubt this one's been mentioned... Anyone here ever played (or heard of) Hybrid Heaven for the N64? It was a game that played similiarly (and pre-dated) Vagrant Story. Unfortunately it was not as interesting or well executed as VS. Anyway, I worked my way to what I must assume was the final boss, this little alien guy that zipped all over the screen and was impossible to land a hit on. I battled it for at least half an hour and hardly touched the miserable thing. Finally I quit, it wasn't fun anymore. Actually, speaking of Vagrant Story. If you don't build up the power of your weapons or forge weapons properly, the end boss (and frankly, lesser enemies) can be insanely difficult to combat. I loved VS but I am really not into micromanagement, so my arsenal sucked pretty badly. Here's the funny thing... The only weapon I had that would even scratch the final demon was a short's range was so short that 9 times out of 10, I couldn't reach the demon to hit it. Thank goodness for the reflect damage command. My arsenal was so poor that I was pretty much forced to master the timing required to reflect damage at enemies. That's how I won in the end...I healed like crazy and just waited to be hit so I could throw some of the hurt back in the monster's face. It took nearly a hour, but I beat the damned thing. Quote
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