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I have to go with:

1) Final boss in Demon's Crest

(What IS his name does anyone know? (Not Phalanx, the one with two forms) In a walkthrough I read Dark Angel? But elsewhere I heard something like "Dark Demon".)

2) Mizar (the final time) in Jet Force Gemini

3) Link's Shadow in Zelda 2

4) Final boss of Little Samson (NES) (No not the cheesy easy one, the tough one where you have to escape after defeating him, you can only play against him on HARD mode) (Password for final level is "&&&&" )

5) Final two bosses in Tale Spin (NES)

*this brings back memories*

6) King Breager from Gargoyles Quest 2

7) Dracula (Every damn Castlevania game)

Also Sigma in MMX3 was a toughie, but done after a couple of tries.

The Final boss of MM4 is dead easy, just dodge Wily's shots and charge your Pharaoh shot while you run back and forth in the room. Wily gets kicked to hell once you hit him a couple of times. You don't have to shoot, cos the energy ball above you does all the work for you... If you're any good, you can kick Wily's ass without loosing life nor energy from the Pharaoh shot. (By pressing start between hits and recharging.)

7) Dracula (Every damn Castlevania game)

PLEASE tell me your not including the version of Dracula from Castlevania II: Simon's quest. That version has to have been the easiet boss battle ever. All you gotta do is stand up against the ledge and throw constant Holy Waters. Drac moves right into them and as long as you keep throwing them, he's dead in about 20 seconds... if that long. He was a complete puss in that game and a complete anticlimactic fight considering the rest of the bosses in that game were harder.


I hope your not saying CC was bad. It was better than any FF I've played. I just transfered from CC to FF8 and...omg...CC is so much freakin better in every way (yea even in characters...better to have more than nearly none o_O) Altough I must admit, having too many characters that you never used was a bit of a nuisance, however it's great fun to try to find all their final weapons and lvl 7 elements. Plus, you do use alot of them if you're really a good player, and it's quite fun. Pip rulez! =)

But yea, while on CC, I fought Criosphinx and, yes, beat him my first try. WAAAAAAAY harder than any FF special boss I've fought (I've yet to beat that stupid portal boss in FF5...but I haven't gotten that far in a long time...), but he still wasn't a problem. Try playing EVO...those are hard bosses. Or Illusion of Gaia, specially fighting all the bosses at the end with sucky Shadow, and the hidden Gem boss or wutever he's called...those're hard.

Anyway...yea...any boss can be hard (in an RPG anyway) but they're all beatable...specially these days where there's a faq or guide for EVERYTHING...also cause tons of these games were made to be easily helped with. Try playing Mario1 on NES and beating that first try! On the NES, no cheap GBA version. That's HARD. Just to survive is harder than most rpg bosses!

Also, I've had a huge problem with that one boss in the mansion in Tales of Phantasia...anyone identify this guy? =)

Also, I've had a huge problem with that one boss in the mansion in Tales of Phantasia...anyone identify this guy? =)

Oooooh, that's way back in my memory. Is he the one where there's the girl (which turns out being Arche) and all? He was one of the game's hardest bosses x.x I think he could summon some crap-ass thing that would deal ~500-600 to everyone in your party. Cheap. x.x


The ToP boss is Demitel. He's nasty, but not really the hardest boss in an RPG. I do agree that his Summon Lich is annoying though.

Heh, you thought Ragu's hard in Wild Arms 1? You ain't seen nuttin yet. Go play Wild Arms 2. I assure you even Angol Moa will give you a run for your money. There's no 255 item cheat or buyable Goat Dolls (There are 6 in the whole game). Good luck, cause you'll need plenty of it.

My take on the hardest boss? I'd have to go with the Egg in SaGa Frontier 2. He's the only Final Boss that I can't beat in any game. I got so sick of the game that my neighbor has just won himself a free frisbee.



Is that the Boss that Liz and Ard made? Cuz that was one mother of a boss. Never beat it and now I'll never have that chance again (well, not for a long while) because I lost the game somewhere (I think I left it at school last year) and my memory card that had that file died.

I hope your not saying CC was bad. It was better than any FF I've played. I just transfered from CC to FF8 and...omg...CC is so much freakin better in every way (yea even in characters...better to have more than nearly none o_O) Altough I must admit, having too many characters that you never used was a bit of a nuisance, however it's great fun to try to find all their final weapons and lvl 7 elements. Plus, you do use alot of them if you're really a good player, and it's quite fun. Pip rulez! =)

i am saying that CC was bad...but you can imagine what i'd say about the recent final fantasies, ESPECIALLY ff8...at least CC kept me semi-interested through the game...i got WAY too bored with ff8...

agreed, collecting some of the last equipment was cool! dual Einlanzers ownz you all! and MEGA STARKY too!!! hahahahaahha

the no level system of CC was nice too...it kind of keeps the story interesting and cuts down on the walking-in-circles for cash and experience thing...keeps it challenging too...but the story telling was really bad in CC...SO anti-climatic...good story, bad story telling like i say...and i demand to have a definate answer as to where magus went!

not all the CC characters had a purpose, which i didnt like...there was so much potential for that game that it never realized...the battle system was cool though, very streamlined and kind of xenogears-ish so you didnt get super bored -- i especially liked that field system thing...if you look at suikoden, of the 108 characters, a good number of them had some use, and not just fighting...so you have some incentive to collect some of the characters for your castle to make things more convienent and stuff like that...(well except of the woman who just gossips...she's probably only good when you forget what you were doing)

of course the worst thing about Suikoden was getting yourself clothing and sharpening weapons for your characters...very expensive, very time consuming...(thank god for gambling)

yeah pip was cool...(but mine got stuck at the level-glitch thingy :( fortunately my friend had a save for me right where i was so i didn't have to restart the game) and riddel SUCKS! sure go with the LOSER DARIO (who recently just got his ass kicked by me), instead of Karsh who really cares about you and is way cooler...hahaha

oh yeah the fight with Dario was the most difficult for me in CC...dario kept being uncooperative and killing whoever WASN'T wearing the damage-absorbing armor...


The thing is that Chrono Cross cannot be compared to anything else. It's just not fair. Final Fantasy is Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger is Chrono Trigger, and Chrono Cross is Chrono Cross. Each game is unique to itself. In the end, Chrono Cross was nothing more than the answer to the one unanswered question from Chrono Trigger. But CC was an incredibly fun game, with incredible music and beautiful surroundings. It's one that I still have fun playing through, much like Legend of Mana. These two are two of the most beautiful games I've played through. It could also be the fond memories I have of the summer I first played them, but overall I don't think that either of the two games have any major flaws. And the only hard part was lining up the notes fighting Lavos. But I digress. And this is a major digression from the original question. But who's going to stop us?

also the dracula in castlevania sotn was way to easy i mean all you have to do was get two crissagrims and have a good level. i had him dead in abotu a minute.

I didn't think two Crissaegrims would make it any quicker, I just kept hitting the button, dodging from left to right from his hands.. pretty quick death.

And as far as "Hardest boss" goes I'd have to saaaay...

Lumina - Brave Fencer Musashi.. It took me forever to figure it out.. I guess it wasn't hard after I did though.


well if your like at level 70-80 and have to crisagrims or a vaporal blade you don;t even have to doge if you are quick enough. lets see hardest boss teh final boss on metal slug x. expescially if you are trying to do it on the survival mode.

also the dracula in castlevania sotn was way to easy i mean all you have to do was get two crissagrims and have a good level. i had him dead in abotu a minute.

I didn't think two Crissaegrims would make it any quicker, I just kept hitting the button, dodging from left to right from his hands.. pretty quick death.

And as far as "Hardest boss" goes I'd have to saaaay...

Lumina - Brave Fencer Musashi.. It took me forever to figure it out.. I guess it wasn't hard after I did though.

2 chrissaegrims dont do much but one is good...the broken thing about that sword is that you can move while waking away, so all you have to do was contiunally slash away with it and just concentrate on dodging...if you run low on life, pull a soul steal...hell you can even turn into your mist and let your familiar sword do all the work...the sotn dracula was more bark than bite...try the cotm one...now that was was pretty tough for me...you had to time your jumps just right so you dont get smacked for 80% of your health...


My friend Veritas, you have an excellent opinion of the game, and I agree with the vast majority of it. However, I'm still not sure what you mean about "bad" since you mention that the only weak points were how the story was told (which I actually enjoyed alot of the time, though yea, it got very complex/confusing/too-much-like-xenogears like =), it did have its points, like in the Dead Sea with the whole connection to CT which was awesome IMHO, and with some unexpected events) and how most characters are pretty worthless, which I agree. They could've REALLY cut down on characters. I can name 20-30 right now, but I won't...I love the game too much ;)

I also agree with Ace, it's one of the most beautiful games I've ever played, up there with Zelda64, CT, Secret of Mana/Evermore, and...uhm...yeah =) Legend of Mana was good...in it's own genre of video games (or, rather, RPGs).

Dario was a pain, but I still beat him my first try =), and I agree, Karsh was tite, but Dario was pretty tite too, it's just stupid of him to propose to her then try to kill his best friend from stupidity lol.

And...what level glitch thing with Pip? What are you talking about? I'm unaware of that...

Also, FF8 really wasn't as bad as people say. It had an interesting story (not really brilliant, but better than some *cough*ff7*cough*), a fun card game, interesting characters, awesome fmvs, some cool gf's, and a unique magic/junction system which makes perfect sense after spending hours figuring it out >_<. Yea, it had several points about it that were annoying or just not that great, and there are better games, but it's higher on the ladder of the series than a few of the others. Now FF2J was BAD =)

Alright, enough crap from me. I've just spent the last few hours. Now all my characters and GFs are at lvl100, I have every card, every final weapon, all side quests finished, and almost all blue magic. I just need the last two, and to stock up my other three characters with my choice of magic (which, when junctioned correctly, really strengthen my charaters).

K...shutting up...=)

YES! That's the guy! That spell screws me EVERY SINGLE TIME! I have yet to beat him, but I dunno what to do next exactly...where to level up, what to level up to, etc. It is an awesome game but...I'm stumped!

Also, if someone could possibly give me a saved game of FF5 right when they're before that tower they hafta climb and hafta fight that portal boss I have a problem with, I'd REALLY appreciate it! I use SNES9x btw, so no zsnes zst states or whatever, only normal ones. Thanks


The group of bosses that gave me fits were in either FFII/III US. You go stalking through this tower, round a corner and all of the sudden this trio of chicks falls out of the sky on you.

The real tall skinny Manute Bol looking one, the lardass in the middle and the midget Gary Coleman one. You whack away at one of them and they would bring them back to life.

God I hated those..

Also up there in the annoying category were the little dolls that merged to form uber creepy big ass doll.

I loved those games..


well i know that this isnt really a boss, but this part of this particular game was just so damn hard for me. anyone recall a game called "worms armageddon"? the one level that i could not get past was the "microprose" level. that level is like 4 levels away from the last one, and i was so determined to beat that damn level... eventually i just gave up cause that level was so damn unfair. i came VERY close to using that thing for a frisbee, so that my dog could catch it and urinate on it. man that sucked.


All time hardest boss...herm...I'd have to say Dr. Wily of the Megaman Series. After all, he does come back 7 times. Admittedly, he escapes at the end of every game, but still, how many times should he have died?

The thing is that Chrono Cross cannot be compared to anything else. It's just not fair. Final Fantasy is Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger is Chrono Trigger, and Chrono Cross is Chrono Cross. Each game is unique to itself. In the end, Chrono Cross was nothing more than the answer to the one unanswered question from Chrono Trigger. But CC was an incredibly fun game, with incredible music and beautiful surroundings.

You're so goddamn right that it's not even funny. But anyway...

Anyone remember Dark Link from Zelda: Ocarina of Time? DAMN, I hate that bastard. Everyone was like "Just use the hammer!" and you know what? I used the hammer. And it didn't work. He either used his shield to block it, or stabbed me before I had a chance to connect. Then everyone told me "Damnit, man! Just use magic!" and you know what? I used magic. I spun around with my flaming magical sword so many times that it made me dizzy. Then I ran out of magic power, realized I had no green potions left, and died. Then they're all "No, you ass! The OTHER magic!" so I used Din's Fire. The bastard STILL kicked the shit outta me, because I kept running out of fooking magic!! I swear to God, that little Dark Bastard still pisses me off. Because, for some unknown reason, he suddenly became massively easy. I finally connected with the freaking hammer, and then it was child's play. He never came back from that first blow, I just kept whacking him before he recovered. Go figure.

Other than that.... Anyone remember a weird little NES game called "Mechanized Attack"? You were this commando guy sneaking (with machine guns blazing) onto this island where evil guys (either Nazis, Communists, or terrorists. I can't remember which.) that were making cyborg soliders. DAMN, that game was hard. I'm not sure if I'm remembering this right, but I believe the last boss was this giant brain thing in a glass tube. With rocket launchers installed on the sides. Now why the HELL would some asshole brain in the middle of the most heavily-guarded place on the planet need fucking rocket launchers installed on the sides of his tube!?! I abhor that thing. He took about 300 gernades, 23 hundred rockets, and every single machine gun round I had on me before he went down.

And while I'm on the subject, I hated the final boss of Yoshi's Island. That game ROCKS, by the way, but I hated the end boss. It was baby Bowser, GIANT SIZED!! He threw something at you. I can't remember what they were, but they kept taking chunks out of the platform I'm was standing on. And as he's throwing these things at you, he's coming closer. If he gets all the way to you, then you die. Instantly. Game over. So there.

Now, if you want to decide who the FUNNIEST boss is, that's a whole different story.

Once again, Yoshi's Island deserves a mention. Every once in a while in that game, this magician guy would pop up and use his uber l337 magic skillz to turn a regular enemy into a boss of some kind, usually by making it really really big. At one point, he appears as usual, with your friendly neighborhood soon-to-be-boss enemy a simple froggie. So, he says his thing and drops the happy magical dust as usual... But then, YOSHI SHRINKS! The froggie eats him, and -poof-. There's your boss battle. You're inside the frog's stomach, and you have to launch eggs at the little thingie hanging down the back of his throat while dodging drops of stomach acid and eating the shyguys that pop up in order to get more eggs. Not only was it quite difficult, as I remember, but it was also increadibly amusing.

And yes, this is my second reply to this thread. So sue me.

Edit: Oh yeah, lefty? Can you do me and the rest of the world a favor? Change that fooking sig, man. It's quite large, quite low-quality, and quite annoying. And it's not even that funny. Thank you, and good night. *bows*


How about the fun boss at the end of Darklight Conflict? While it's not neccessarily a boss perse, it's still hard as balls. You complete the final mission, then you have to make a mad dash back to Earth, with about every remaining ship in the alien armada (who you were teamed up with up to that point to get rid of a "menace") chasing your ass down (if memory serves, it's a "now you get the honor of being blown to Hell"... kinda like the end of Einhander on PS1). You gotta make it back to see the end, or it's game over. And it's a long flight back because by the time you finish the final mission, you're out a special weapons and you're damaged big time (unless you use a cheat :D ).

Oh... and Jedi Kirby? You're wrong about the funniest boss ever. That honor goes to the boss Ash from the Japanese version of Streets of Rage 3... the guy that was removed from the American version. If you've seen him, you know why 8O .

Oh... and Jedi Kirby? You're wrong about the funniest boss ever. That honor goes to the boss Ash from the Japanese version of Streets of Rage 3... the guy that was removed from the American version. If you've seen him, you know why 8O .

Ooooh! Link me, damnit! I wanna see a picture of this guy.

Oh... and Jedi Kirby? You're wrong about the funniest boss ever. That honor goes to the boss Ash from the Japanese version of Streets of Rage 3... the guy that was removed from the American version. If you've seen him, you know why 8O .

Ooooh! Link me, damnit! I wanna see a picture of this guy.

Your wish is my command... at least this time anyway :wink:




But friend, you ain't seen nothin' until you've seen this guy in motion... pointed toes and all 8O . If you know how, emulate Bare Knuckles 3 and get a good laugh. :lol:

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