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I only play NES games (well, a few PC games as well), but I can give you a list of classic killer bosses, and reply to come that have already been mentioned:

Time Lord (NES) - The big guy with the sombrero in the Wild West stage...damn thing takes like a zillion hits to come close to killing it. I'm still convinced that there *must* be a secret to killing him, other than shooting him for 10 minutes straight. :x

Wizards and Warriors III (NES) - In this game, there is actually a remix of the original Wizards and Warriors theme...I'm surprised nobody has tried a remix starting with this remake. But I digress...if you manage to get to Malkil, he is the ULTIMATE in hard bosses. He flies swiftly through the air, throwing a series of homing projectiles at you, and has as much life as you. You basically have to trade hits and hope you get lucky once in a blue moon.

Double Dragon III (NES) - Because of emulators, I was able to save right before the final fight against Princess. That is the only way I was able practice beating her...she is fast, VERY strong, and has scores of cheap moves. Heck, all she has to do is raise her arm, and you go flying across the screen...no way of blocking it, either.

Final Fantasy 3j (NES) - The Cloud of Darkness can be an easy battle...if you're leveled up enough. But just try beating her with an underleveled party, and it takes FOREVER if you even manage to stay alive.


I'm shocked... I browsed through every post on here since the beginning. (Cable Modems and speed reading help) It's been going on for two years, and Dizzy from Guilty Gear X is only mentioned once?

Granted Testament and Zato-1 (who isn't really a boss character anyway) were kinda pushovers (not to mention Testament's super attacks are worthless) but if you let your guard down to Dizzy for less than a second (on any mode harder than the easiest one) she'd floor you before you knew the fight was over.

Frustrating but do-able... I didn't mind continuing, though... Awe of She is a really cool song.

And for 3D fighters... I once made the mistake of putting Dead or Alive 3 on Very Hard and somehow ended up fighting Omega (Genra). Not that the boss is as hard as it is cheap. You can't counter-attack or throw it, (doing so results in a simple "dodge" move) and every time you knock him down, if you happen to be standing on the ground... which is a logical place to be standing, you take damage and fall down from the shockwave. Stand too far away, and he pelts you with fire and magic. Get too close and he'll blow you back (so he can do the fire/magic crap again) or fling you around like a rag doll. Tecmo's icing on the cake comes in the form of a goofy blur effect in the graphics, and the stupidest camera angle ever seen in a 3D fighting game. Yet somehow I STILL managed to eke out a victory after about 35 continues...

I love you, Ayane!


Time Lord (NES) - The big guy with the sombrero in the Wild West stage...damn thing takes like a zillion hits to come close to killing it. I'm still convinced that there *must* be a secret to killing him, other than shooting him for 10 minutes straight. :x

Shoot him in the back.


For me some of the hardest bosses:

King Tsarkon in Sword of Vermillion...although admittedly I was under level, level 23 vs the level cap of 31.

Optional boss in the desert in Final Fantasy X-2 in chapter 5. I will say no more for those who haven't played it this far yet, but again dificulty is attributable to me being lower level than I probably should have been.

Most iterations of Death in the Castlevania games. I feel that the castlevania one version is the hardest, which makes me doubly proud that I managed to videotape myself defeating him without taking so much as a single hit.

The three NES Ninja Gaiden games were all difficult in general, but I feel that the third was the most difficult, and had the most difficult boss of any of them...the second to last boss, I don't recall his name, but I think it was your evil twin powered up.


Time Lord (NES) - After shooting the big guy in a sombrero in the back with a shotgun about 800 times, and he still wasn't dead, I think he is the hardest boss of all time. I swear, there's no way to kill him, even with shooting him in the back at close range.

I know I posted this before, but it's worth a double post...he is just that tough!

How about a mega toneberry from FF X-2. 50,000 damage? Sure thing!

Get catnip and any character with trigger happy while being critcal. The rest of the game is a joke afterwards.


Not really, I still am getting my ass handed to me on cloister 91. Why 91??!? It just seems that all the monsters I fight are either Elder Drakes or other uber (haha, fun word) hard monsters/bosses. But I will prevail...


Stopped after the 40th geting the catnip and started to own every enemy on sight... That bikineil desert boss with 2 parts and his main part. Piece of cake with Trigger happy fast 9999 shots :)


I just fought the Magus Sisters in FFX-2.

Screw Yunalesca. Yunalesca was hard. But these bitches flat out CHEAT. How the hell can they be getting their turns four or five times in a row. I move to Machina Maw (theory: Mindy's the hard one. I'll kill her, maybe another, then switch back so all my characters get exp. Muahahahaha). They use Delta attack, which set me down to 1 hp, then they all get their turns and kill Rikku. I yell and turn off the game, cursing square.


Sephiroth in Kingdom hearts

*Don't cast stones at me !! :cry: *

(I was used to the command system but this boss kicked my ass a thousand times... I actually gave up)


Sephiroth from Kingdom Hearts? Please. It's called superglide. Superglide over to him as soon as he teleports to do Sin Harvest, hit him, and he won't do it.

Once you get it down, kinda easy, IMO.

Hardest boss as of late? Ozma from FFIX was a pain.

But hardest boss of all time? I dunno. Never really got to the hard bosses (Tyson, Death, etc.) from old games.


Hardest boss would have to be in ninja gaiden 2, and its actually that STRING of bosses you fight at the end. Its so insane, no wonder they give you a life up after every stage


heh, RPG boss can be difficult but not impossibale. You need to be at the right levels. Like Atma weapon in FF3, piece of Cake no challage. Final Fantasy VII. Ruby and Emerald, not a problem. Took both those guys out easy. All you need to really know is how to play the game you are playing. If you can't beat a boss then you don't knbow how to really play the game. Bosses like that are made to test your skills at that game. Learn more then perhaps you can figure a way to kick the shit out of that bosses ass!


Double Dragon III (NES) - Because of emulators, I was able to save right before the final fight against Princess. That is the only way I was able practice beating her...she is fast, VERY strong, and has scores of cheap moves. Heck, all she has to do is raise her arm, and you go flying across the screen...no way of blocking it, either.

No, but you can move out of the way and not get hit by it.

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