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Spectacular game in near every aspect.

However it loses major points on character importance, as neither of the supposed main characters are very good. This isn't exactly a spoiler, though if you are looking to be extra cautious skip the rest of this post. Vaan is NEVER important. He has no place in the story, never develops one, and Ashe doesn't do much better. Technically, her character is important. Technically her character develops. Technically, I care. She's a waste of space and an eyesore in every way except...well... in an ironic twist, visually.

If you ask me, the self-dubbed leading man REALLY is the main character, as he is awesome at the beginning, awesome throughout the middle, and awesome at the end.


Almost exactly the same thing can be said for the main villains. Vayne is an eyesore in every way except for the way other people talk about him. He's a badass in theory, but only there. The occurians are an enormous wtf, they've barely any plot attendance themselves, and don't get me started on the judges. They start cool. They carry on as cool. When you see their faces, they lose points. When you beat them silly, they lose a lot of points. When seemingly the strongest one turns out to be a family grudging little boy with less original thought than his kiss ass brother, they lose almost all remaining points.

Again in an ironic twist, the leading man's father turns out to be the best villain (and so good that he really saves the whole thing near solo).

Beyond characters, my only complaint was that the end seemed a bit rushed, as there is so very very little finality to it. What happened to Venat (Dare we presume it died?)? What are the Occurians going to do next? It's not as if there's quite enough to make a real sequel on (When a sequel is on a "lesser" system, it's not really a sequel, more of a spin-off). Also, are we to assume Rozzaria just...resumed its normal routine of having little to nothing to do with the rest of the world?


I actually find a lot of my problems with this game to be shared by surprisingly the most commonly listed other favorite in this thread, FFT. That game had major character and ending issues as well (though not nearly as badly as 12 on characters, and much worse on ending). Odd no?


FFXII simply has no real story. That's the story.

I don't mean to be negative or positive about it. Because I can't critique what's not there. And something that completely derives from the basic story principles from Lord of the Rings and Star Wars... well, it's not worth commenting. Not to mention that the characters basically talk in cliches and nothing else. Even the supposed banter between Vaan and Penelo and others are portrayed as background chatter. I think that's a pretty big disservice for an RPG. Maybe in an action game, we don't need to hear the extra quips and dialog in order to connect with the characters. Different story for RPGs.

I hope FFXIII at least has a semblance of a story. But SquareEnix has been pretty lax with their RPGs having any story worth discussing about since Sakaguchi left.

PS- Currently hunting and collecting and searching for Tournesol. Biggest pain/work for a single item in a long time I can remember. But at least Square left something in there for high levelers to work for.


I think this game took after a lot of the Western RPGs. Most JRPGs are extremely character/story based, while with American RPGs you are often a standard group of adventurers in a big world with big things going on. That's kind of how FFXII is. You are involved with the story, but you are free to roam and RPG it up. I just wish there were some more side quests like the mini games featured in other FF games (chocobo raising/racing, card came, blitzball, etc). The hunts are nice, but I would have liked to see a bit more variety. Still, a great game, and a great step forward for the series.


I got this yesterday and have since then have played about 16 hours. And loving it, Except when you play for along time then die, and realize that you have not saved for 2hrs...... which is why I am here, and not playing...

I think this game took after a lot of the Western RPGs. Most JRPGs are extremely character/story based, while with American RPGs you are often a standard group of adventurers in a big world with big things going on. That's kind of how FFXII is. You are involved with the story, but you are free to roam and RPG it up. I just wish there were some more side quests like the mini games featured in other FF games (chocobo raising/racing, card came, blitzball, etc). The hunts are nice, but I would have liked to see a bit more variety. Still, a great game, and a great step forward for the series.

I personally like the hunts a lot more than blitzball, which really got boring after you've leveled up enough to win every game 10-0. I actually like FFXII's story for a while, until I came to the same conclusion that you guys have come to, that being that, after spending about 15 hours doing hunts and stuff and not being involved with the plot, now I really don't care about it and am having a hard time getting back into the story. It really is a big step down compared to ten or one of the playstation games...

How do I get Giza Plains to change from dry to rain? or is there even a way?
I think after a certain point in the game it just stops raining there, correct me if i'm wrong.
How do I get Giza Plains to change from dry to rain? or is there even a way?

It takes time. I'm not sure how long, but you might end up sitting around for an hour or so waiting for the weather to change. There's a guy you can talk to at the south gate that'll give you an indication as to when the weather will change.

It takes time. I'm not sure how long, but you might end up sitting around for an hour or so waiting for the weather to change. There's a guy you can talk to at the south gate that'll give you an indication as to when the weather will change.

Happened after the Gilsnapper mark for me.


The Gilgamesh battle was epic and pwnt (like many have already said). Fucking such an awesome surprise.

First time I fought him I didn't realize that if I just leveled my two level 54s up to 55 he wouldn't be able to use any of his gay moves, but then second time I pwnt. I was pissed first time though because I got so close (See pic) :P. Currently I have three level 60s and three level 44s and I am at the Ancient City of Giruvegan. I always to all the marks and all exploring before I go on with the storyline, and my characters are power houses. All the enemies in the main story are pie.


  • 3 weeks later...

This may have been discussed earlier, but anyone want to share strategies on Gil Snapper? I had him down to a sliver, then he went into a disablega and blizzaga rage, and yeah I was toast. I think that I need to equip everyone with black belts to prevent Disable. Thoughts anyone?

(massive bump)



I'd say just keep a guy or two out of range for that last bit, so they survive. I used to have that problem too.

And yeah, Gilgamesh...was a much harder fight than it should've been. Y'see, he was almost dead, and I was Nihopolaoa [or whatever]'ing him with X-Potions, and I saw an Elixer sitting there. Figured it wouldn't KILL him, but do 9,999 damage.

Seems I was wrong.


So I basically fought him twice, only the second time he didn't have Enkidu, had his almost-dead-stat-boosts, and my guys weren't at full.

It was not friendly.

However, the thing with the sword after you beat him was pretty epic.

Also, I now have Genji Gloves and a Masamune. This makes me happy.


Gilgamesh the seondtime is lame. Enkidu rapes your face hard when he is just sitting there, but when hes buffed, its lamer. Put him to sleep, or cast oil and spam Firaga or Fira. Thats the best way to own him. If you melee him then you're asking to lose.

Yeah, The hunts are fun, especially if you need the money. But Farming seems to be the way to go to get it. Stillshrine is the best place, all the flesh from the undead. Also there is an infinite loop going on there, if you can get the nelgamuur to spawn. Its great stuff. except if you have a guest. then its lame. :P


So with a Niloapahoa (sp?) Gil Snapper was cake. I mean he was literally dead within a minute. That's the best item ever.. but do you guys think it's too cheap? I just beat Mindflayer and Atomos and I have about 16 or so hunts done, with chars at 35.


It would've been cheap if it actually told you how to use it. If you don't bother looking it up, it's so useless.

Also, know that elixer+niho doesn't...work. I fully healed Gilgamesh once he was almost dead. ;.;

[worth repeating, I figure]


Yeah, I don't like the Niho Acc. Its kinda lame, since I use Items when Im in a pinch, and when they kill me faster, its hard. if you want to heal people, use the magic. Magic comes back to you when you take damage, when you deal damage, when you take magic damage, when you deal magic damage, and when you walk. Magic is better to heal with all around. But like I said, nothing beats a good x-potion with Phesant Netsuke Acc.

Yeah, I don't like the Niho Acc. Its kinda lame, since I use Items when Im in a pinch, and when they kill me faster, its hard. if you want to heal people, use the magic. Magic comes back to you when you take damage, when you deal damage, when you take magic damage, when you deal magic damage, and when you walk. Magic is better to heal with all around. But like I said, nothing beats a good x-potion with Phesant Netsuke Acc.

The real strength of the Niho, though, is the status items. Part of what helped me kill Gilgamesh despite fully healing him was the speed with which I killed Enkidu, via Niho+Remedy on him. Gave the poor little guy a buttload of status effects. I found myself switching accessories in mid-battle a lot for that one anyways, 'cause I got so damned sick of Disable, so I'd switch between my Genji Gloves and Black Belt. What a hassle.


He prolly ment XII :P And I never thought about the Remedy. That works too huh? Wow...must suck to be that poor dog. Well, This morning, I beat the game...Just so you know, "The Undying" is almost as good as the Thaxdera hunt. >.> It was soo easy. maybe it had something to do with the fact that all my charas were lv.66. ^_^

666 666 666 666 >.> No, nothing to do with it. ^_^ so anyway, im just gonna beat all the hunts...get through that stupid footrace with Rekken, and do some other random things like get the last three espers I need. Not to hard, just a little time consuming...not to mention Omega Mark XII. that will be fun....lv.99 creature...>.>

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