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You killed it to fill out your bestiary.

I find it very funny that I am 65 hours into the game with less than half my bestiary filled. Does that count the 80 rare monsters? I've only run across 7 or 8. My favorite so far is Wary Wolf, because of the name, the ease of locating him, and the fact that he drops prime pelts and arcana.


So I got just one more Question thats been bugging me.

So this loot I earn I sell it... except for the stuff I get from boss fights or otherwise seem like they could be used later in the game... So dose keeping this loot help me at all, or is it there to sell.


Its there to sell. When you sell loot to the Stores, new items pop up in the Bazzar. like when you sell 5 behemoth Steaks, the bazzar sells you 50 x-potions for 4444 gill. some stuff like that is good, Or you can pick up the MASAMUNE from the bazzar for 2 Gemsteel, 2 orihalcum, and 2 mallets. its just items you find from monsters, which is why you try to fill out the biastary. In the bistary, it says what some people drop, in blue letters. its really cool, or something it can be a pain in the butt. like getting Omega Badge (beating Omega mark XII), Lu Shang Bagde (Fishing side quest) and the GodSlayers Badge (for beating Yiazmat) To get the stupid Wyrmhero blade...(EVasion +50, Str +130)


Very impressed with the game. Honestly, I hadn't really been looking forward to it that much. The only reason I ever discovered how good it was (and subsequently bought it) was because a friend of mine happened to rent it. Lucky me.

I find it annoying that I've been going along for like a month thinking that the concurrences from the quickening chains were elementally based, only to find out earlier today that they're not. Y'know, even though they look like they should be and they are when the espers use them against you as spells.


For one, Quickenings are not really cheap. Because they are only useful for maybe three or four boss battles until you become so overtly powerful that you may as well keep using your mana instead of repleting them instantly.

The battle system in FFXII pretty much is broke. After level 30 or level 40, it's all about exploiting the system.

If you want true exploitation, Haste + Berserk on a single character is good enough.



A good part of that is true. I used to use Quickenings with my weaker characters plus two good ones [for a total of 4 quickening combos] to hunt marks. Now I just wail on them til they die. Quickenings are pretty much useless. Espers have been since I got my first one. Bah.

Or you can pick up the MASAMUNE from the bazzar for 2 Gemsteel, 2 orihalcum, and 2 mallets.

If only you could also get more than one set of Genji Gloves...


If you want true exploitation, Haste + Berserk on a single character is good enough.

+ Bravery

Also - I think Espers only helped me in two battles. I used one strategically against another, stronger esper which worked out pretty well, actually.


I was really dissappointed in the Espers. I found them utterly useless. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. I tend to use Summons in games when I need help against a really tough enemy, but when I summon the FF 12 espers, they either died before I could even do anything to buff them up, or my lone party character got taken out before the Summon could cause any real damage. Am I alone in feeling the Espers were seriously gimped?

I was really dissappointed in the Espers. I found them utterly useless. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. I tend to use Summons in games when I need help against a really tough enemy, but when I summon the FF 12 espers, they either died before I could even do anything to buff them up, or my lone party character got taken out before the Summon could cause any real damage. Am I alone in feeling the Espers were seriously gimped?

Belias was overpowered when I first got him, but after that, they haven't done a whole hell of a lot.


Espers are indeed weak and likely weren't meant for getting you out of a serious bind which, yeah, really defeats their purpose. Who's going to waste time summoning espers to fight normal battles?

Even then, I tried using Exodus against one of those wyrms and a couple of ordinary enemies on the Cerobi Steppe. I spent most of my time healing him with X-Potions because he was getting totally raped, and all he was doing was using Comet over and over. Bah.

Don't even get me started on using Shemhazai against a mob of headless assholes in Pharos.


Yeah, you use them for their ultimate attacks, and not for their attacking prowess. ^_^ Because Meteor or Final Asenction (which hits for about 60,000) is good for you aginst bosses...Using Espers for their ultimate attack, and you use quickenings to rape with Black Hole, then its ok to use that kind of stuff aginst things like ....Yiazmat, or Omega, Or Hell Wyrm. But whatever. :D also there is a way to break the game if you look online hard enough...I mean, like...BREAK IT. auto leveling and everything. Its kinda crazy.


Espers were obviously broken. They have NEVER been useful. Even against smaller mobs that I tried using against, they actually die from small, weak enemies before they reach limit break. Why bother wasting entire mana meters to beat up on weak enemies you may or may not see the limitbreak display by the Espers?

And 60,000 damage? That is like... nothing. Never worth it since you always need the mana for higher calibur bosses. You'll understand once you get there.


Yeah, I know it does nothing to THings like Yiazmat, and Omega, and Hell Wyrm. But still anime looks good. but thats all it is. Animation. :D I personally like Haste, Beserk, Bravery, and A Ring of Renewal. Never have to worry about healing, and YOu do 9999 a hit ^_^ Always good stuff.


Well Iv'e been playing this game for about 85 hours or so. One thing I hate about it is that it's too much about doing and not enough story telling. It's like Tactics alot of course but tactics was way more detailed in the stroy aspect. Right now I just finish battling Dr. Cid for the first time and I'm exploring some land. My guys are at level 43 right now and I know I have to at least gain 10 more levels to have a good shot at beating the game. I have the guide so I know I'm pretty close. Iv'e never played such a long game. I'm pretty sure I'll go over the 100 hour mark.

FFXIII better be a different kind of game though. People say X had too much watching. But I liked it. Very character and story detailed. What X rally need was more to do. XII took care of that.

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