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Lufia II: Of Gods and Men


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Hey guys,

Just passing by after years and seeing the albums is again on tracks. Great news!

I'm interested in finishing the WIP track I've submitted 4-6 years ago if it's still available. Gario, I PMed you. I'll try to pass on OCremix forums from time to time, but overall it's a safer bet to contact me by email.

Good luck with the album everyone ! :)


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Indeed your claim is still active, PabloComa, no worries!

A quick reminder to everyone in here: the first important deadline has passed, and I will be giving more substantive evaluation of the state of where we're at very soon, but I've had a few pretty intense days at work (and a few more to follow). A few have sent in their first WIP (Thanks!), but many haven't given me anything yet. If you haven't, please send something soon - I will be making your claim public for those that may still be interested if you do not submit even a rough WIP at this point.

But lucky for you guys, I've been busy so that public claim might be on hold for a day longer. Use that time to send me something, or else risk losing your hold! I will be sending PM's, sending out FB messages wherever applicable, etc., so please send something before I do!


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Alright, so here's where we're at:

Currently, @Quinn Fox @Amphibious @zykO @DjjD @Sbeast @Alephmale have missed the deadline, so their sources are available if someone can send me a WIP of them beforehand. Of course, if they have a WIP then awesome - they're back in the game (and I really hope they do!).

Thanks @Jorito @Eitzpii for keeping on top of things on here - your effort is appreciated!

I will be getting in touch with everyone who is nearly finished with their older track over the next week and pushing them a little to get their finished WAVs in relatively soon. Please send me something as a WIP, as it would be better if we had more tracks than less, but as a project I do plan on pushing this forward regardless.

Alright, that's it for now. Let's keep this thing moving!

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  • 1 month later...
1 hour ago, Rockos said:

Hi Gario,

  Just to be sure, I got 2 tracks on this. And it seems like the subforum has changed. I do not have access to the new one. Although my track are finished, is that intended?

Thank you sir by the way to have this back on track.

Hey there! Yeah, you certainly have two finished WAVs on there, so you have nothing to worry about. I'll likely send permission forms again considering the age of this project, but outside of taking another track (which I encourage!) you should be set.

The project forums are still there, though I don't know why you'd lose access seeing that I can still get in there no problem. It's about time I get those running again anyway, so I'll ask the staff to start giving people access to that sub-forum (so get excited, woo).

I guess it's as good as any to pop in and ask: Any new updates from our artists? There are a few that have given me regular updates, but there are a few that still don't have an initial update for me. It's a relatively relaxed forum on here for right now, but don't think I won't start really getting in your grill for some updates if y'all are that behind (or just drop your claim if nothing is sent in soon). July 30th is a pretty generous deadline, so I will absolutely not hesitate giving you the boot if you don't have your 1st WIP by then (and I'll be givin' y'all lip if you don't have your 2nd WIP in then, too).

We're still live, so don't go slackin' in here!

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone,

This was in a bit of a limbo; I may have bit off more than I could chew at once taking this on again on top of my other duties on the site. My fault more than anyone's, so I'm not going to cut people for it or anything.

Let's not despair, though - pushing that next deadline to 10/10. Second WIP's will be due then. I'll start messaging relevant people about tracks they need to send in.

I'll be working on listening to tracks that have been sent my way, giving feedback, etc., in that time (like your track, Cyril).

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...
41 minutes ago, andersla said:

Did this get finished?

No. More accurately, not yet.

At this point it's me dragging my feet (we do have enough music to put out an album, push comes to shove), but with the project lasting as long as it has I've been forced to pull away from it quite often to attend to other staff duties & RL distractions. I apologies for making people wait for so damn long.

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  • 5 months later...
On 3/15/2019 at 10:19 PM, Sil said:

I can do Rumbling if you're looking for a simple orchestral arrangement.

Oh, that would be very interesting. We're on a pretty tight schedule on these things, so if you're able to send us a WIP and discuss where you'd be going with it, potentially a roadmap on how you plan on finishing within the release schedule of the album in particular in a PM that would be excellent. Outside of DjP (who, let's face it, kinda runs the show) and Hakstok (who has done significant work that was unfortunately lost) I'm not giving any "claims" at this stage, though - people who want to make a claim do need to give something for a WIP. It's just a measure I'm taking so that we know that there's something to grasp and look forward to in a claim.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Edited by Gario
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  • 2 weeks later...

Quick question about final WAV delivery -- are the final files I send going to be used as-is or will someone be doing additional tweaking (mastering for level balance across the whole project, etc.)? In other words, should I master for optimum loudness on my own, or should I leave headroom/dynamic range so someone else has more to work with?

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