housethegrate Posted December 27, 2006 Posted December 27, 2006 Well, I have been criticized before for staying too close to the original (Seized with Fury). Quote
HustlerOne Posted December 27, 2006 Posted December 27, 2006 Hey SnappleMan & Team, I wanted to commend you guys on creating this excellent collaborative project that has made for an enjoyable commute for quite some time. I just wanted to ask you guys if there was anything done about the WIP tracks as they do not import properly into iTunes. All I hear is garbled noise and I've tried redownloading the files from different sources to no luck. Any ideas? Thanks again for all your hard work. Quote
Xenon Odyssey Posted December 27, 2006 Posted December 27, 2006 Hey SnappleMan & Team, I wanted to commend you guys on creating this excellent collaborative project that has made for an enjoyable commute for quite some time. I just wanted to ask you guys if there was anything done about the WIP tracks as they do not import properly into iTunes. All I hear is garbled noise and I've tried redownloading the files from different sources to no luck. Any ideas? Thanks again for all your hard work. 1) Download GoldWave 2) Open up said WIP files in program (one at a time). 3) "File, Save As" the same file name 4) Problem solved. i've done this and they work. someone update the website or something cuz i don't feel like hosting the songs again on SendSpace or RapidShit. Quote
Hadyn Posted December 28, 2006 Posted December 28, 2006 Thanks man, I updated the site with those steps on the front page =) Quote
Terial Posted January 2, 2007 Posted January 2, 2007 So... what ever happened to being able to download all the WIPs? I remb they were going to be on the teaser site and then avaliable for download after the project was released... *is still waiting* =( Quote
KyleJCrb Posted January 3, 2007 Posted January 3, 2007 Pretty sure the plan is to release them over time, not all at once. Quote
Terial Posted January 3, 2007 Posted January 3, 2007 ok ^^ so long as they get thrown somewhere on the public domain Quote
BigBoss Posted January 3, 2007 Posted January 3, 2007 Best Project Ever. Seriously. Ever since the Doom one, they'd been going downhill. Quote
Rexy Posted January 3, 2007 Posted January 3, 2007 I'm probably a bit late for this now, but to the guy who thought that we missed certain themes out, I would have thought that there were so much musics in the game itself that covering them would merely cause more time than they were worth. When it started out, all the tracks were to be planned on covering the two discs as they were, but it seemed more logical to make a bonus one out of the race and special stage themes. That's possibly the reason why some of the other jingles/bonus musics weren't included. Also, I don't think we would have wanted another Sonniku Ganbatte. While the idea was cute, there's no way in HELL we would come to appreciate that as an approachable song. I bet Rama won't even let it on Remix: ThaSauce if you ask me. So by this rate, I don't think we could even risk it again. You even got your fix by Snaps doing the title screen music which sounded a ilttle similar to it, so I hope it would serve as some kind of compensation or whatever. Quote
RePENT Posted January 16, 2007 Posted January 16, 2007 You probably don't need to hear this again, but this music is seriously kickass and very well executed. Stands alone as quality stuff whether you know the Sonic music or not; I only know some of it and I still really enjoy this project. Quote
-RK- Posted January 16, 2007 Posted January 16, 2007 You probably don't need to hear this again, but this music is seriously kickass and very well executed. Stands alone as quality stuff whether you know the Sonic music or not; I only know some of it and I still really enjoy this project. Trust me, we cant hear it enough. Quote
russ Posted January 16, 2007 Posted January 16, 2007 First off I'd like to go ahead and jump on the "this is the coolest collection of remixes ever" bandwagon. Seriously though, the songs span so many different genres and manage to be both great individually and as a whole. Regarding Joker's "Before the Storm": Although I enjoy the original Death Egg Zone tracks, I really appreciate this one as well. Joker managed to blend in some of his own original interpretation with the main theme of the original track. You seriously can't tell me the beginning of his song isn't cool. I've had Project Chaos playing in my car for a few weeks, and with some nice subwoofers, the intro is just frighteningly awesome. Good work. And personally, my favorite track of the lot is house's Walk on Water. The jazzy/prog rock feel of it just grabs me by the nuts. In fact, I'm working on restoring my paypal balance just so I can buy house's new CD, so I can officially own something with that track on it. (edit: I love all of your other remixes too, but you know what I mean) Quote
RePENT Posted January 20, 2007 Posted January 20, 2007 And personally, my favorite track of the lot is house's Walk on Water. The jazzy/prog rock feel of it just grabs me by the nuts. In fact, Hahaha no shit! It's my favourite as well for the same basic reason (at least, for now...), and seems to be the favourite among a lot of people. Quote
DJDarkmaster Posted January 24, 2007 Posted January 24, 2007 This project as a whole is as said b4. Awesome. I cant wait to see the comleted versions of Water On The Dance Floor and Groove Basin. Quote
Xenon Odyssey Posted January 24, 2007 Posted January 24, 2007 This project as a whole is as said b4. Awesome.I cant wait to see the comleted versions of Water On The Dance Floor and Groove Basin. Groove Basin will sadly not be completed, as Rayza experienced a hard drive crash in which he lost the project file. If it was completed it would have been on the project...I believe Snapple had to search around to make sure that was the latest version of the WIP to include it with the bonus tracks. On a lighter note, I finished my song and it's sitting in the queue. So we'll probably see it in early 2010 by this rate if all goes well. Quote
DJDarkmaster Posted January 25, 2007 Posted January 25, 2007 Groove Basin will sadly not be completed, as Rayza experienced a hard drive crash in which he lost the project file.If it was completed it would have been on the project...I believe Snapple had to search around to make sure that was the latest version of the WIP to include it with the bonus tracks. On a lighter note, I finished my song and it's sitting in the queue. So we'll probably see it in early 2010 by this rate if all goes well. O_O 2010! are you serious?!?!?! I am sorry to hear that... coudnt he use a hard disk recovery program to get it? Quote
GameKyuubi Posted January 25, 2007 Posted January 25, 2007 This is definitely my favorite site project. Almost everything here is of the utmost quality; very very impressive. Favorites include Knuckleduster, Breathtaking Vision, Dead Batteries, and Walk on Water. I usually don't like vocals in my remixes, but Knuckleduster has definitely clarified that they can be done, and quite well. Walk on Water is genius, especially with that Act 2 transition. We need more of that Act 2 love in Sonic mixes. Elevator Music reminds me of Monkey Ball for some reason lol. GREAT JOB Oh yeah. I can't seem to get the flash project site to work any more. Quote
Xenon Odyssey Posted January 25, 2007 Posted January 25, 2007 O_O 2010! are you serious?!?!?!I am sorry to hear that... coudnt he use a hard disk recovery program to get it? I believe it also corrupted the file, but I'm not positive about that. Also this was way back in 2004 I believe; not recent at all. Quote
RePENT Posted January 27, 2007 Posted January 27, 2007 Hmm, I'm really liking "Live at the Sandopolis" lately, the metal sensibilities are really appealing to my metalhead side haha.... My favourite track keeps changing. Quote
Jacko Posted January 28, 2007 Posted January 28, 2007 Hey All, I wish I found out about this a long time ago. This is an awesome site project and every mix impresses me to a great extent. So Long and Thenks for All the... was a beautiful rendition of the ending and just like when I listen to the one from the game it makes me sad, this one does to, but that adds to the whole experience of the mix. Both of Kanijikas remixes are awesome, I have to ask were they recorded with a real orchestra, because if they weren't I was convinced. SnappleMan, your stuff is good, eventhough I don't really like metal music I still like it. Anyone who has not downloaded this needs to as its awesome and you just can't get enough of it. Thanks All Jacko Quote
ocremixfan Posted February 5, 2007 Posted February 5, 2007 A very nice project indeed! Awesome job! My main complain about it is that many songs got too far from the original, hardly recognizable (e.g: the icecap one, can't remember the title) Other than that, excellent work! I absolutely *LOVE* 'Three Ring Nightfall'... never liked that stage song (the stage itself? even worse), but the remix is great! I also like 'The Secluded Stronghold', 'Breathtaking Vision', 'Malicious Fingers' and 'The Doomsday' a lot. Extra comment about 'Malicious Fingers' : damn first 23 seconds! Hate game effects used "carelessly"... then a "game recording" like this... eek! I guess I'll cut that piece out in my mp3! Thank you guys! Nice additions to my playlist! ocrfan Quote
DJDarkmaster Posted February 5, 2007 Posted February 5, 2007 just wondering does anybody know approx. when water on the dancefloor is going to be finished? so far it has tuned out to be a vey good remix... Quote
ocremixfan Posted February 5, 2007 Posted February 5, 2007 ... when water on the dancefloor is going to be finished? ... I guess it never will... I think that the WIP tracks where abandoned for some reason and are in the bonus disc just for the sake of it! Somebody correct me if I'm wrong! Quote
Xenon Odyssey Posted February 5, 2007 Posted February 5, 2007 I guess it never will...I think that the WIP tracks where abandoned for some reason and are in the bonus disc just for the sake of it! Somebody correct me if I'm wrong! Most of the bonus tracks were written originally to be that track on the project. In the end, they got beaten out by another track, and therefore the artist probably didn't care too much to go ahead and finish what they started, unless they really liked it. My track, I've completed and sent into the queue, but who knows how long that will site on googlepages has it hosted, though, if you are dying to hear it. Quote
SnappleMan Posted February 6, 2007 Author Posted February 6, 2007 Extra comment about 'Malicious Fingers' : damn first 23 seconds! Hate game effects used "carelessly"... then a "game recording" like this... eek! I guess I'll cut that piece out in my mp3! I'd apreciate if you didn't do that. Quote
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