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Funny story, I got a conformation about my jackets on Thursday Oct. 25. On the email it says 5-10 days right? Well I got them the NEXT day. I was like WTF that was quick! It's really odd too because I live in IL and Nintendo is in WA. This happen to anyone else???

Don't forget to join the OCR tour group. Man, how do you guys strum? Thumb? My hand gets so tired out so quick, which is alright on medium, but gonna hurt me when I get to hard.

Also: bosses are annoying, but don't give up. Eventually you'll get the right combo of items that you can use in a row to take them down pretty quick. <3 Midori.

I use a pick. Much easier, and it isn't half as tiring.

Here, this will make you not want to play this game ever again, j/k :P

***** on TTFAF

Holy shit, that song is like 10 times harder than Jordan.


Picked up Battalion Wars II yesterday...as expected, it's pretty much more of the same. I only got to play the prologue mission so far, but I think it gives a pretty good impression of what to expect from it. Controls are significantly slower than I thought they would be when it comes to looking around and whatnot, plus the bounding box is huge so you pretty much have to move the cursor to the edge of the screen before the camera starts to pan. While it would have been more enjoyable I think if the at least either made the bounding box smaller or sped up how fast you could look (or gave you options in these regards), it still feels marginally better than the old controls. Overall, not bad: maybe not something to jump up and purchase right away, but if you liked the original it's pretty much guaranteed you'll like this.

Picked up Battalion Wars II yesterday...as expected, it's pretty much more of the same. I only got to play the prologue mission so far, but I think it gives a pretty good impression of what to expect from it. Controls are significantly slower than I thought they would be when it comes to looking around and whatnot, plus the bounding box is huge so you pretty much have to move the cursor to the edge of the screen before the camera starts to pan. While it would have been more enjoyable I think if the at least either made the bounding box smaller or sped up how fast you could look (or gave you options in these regards), it still feels marginally better than the old controls. Overall, not bad: maybe not something to jump up and purchase right away, but if you liked the original it's pretty much guaranteed you'll like this.

I'm getting the feeling that most of the games "we" were "hyped" for are turning out not-so-fantastic-afterall (more examples: Dragonblade, Dewy's Adventure).

Will you keep us informed on if it gets any better? I was looking forward to trying this franchise for a first time, but if it's really not that great then I'll pass for now.

I'm loving Metroid: Corruption though, which is the only game so far that I can truely call a Wii game.

And with Mario Galaxy on its way, I'm glad to have at least a few good games by the end of the year ;_;

I'm getting the feeling that most of the games "we" were "hyped" for are turning out not-so-fantastic-afterall (more examples: Dragonblade, Dewy's Adventure).

Will you keep us informed on if it gets any better? I was looking forward to trying this franchise for a first time, but if it's really not that great then I'll pass for now.

I'm loving Metroid: Corruption though, which is the only game so far that I can truely call a Wii game.

And with Mario Galaxy on its way, I'm glad to have at least a few good games by the end of the year ;_;

Hey, to be fair.. Dragonblade was done up in like 8 months, by a small company that only really does quickie games. And there hasn't been any even passable dragon-centric games, ever, aside from Spyro and Panzer Dragoon. Everything else that tries to use a dragon as the main point of the game or story, has wound up as utter and uncontrolled shit. Even on the PS3.

And I think we may have been hoping too much from Dewy's Adventure, because it was one of the first second-generation Wii titles, done by the same team that did up Elebits. We were hoping for something along the lines of that game, evolved in some way.

I still can't tell if my order for wiimote condoms went through or not.

Try doing it again. If it went through, it'll say you've already ordered the maximum amount or something.

I still can't tell if my order for wiimote condoms went through or not.

Even if it says you exceeded the max requests that doesn't mean it went through. The first time I did the order it failed to load the confirmation page. I tried other times and I got the exceeded max requests message so I waited a couple of days, tried again and my order went all the way to a confirmation page telling me my order number and so on. I also received a message by email. That's your guaranteed way of knowing your order went through. Unfortunately I ordered mine weeks ago and the status says "back ordered" so I guess it will be quite a while until I receive my wii remote jacket. *sigh*

Even if it says you exceeded the max requests that doesn't mean it went through. The first time I did the order it failed to load the confirmation page. I tried other times and I got the exceeded max requests message so I waited a couple of days, tried again and my order went all the way to a confirmation page telling me my order number and so on. I also received a message by email. That's your guaranteed way of knowing your order went through. Unfortunately I ordered mine weeks ago and the status says "back ordered" so I guess it will be quite a while until I receive my wii remote jacket. *sigh*

Well, that was because the news got out and everyone was getting errors due to overloading the system or whatever.

If you got the error, tried to do the order again and received the "max ordered" message, you were supposed to wait 24 hours to try again.

Can we still get them for free? I haven't got around to order them yet... is it too late?

You can still get them for free. The current controllers and consoles already come with wii remote jackets. They are doing this for those that got them before this change. If you want to order yours just go here but be prepared to wait quite a while for it to ship but hey at least it's free! http://www.nintendo.com/consumer/jacket/jacketrequest.jsp


For those who have recieved theirs, do you think these condoms/jackets are really necessary? Do you feel better having them? Even though they're free, I hesitate to get any simply because I don't think I'll like them...they look pretty bulky and cumbersome, not to mention silly.


Manhunt 2 is absolutely terrible and people should be ashamed to bash it and make a big deal out of nothing. And it has the stereotypical "use the elaborately intricate wiimote to slash but you can only do one frame of animation" thing. I'm so glad I rented it. First one was way better. On the PS2.

For those who have recieved theirs, do you think these condoms/jackets are really necessary? Do you feel better having them? Even though they're free, I hesitate to get any simply because I don't think I'll like them...they look pretty bulky and cumbersome, not to mention silly.

Well considering I have big hands I think it will feel quite comfy despite its silly look.


So Battalion Wars 2 is pretty awesome. The only real gripe I have with the game, aside from Nintendo's stubbornness with some online features, is the fact that you can still lock on to your on units. This is so you can lock on to a unit to transfer your control to it, but you can just use the D-pad to select a unit type then hold A to do it which is easier and faster. It can be incredibly frustrating trying to target in a group of 20+ troops.

That aside, the game is an overall improvement from the first. Online is incredibly fun.

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