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Speaking of rather underrated Squeenix games, I bought FF Fables: Chocobo Tales. It's a roguelike game, and a simple one at that. Not terribly difficult, but it's still fun, has good voice acting, and very bright, sharp graphics. Best of all, about 95% of the music is remixed older FF songs! So far I've heard The Void (FF5), Hunter's Chance (FF9), The Man With the Machine Gun (FF8), and the boss music from FF8. There's more, but my knowledge of lesser FF themes like town music or some dungeon music is tenuous at best.

Dialogue is a bit.... special, though. Because it's a light, fairy tale-esque story, you won't even hear so much as a "darn".

I can briefly answer that by saying I experienced priority shift and liberation of a lifestyle that leaned towards addiction. :)

Ah, the Prime Trilogy. I already own all 3 Prime games though, and 2 and 3 are my least favourite to play through again. Would you say the addition of motion control makes the original Prime worth the purchase of the bundle though?

Widescreen makes the games worth it, and the new controls are sweet -- ESPECIALLY in Prime 1. You can curve Wave Beam shots around walls! Prime 2 becomes quite enjoyable with motion control also.

Speaking of rather underrated Squeenix games, I bought FF Fables: Chocobo Tales. It's a roguelike game, and a simple one at that. Not terribly difficult, but it's still fun, has good voice acting, and very bright, sharp graphics. Best of all, about 95% of the music is remixed older FF songs! So far I've heard The Void (FF5), Hunter's Chance (FF9), The Man With the Machine Gun (FF8), and the boss music from FF8. There's more, but my knowledge of lesser FF themes like town music or some dungeon music is tenuous at best.

Does Chocobo Tales use the same card battling system that the DS Fables game did?


Nope! I haven't used any cards yet, anyway. Found some, but they appear to be for a minigame. Your armour is saddles and your weapons are talons. It's a straight-up roguelike with job classes.

  • 2 weeks later...

Got a chance to beat NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits this weekend. Play time was about 4 hours, similar to LostWinds, as well as the same price of 1000 Wii Points/$10. The play style was also somewhat remiscient of LostWinds (you can directly control the character to walk, run, jump, 'fly,' and glide but are reliant on the cursor to interact with the world and defeat enemies). While that game's focus is on exploration, however, this one's is platforming, and is thus broken up into distinctive levels. The visual presentation isn't bad (some bland textures, and in a few spots it's hard to distinguish the foreground from background), and while the music adds to the atmosphere it's also very repetitive (which seems to be a fairly common problem with WiiWare titles). Anyway, all in all, a pretty enjoyable game for those who enjoyed the gameplay elements of LostWinds.

One thing though...

The ending was pretty anti-climactic...no big boss fight, just shooting fireballs before they hit you.


But it's not out yet. It won't be out until next year, in fact.

So for now that honour is still Rune Factory Frontier's.

Also Graces has some horrid colour schemes for its characters.

They (videogames) just don't "do it" for me anymore.

Are there any games for Wii right now though that have a long lifespan? Something I can't finish within 5 hours and are actually fun to play over and over again?

If not then I'll probably have no choice but to go through certain RPGS again :D

I've been going through the same thing, and it's not just with the Wii. Video games for me just aren't as engaging anymore, I'm not as entertained by them. The actual titles that keep me hooked (and have me coming back for more) are few and far between these days.(Of course, having a girlfriend now has kind of filled me with more ambition :smile: )

I think developers need to look more at the games they make and actually look at how they can make games that don't wind up in the trade in section at game stores...

On the topic at hand, I can't wait for New Super Mario Bros.! Looks like a very entertaining game.

Just re-rented De Blob, man that is still a fun game. Might try multiplayer here pretty soon.

Tales of Graces looks very promising. Arc Rise Fantasia, deserves an honorable mention as well. And, of course, Tatsunoko vs Capcom, with Zero confirmed for the NA release.

I'm kinda picky when it comes to fighting games, but Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom looks like an absolute blast to play. Too bad it's coming out after christmas (or so I've heard), I was gonna try and ask my wife for it for christmas. :razz:

Your mom has a horrid color scheme.

Say what you will, but bright purple pigtails which descend to your ankles and a bright pink leotard do not match. At all. Poor Sophie.

Still looking forward to Graces, tho.


LostWinds 2 came out on WiiWare yesterday, for those who enjoyed the original. I played about an hour of it yesterday, and I've gotta say I'm enjoying it even more than the first. It's gotta be the prettiest WiiWare game out yet, the music is really fitting to the mood, and there seems to be a more fleshed out story this time around. The gameplay feels enhanced in this sequel as well, adding some new tricks while only removing one from what I can tell. So far, it feels like a larger world (perhaps due to not getting lost so much, thanks to the added map) and a grander adventure seemingly with more to do, though from what I hear in the reviews it's still around the same play time as the original (4 hours).

I'd say if you hated the first one, there probably won't be anything here that'll change your mind; but if you enjoyed the first, you'll probably find more to like in the sequel.


Man, I found the first LostWinds to be a real pain, I'll admit. I wanted to like it, but all too often I couldn't get double jumps to work right, I'd get lost, I'd have no real clue of where to go next... I ended up quitting it after finding the second chest.

  • 1 month later...

Alright so I'm grabbing a Wii next week, and I have a tech question. I know the Wii is limited to 480p with component, and my experience with my PS2 and standard composite(480i) on my HDTV has been full of blurry visuals. If I were to buy a set of component cables for my Wii, would it still have a pretty blurry picture or not?

Alright so I'm grabbing a Wii next week, and I have a tech question. I know the Wii is limited to 480p with component, and my experience with my PS2 and standard composite(480i) on my HDTV has been full of blurry visuals. If I were to buy a set of component cables for my Wii, would it still have a pretty blurry picture or not?

Yes it will be pretty blurry, especially since you are probably now more used to seeing stuff in HD. Technically, it shouldn't be as blurry as your PS2 though.

Has anyone successfully got all the coins in World 9-7 in New Super Mario Bros. Wii? It's practically impossible for me...


My god, that level was hard. I'm assuming you're not having trouble with coin 1, but here's what I did for the other two:

For coin 2, stand to the left of the coin, just far enough to the right that the piranha plants below you can eat away at the ice above the coin. Staying to the left keeps the mass of piranha plants to the right dormant so they don't destroy your exit bridge. As soon as you have an opening, jump down there, nab the coin, and run like hell to the right before the other piranha plants have a chance to melt all the ice.

For coin 3, fall down into the gap as soon as you get a chance, and wall jump back and forth until you're all clear up above. Do a midair spinny move before landing on the top of one of the walls to slow yourself down.

In general, just pretend you're doing one of the super skills videos. Run fast and do a lot of spinny moves to maximize air time. The piranha plants are easier to get through if you don't wait around for them to fill the screen with fireballs.

Speaking of spinny moves, I was playing the old New Super Mario Bros a while back, and I kept accidentally shaking the DS trying to save a bad jump.

Yes it will be pretty blurry, especially since you are probably now more used to seeing stuff in HD. Technically, it shouldn't be as blurry as your PS2 though.

Well right now I'm using S-Video with my PS2, and while it IS blurry, it isn't impossible to deal with as the picture is(relatively) decent to me... If component with the Wii is even just a few notches above that, then I'm sure I'll be just fine.


So I bought a Wii for myself yesterday.

I do not understand all the hate for this system. Mario Kart Wii alone is most excellent fun, and if I can get my mom and stepdad interested in gaming(Wii Sports Tennis, Boxing, and Mario Kart), well that's some big win in my book.

Too bad I can't find that many people to play Echoes of Time with.

Also double post.

Also Also the universal component cables I bought for the Wii/PS2 really helped out the image. Still a tad blurry, but that's standard def for ya. Nothing terrible, though. I likes what I sees.


I just got a system too, and the person who got it for me bought Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games with it, and supremely unimpressed would be an understatement.


I just ordered Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime Trilogy, and something tells me the holidays are about to get even jollier. (is that a word?)

It's gonna be GOOD.

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