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Obviously, I only speak for myself, but I don't like the most recent changes here.

Subforums: not so nice.

Well, I mean... thanks for giving it a fair shot and seeing how it played out in the long run, after ample experience. You've clearly based your opinion on quality seconds of usage :confused:

Well, I mean... thanks for giving it a fair shot and seeing how it played out in the long run, after ample experience. You've clearly based your opinion on quality seconds of usage :confused:

You don't need experience for this type of thing.

If it's a hassle to navigate after 5 seconds, it'll be a hassle after 5 months. It doesn't change, though...it has since I posted.

Not the inconvenience, just the set up.

Anyways, I said it was my opinion.

I just don't like it.

Obviously, wait for more feedback, and don't change it on MY account.



well not that bad idea, now by just visiting gendisc, i can quickly check if there is new post in TA/N. but yeah, let's wait for a whole restructuration to moan or applause.

Is it just me and my inability to find things, or have I lost the ability to change my user name?

yay for my first post since the phpbb -> vbulletin switch!

Simple answer: you have.

Also, I presume the aforementioned competition sub-forum will come with an appropriate move for related threads?

Simple answer: you have.

Also, I presume the aforementioned competition sub-forum will come with an appropriate move for related threads?

I assume DJP's gonna move all our stuff.

Please explain why you shouldn't have to register and log in to view PPR.

Because we did not have to register and log in to view it before yesterday. What has changed?


WHY are you using vBulletin of all things?

It's so annoying, I can't even log in to vBulletin forums without having to disable Javascript!


WHY are you using vBulletin of all things?

It's so annoying, I can't even log in to vBulletin forums without having to disable Javascript!


That's an issue on your side, not a flaw of vBulletin.

Also, vBulletin does allow some nice things that phpBB doesn't, especially on the security side. Not to mention that it actually gets updates.

Better yet, explain why we should have to.

Forums that have no intrinsic link to OCR and are off-topic shouldn't be archived by search engines or be exposed directly as part of the public face of the site; they are offered as places for OCR visitors to discuss non-OCR stuff, not as part of the core mission of the site.

Forums that have no intrinsic link to OCR and are off-topic shouldn't be archived by search engines or be exposed directly as part of the public face of the site; they are offered as places for OCR visitors to discuss non-OCR stuff, not as part of the core mission of the site.

This is a good answer. Thanks.


I've been having a heck of a time with text format in my longer posts...can anyone explain why this is?

It always appears fine in the editor, but then when I go to preview or save, it changes. Examples include, but are not limited to: having an underline that is halfway down the next line; text at the bottom being smaller than text at the top; spacing issues between paragraphs.

The second and third posts in the Writing Competition Thread (linked in my sig) are prime examples of this difficulty. Maybe it's just my browser, though.

If anyone could explain this to me it would be appreciated. As a perfectionistic post editor, this is a great annoyance for me.

EDIT: Well, apparently it's just my browser, though the text editor still seems to not work as well for me as the old one did. Guess I'll have to learn to deal with it.


After all the changes I have discovered only one issue I have with the switch, Every time I want to check to see if something new is going on with the Fan Art comp, Or any other Comp, I cant just look at the 6 most recently posted items.....

Is there a way to customize your view, So I can decide which discussions show up when I log in... Rather than the Russian ReMix Roulette I could have the Competitions, or something along that nature..

I don't see any image there. Am I missing some inside joke or something?

This is quite the little annoying idiosyncrasy of vBul.

Request to fix it plz.

Can we have at least an underline, if not have the entire link orange, like the old forums?

Links are different colors if you change to the default skin. Its in the bottom left hand corner of the screen. Its says OverClocked Remix - change through the dropdown menu to Default Style.

I am quite aware of the default style, thank you, and I dislike it even more than the OCR skin's little faults. This is a direct request that has NOTHING to do with the default skin what so ever.

I am quite aware of the default style, thank you, and I dislike it even more than the OCR skin's little faults. This is a direct request that has NOTHING to do with the default skin what so ever.

Links SHOULD be orange. SOME of them are. For some reason I have yet to ascertain, the class being applied doesn't seem to "stick" throughout the entire thread, and is only applied, in some instances, to the very first link.

As soon as I can figure out how to fix this, all links will be orange and underlined. If someone wily wit da CSS can take a look-see and figure it out before I get the time, message me your solution.


Thank you DJP, for this forum change.

Thank you DJP, for this new and wonderful way of bringing our thoughts to the public.

Thank you DJP, for giving us easier, simpler controls to




Thank you DJP, for giving us the ability to block certain people. I think I love that feature most of all.

Of course, I suspect you have blocked my posts, because I'm an asshole that you disagree with on pretty much everything I say. But I RESPECT that, and I love the ability that you don't have to see me if you don't want to.

Life is so much better knowing that I can ignore the posts of people I don't even care to hear from. Especially in PPR. PPR is so much better now that I've ignored some of the particularly trollish trolls.

The only thing I think the new forms is missing is - a sidebar (yea, I kinda got used to it).

DJP - A+ brother. A+

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