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Big words don't make Unmod a beautiful place, I'm sorry. UnMod was useless, that's all there is to it. There are plenty of places on the internet for stupidity, so find another one. I didn't ask for the difference between class and arrogance either, kthx.

One of this sites main goals was to expose artists music to new listeners and audiences. And unmod helped that. Here's how:

I had Firefox tabs open to 3 unmod threads, for a total of 6 months. Unmod brought traffic. And yea, some didn't download, ALOT did. So did many lurkers like myself. I was entertained, and people return for that frequently. If you expect this site to be uber-serious and still have even remotely the exposure it has now, you're quite mistaken. If this site continues to wave the banhammer at anyone who speaks up, and to disregard humor as worthwhile, then it will be left full of boring posts like Gamefaqs, and we'll all know just how badly Goku can beat anyone.

Just to note as well: the humor here was far-reaching. The Chargin' Mah Lazer meme was started in large part here, and I honestly think it would have not happened without UnMod, among others. DJP, mods, you made the collective internet laugh.

It's sad to say that yesterday was the first time in months that OCRemix left my tabs. There simply weren't any threads of worth to look at. I don't eargerly refresh each day to see which unknown remix has been posted. I refresh for my friends, and my jokes. And they make me want to see the music that comes out of this site.

Edit: I understand the need for unmod to grow up with the site, but it's the attitude over the past week or two that's making OCR unappealing. I don't feel wanted here, at all. I was banned yesterday and slandered as a "poorly disgused" alt account. Look up the posts on that if you like, but long story short, no, it was the site's fault for not sending my registration link 4 months ago. And the mods not doing anything afterwards.

One of this sites main goals was to expose artists music to new listeners and audiences. And unmod helped that. Here's how:

I had Firefox tabs open to 3 unmod threads, for a total of 6 months. Unmod brought traffic. And yea, some didn't download, ALOT did. So did many lurkers like myself. I was entertained, and people return for that frequently. If you expect this site to be uber-serious and still have even remotely the exposure it has now, you're quite mistaken. If this site continues to wave the banhammer at anyone who speaks up, and to disregard humor as worthwhile, then it will be left full of boring posts like Gamefaqs, and we'll all know just how badly Goku can beat anyone.

Just to note as well: the humor here was far-reaching. The Chargin' Mah Lazer meme was started in large part here, and I honestly think it would have not happened without UnMod, among others. DJP, mods, you made the collective internet laugh.

It's sad to say that yesterday was the first time in months that OCRemix left my tabs. There simply weren't any threads of worth to look at. I don't eargerly refresh each day to see which unknown remix has been posted. I refresh for my friends, and my jokes. And they make me want to see the music that comes out of this site.

Also, who said it was a beautiful place? The point of unmod wasn't to be a "beautiful" place, I always saw of it more as a place for shinanigans (How do you spell that...), and that really made this place fun.

EDIT: Oops, didn't realize this new setup doesn't quote the previous quote (Bye bye quote nexus?)

Also, who said it was a beautiful place? The point of unmod wasn't to be a "beautiful" place, I always saw of it more as a place for shinanigans (How do you spell that...), and that really made this place fun.

Yeah, UnMod was supposed to gather all the spam out of Gendisc, I believe, just as PPR was supposed to gather the intellectual debate-type stuff.

Also, shenanigans.

Edit: I understand the need for unmod to grow up with the site, but it's the attitude over the past week or two that's making OCR unappealing. I don't feel wanted here, at all. I was banned yesterday and slandered as a "poorly disgused" alt account. Look up the posts on that if you like, but long story short, no, it was the site's fault for not sending my registration link 4 months ago. And the mods not doing anything afterwards.

Well, we were concerned because your IP traces to Beatdown. Whether it is or not, we're letting it go for now.

Also if someone acts really dense and posting to piss people off, they will get just as moderated, so as to keep the forum clean of that.

Also, I'm not sure where the whole no porn thing came from - even djp was like "no porn?" We'll probably be discussing this in the next few days (I'd lean more towards the end of the week though).

1) "as moderated"

Please tell me that eventually the mods will begin using the time limit feature included in their ability to ban. Because trolling, spamming, etc. on a first offense isn't ban worthy in my opinion. I'm going to reference SA here, so forgive me, but people there get probation that can last anywhere from hours to weeks to eternity. If you match the time to the crime, people will shape up I feel. Because it's nice to KEEP your account you put all that effort into.

2) Oh pwease tell me I can keep da pr0nz!!

Quick edit:

Well, we were concerned because your IP traces to Beatdown. Whether it is or not, we're letting it go for now.

Beatdown has posted from my house a number of times. I'm sure everyone should be familiar with the fact he has no internet. Think of me as the gatekeeper, I drag him over, and then he floods out. The amount of DVDs I've burnt bringing over bootleg games, etc. cause he can't get them is staggering. I'm fairly certain he's mentioned that he was posting from a friends house many times.... or at least a few.


Back when Gray was actually online and still a judge he told me that several unmodders basically did all they could to do to annoy DJP and Gray, and perhaps other moderators/judger0rs.

He didn't really get into details, and I didn't really care, but it sounded like there were several pewps in there that had the favor of a bunch of the other unmodders, so it was time to just end the ungrateful annoyance/bandwidth waste that didn't have shit to do with remixing game music.

Too bad :((((


As a sidenote while it's on my mind, Beatdown is still without net, so the ip crossover may continue a while. He occasionally steals our mutual friend's laptop, and goes to site upstairs in the freezing ass cold to surf the web a bit. Thus why his IP association changes.

All we can do is continue and hope that people enjoy the new forum. Maybe some of those people who made unmod great will come back if the forum really is a "best of".

I would really love that. I agree that there were way too many completely pointless threads and retarded stuff to sort through to get to the gems. I would , of course, come back to that.

Big words don't make Unmod a beautiful place, I'm sorry. UnMod was useless, that's all there is to it. There are plenty of places on the internet for stupidity, so find another one. I didn't ask for the difference between class and arrogance either, kthx.

You've made some awesome remixes, but I have to disagree with you. Much of it was useless, but the gems that were there were so worth it. There was really some great stuff in there; it iwas just hard to find sometimes.

All we can do is continue and hope that people enjoy the new forum. Maybe some of those people who made unmod great will come back if the forum really is a "best of".

People are very dissapointed with this entire situation, and I don't think the new forum will be nearly as lively as unmod was. All the funny people are banned anyway.

As gorveg said, it wasn't the deletion itself that bothered everyone, but the lack of respect the community was treated.


You know, no disrespect to blad, but I really hate being labled as useless. So I can't remix or play an instrument or mod or judge or anything. But I vote in competitions, I make intelligent (to me, anyway) comments in Gen Disc. I even have a remix project (which is coming together nicely). Me, Coop, and a few others contributed here all the time.

Yeah, there were a bunch of assholes who abused the forum, but we weren't all bad.

EDIT: Coop said it better than I ever could.

just thought i'd clarify that from my end, my lack of participation had nothing to do with my opinion of unmod - i did not need to be a part of unmod in order to support it and acknowledge how insanely fun it was. i just didnt' have any more time to participate there than anywhere else.

i'm seeing a lot of generalization on both sides about where people stand.

that ostracizes the few supporters you do have.

Well, that's why I used the word "some" when talking about the judges and mods in my post earlier, zyko. Not all the mods or judges were speaking out against UnMod and those posting in it, just like not all the posters in UnMod spoke out against the judges and mods. Just because you (or other judges and mods) didn't post in UnMod much, doesn't mean you were doing the trash talking. That wasn't what I meant with my post earlier, so I apologize if you took it that way. I was only saying that each side had its own people who were quite verbal about their dislike of each other. And with people on both sides making their feelings known, it doesn't take much for a build up of animosity to begin.

It didn't happen right away, but what I saw over time was that it eventually got to a point where it didn't matter that Gray, Smoke, Myf, Ori, Vig, AP and others were taking part in UnMod, and that various "UnModders" were doing their part to help the site and the people on it. Somehow, it transformed into an "us vs. them" situation... an "UnMod and its posters are worthless" vs "The judges and mods are all dicks" generalization-fest. Most of what you read about was how much one side disliked the other, despite common sense saying that it wasn't really like that. Unfortunately though, once this "us vs them" mentality got a foothold, nothing ever seemed to disprove it or defuse the situation.

I could very well be wrong with this, but that's what I saw slowly happen over the years. We both know it wasn't really like that, zyko... that the "us vs them" deal wasn't the truth. Hell, anyone who took a step back from it all could see that. But when generalizations keep being stated over and over, sometimes they get seen as facts by some, and that's how this whole thing became a self-sustaining, on-going sore spot for the site... a sore spot that was effectively ripped open a couple days ago.

Anyway, I hope that makes my point clear.

You know, no disrespect to blad, but I really hate being labled as useless. So I can't remix or play an instrument or mod or judge or anything. But I vote in competitions, I make intelligent (to me, anyway) comments in Gen Disc. I even have a remix project (which is coming together nicely). Me, Coop, and a few others contributed here all the time.

Yeah, there were a bunch of assholes who abused the forum, but we weren't all bad.

EDIT: Coop said it better than I ever could.

i completely agree too. being labeled like "nothing" is painful.

haha yea, we'll still be on

i'm gonna REALLY give you guys a taste of my prophetic abilities next year.

not sure what happened this season :)

Well, I'm going to set up a mailing list so I can personally remind everyone every week. And possibly put up a prize, to increase interest.


I think you also have to consider the general sort of humor style that prevailed in Unmod at the time. Half those people, I bet, didn't have anything against the mods, but were just going along with it 'cause they thought it was funny. I mean, obviously, that's kind of a dickish thing to do, but you do have to consider that they probably wouldn't have done it if they didn't get a reaction out of it. Essentially, what we've seen is the Unmodders who had sincere complaints about their friends being banned were joined by Unmodders trolling the moderators en masse. I, um, guess it worked?


So, geez. I just realized: I clicked on Wip-OCR automatically, just now. Thought I'd clicked on UnMod, and got very confused.

If OT is any good, I'll stick around for it, of course, but really, part of what made UnMod a great place was its essentially-unmoddedness. Not the porn, that's not what I mean - just the way you could post just about anything. It got abused, sure, but it also was part of the culture. People that abused it, by community consensus, would be ridiculed until they either stopped or left.

Of course, .org is just as modded as OT will be. And I have this feeling I might like the OT mods more than the .org mods. So really, UnMod-as-we-knew-it is gone for good. Which is sad, cause it's been my primary home on the intarwebs for the past... geez, 4 years or so.


Even though I've been coming to OCR for about four years, as you can see I only have made about 160 posts. I'm your typical lurker: dropping in often to see what's up but not being a big participant in all the goings-on. I know I can't be the only one. So, even though what I have to say isn't worth as much as the words of a patriarch like The Coop or Ori or any of the other "big names," this thread grabbed me as important enough to warrant a post.

After about 20 minutes of trying out different ideas, I've come to the conclusion that Coop basically has said all that was on my heart to begin with. I belong to lots of very different internet communities, but when I think of the OCR forums I think, "good people, deep history." Sure, I loved going into UnMod and reading the 4chan threads, the "wizard hat" logs, et all for a good laugh, to an extent. For one thing, you guys is good people; certainly more amiable than the average anonymouse on 4chan. So, for me, UnMod had a worthy purpose. But to be honest, deep down I'm surprised it lasted as long as it did. Even though the fun posts far outweighed the particularly filthy filth, there was a lot of porn there... Could unregistered members have viewed the contents? I've been a member for so long I don't remember anymore.

Anyway, I'm getting way off topic (heh). Listen to Coop. He hasn't said anything in this thread that I've disagreed with yet, being very underdstanding and fair.

You a mod, Coop? Ought to be -- been here long enough and a nice guy to boot.

Could unregistered members have viewed the contents? I've been a member for so long I don't remember anymore.

No, they couldn't.

If OffTop is just UnMod without the illegal stuff, I'm fine with it.


I obviously missed a lot of interweb drama while on my way back from Magfest, so I can't really say anything about what went on there. But from the looks of things, it couldn't have been good, and it looks like there was some permanent damage. :\

So did the crowd go "OOOOOOH" when they saw him delete unmod at fagfest?

There is an actual Fagfest, you know. Or, there was one year.

Just thought I'd point that out.


Who posted the "UnMod getting deleted" picture anyway?

And who posted the middle finger picture? Does anyone even have that now?


i completely agree too. being labeled like "nothing" is painful.

Yeah; pretty much everyone in this elite social clique has said "good riddance" and directed it towards all of us UnModders. Which is really shitty, you know? You can't really blame us for thinking the staff here consists entirely of people who hate us.

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