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OCR00633 - Castlevania "Castlemania"


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Castlevania 'Castlemania'

Could we have a more creative title please? I've already got a mix off MP3.com named Castlemania :D . But all complaints about the name aside, this is one great mix. My only complaint, albeit a big one, is the lack of bass in the first part of it, which really makes this mix sound a bit lacking at times. Overall good, though, and highly recommended.

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I'm not quite as happy with this mix as you are. Amievil has proven to be one of if not the best remixer on this site, with his megaman 4 remix "Let there be light" and with his equally as exelent "4 little metroids"

I found myself kind-of disapointed with this remix. There's nothing wrong with it, but it just doesn't isn't the same as many of his other remixes

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Ya'll are crazy, there is nothing wrong with this mix, and the fact that AmIEvil can have this different than his other mixes just shows his ability to be versatile in his work and show off various styles and colors. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean its bad.

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Simpily stunning. Sounds exactly like the orginal, yet, nothing like it at the same time. It follows the orignal song from Castlevania PERFECTLY, until the originality comes into play in the song, but by that I mean, same notes basically, and following their main pattern. This is by far, one of AmIEvils BEST remix's yet to date. By the sounds of it also, it doesnt seem as if he had a 3 month break, it sounds as if he has been working FOR 3 months strait... I wouldnt change a thing in this song, perfect in every way. A must hear...thus...not a recomendation. You WILL listen to it, or I will send my troupe of Ninja Panda's after you, and they are armed with those little cheese-its...so beware...and listen.

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Note to self: Never listen to MongooseDog becuz he is an idiot. I can't figure out what drove mazedude to exclude bass from this song. It would make it just that much better. What is here though, is a very energetic listen. I loved almost every second of it. AmIEvil never ceases to amaze. Well, sometimes he does, but he never lets me down. :P

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I don't care why you people keep thinking that "Bangin' Bass" is needed in every good song. There are too many remixes out there where some uncreative Moron just slaps a baseline on an eight bit track, and then thinks it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. Instead of shying away from the eight bit nature of the track, AmIEvil embraces it. this track could have been created in the later eight bit era. I applaud his creativity.

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