Maco70 Posted February 23, 2008 Posted February 23, 2008 Jelly Car is pretty interesting, though it definitely has that flash game feel, which would probably keep me from actually paying for the game. I'd agree. Dishwasher however is pretty freaking awesome, I hope they release into XBLA. Quote
Soma Posted February 23, 2008 Posted February 23, 2008 Does anyone else feel like the 360 wireless controller is just extremely heavy compared to the PS3 controller? Then again, I guess it does have a comfortable underside with, is it a rubber layer on it? and it has vibration so I guess it does have those weights to spin. But really, with 2 AA batteries in it, the thing gets heavy after I'm so used to the barely-weighing-anything PS3 controller. The wireless xbox360 controller is even a behemoth next to the Dual Shock3. I use the DS3 with rumble turned off rather than the six-axis just because it feels more like what a controller should feel like (weight wise). If you're wondering i hate rumble, it hurts my hands. So i got the achievement in Lost Odyssey for the 500 perfect combat ring attacks. Also in Lost Odyssey I didn't notice it at first but it has a dungeon level cap. Every new dungeon you visit you gain levels like crazy at first, then the Exp drops to shit after about 2 levels preventing you from over leveling. It's a cool feature I guess but i spent one too many hours leveling with very little progress before i noticed. Quote
UnforgivingEdges Posted February 23, 2008 Posted February 23, 2008 Edit: Although I've been from Tosca all the way to Ghotza and I've only seen about maybe 4 novellas total... I can help but think I'm missing a few. Once the game world opens up on disc 4, you can go back and get the dreams you missed. Quote
I-n-j-i-n Posted February 23, 2008 Posted February 23, 2008 Does anyone else feel like the 360 wireless controller is just extremely heavy compared to the PS3 controller? Then again, I guess it does have a comfortable underside with, is it a rubber layer on it? and it has vibration so I guess it does have those weights to spin. But really, with 2 AA batteries in it, the thing gets heavy after I'm so used to the barely-weighing-anything PS3 controller. I think the weight feels comfortable for the 360. Its bulkiness needs to be a bit grounded unlike the much slimmer PS3 controller. In that sense, I actually like both controllers' weight. The wired 360 controller really is noticeably lighter too. As for Jellycar and other XNA games, they do feel like internet/Newground games ported to 360. I think Jellycar has potential, but it looks like the most barebone technical demo of a game and not even close to being finished. I got a weird Katamari + LocoRoco hybrid feeling from it. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted February 23, 2008 Posted February 23, 2008 Ninja Gaiden II definitely looks cool, although it just seems like more of the same. This isn't necessarily a bad thing and I'm probably gonna pick it up anyway since I'm a Team Ninja fan, but it just seems like they haven't really done anything "next gen" with the game apart from maybe subtle graphical enhancements. All the additional things like new weapons and levels could have been in another Xbox iteration of the series, so why the wait for the Xbox 360? I mean don't get me wrong, the original Ninja Gaiden was beyond boss, but let me offer DOAXBV, DOA4, and DOAX2. SIGNIFICANT gains in terms of graphics and tweaks. I mean even if you were to do a side-by-side comparison of DOA4 and DOAX2, both being on the 360 with a year's(I think) difference in release time and you go to yourself "holy crap! This really does look great." I don't get that same feeling from NG2. But hey, it's another great Ninja Gaiden game, and now the team will probably start(or continue) work on Code Cronus. Quote
Hum4n After All Posted February 24, 2008 Posted February 24, 2008 My Xblow took a dump in my hands twice this week. I think it's done. Just right before Brawl. What great timing. Piece of shit. Quote
I-n-j-i-n Posted February 24, 2008 Posted February 24, 2008 Ninja Gaiden II definitely looks cool, although it just seems like more of the same. This isn't necessarily a bad thing and I'm probably gonna pick it up anyway since I'm a Team Ninja fan, but it just seems like they haven't really done anything "next gen" with the game apart from maybe subtle graphical enhancements. All the additional things like new weapons and levels could have been in another Xbox iteration of the series, so why the wait for the Xbox 360?I mean don't get me wrong, the original Ninja Gaiden was beyond boss, but let me offer DOAXBV, DOA4, and DOAX2. SIGNIFICANT gains in terms of graphics and tweaks. I mean even if you were to do a side-by-side comparison of DOA4 and DOAX2, both being on the 360 with a year's(I think) difference in release time and you go to yourself "holy crap! This really does look great." I don't get that same feeling from NG2. But hey, it's another great Ninja Gaiden game, and now the team will probably start(or continue) work on Code Cronus. I think we'll have to wait and see the actual game in motion though. The quality of videos were beyond atrocious and the supposedly "HD" videos were just normal resolution videos that were upconverted. This sounds ironic of one of the most beautiful action games ever made (Ninja Gaiden Xbox), but Ninja Gaiden has always been about the actual gameplay and it looks like it'll get more chaotic and frantic, which is actually a good thing for the franchise. Still waiting for the inevitable demo that is teasing everyone in the GDC page.. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted February 24, 2008 Posted February 24, 2008 That's actually what I was thinking. Instead of worrying about aesthetics and such, they're putting a focus on just making things much more erratic by adding more enemies on the screen at once and making things go MUCH faster. If I remember correctly(and I've only gotten past the first 5 or so levels, so I could be wrong), the original Ninja Gaiden didn't have nearly as many ninjas fighting you at once like in that GDC video. Of course I could be wrong about that. Anyway I'm definitely grabbing the game anyway if just because I missed the first game and had to stick with borrowing it. Here's to hoping for a playable demo! Quote
Bahamut Posted February 25, 2008 Posted February 25, 2008 Good god, Lost Odyssey is amazing (first impressions). Only question is, are you supposed to get raped by that first boss? I turned it off thinking it was the wrong thing, but I'm guessing you're not supposed to die and you're supposed to level up like this true? Quote
I-n-j-i-n Posted February 25, 2008 Posted February 25, 2008 That's actually what I was thinking. Instead of worrying about aesthetics and such, they're putting a focus on just making things much more erratic by adding more enemies on the screen at once and making things go MUCH faster. If I remember correctly(and I've only gotten past the first 5 or so levels, so I could be wrong), the original Ninja Gaiden didn't have nearly as many ninjas fighting you at once like in that GDC video. Of course I could be wrong about that.Anyway I'm definitely grabbing the game anyway if just because I missed the first game and had to stick with borrowing it. Here's to hoping for a playable demo! If you set Ninja Gaiden (or at least Ninja Gaiden Black) on Hard mode, which is the optimal way to play it, you can get around 7 enemies on screen at once. But it never felt quite as chaotic as NG2 apparently is. As for Lost Odyssey, I was always on the fence about it but now I think I must buy it from all the rave reviews it's getting. I have no qualms if the game is painfully stereotypical of JRPGs either. And I almost forgot the Sakaguchi/Uematsu duo ever existed. 10 years or so since FF7 is really a long time. Quote
Broken Posted February 25, 2008 Posted February 25, 2008 So, apparently (as in I heard from someone else) there is an automatic save function in NG2 which records your gameplay for submission online. If this is true I can see a second coming of the Master Ninja contest which is always amazing to watch and I'm sure is much more fun to participate in. I'm extremely pumped for this game. I need to buy an Xbox 360 first, though. Quote
UnforgivingEdges Posted February 25, 2008 Posted February 25, 2008 Good god, Lost Odyssey is amazing (first impressions).Only question is, are you supposed to get raped by that first boss? I turned it off thinking it was the wrong thing, but I'm guessing you're not supposed to die and you're supposed to level up like this true? Excellent, another convert. For that boss, use Seth and Kaim to heal Jansen, and have Jansen spam flare over and over again. Boss is weak to fire. Quote
Soma Posted February 25, 2008 Posted February 25, 2008 Excellent, another convert. For that boss, use Seth and Kaim to heal Jansen, and have Jansen spam flare over and over again. Boss is weak to fire. I barely lived through that bird boss battle, I think I was lucky. The second boss gave me a lot of trouble but it was easy once i learned some much needed skills.also for anyone who is playing L.O but wants a guide (spoilers ahoy). It's safe to use as long as you don't scroll down too far. Quote
Groovemaster303 Posted February 25, 2008 Posted February 25, 2008 Like DMC4 before it, Ninja Gaiden 2 will probably be more of the same and to me thats a good thing. I'm also looking forward to Rainbow Six Vegas 2 which will also be very much like the first. Still as long as the single player campaign has a decent story and enough thrills that will be enough for me. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted February 25, 2008 Posted February 25, 2008 Good god, Lost Odyssey is amazing (first impressions).Only question is, are you supposed to get raped by that first boss? I turned it off thinking it was the wrong thing, but I'm guessing you're not supposed to die and you're supposed to level up like this true? When we said the game was challenging, we meant it. Also: One of us. One of us. The more people who buy this awesome game(and yes Injin, it does have it's traditional points, but the ring system alone makes it that much more awesome), the more games MistWalker will make, so buy the game, damnit! ><; There IS one grating moment in the 3rd disc that makes me cringe not unlike FFX's "Laughing scene"... I'm sure Phthisis knows what I'm talking about... But as usual, Jansen saves the day with his awesomeness. Edit: What's this talk about the 360 going BluRay? I'm hoping it just means a BluRay drive add-on akin to the HD-DVD drive and not what several people on the interwebs are worrying about. Quote
Bahamut Posted February 25, 2008 Posted February 25, 2008 Yeah, my first impressions of Jansen is that he's hilarious, like that response he made to Seth when you first get to the Ipsilon Mountains. The Thousand Years of Dreams sequences are well done just has impressed me a lot, excepting that certain areas have low encounter rates, making it a little sucky for leveling . Quote
Penfold Posted February 25, 2008 Posted February 25, 2008 Still haven't put any time into Lost Odyssey. Decided I should probably get through Blue Dragon before starting any other RPGs at the moment (and also spent a good chunk of time this weekend on Portal advanced maps). On that topic, I'm really enjoying Blue Dragon, though it is very traditional JRPG fare (which I'm a fan of personally). It is certainly no Chrono Trigger, but I like it nonetheless. EDIT: Oh, and the music for the most part is pretty good...except for the boss battle song, which is fucking terrible. The guy's singing voice and the lyrics made an otherwise acceptible battle song into audio torture. Quote
Bahamut Posted February 26, 2008 Posted February 26, 2008 So I've been playing more Lost Odyssey...and it definitely makes me excited for what the top notch RPGs of this generation will be like. I'm just having too much fun with it. Quote
Maco70 Posted February 26, 2008 Posted February 26, 2008 Think the 360 will ever have a blu-ray ad on? Quote
Bigfoot Posted February 26, 2008 Posted February 26, 2008 If anyone's interested, 12-month Xbox-live card for $38.75/(regular $49.99) with free shipping. $3.23 a month doesn't sound too bad Quote
Terial Posted February 26, 2008 Posted February 26, 2008 Okay, I've been putting it off for quite a while now, but I'm starting to want to buy a 360. Mostly because of Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon. I really want to support Mistwalker and, really I want to enjoy these games that look so fun. What I'm wondering is, are there any credible rumors of another price drop on the 360 anytime soon? I'd really like to get an elite, because I really am on the HD bandwagon and want the benefits of HDMI, like with my PS3. Then again, I'm not sure if I want to spend the money for a console on just two games, especially for an elite 360, which costs almost as much as a PS3. ...Although I did buy my PS3 solely for Final Fantasy XII /Versus, so I can't really use that excuse, even though I enjoy so many of the games I've bought for it. Quote
zircon Posted February 26, 2008 Posted February 26, 2008 I don't think you need an Elite for HD. I'm pretty sure you get that with just the Pro... it might not come with the cables though. Quote
Solid Krono Posted February 26, 2008 Posted February 26, 2008 So I'm probably going to buy a 360 finally, and I was wondering what games you all would recommend I get? Doesn't matter how obvious or obscure it may seem, I'm open to all suggestions. Quote
Penfold Posted February 26, 2008 Posted February 26, 2008 I don't think you need an Elite for HD. I'm pretty sure you get that with just the Pro... it might not come with the cables though. Exactly. Recently got a Pro with HDMI port, and had to buy the HDMI cable separately (Pro only comes with component cables). Incidentally, I had heard that only the offical 360 HDMI cable will feed audio and video without using a separate audio dongle. I didn't really care to check the validity of this and just bought the offical 360 HDMI cable. Also, Terial - those 2 games were the same reasons I bought a 360 myself. Quote
UnforgivingEdges Posted February 26, 2008 Posted February 26, 2008 I don't think you need an Elite for HD. I'm pretty sure you get that with just the Pro... it might not come with the cables though. All 360 models come with HD cables (component). The PS3 does not. So I'm probably going to buy a 360 finally, and I was wondering what games you all would recommend I get? Doesn't matter how obvious or obscure it may seem, I'm open to all suggestions. In order of importance to buy: Mass Effect Lost Odyssey Rez HD (XBLA) The Orange Box Gears of War BioShock Earth Defense Force 2017 Project Sylpheed Rock Band Assassin's Creed Condemned: Criminal Origins That should be plenty of gaming for you, and I'm ignoring some titles that a lot of people enjoyed that I either haven't played or liked, but not enough to buy them (Dead Rising comes to mind). But Mass Effect is the best game I have ever played, Lost Odyssey is so good, and many of the other games I listed should satisfy any desire you have to play that particular genre. Then there's the Xbox Live Arcade, and I could make another list full of awesome games about the same size, but I would suggest once you buy the system you connect to the inetrnet and look through the XBLA library and give the fee demos a try to decide what you like. Quote
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