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It was about 5:30PM. We were eating dinner, me and my brother had a half-finished plate of spaghetti that, while delicious, we were just not feelin' last night. My dad comes over from the living room.

Lost Odyssey is fucking fantastic by the way.

So wait...you own a 360 & a PS3 right now?

And yup, Lost Odyssey is great - on the fourth disc in a week.

Ok so I've been playing more of project Sylpheed.

This game is BOSS.

Seriously, if only just for the level of control you have over your Delta Saber, which beats the hell of Ace Combat 6(another awesome game). Just keep in mind that your first objective should be to hit the tutorial. It might seem boring at first, but once you see the amount of shit you can actually do, you start loving it.

The missions are pretty damned challenging, and there are multiple side objectives that you can accomplish in addition to whatever main objectives that will increase your overall mission score, which in turn is converted into points with which you can research different types of weapons and such for your fighter, and trust me, you want these upgrades. There's just something awesome about having a missile launcher that can fire off somewhere around 20 missiles at a squadron of enemy fighters that are headed right for you.

Graphically, it's not anything particularly amazing to write home about, but the game DOES have some pretty visuals and with all the shit going on at once, you really feel like you're in the middle of an awesome battle. I mean you're flying around and between multiple boss looking carriers and other cap. ships, not to mention the sheer amount of enemy fighters. One of the cool things that turn a lot of people off where the streaks of colors that trail after fighters making it look like "confetti". I actually think it's cool, since it reminds me of another favorite game of mine, Homeworld. I believe that I DID notice some slowdown on occasion, but nothing that would impede my game.

When it comes to games like this, a good narrative isn't always on the top of my list of priorities, but it just so happens that the story of the game(thus far) has actually helped me to enjoy the game even more. There are some pretty cool cut scenes thrown in that give some decent plot, and overall it's just something great.

I got the game for $30 bucks. For that price, it was definitely worth it to me, and they even added 5 or so(I think) levels via Xbox live in the latest update for the game. If you're into flight games and have some extra cash burning in your wallet looking for a new game, grab this one.

I can't agree more. Currently on Mission 7 (I think, the one with the mines) and it's bitch hard on normal sometimes. Then you come up with a tactic, learn to fly just a bit better or choose the right weapon and it's a breeze. This is really a game that's challenging and fun to master.

Also, they added 6 new levels. They're all point or Time Trial missions and for these 6 they added leaderboards on XBL, something that was horribly absent from the game.

but man, this game has this "just one more time" feeling even though the missions are like 30minutes each :3 and getting each medal is hard work, getting sub objectives is even harder.

So worth my $24. So incredibly worth my $24.


It makes me smile seeing all the Sylpheed love. I felt like I was the only one who bought it when it came out LAST SUMMER, and nobody else was raving about it besides me.

It's a great game.

Also, once you beat the game, you can go back and replay it with all of your upgraded weapons unlocked. This is how you can achieve some of the tough bonus objectives on the early levels and get medals for those missions (which unlocks achievements).


I didn't take kindly to Sylpheed's demo. For a demo, it seemed way too complex. I'm glad to hear that it's actually a bit like Gundam Seed too. I did love the space battle aspect in that sense. But hearing that it is down to $30 now, I think I'll probably buy it soon. Only after I buy a PSP, PS3 and a dozen 360 and Wii games...

I didn't take kindly to Sylpheed's demo. For a demo, it seemed way too complex. I'm glad to hear that it's actually a bit like Gundam Seed too. I did love the space battle aspect in that sense. But hearing that it is down to $30 now, I think I'll probably buy it soon. Only after I buy a PSP, PS3 and a dozen 360 and Wii games...

The demo doesn't do a good job because it tosses you into a mission without context or help. The full game does a much better job of acclimating you to the controls and bringing you up to speed slowly.


Agreed. The demo was piss poor in the sense that you really had no idea what the hell was really going on, and that's the problem with complex games like that having demos that throw you into the middle of stuff without really easing you into it first. I mean, imagine if they made a demo for Lost Odyssey. As awesome as a game as it is, I probably would have been turned off by playing a demo that puts me midway through the game.

I can understand how a game like Dynasty Warriors or something could have a demo, but not a game like Sylpheed.

As I can see from your icon, you play undertow...

We shall play, ya?

Anyone ever get trashed talked for losing a game of Yaris?

I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.

Edit: Oh shit... you have Sonic The Hedgehog 2. We so need to play.

sweet, cant find a match for love nor money.If only i could scrub the buttons for maximum spindash...

sweet, cant find a match for love nor money.If only i could scrub the buttons for maximum spindash...

What really sucks is that sonic has a disgusting advantage over tails.


So wait...you own a 360 & a PS3 right now?

And yup, Lost Odyssey is great - on the fourth disc in a week.

Yeah, me and my brother (we've gone halfers on each) have all three consoles now.

About Lost Odyssey, it's been quite some time since I've been infatuated with a game like Lost Odyssey to the point where I want to play it as much as I have. I haven't been this addicted to an RPG since I last played one from the SNES or PS One. Probably because it recalls so many of the rules that made those eras of games fun and addictive while practically perfecting the gameplay (between the battle front end and the stuff in the back like skill links and rings, it's like Swiss clock work.) It's beautiful and has a solid next-gen polish, although with some blemishes. Not to mention the emotional soundtrack which fits the game better than a glove. And some of the boss battles are actually challenging enough to die at least once. I'm impressed.


Yeah, I've clocked well over 50 hours (probably over 60, haven't checked in a while) on the game so far - I'm doing the sidequest stuff right now on the last disc, and it has just been so fun. I'm a bit annoyed though that I missed some spells and I'm not sure where to find them...I might have to go trudge through some dungeons again just to see what I've missed. At least as far as I can tell, the game didn't pull a bullshit Zodiac Spear ala FF12, and is perfectly reasonable as far as sidequesting is concerned, a novel concept in the age of the idiotic must-have-a-player's-guide RPGs.

It may be too early to make such a claim, but so far I think that Lost Odyssey is up there as one of the best RPGs I've ever played.


I'm one of the rare ones on here who despises FF12 completely. The amount of gold needed for purchasing stuff got out of hand towards the second half of the game, and the traveling was too tedious for me. Not to mention that without a players guide, you likely won't get the best weapon in the game & very likely will struggle throughout the game in a negative way.

I'm one of the rare ones on here who despises FF12 completely. The amount of gold needed for purchasing stuff got out of hand towards the second half of the game, and the traveling was too tedious for me. Not to mention that without a players guide, you likely won't get the best weapon in the game & very likely will struggle throughout the game in a negative way.

I liked it a lot, but I actually think FFXII may have been more overrated than FF7 now.

I had the opposite problem since I had the battle down pat for 95% of the game even to the final secret bosses which only required the cheap zoning/rezoning trick. Also the gold seemed to be way too easy to obtain if you know which items to sell and all the skills were watered down into uselessness (seriously, if you use spells instead of the '5 attacks per second' buffs, you are being silly). And as for the plot, FFXII really had one of the thinnest ones I can remember, even if it was stylistically beautiful.

I just finished playing Devil May Cry 4 on the ol' 360.

It sucks.

'Cept for the gameplay.

That only kinda sucked.

I did however enjoy Madam Jigglytits.

DMC4 needed more scenes with Lady/Trish and that other scantily clad chick. I enjoyed DMC4 while going through it but in retrospect it wasn't all that special but if it ain't broke don't fix it, I suppose.

DMC4 needed more scenes with Lady/Trish and that other scantily clad chick. I enjoyed DMC4 while going through it but in retrospect it wasn't all that special but if it ain't broke don't fix it, I suppose.

It's not broken, but it's bent like a mother fucker. :smile:


Red Circle of Death, Sorcerer? eh..

So, more on the blu-ray add-on for the 360. After thinking about it though, I'm still not sure if I'd get that or a PS3 as a blu-ray player, though the PS3 will make a stronger case come MGS4's release.

Now only if they'll just combine PS4 and Xbox720 and be done with it. Then it'll pretty much be the revival of the mountain of 3rd party games in the PS1 and PS2 eras.


I doubt Sony is really dedicated to bringing back their older titles - they claimed that they were going to do so on the PS3, but we really haven't seen much come from their camp through the PSN. It really is against their interests to do so since they are more centered in letting the current gen stuff stay in the limelight.

And Lost Odyssey stuff!

So, I finished the Temple of Enlightenment sidequest after a grueling 3 or 4 hours in there! I missed one treasure chest near the beginning, but I'm not terribly concerned since the troubling part was when you had to get the two jewels to put into the altar, and figuring out everything. I'm pretty confident I got all of the treasures there, so the beginning section should be a cinch in comparison.

I also got all of the spells finally, and I'm mostly through with the Backyard as well, although I stopped after getting stuck trying to figure out how to kill the dog for the secret condition in the second super heavy battle - that dog basically autokills you in one hit, and even with Persistence, puts you at 1 hp. The lack of spells, items, and skills allowed for that one is brutal too.[/spoilers]


So I just saw a few more vids for NG2, and wow, I'm uber excited to play this game. Like seriously.

Also, I'm starting to save up money for an HD set(I have about 250 thus far), and I was wondering if anyone knew the differences between brands, and what TVs can do 1080p over component. I'm fine with 720p, but 1080p is definitely the thing right now, and this TV might as well be an investment.

So I just saw a few more vids for NG2, and wow, I'm uber excited to play this game. Like seriously.

Also, I'm starting to save up money for an HD set(I have about 250 thus far), and I was wondering if anyone knew the differences between brands, and what TVs can do 1080p over component. I'm fine with 720p, but 1080p is definitely the thing right now, and this TV might as well be an investment.

Are you planning to go LCD or plasma? Probably the highest-recommended brand for LCD as far as I'm concerned is Sharp (Aquos series), but Samsung and Sony are good as well. For plasma, Pioneer Kuro series are the best (pretty much the best HDTV you get get right now, but more expensive), and Panasonic is the next best thing.

Depends on whether you're going to be doing a lot of watching in a well-lit room most often, your budget, the size of screen you want, or if you're a bit more of a video-phile as to which way you should lean. If you're going to do something 50" or less and are not planning to use it for hooking a computer up to it, just go with 720p. Start answering these questions, and it'll make it easier to narrow down.

For my personal uses, I got a 42" 720p Panasonic plasma, which I would highly recommend. I don't have a ton of time to spend in from the tv these days, but when I do I tend to watch in the dark or with low lighting, and really needed something with a high contrast ratio (so LCD was out). I also don't plan to use it as a computer monitor, so for my purposes I couldn't justify the difference in price when it came to 1080p tvs (especially because the 1080p plasmas I was looking at tended to have a lower contrast ratio than their 720p counterparts).

I don't know what brands offhand can input 1080p via components, but I understand that's increasingly rare these days.

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