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In other words: it's a freaking awesome game well worth the low low price it's going for nowadays!

Unlike "The Perfect Match".

...I tried the demo, it's... yeah...

At least the music is good. :D


dunno if i've mentioned this before, but with all the talk of soundtracks by ocr people i figured i'd mention this.

novo interactive is producing a game called Ye Olde PANIC which i'm the composer for. it's all high-energy electronica with a strong fantasy element...and there's a demo that i did available here. it's a sorta top-down action game with a similar battle mechanic to fable 2. there's a bunch of stuff available on their site to get you pumped.

it's going to be an XBLA game, so it'll be cheap...and it already looks AMAZING. the amount of work that's already gone into it is immense.


it's going to be an XBLA game, so it'll be cheap...and it already looks AMAZING. the amount of work that's already gone into it is immense.

How are these XBLA games? I saw a few, but I wasn't too sure about getting one when I was still playing XBOX live...

So Street Fighter IV...

I hate you bastards who no doubt get to pick it up today... :-( I have to wait for another few days to grab it as a birthday gift.

Can't wait to mix it up with all of you though.

Oh yeah? I have to wait a week and a half for Amazon to ship it across the Pacific. Not to say Amazon has terrible shipping or anything, I just regret having my order set to ship all at once with the joystick I ordered that doesn't come out till the 20th.

Lousy 150 dollar thing I'm only gonna use for maybe 3 games...


So I was able to get my media center working on the 360 with the help of transcode 360. Now I can watch ALL my videos without having to torture myself with trying to convert them to a playable form of wmv. If my computer were more powerful, I'd be able to stream HD, but for now just being able to watch all my vids and cable from my PC on my 360 with my 32" set in the living room as opposed to a 17" monitor makes my day.

It's like Christmas all over again. :-P


You can just google it up and you should find a d/l link for it.

Basically, it's a freeware program that you install on the actual system from which you'll be streaming, and when you select media center on the 360, it'll be enabled automatically. All you have to do is scroll through your vid files, hit the X button on the videos that would be otherwise unplayable and select "transcode." According to the user manual, certain files might still be unplayable, although I haven't run into that problem thus far and I'm sure it's probably just a matter of installing the right codecs. In the case of HD streaming, I had some bad skipping, slowdown, and no audio but as I said before my system just isn't up to spec for that kind of thing. I'm sure most of you PC connoisseurs won't have that issue. You can also change several of the settings such as how to set up audio conversion and sync, temp folder to which files will be transcoded, etc. Since you're installing it on your PC, there's no modding going on so your 360 is risk free.

Just give it a shot and I'm sure it'll help. It'd be nice if MS would have enabled the playback of all types of vid files, but meh.

Finally got my 360 hooked up to LIVE. Gamertag is shariqansari.

I have Street Fighter IV, but really, I'd love it if there were any Battle Fantasia players out there to have a match with.

Battle Fantasia gets EU release in a few days, when I pick it up I will def hook you up to get owned :D

Finally got my 360 hooked up to LIVE. Gamertag is shariqansari.

I have Street Fighter IV, but really, I'd love it if there were any Battle Fantasia players out there to have a match with.

I've been reading around about Battle Fantasia, and I'm pretty interested. A bit more of an accessible fighter from the guys behind Guilty Gear(which if I see a 360 incarnation I WILL buy), that has a cool visual style and looks pretty fun? Yes please.

What can you tell me about your time with it?

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