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Super Mario 64: Portrait of a Plumber - History


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  • 3 weeks later...

It's amazing... The last days, maybe two weeks... There has been NO activity on the forums... My web host disabled the subdomain because it's sending out a couple hundred emails per day... And 7 minutes after he disables it, Fishy pops in the IRC channel with "Escariot?"

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the best way to kill the bots is to set the username registration filters to filter everything, so no one can register. if someone needs to get on, then just disable the filters and make the name FOR them. that's what we did with the pkmn project.

I gotsta wait for my host guy to get back to enable the website, and I'll do that...

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5/10? Escariot said hundreds. How do you stop the spambots anyway? Put up a password for accessing the signup page? I guess you could, in addition to authorization, could force whoever signs up to click an activation link in a confirmation e-mail, but then the server would be sending e-mails all over the place anyway. One way would be to stop the server from sending e-mails to people until they're authorized, and to have control panel for activating accounts. Rather than an e-mail sent to the administrator every time someone signs up, the admin could log in once every so often and check if any non-random people signed up and need authorization. Or, the admin could create the accounts. Each of these options require a little bit of programming though...

I wonder how OCR does it. This place must be a very popular target for bots of all kinds.

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Well, there are spambots out there that are made to bypass phpbb2's default captcha, since it's just a grid kind of thing. And these forums are the ones that get the most publicity because the link is posted everywhere. And yes, Fishy is low-balling, but remember, it sends 4 emails for every account. One to me, one to Fishy, one to Audix, one to Pockets. In addition to the emails that I get that say "Undelivered Mail", the mail count easily reach 100 on a slow day.

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