andr3w Posted July 3, 2002 Posted July 3, 2002 I like the loungy, laid back feel to it. Groovy! Quote
Azurel Posted July 3, 2002 Posted July 3, 2002 I think that I have some sort of serious medical problem. See, whenever I hear this song, my foot starts tapping. I desperately try to stop my foot from tapping, and then my head starts nodding. After that, my hand starts moving. It's insane. I can't stop. Seriously though, I love this song. I especially like the jazzy organ playing through the background. I just can't stop listening to this mix. Quote
Heero123 Posted July 3, 2002 Posted July 3, 2002 No prob M@, it was bugging the hell out of me too. Quote
Solanalos Posted July 5, 2002 Posted July 5, 2002 This is my first post here. I've been a long time visitor of the site, but after hearing this remix, I just had post something. I definitely think this is one of THE best remixes the site has ever hosted. Quote
Dev Posted July 5, 2002 Posted July 5, 2002 Hate adding a review to the previous 30, but I've just got to say this is FUCKING BRILLIANT. Easily Pretzel's best. Quote
darunmaster Posted July 6, 2002 Posted July 6, 2002 hi guys....this is my first post ever on these forums.....i just couldn't resist writing about this remix by DJP. what can i say..... A WORK OF ART! i just can't stop listening to this song at home, work or in my car. kudos to DJP for making probably his best remix to date. Quote
master Posted July 8, 2002 Posted July 8, 2002 pretzel.. i must say i'm impressed. this is beautiful.. both the harmonies and the melodies. the only thing i didn't like was the sample for the organ melody that comes in at 1:23. Quote
Supernerd42 Posted July 13, 2002 Posted July 13, 2002 You know you're a geek when you battle pain with a video game remix. Either that, or the remix is absolutely wonderful. Or possibly both. Let me explain. I'm feeling lonely, because I just called a girl I happen to be madly in love with about five minutes before she had to leave for vacation, and I'm trying to wrap my mind around the fact that I'm not going to talk to her for two weeks, and I might possibly not see her for an even longer stretch of time, and what piece of music do I put on? This one. Ah, sweet sorrow and a beautiful hopeful tomorrow. And sweet bass. Funk. Beautiful tune. *Sob.* Quote
Kakeru Posted July 13, 2002 Posted July 13, 2002 Amazing... I love this song very much. For a few years i like the Music of Sonic the Hedgehog. A great game with great music - and this is one of the best remixes i've ever heard Fantastic. More more more Quote
TheWired Posted August 7, 2002 Posted August 7, 2002 Pretzel, since my hat and pants are saluted allready, i'll have to salute this with my last piece of decent clothing wich is my shirt (dont be offended ?) Well this is more than beautifull, it brings a tear to my eyes because this is what music is all about, played with emotions, to bring out emotions. I still feel the most amazing rush of feelings listening to this. Mind you Mr Pretzel at -1:58 theres this little .. bass-ish solo, and i want you to know that this is the part of the song that impressed me the most, so imagine that my ears were allready liquiding to the sound of the song, they almost bursted of pure extacy when that part came on. This ranks as in one of the best OC ReMixes that i've heard so far, and its done by the very host of this amazing site Pretzel, forever may you be cursed/blessed for this song is stuck in my head and will probably never get out of my head .. i dont know wether its a good or bad thing .. Quote
TerminaSageZelda Posted August 14, 2002 Posted August 14, 2002 Wow.....I never thought a remix could be so good........this song brings a tear to my eye whenever I listen to it.........jazzy, brings out emotions, and is what a song is supposed to be. Thanks for bringing such a great remix! Quote
AlwaysAlone Posted August 23, 2002 Posted August 23, 2002 Nice, cool mix to just sit and relax to. I'm a great fan of DJP (who isn't?), and this mix is one of his many, many greats. Great work. ^^ Quote
IcePak Posted September 19, 2002 Posted September 19, 2002 I've downloaded about 25 or so awesome songs from this wonderful site, but I can say that this is clearly the best on here (fromt he ones I've heard anyway). It gives the original tune a new life, taking it in different directions, and what's been done with it is so fricking amazing. At first I had no idea what tune it was a remix of, but it didn't take me long to figure out that it was my favourite tune from the original Sonic game. It's a very funky tune, and one that everyone must listen to. Get it now! Keep up the excellent work djpretzel. Quote
Elex Synn Posted September 19, 2002 Posted September 19, 2002 With this mix you did justice, to a great classic pretz. Has the same effect on me like the "Gemini Salsa" remix... "How on earth did they come up with this? It rox!" Quote
danny B Posted September 19, 2002 Posted September 19, 2002 You have GOT to contact Michael Jackson about doing vocals to this. I can see the dance number now..... Quote
Trance-Canada™ Posted September 19, 2002 Posted September 19, 2002 I really envy you right now, I love it so much, I've wanted to be able to make a remix that's as far from Trance as possible. I don't know how you do it, but you do it well. Quote
AxiomDJ* Posted October 9, 2002 Posted October 9, 2002 This is a Real ReMix! Notice how the beggining almost sounds like some one is going to start singing, and how the beats don't start till you get in to the song, and it makes you start to smile , This is just a plainly nice ReMixxxxxx!! Quote
Shhteve Posted October 9, 2002 Posted October 9, 2002 I agree, it does sound like a nice opening for a vocal takeover. It's definitely a very nice ReMix, I like the kick-back style for ReMixes a lot, and this track surely covers that concept. Nice work DJ Pretzel, but I wouldn't expect any less from you, you're one of the best on the 'site. Quote
Nobbynob Littlun Posted December 16, 2002 Posted December 16, 2002 Anyone seen the recent movie about Frida Kahlo? This made me think of the scene when she tangoes with the other woman in a decidedly sensual way. The song definitely has some neat details. Not exactly something that brings a tear to my eye as some others describe, but the thingy, not sure what it is, maybe it's a funkified organ or some standard synth (hard to describe, it's used in a lot of golden oldies when synth was the latest "wow"), but it makes me imagine Frank Zappa game remixes. Quote
ResdntEvilFreak Posted January 20, 2003 Posted January 20, 2003 I love this song! it's one of those rare few that vary so much from the original that you have to love it!! You have GOT to contact Michael Jackson about doing vocals to this.I can see the dance number now..... You have changed the way I listen to this song for life! Quote
Starblaze Posted February 16, 2003 Posted February 16, 2003 Damn right. But which mix is djp's 1st best? djpretzel's best? Track 10. Coming soon... Yeah, right. The Cyan mix is great and all but it doesn't touch this. Ever. Quote
Vig Posted March 29, 2003 Posted March 29, 2003 This is a beautiful mix. great interpretation, as usual. theres only one thing i dont like: the rubber bass that comes in at :33. it sounds like a frog. it doesnt fit and i find it to be a turn off. i ask, why did djp go with this sound for bass? its cool, but i dont think its right for this song. i can think of any number of bass osunds that would have sounded better. well i love the mix other than that. Quote
dzone Posted April 12, 2003 Posted April 12, 2003 I don't care what anyone says. This is the best Sonic remix I have ever heard, it retains that classy SEGA style mixed in with a very diggable beat. It's also very unpredictable and full of variations without ruining the original melody. Recommended. Quote
GrayLightning Posted April 22, 2003 Posted April 22, 2003 Very nice. Quality mix, no complaints. Quote
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