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I love it. I was late catching on though, but I eventually gave in to my friends telling me how good it is. Even my brother likes it and he hates anime of any sort. To be honest, I am a bit stubborn when it comes to anime as well, but it did not take long for me to get addicted to it.


Absolutely love the comic, haven't seen the show or the movies. Not yet, anyway. I'm waiting for the U.S. serialization of the comic to end before I go any further into the other media.

It's actually the only comic I read regularly, even more so than keeping abreast of American comics.


I'm on like episode 23 of the anime, I just stream it off youtube nowadays, too lazy to look for a torrent. I wouldn't say it was great, but it's entertaining. It's definitely different than i thought it was going to be (Before i started watching.) How many episodes is the series? or is it still ongoing? I'm assuming it's around 24-26 unless some new shit comes up.

  Soma said:
I'm on like episode 23 of the anime, I just stream it off youtube nowadays, too lazy to look for a torrent. I wouldn't say it was great, but it's entertaining. It's definitely different than i thought it was going to be (Before i started watching.) How many episodes is the series? or is it still ongoing? I'm assuming it's around 24-26 unless some new shit comes up.

There are 36 eps total.

  The Tiger said:
To be honest, I am a bit stubborn when it comes to anime as well, but it did not take long for me to get addicted to it.

Same here. I absolutely love Death Note.

  Avatar of Justice said:
I sure can't wait to see Light's evilness back in action.

The show's not nearly as good when Light's not killing people. As soon as he loses his powers, he becomes a two-dimensional character.

  Avatar of Justice said:
I love Death Note. It's my favorite show since Gankutsuou/Count of Monte Cristo. I haven't seen 24 yet, waiting for my group of choice to sub it, but I sure can't wait to see Light's evilness back in action.
Out of interest, what subber are you using? I've been using Kuro-Hana since around 12, and they seem to be pretty good, but what do I know?
  Makai said:
The show's not nearly as good when Light's not killing people. As soon as he loses his powers, he becomes a two-dimensional character.
True that. This whole Yotsuba thing has gone on for a little too long. And I can't stand Misa!

I'm on volume 10 of the manga and I really like it. But I checked out a random episode of the anime and I wasn't too impressed. Most the series is just people thinking and talking and I'm not sure if there's any particular need to animate that. Oh well, I may still check out the anime once it's officially released, but for now I'm thinking that the manga is better suited for this sort of narrative.


The title made me think somebody was placing their suicide letter on OCRemix. (Personally, where I would place it if I were suicidal.)

I guess that shows you how much I've kept up with anime lately.


Too bad the story actually could have gone places, but it's actually all quite short. And they leave a lot to the supernatural powers instead of the deductions sometimes. Almost to a deus ex degree.


The ending frustrates me.


Not to mention the whole arc with Near and Mello seems, to me, completely unnecessary. It seemed like a terrible plot device and essentially just replaced L with Near. At least L's interaction with Light were more interesting as they were constantly in close quarters.


Add my voice to the chorus of people sucking on Death Note's 18-inch cock. It is a godly show, though I'm glad the Yotsuba arc is over now.

One very notable place where Death Note is of high quality is in the music. And I fucking hate most anime music, as well as most anime. The only music I've ever actually really liked in anime was Eva, and that was mostly because it made such liberal use of well-known classical pieces and Frank Sinatra covers.

I've heard that somebody else is the President of the United States in the Death Note continuity. Too bad, really. What with all the social justice themes they end up touching on, I was really hoping someone would mention the war in Iraq at some point, but I suppose not every show needs to be BSG.

  Brushfire2004 said:
Deathnote is 31 different flavors of awesome.

... that isn't even out yet...

Death note is great, but its not my favorite. That title must go to Monster


And I saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads, the names of blasphemy. And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, "Who is like unto the beast? Who is able to make war with him?"

Bow to its brilliance!!


  Hadriel said:
Add my voice to the chorus of people sucking on Death Note's 18-inch cock. It is a godly show, though I'm glad the Yotsuba arc is over now.

One very notable place where Death Note is of high quality is in the music. And I fucking hate most anime music, as well as most anime. The only music I've ever actually really liked in anime was Eva, and that was mostly because it made such liberal use of well-known classical pieces and Frank Sinatra covers.

I've heard that somebody else is the President of the United States in the Death Note continuity. Too bad, really. What with all the social justice themes they end up touching on, I was really hoping someone would mention the war in Iraq at some point, but I suppose not every show needs to be BSG.

The president is actually somewhat badass. (Highlight for spoilers)

He kills himself, afraid of the Mob using the Death Note to make him push the "Launch the nukes" button, killing scores of people.

  TCK said:
Out of interest, what subber are you using? I've been using Kuro-Hana since around 12, and they seem to be pretty good, but what do I know?

I've been sticking with Animanda since Live-Evil quit. I've done side by side comparions of pieces of a few episodes and I Animanda's translation just sounds a bit more natural to me. You can call me a dork, I just like having the best translation I can get.

  Makai said:
The show's not nearly as good when Light's not killing people. As soon as he loses his powers, he becomes a two-dimensional character.

Yeah, I'm amazed at what a dork Light is without his abilities. He's just a generic anime hero-type who can't even deal with a girl properly.


My $0.02...

Death Note is one of the greatest animes/mangas to be released anywhere! XD

I'm a huge fan of psychological thrillers, and most animes are the same basic love story for girls with action and/or nudity for the guys.

That is to say... I don't hate anime, and I enjoy those same basic love stories with action from time to time ^^; I just like to see something different to keep my attention from drifting away from anime all together.

Anywho, now that I've opened the flame gates of hell <.<... for those of you that hate searching for torrents/have slow connections/can't stand youtube(like myself), There is an awesome site that hosts anime episodes and other random asian things called www.crunchyroll.com. Just sign up (it's free) and you can watch almost any unlicensed anime (and some licensed ones too) you want. The licensed ones are slowly being removed so don't get your hopes up, but it's my favorite place to go for free anime. You can even add your favorite series' to your profile so you don't have to dig and search the next time you want to see it.

And to answer the question about how many episodes there are, currently episode 25 will be airing tomorrow (Wed, April 4th) on Japanese TV. I believe someone said it already, but there are 36-37 episodes planned total.

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