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Seeing as how it comes out in Japan one month from now I figured I'd post a topic to get some hype going.

Box Art

SS of the ingame animation

Scan 1

Scan 2

Scan 3

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Scan 6

New features include:

New Jobs -- Dark Knight and Onion Knight

New Playable Characters -- Balthier (FFXII) and LuSo (Part of the FFTA world)

Multiplayer -- Coop and Versus modes.

New items -- New weapons, armor, and items.

New in-game animation -- Fully animated cut scenes.


Sate-side Release Date: October 2007

Opening Video

Who's excited? I am!

So is this a new game or another port with added features.

So I guess you didn't read the first post, huh?

i thought i laid out the information pretty bluntly....


It's the only thing on the PSP I care about.


Probably because the PSP uses a processor similar to the original Playstation, thus saving them the trouble of completely recoding FF Tactics. Although in order for my answer to make sense, Square would have to be coding in a lot of assembly instead of something sane like mostly C and C++. Does anyone know anymore about this?


That's true. Coding for the DS is ALOT harder than programming for the PSP. The PSP language (I forget the specific name) is really really close to that which was used with the original playstation, of course tweaked a bit for more flashy stuff and whatnot.


Well...the original Final Fantasy Tactics introduced me to the world of Stratagy RPGs, so I'm sure I'm going to get this one once it gets released in English. Hopefully, the somewhat questionable localization of the original gets improved in the PSP port. I remember getting REALLY confused with the dialogue at times.

I'm all for new characters and stuff, but in the same time I fear that Balthier and that FFTA dude will screw up the original storyline and the Ivalice timeline continuity. I hear that Balthier has a major role in FFT's story so I'm kind of curious of how Square-Enix is approaching his addition. I mean...Cloud's addition was pretty cool and it didn't screw up anything whatsoever since his backstory was explained via time travel. But as for Balthier, we all know that he's actually from Ivalice of a different time or dimension. Same thing with the FFTA guy. The FFTA series takes place in a difference universe according to the creators.


Expect Mustadio to be nixed for Balthier methinks.

Mustadio's on the box art, so he's probably in.

I really don't know how Balthier will work with this though.


Expect Mustadio to be nixed for Balthier methinks.

I'm pretty sure they didnt REMOVE anything. And having two special characters with guns will make the game even easier methinks.

No matter how much i loved this game i always thought it was way too easy.


...Goddammit. First the PSP's getting an improved port of Disgaea: Hour of Darkness, now this?! My S-RPG senses are screaming at me to go buy a PSP for these... arrgh. *Shakes fist*

Looks pretty bad ass. Any word on the American release date?

...Goddammit. First the PSP's getting an improved port of Disgaea: Hour of Darkness, now this?! My S-RPG senses are screaming at me to go buy a PSP for these... arrgh. *Shakes fist*

Looks pretty bad ass. Any word on the American release date?

havent been able to track one down yet

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