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  • 4 weeks later...

Today was a very dark and depressing day for Zombieforce and Pokemon.

I was taking my DS out in public today to trade a friend of mine a larvitar (as he is unable to get one). I pretty much had it all day in my pocket, and on my way home from school, I discovered that it was no longer in my pocket. I freaked out, but it was too late to turn back. The school was already getting locked up.

Basically, it's gone. Hopefully it turnes up, as my school is very small. I had hundreds of hours down in Diamond, a decent collection of shinies, a fully EV trained team including my Garchomp which I loved. But most of all, I had the japanese movie event Darkrai on the game. :cry: All gone.

Dark day indeed. I hope i am able to find it.


Satoshi Tajiri claimed that the next "major" project would be groundbreaking.

I patiently wait with expectations set low. Wii MMO with reworked stat/level system, job system and chat? Yeah, maybe once Duke Nukem Forever comes out...

Satoshi Tajiri claimed that the next "major" project would be groundbreaking.

Link please.

Wii MMO with reworked stat/level system, job system and chat?

Wha? The stat and level systems are near polished. Every generation, they've gone through major overhauls to address flaws and broken metagame issues.

As for classes, only if they don't give any major boost of any kind. Like if you train only Fire types, you don't get a 50% boost to all fire attacks. At best, maybe 10%. And you would have to earn that boost somehow. Maybe the number of pokemon trained or hours played or something. And you should lose it if you change jobs.

But seeing how Nintendo has this unnatural fear of anything on-line, I doubt we'll see anything close to this for a long time. By then, I just hope they let the series end on a high note and put it to rest. Once they hit the 750 pokemon mark, it's gone to far. We're already just under 500, and a lot of them are just useless for anything. Only the highest forms and certain single forms (like legendaries) are worthwhile.

  • 1 month later...

Time to change this into the diamond/pearl/PLATINUM thread:

Coro Coro Magazine has announced Pokemon Platinum, the third in the fourth gen of pokemon games.

-Giratina is on the cover

-Set for Sept. Release in Japan

-Volkner is no longer the Sunyshore Gym Leader

-Battle Island, functions just like Battle Frontier

-Several New Pokemon forms (such as Giratina's Origin Form, Regigigas' Sky Form, Shaymin's alternate form)

-Giratina's and Regigigas' new forms can Levitate and Shaymin's new form might be ice.

-New battle interface and new costume for main chatarers.

-Underground is now WiFi enabled woot!

Sounds awesome but wheres my damned Gold/Silver Remakes :(

Time to change this into the diamond/pearl/PLATINUM thread:

Coro Coro Magazine has announced Pokemon Platinum, the third in the fourth gen of pokemon games.

Sounds awesome but wheres my damned Gold/Silver Remakes :(

Hey, they were working on Emerald, Fire Red, and Leaf Green at almost the same time, and no handheld has ever had less than five iterations of the classic formula. It's no guarantee obviously, but I'm confident more will follow Platinum, and a return to Johto is a likely candidate.

... and no handheld has ever had less than five iterations of the classic formula. It's no guarantee obviously' date=' but I'm confident more will follow Platinum, and a return to Johto is a likely candidate.[/quote']


The GameBoy had the first three, and then the GameBoy Color had Gold, Silver and Crystal. Different hardware (close, but not quite).

Also, there is no reason to make a GSC remake. The only reasons why they did Fire and Leaf were one, to gain access to the missing 1st and 2nd generation pokemon that were not found naturally in Ruby and Sapphire, and two, as an excuse to "celebrate" the tenth anniversary of the release of the original games back in 1995.

With 3rd gen games and the naturally found pokes in DP, you have access to every pokemon (except for a few legendaries, most of which can be obtained by the Gamecube games). Putting out a GSC remake would be worthless. It wouldn't give you any pokemon that you can't get already.

And it can't be to celebrate the tenth anniversary of GSC, because that's not late 2009. Kind of rushing things, aren't we?

And then what? In 2012, we get remakes of Ruby and Sapphire? Then remakes of Diamond and Pearl in 2017?

If they did make a GSC remake, are they going to put Kanto in it again as well? So we can go back, yet again? For the fourth fucking time?

If you're about to say "what about all the references to Johto in DP?", then what about all the references to Johto in RSE? There wasn't a GSC remake then, so why now?

As for the supposed Pokesav option that says you can make a pokemon listed as "from Johto", keep in mind that Pokesav is a fan-made program, and it's entirely likely that someone edited the program, or even just that one section of data, to say this. (I'd have to confirm with someone that uses this program extensively, but I'm pretty sure it's not really part of the program).

And even if there was a real "From Johto" thing in the games, there were lots of extra bits of data left in the previous games that were never used. Items, names, small map segments, hidden doorways and whatnot, all intended to be used at some point during the development of the game, but were ultimately left unfinished due to time or budget constraints. Just because someone spent hours digging something up from the bottom of the games coding doesn't mean that it's actually relevant.

I wish these GSC rumors would stop. There's far more going against then than for them, and yet they still pop up. Until something official comes up, people should just stop talking about it; it's annoying to have to read and hear about it over and over...


I'm inclined to agree with you TD. A G/S/C remake would probably suck. While they did have their insanely cool moments, they just wouldn't be right to bring forward.

While FR/LG were valid remakes that were in need of being done (to complete the Pokedex), G/S/C would serve no purpose to that. If it came out (and I'm a big Pokémon fan), I wouldn't buy it. I'd sooner dig out one of my 2 Game Boy Colors and play the original cartridges.


Not if the save-game batteries are dead. They die completely after seven years, and take your save game data with it.

/lost his level 100, twelve-poke team, including a legit Mew from the first Toys-R-Us event back in 1999

OF COURSE! That's the best reason why to remake it! To get rid of that damn seven-year-old dead battery problem! GENIUS!

Not if the save-game batteries are dead. They die completely after seven years, and take your save game data with it.

/lost his level 100, twelve-poke team, including a legit Mew from the first Toys-R-Us event back in 1999

OF COURSE! That's the best reason why to remake it! To get rid of that damn seven-year-old dead battery problem! GENIUS!

My pokemon yellow and silver are still working, and My sister's pokemon red is still working too...


I see no point in a remake of G/S/C. I would probably buy it anyways to make dex completion easier(E.G. instead of restarting FR 3 times to get the dogs. I"m probably going to buy XD and colosseum, anyways.)

I honestly quite enjoyed FR; It was a great bit of nostalgia and just overall coolness. I got both emerald and FR just for dex; Nintendo sure knows what it's doing!!


Though there may not be much point for G/S/C remakes, I wouldn't not like it if they were remade. I would probably buy it just because I no longer have my original Silver copy (some kid stole it from me in 5th grade), and my GBC's sound wont work anymore. :|


The GameBoy had the first three, and then the GameBoy Color had Gold, Silver and Crystal. Different hardware (close, but not quite).

I've never considered the GameBoy, Pocket, and Color separate generations; there wasn't any significant changes between them. The addition of color was awesome, but it was still just a GameBoy with color, deal with it.

It's like going "OMG NiNTenD0's announced the next gen of handhelds!" every time they make the current model smaller and/or brighter. The SP is still just a GBA, the DS Lite is still just a DS, and the Gamboy Color was still just a Gameboy.

I've never considered the GameBoy' date=' Pocket, and Color separate generations; there wasn't any significant changes between them. The addition of color was awesome, but it was still just a GameBoy with color, deal with it.


Don't be an arse, did you miss the part with "slightly different hardware?"

You know what that means? They aren't exactly the same. Amazing isn't it?

Don't be an arse, did you miss the part with "slightly different hardware?"

You know what that means? They aren't exactly the same. Amazing isn't it?

OHHH!!! Burn!!!

But in all seriousness, the GBC was not very different. If you must split hairs, then yes they were a seperate generation of handhelds.

Don't be an arse, did you miss the part with "slightly different hardware?"

You know what that means? They aren't exactly the same. Amazing isn't it?

Which is exactly why I said "significant changes". I wouldn't go around calling others an arse with a comeback like that.

And thanks for your support Brushfire.


Platinum doesn't look very relevant yet.

Unless Arceus is making a legit in-game cameo, all they're adding is the usual "third game" tivial junk they have been for a decade. WiFi underground? Yeah, okay... Tweaking 3 legendaries? Hooray.

Chances are good that I'll STILL buy this damn game but SHIT GameFreak, couldn't you have done something a bit more original?

To The Damned: I remember reading a transcribed interview online at either Gamespot or IGN that quoted Tajiri as saying something to the effect of "the system with the next (after D/P) Pokemon game will win the console war, mark my words." It was earlier described as a "new project." Honestly, I wish I remembered where I saw it myself, since I'd like to hope that such a project -- whatever it is -- is indeed is underway.

The only reason I said "rework the exp system" is because if you're going to bring hundreds an hundreds of players together, it'll get too easy for everyone to get to 100. This only if it's a real MMO. Not even sure I want something like that now, tbh.

No... I think Pokemon could serve to make the leap into 3D... something bigger, grander... but no matter what's in store I'm tired of the same old formula. Nintendo milks its core franchises way more now than it ever has... Yeah, after Platinum's had it's run I want to see something that's a bold departure in terms of scope. I don't even think we need 100 new monsters to coincide with it, either, though that's always exciting when it happens.

Seriously though... 493 already. Let's never ever go over 600, okay, Nintendo? Usethe next 100 to fill some gaps and do some really off-the-wall shit, make them all uncommon and viable and market them as the great equalizers or some shit.

I.E. we could really use a type combo or ten to help round out some of the weaker or more boring types. I'm looking at you, BUG, FIRE, Ice, Electric and POISON!

BTW, Bulbapedia has a rumor listed that those who preorder Platinum in Japan will receive a ticket to download a Shinx with a special move. I'm betting on Volt Tackle. "Fucking finally" is all I can say if that's true.


I can honestly say I love the pokemon games,

But I can also honestly say I hate the way Nintendo goes with them.

The whole 2 versions Idea is fine; after all, it makes it worth seeking out others with the other version to Catch 'em All! But I never liked the 3rd game, excepting Yellow, because that was really different. Although emerald brought a lot of new stuff, I only got it because you can catch all three legendaries in it.

But, the continual addition of monsters is just unnecessary. I like the idea of adding only 100 more and making them uncommon and equalizers and Aninymouse said. I think after that, Nintendo can still do great things with the pkmn they have.

Another thing; Should Nintendo step away from the normal gym badge thing? They did with Colosseum and XD, and those were pretty good, except there were only like 100 pkmn in total in them...

I like the Gym badge system, but it's just so predictable.

What I really want to see is a battle with Team Rocket (Or galactic, or magma, or universe, or whatever they want to call themselves) INSIDE A POKEMON CENTER! Epic! W00t!

Or at least something to make it unusual and crazy!

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