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I've always wanted to see a Team Rocket version of Poke'mon games' date=' or something akin to that. Being Nintendo though, it's only a dream.[/quote']

We (Neo Productions) were working on that years ago, you can still find a very old patch of it under the name "Pokemon Neo: Rocket" - along with an "Adventure" version - on Zophar's Domain. Too bad we never finished those..


While we're on the subject of Pokemon hacks, anyone here ever hear of Pokemon Shiny Gold? Basically, this guy Zel took the Fire Red game and made a really eloborate hack for it that turns it into a "high-def" version of Pokemon Gold. For the most part it's an exact copy, but there are a few differences:

The only items he has to work with are the slots for the ones already programmed, so there isn't any Pokegear. Instead, you have a Town Map, a Phone Card, and a PokeBeeper. Basically, you register people's numbers on your Phone Card, they leave you messages on your Beeper, and you call them back at these coooooool phone booths that he's programmed into the game. They're pretty numerous, about one to most landmarks, so it's never a hassle to find one.

There's Apricorns, but their sprites are random item sprites. There isn't any day-to-night progression, and it's always raining in Ecruteak. All the time-based events, like wild Lapras, Apricorns & Berries, Kurt's Pokeballs, day-of-the-week children, etc. are all on a steps-based system, so that you have to take X number of steps after any of those events for it to "recharge," say, and you're free to do another event. Wild pokemon like Ladyba, Zubat, etc. are found at all times of the day...

He's inserted all the Hoenn pokemon in the wild or through events, but they're pretty rare (like, 1 - 3% in the wild) or are through events. You're only forced to take a Clampearl from Lance because there isn't a Whirlpool HM. You could alternatively fish for a wild Wailmer.

It's... a lot of fun! You could always go back and play the real Gold & Silver if those kinds of changes bug you, but there's just enoughof a twist to this version that I think it comes off more like a "Fire Gold," if you know what I mean.

There's also an "X" version that ups the difficulty quite a bit if you're looking for a challenge. I'm playing that one.



I'm not too familiar with handheld emulators, can they emulate linking to other units, either via network, or even just running the same emulator on your computer at the same time?

The question leads into is the Shiny Gold hack compatible with the real GBA Poke'mon roms?


Not sure, but probably not.

Zel altered all the trade evolutions to trigger either by level or stones instead, anyway, so there's no point unless you just want to trade over to a legit rom.



Kidding. But it's been floating around various pokemon sites for the last month.

I'd go, but having just returned from the US, I have no desire to go back right away (home is, after all, home) and I've already secured a Darkrai from someone here (drack or Sephfire, I think).

Might be kind of a lark to have the item and everything, but I doubt that it would be worth the day or two of driving (with gas prices as they are... ouch).

Maybe if I shipped my cart to someone here that was going, and they could download the ticket for me... but it's only a week before it end, and I doubt it would get there in time.


I wish they would do it here in canada, even though I already have a legit japan D-rai. (Thanks Brushfire!)

I could always use another, plus the item and the new game sequences sound like fun.


I'd go, but having just returned from the US, I have no desire to go back right away (home is, after all, home) and I've already secured a Darkrai from someone here (drack or Sephfire, I think).

Might be kind of a lark to have the item and everything, but I doubt that it would be worth the day or two of driving (with gas prices as they are... ouch).

You got it from me d00d. I feel so unloved now.


Ah, come n, you told me you love to treated like that.

OK, so I got the name of the person I got it from MONTHS ago wrong. Sorry.

If I could trust someone to mail my game to, have them not delete/fuck around with my game, and then send it back to me, I'd do it. But I don't think anyone here wants to deal with the hassle.


Yeah, so I decided to check out what random pokémon I had laying around in my storage boxes, and I grabbed anything that was level 5 or higher, and had no EVs.

Here's what I got after running them through an IV calculator.

Growlithe Lax

HP: 24 - 26

Att: 3 - 4

Def: 29

SpA: 27 - 29

SpD: 0 - 8

Speed: 26 - 29

Magby Adamant

HP: 27

Att: 29

Def: 9

SpA: 28

SpD: 28

Speed: 7

Mamoswine Docile

HP: 26 - 27

Att: 15 - 17

Def: 4 - 5

SpA: 26 - 28

SpD: 30

Speed: 25 - 26

Gorebyss Hardy

HP: 26

Att: 27

Def: 2

SpA: 17

SpD: 26

Speed: 25

Huntail Serious

HP: 27

Att: 27

Def: 30

SpA: 25

SpD: 9

Speed: 2

Smoochum Lax

HP: 23

Att: 27

Def: 28

SpA: 23

SpD: 20 - 23

Speed: 6

Porygon Relaxed

HP: 30

Att: 1

Def: 27

SpA: 21

SpD: 30

Speed: 1

I'm going to breed some of these guys up and fill in those lack-luster IVs, and try to get some better natures. That Magby could lead to one hell of a Magmortar. And that Porygon isn't looking too bad either. Maybe about a half dozen generations and some awesome incest, I can get it to full 29+'s.

Go check your boxes, people! You may have caught an awesome pokémon and not realized it yet.


Somehow... the second time I played through my Japanese Pearl, the first female Chimchar I got was Hasty and ended up having a speed IV of 31! Thing is, she's stranded in Diamond, waiting to get knocked up... meanwhile, my Infernape/Floatzel runthrough of Pearl is kinda at a halt.


One day I'll trade that monkey back over...


So who all got their self a Darkrai?

It's the same one Japan got last summer, in case any are curious. Mystery gift, cherish ball, and both Dialga's and Palkia's signature moves.

So who all got their self a Darkrai?

It's the same one Japan got last summer' date=' in case any are curious. Mystery gift, cherish ball, and both Dialga's and Palkia's signature moves.[/quote']

So no Dark Void, dark pulse or special island? that's too bad. I want the item to visit that island and have a bit more story!!

So no Dark Void, dark pulse or special island? that's too bad. I want the item to visit that island and have a bit more story!!

Nintendo rarely if ever uses Game Freak's built-in events for the secret legendaries. In fact, the only one I remember them actually using was the one built into GSC for getting Celebi. You had to download the GS Ball off their cell phone network thingy on certain days...

THAT SAID yes I did get a Darkrai. I'm kinda glad they had the event near my city, since it seems like Brushfire was having one hell of a time getting his Diamond back from his buddy :razz:

The dude at the Pokemart still has him wrapped up in a box, though, since I haven't been motivated to restart one billion times for a decent one today.

Soooooo sweeeeeeeeeeeet~

The dude at the Pokemart still has him wrapped up in a box, though, since I haven't been motivated to restart one billion times for a decent one today.

Ugh. I didn't even bother to think of that... Anyways. I have two Darkrais. One for Diamond and one for Pearl.


THAT SAID yes I did get a Darkrai. I'm kinda glad they had the event near my city, since it seems like Brushfire was having one hell of a time getting his Diamond back from his buddy :razz:

I got it back, it's just that I haven't had time to get online with it. Oh well....

I will be the Official OverClocked ReMix Supplier of Movie Shaymin (OOCRSMS) when the movie comes out in a month!

Well if you still want a movie Darkrai, I got 'em.

  • 2 weeks later...
July 19th is coming very close. Almost time for me to sit through Pokemon Movie 11, not understand a single thing that is said, make up my own plot, and get Shaymins for all.

Still the plan? Shaymins for all?

Also, does anyone have a spare Black Sludge item? I've been looking for one for weeks. Going to the Safari Zone, packing something with Compound Eyes, and trekking through mud almost every day has gotten to the point where I'm just not able to go any more. Croagunks are only 5% appearance rate, and only 5% of them hold Black Sludges. Even with a near-full box of the fuckers, I still haven't found one.

And no talk of the Torn World? For shame.


Platinum news may be slow and sporadic, but come on, most of the sites are talking about this. Oh, and the new Shaymin forme:



TBH, there aren't enough people on OCR who actually obsess over Pokemon to hold much of a discussion. I used to be all over Smogon, but there are just too many newbs now. I think there are more die-hard Poke-nerds on /v/ now than any of the other communities I know of.

The Platinum boxart is GORGEOUS, though.


TBH, there aren't enough people on OCR who actually obsess over Pokemon to hold much of a discussion.

Sez you. Damn Japan has caused me, a normal (see: not normal) person, to totally fall back to his Jr. High days and start collecting all things pokemon.

Cept the show cause it's totally gay.

The Movies aren't however. Just 34 days until free Shaymin day for OCR.

TBH, there aren't enough people on OCR who actually obsess over Pokemon to hold much of a discussion.

if you want a serious discussion come and get it.

start with what you think is the best pokemon and what his/her best moves are

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