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Final Fantasy VII 'An Answered Cry'

A nice orchestral piece is what I'd call this one put out by Deimos. My only complaint is that the drums sound as though they are out of place, as if they are set in front of the rest of the instruments. They're to loud or need some reverb changing everything so that the drums blend better. Besides that very small qualm, I hear nothing but some very excellently arranged music. Excellent job, Deimos.


I guess I'll be the first to reply, great song, I really like what you did to the song, I was thinking of going back and re-remixing it the same way you did, all symphonic. But you saved me the work :D

I really like the string work, the rhythm seems a little bit repetitive, but the build seems really good.

However the overall effect wasn't what I was hoping for, I was expecting.

I'll have to give the song a 8/10

great work, can't wait to hear more from ya in the future!!

~dj carbunk1e


I like this remix of the song. Tho, I have to agree with the person that said the drums are abit out of place. Other then that, I have no complaints. The composition is good and the strings are great. Anyways, keep up the good work.


Well, often I prefer things that are less ambiguous and vague and have more concrete melodic content. However, this serves well as a moody ambient tune. It would fit very, very well in a movie. Good work.

  • 2 weeks later...

The strings pitched in make the song sound like it was from something liek the Dragonheart movie, the nearly-tragic cello/violin sound to it give it a great feel.

The drumbeat on this song sounds not bad at all, and give the song some rythmic grounds as well as symphonic. This definitly has a good place on my list, and a definite one as well !

  • 2 months later...

Yes, the drums do have a strange forwardmess to them. Regardless, it doesn't hurt this great piece much. I was randomly going through my collection yesterday, and apperantly, let a diamond in the rough slip by my eyes. Great job, deim0s :)

  • 2 months later...

Any song that gets another page of sketched ideas off my pencils needs commendation. The piece has emotion, but in a mild way - though not as, er, "cerebral" (I guess) as I prefer. Drums are a tad loud I think, but I don't feel an off-balanceness to them like some others do. Nice stuff.

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

My first reaction to this song was thinking "Oh my god, this is the song from the part in FF7 when ******** (biggest spoiler in FF7)". The mood this song put me in was completely different from the game though. The game's song was ominous, even a little scary (with those church bells and all). This ReMix is different in that it's more of a contemplative song. I also agree that it sounds movie-esque and serious. It actually reminded me A LOT of the Matrix for some reason (I think the exact song is Clubbed to Death). That's not to say it's BAD though. I'm kind of quick to judge (like, listening to the song once and then listening again while writing the review), but I like this song now. The instrument around 0:25 is really cool, and I can't get it stuck out of my head! The ending is great, and I think it matches the dark mood of the original song too. This song makes me wanna watch a movie. Good job!

  • 1 year later...

It Does sound a lot like Rob Dougan's 'Clubbed to Death' actually, and not in a bad way. Gooo RD! Back to'th topic~ This is really great. I'm usually hard to please but this needs a standing ovation. It makes me think of the song title from Yanni, "Standing in Motion". It pulls off being 'expansive' and floaty and humbled at the same time superbly. Being a dancer at heart this makes me wanna get up and just spin.

Now, onto technical notes. It seems to me that the drums are out of place intentionally, not as a flaw although I'm sure a terribly picky person could rat on it as one. It seems to me like he was trying to stick with the theme of heavy reverb (as shown in the end) and just didn't make it obvious enough that it's what he was trying to do throughout the entire piece. Although I cannot concieve a way to do so as I'd never choose that to critisize about. Spaced any closer the 'plunks' in the background may've even been overshadowed by the beat. Spaced farther? It's just another question we'll never know the answer to.

In conclusion however, I'd have to give this my highest rating. Though it may not be perfect tech-wise the whole feel to it is very touching to me. This is how a remix is supposed to be. Something that not only modifies a tune but drastically improves upon it; especially something that was so wonderful in its original form. EXCELLENT work.

  • 10 months later...

Quite the careful remix, it doesn´t concern the main melody that much, it focuses more on the instruments in the back and let´s the melody play at the back. demi0s did a different work here, I agree that it sounds like the Matrix´s "Clubbed to death" if you take out the beats. The drums was quite good, a little disorded, or was it on purpose?

  • 5 months later...

I'm drawn in from the beginning with the original song. It just sets the mood. And it's interesting cuz the beat is not too heavy like you think it would be when you're getting into it. An awesome salute to the original. Keep it up!

  • 1 year later...

Pretty expanded upon to my ears at least, this really does a nice job of stretching out the theme over some pretty good beats.

One issue I had with the track is it lost steam too quickly, and the second half kindof coasted off into forgettable musical territory, culminating by the weak ending, but it started out really good.

  • 3 years later...
  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR00720 - Final Fantasy VII "An Answered Cry"

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