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Final Fantasy VII 'Galvanized Boss'

Wow. I like the way this one starts up for sure. The synth ditty it does right after the intro is neato-keen too. Not noticing much variance in the drums, seems to be a pretty steady loop, nothing too bad with that though. The victory theme rendition is pretty ass. I didn't like that bit at all.

Overall, it's some pretty cool techno.


The hard beat this mix starts on is pretty good. I liked the looping beat through most of the song. Definately not bad techno. This is a really good mix of a really good battle theme. I wasn't much for the victory music at the end either, but overall I'd have to say it was a pretty good ReMix.


I'm not so sure about those drums. I mean, they sound fine, but I'd like it a bit more if they stopped for a bit some time in there and let me take a breath, because as is the mix just constantly BEATS DOWN against my poor, fragile head. I love the way it starts, though, and I like the victory music, because it... well, it lets me breathe.


I agree, this is a great mix.

but then again, how can you go wrong with ffVII's boss theme?

some really nice techno in this, top notch.

the ending/victory theme was nicely done, and doesn't sound BAD, but if you are listening just for the crazy driving techno, it kind of spoils it.

but, I don't mind. this is my fav. FF in the series(EXECPT Tactics:D).


This remix of the boss theme is almost perfect. I say almost because the part of the song around 23'' is a bit hastily done, and I'd rather they stay consistent with the actual song's tempo instead of having some parts faster than others. Still, it's very solid, and while it's agreed the victory music could have been done better, the transition into it is nice and the rest of the song more than makes up for the few flaws. :)

  • 1 month later...

When I was first hearing this song, it sounded completely awesome, it just sounded perfect. But when we hit 0:24 - 1:18, I found the song extremely painful to listen to. That part felt pretty rushed or changed, and I think it could've been done much better. But after that, everything is fine and great again. The ending I didn't mind too much, but I'm not sure if it was really really needed. Not bad, but I would've preferred a different ending. So if :24-1:18 was changed, if not the ending, this could've been the perfect remix. Despite this, it's still worth a download.

  • 3 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Holy God. I already love you after 2 remixes, Standby. This remix is awesome, with some nice saw synth sounds althroughout. My hat is off to you sir!

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Its a pretty good interpretation.

I like the way the whole melody has been put off-beat, thats pretty good.

I dont like it when it fades to just the melody and drums, it sounds...lacking (I cant give you an exact time sorry, cause Im at college and they only allow streaming not downloading)

About 3 quaters of the way through when the second melody kicks in..thats the bit that does it for me, thats the one that made me think "Hey...this ones worth keeping"

But then the ending...hmm...

Im not hugely keen on that, sorry, though I DO like the idea behind it.


Id recommend it to fans of the game, but its probably not everyones cup of earl.

  • 4 months later...
When I was first hearing this song, it sounded completely awesome, it just sounded perfect. But when we hit 0:24 - 1:18, I found the song extremely painful to listen to. That part felt pretty rushed or changed, and I think it could've been done much better. But after that, everything is fine and great again. The ending I didn't mind too much, but I'm not sure if it was really really needed. Not bad, but I would've preferred a different ending. So if :24-1:18 was changed, if not the ending, this could've been the perfect remix. Despite this, it's still worth a download.

personally the section that u describe as bad

is my favorite part of the piece

don't get ur problem with it....

and everyone seems to be bashing the end

i thought it was creative

one of my favorite pieces found from the site

but maybe it's because ff7 is my fave game of ALL time


I really enjoyed this remix a lot. It's actually the kind of music I have in the background quietly playing when I'm doing work.

I liked the original and I like this remix even more. It really helps me concentrate and hurry up with my work.

Sorry I can't be mre descriptive than that. :oops:

  • 2 weeks later...

WOW! What a great remix! I've always loved Still More Fighting as one of my all-time favorite songs from FFVII, and since someone did a techno remix of this song, it gets me even more excited! The sheer energy of the mix is wonderful, as well as the victory theme about 30 secs from the end.

A wonderful remix, recommended to all; even if you don't like FFVII, but like techno. 10/10

  • 1 month later...

It's really rare for ANY music to make me break into a smile, but that's exactly what happened when this song hit 24". Being a fan of FFVII, techno and Bach, the chromatics just blew me away. I thought the phase into the victory fanfare was pretty cool, too -- highly appropriate. Congrats -- you've created a piece of FFVII battle music I like :D


I'm going to have to go with Sestrenegade on this one. I think maybe it's the off-key background synths in that section that just mess up the groove and totally throw the entire thing out of whack. The rest of the mix isn't bad, though, although the drums could stand to be a little more original and creative. And like a lot of people have said, the transition to the victory fanfare isn't really as smooth as it could have been. It's a nice gimmick, and it was a good idea, but the change in time signature just throws the whole thing off.

Overall, it's a pretty good, adrenaline-filled techno remix with a few flaws that make it barely miss the "must-have" mark. Still, it's quite decent and recommended for anyone who enjoys everything techno or FF VII. Check it out.

  • 1 month later...

This wasn't too bad. My favorite part is actually what was mentioned in the description, when the music gets that reverb thing. And I love the amount of drums used in this. It's not my favorite remix, but I still like to listen to it. Good work.

  • 3 months later...

What a rush! Every time I listen to this song, I feel my palms get sweaty like I've been holding a playstation controller for 4 hours trying to defeat the boss standing between me and that next save point. I think the best part was the victory music at the end, because what's a boss fight without the sweet satasfaction of knowing that you completly kicked its ass?

  • 3 weeks later...

More from the guy who brought me Desperado, this one is also a very cool piece. I'm not a big fan of FFVII (yeah, yeah, I know, but it just doesn't do it for me like VIII) but this song is really hype, nice beat, awesome tune... good choice, and keep up the good work!

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

It's amusing how I came to download this. I went to CompUSA today and heard something strikingly similar to it playing, if not this itself. The first thing that came to mind was 'oops they stole it from OC!'. As it turns out they actually may have; I don't remember what I heard well enough. ^_^

This is a very nice piece of work if only for the large amount of work that must've gone into it (as with most talented composers here). While I do believe it could've been polished to have even more sheen it's still a shining example of a good musical ear, in my opinion. I don't think the almost-dischordant background interferes much with the tune (because for one thing, it was obviously intentionally made that way) although the tune itself could've been given a bit of salt to bring out the flavor at points when the underlying sounds were most obvious. In any case, this tune has always seemed to me like a very hard one to make a remix of and I worship the man (or lady) who makes the effort.


A wonderful, if human, rendering of possibly my favorite FF7 tune. Bravo!

  • 3 months later...

Great, fast-paced remix that'll keep you listening until the end. Anyone who's heard the FF7 Boss Theme is bound to appreciate this remix, even if it's just a little bit. I recommend it: 8 outta 10.


Hi. Im new to posting here but i been downloading remixes for a while now and i have to say is This one rules. IT brings be back to when i was fighting a boss and the the joy of beating there ass. i recomend this re mix to any one who if a fan of the boss battle muisc from FFVII.

berlusca.gif209214.gifand keep up the Great work

  • 1 month later...

It's so so so fast, but I love it anyway. It makes me want to get up and dance until I pass out, and maybe bust out on some awesome limit break dance move or something. I don't know, that was so corny I should go into the corner and die. But anyway.

Racy and fantastic. The 'beginning riff' is my favorite part that's played throughout. Hot stuff.

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