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forget the venom nonsense, i wanna see some LIZARD in spidey 4. it would be cool to see spiderman fightin underwater and stuff and the audience would be more emotionally attached to conners because we've seen him in these last few movies.


Well, I saw it, and I found it was ok... not all that good, but it could've been worse. The whole Harry plotline, while inaccurate to the comics, was well executed in the context of the movies. Venom... let's not get into Venom. If I had one word for it, it would be "disappointment". Which is saying a lot, considering I went in expecting it to be bad, based upon the track record of the other 2 movies.

Toby portrayed the emo look very well.

Everyone in the theatre started busted up laughing when we saw him with this hair over his eyes, which was enhanced when someone shouted out "MY CHEMICAL SPIDY". Oh man, lols a plenty. Also, eye liner lol.

Nice taking one for the team Toby.

It's good to know I'm not the only one who thought he looked like Gerard Way.


saw it today. Didn't care for it too much. The reason I didn't like 2 was because there was too much of his love life involved. There may have been more in this one. Also, the whole sand man concept was dull and not necessary for me.


Really? Because Spidey 3 easily felt the most comicky out of all Spiderman movies so far. Including the totally useless and nonsensical tag teaming and love interests that appear and disappear at whim.


Why are film makers allowed to change the story lines of something big like Spider-Man anyway? When they get the licensing, I'd be like "You guys better follow my damn original story line dammit" lol.


I saw it last night...

...Why did they fuck it up?





You know we put the SPOILER stuff for a reason right?

Anyway, Spoiler time: But yea, that's about what I was hinting at. I don't think we're done with Venom yet. Perhaps the explosion split the symbiote in 2... Carnage? Although it would seem very unlikely to have 2 of the same characters (who are really only impsessive to look at but do not have such a depth stroy-wise, especially Carnage) and another villian-turns-ally story would also seem unlikely. But I do believe in Venom's return


Did you not see the skeleton when the pumpkin bomb went off?

Who else would be the villian that's not dead after all according to you?

I read that statement 6 times, and I still don't understand what you are trying to say.

I saw it last night...

...Why did they fuck it up?




It's called studio pressure. They caved to it. The studio saw the hit of Spidey 1 and then watched it get followed up by Spidey 2. So the studio went "we need to top Spidey 2!", which of course to an executive in Hollywood means "more more more!"

Just watching this movie makes it ridiculously obvious that they had one idea for a movie and then they got sidetracked an hour and a half in. It's pretty blatant that they had a story which was going to be the Sandman for a villain with Harry being a constant pain in the ass to coincide with Spidey 2's ending, but then tried to figure out how to stuff in Venom.

The studio clearly wanted more than a B-grade villain like Sandman, and clearly wanted Venom for his popularity. Everything about Venom feels inserted, and everything about Sandman feels like it was cut for the insertion of Venom, like, "we were going to use this scene to explain Sandman's growing control over his powers or his struggle to save his daughter through less than moral means, but instead we needed a scene that shows how a black suit can make Peter Parker Emo."

The only character that has solid development from beginning to end is Harry, and that's only because his subplot worked for both a Sandman movie and a Venom movie equally well.

*Spoilers* By the end of the movie, I was actually wondering who the star and hero was supposed to be. Emo-Parker is annoying rather than scary, and he doesn't even realize or attempt to fight himself turning. He only even gets the suit off by luck, when normally Parker's intelligence allows him to figure this shit out. And then he doesn't get enough screen time to do the thing that Spidey does best: feel guilty. Not once does he even return to the age old moniker of "With great power comes great responsibility." I guess that's because the suit doesn't appear to make him much more powerful, and because they had to rewrite the whole Uncle Ben history to give Sandman a place in a Venom movie.

Harry on the other hand has had his power for all of 15 minutes and he's already easily kicking Peter's ass the whole film over. Even in the final fight, he's clearly the superior force of the two. Moreover, unlike Peter, he actually manages to turn himself around (yes, the Butler thing was stupid, but it was just another thing contrived due to lack of available screen time to show a transition) and then join the fight to stop the villains. Since he wasn't a hero to begin with, it makes him look all the more heroic since he took up the task, made a difference, and then sacrificed himself to save his friend.

Peter didn't even realize he was a dick, got trounced the whole movie over, and then couldn't even take on the main villains without help.

Ultimately, as it always is, desire for profit crushed what could've been a perfectly excellent movie.


This is from IGN:

(Spoiler shit)The big surprise in the FoxNews.com report is word that one character who appears to die in Spidey 3 might return for Spidey 4. "It turns out I may not be completely dead," the unnamed actor who plays the unspecified character revealed.

So if you don't think it's Venom that's resurrected or alive after all, who do you think it is?


*10 character limit*

Thank you for the fix.


Since part of the suit is still alive, Carnage is a possibility, I do doubt it however.

Lizard is also a possibility, but the story for him is pretty weak.

Likely villains which have yet to be touched:



Kraven the hunter

And others if I think hard enough.

This is from IGN:

(Spoiler shit)The big surprise in the FoxNews.com report is word that one character who appears to die in Spidey 3 might return for Spidey 4. "It turns out I may not be completely dead," the unnamed actor who plays the unspecified character revealed.

So if you don't think it's Venom that's resurrected or alive after all, who do you think it is?

Foxnews LOL


It is more likely the Goblin, or some form of the goblin.

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