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:( I think I'm just bitter there's no PC or Saturn category. :(

(Also favorites with a 'u' lol)

DC: Shenmue, Bangai-O

PS2: Devil May Cry 1 and 3, ICO, Guitar Hero 1 and 2, Street Fighter Anniversary Collection, Guilty Gear XX

X-Box: Shenmue II, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Steel Batallion

GameCube: Killer7, Resident Evil 4, Viewtiful Joe (hm, lots of Capcom)

DS: Phoenix Wright, Trauma Center, Sonic Rush, Megaman ZX, Rocket Slime (hee)

PSP: EMULATORS LOL (also Lumines)

Seriously though guys, stop with the recommendation threads.



Similar as this is to a favorites thread in concept, I was hoping for something better to come from it. We all have our favorite games, but that doesn't mean they belong on this list.

I was hoping to compile a list of games that includes the finest each console has to offer. This isn't a list for all those games that we "knew had their problems, but they're fun anyway, damnit." Similarly, I don't have to personally enjoy a game to know it's top notch.

If this whole thread does degrade into a common favorites thread, please lock it up.

Updating the main post now.

I'm gonna go with Arek and Taucer here. When it really comes down to it, "nominations" is basically another word for "picking favorites." It'd be like having "Must-Have ReMixes: the OCR List." Hey, it's not a favorites thread because now you need *two* people to say they liked it!

First of all, the fact that it's a list means stuff is being intentionally left out. Secondly, there are two possible outcomes for such a list: it will be either a) too small and narrow to accurately cover the full spectrum of genres and tastes or B) too large and broad to be of any actual practical use in the first place.

I will say that all the recommendation threads are kind of annoying though, if not slightly out of hand. To be fair, trying new games isn't as easy and inexpensive as downloading a torrent and going through a couple thousand tracks (which is still actually pretty time-consuming). So maybe recommendation threads have a place...somewhere. But I don't think OCR should be that place. We're in the information age, people, for crying out loud. Have some initiative and try using GameRankings, GameFAQs, Google, or other 'G' website of your choice. If you really insist on getting opinions from OCR and OCR alone (I never understood this) then consider PMs or, pretzel forbid, #ocremix.


I picture OCR as a bleeding pretzel at this point.

It's dying... can it be saved?


Dhsu has made many good points. There are dozens of other sites and communities that could provide this sort of information.

As a community revolving around common interests, I thought a list created by this group would include games that would be more likely to appeal to OCR people. Of course, topics like these can easily reduce any forum into a cesspit of stupidity and irritation. If this thread starts to steer OCR in that direction, please lock and burn it before it causes any problems.

If this has turned out to be a common favorites thread, I apologize profusely.


I'd say, form experience:

Playstation 2/XBox (though X-Box Version has better Graphics):

Prince of Persia Trilogy (Part 1 and Part 3 especially)

Beyond Good and Evil

Both are definitely must-haves.

Playstation 2:

BeatMania IIDX


Mario Party 5

Paper Mario RPG - The Sealed Door

The Legend of Zelda - Twilight Princess


Halo 2

Panzer Dragoon Orta

I'd also like to nominate the following games, but it's more of a personal opinion here:

Burnout 3: Takedown (PS2/XBox)

Burnout 4: Revenge (PS2)

Valkyrie Profile Silmeria (PS2)

Pacman VS. (Gamecube Japanese)

The Legend of Zelda - 4 Swords (Gamecube Japanese)

Wario Warez Inc (Gamecube)

Mario Power Tennis (Gamecube, the only "fair" Mario Sports game IMO)

Devil May Cry (PS2)

Zone of the Enders: Anubis (aka "Second Runner", PS2)

Xenosaga (PS2)

ICO/Shadow of the Colossus (PS2)

Shin Contra (aka "Contra: Shattered Soldier", PS2)

I can't really count remakes and gameports like "Last Blade", "Metal Slug" or "Sonic Megacollection" in here, as they're basically other platforms.

Too bad we're allowed to have opinions, huh?

It does suck that everyone with an opinion feels its their god given duty to share it with everyone else especially when IT DOES NOT MATTER.

Limited selection, simply because I don't want to name games I like, but games I want to nominate.

DC: Bangai-O

PS2: Katamari Damaci

GameCube: Ikaruga

:( I think I'm just bitter there's no PC or Saturn category. :(

(Also favorites with a 'u' lol)

DC: Shenmue, Bangai-O

PS2: Devil May Cry 1 and 3, ICO, Guitar Hero 1 and 2, Street Fighter Anniversary Collection, Guilty Gear XX

X-Box: Shenmue II, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Steel Batallion

GameCube: Killer7, Resident Evil 4, Viewtiful Joe (hm, lots of Capcom)

DS: Phoenix Wright, Trauma Center, Sonic Rush, Megaman ZX, Rocket Slime (hee)

PSP: EMULATORS LOL (also Lumines)

Seriously though guys, stop with the recommendation threads.


How can this thread bother you that much? I understand these topics can get annoying pretty quickly, but is it really that hard to just not open it up? Not trying to be a troll, but seriously.

(PS - Nice nominations with Bangai-O and Shenmue II)

It does suck that everyone with an opinion feels its their god given duty to share it with everyone else especially when IT DOES NOT MATTER.

Bahahaha! It's good to be back.

Anyway, everything that I'd recommend is pretty much already done, so I won't spin the record around.

I'd add Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic to the XBOX list, but that's it.



Batman (Action Platformer)

Batman: Return of the Joker (Action)

Blaster Master (Action)

Burai Fighter (Shmup)

Casltevania (Action Platformer)

Castlevania II: Simon's Quest (Action Platformer/RPG)

Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse (Action Platformer)

Contra (Run 'N Gun)

Dragon Warrior (RPG)

Dragon Warrior II (RPG)

Dragon Warrior III (RPG)

Dragon Warrior IV (RPG)

Dr. Mario (Puzzle)

Galaga (shmup)

Gargoyle's Quest II (Action RPG)

Guardian Legend (Shmup)

Gun Nac (Shmup)

Heavy Barrel (Run 'N Gun)

Metal Gear (Action Stealth)

Metal Storm (Action)

Metroid (Action Platformer)

Ninja Gaiden (Action Platformer)

Ninja Gaiden II (Action Platformer)

Ninja Gaiden III (Action Platformer)

Silk Worm (Shmup)

Super C (Run 'N Gun)

Tetris (Tengen version) (Puzzle)

Zanac (Shmup)


ActRaiser (Action Platformer/God Game)

Actraiser II (Action Platformer)

Axelay (Shmup)

Biometal (Shmup)

Castlevania IV (Action Platformer)

Castlevania: Dracula X (Action Platformer)

Contra III: The Alien Wars (Run N' Gun)

Cybernator (Action Platformer)

Demon's Crest (Action Platformer/RPG)

Hagane (Action Platformer)

Killer Instinct (Fighting)

The King of Dragons (Hack 'N Slash)

MegaMan X (Action Platformer)

MegaMan X2 (Action Platformer)

MegaMan X3 (Action Platformer)

Metal Warriors (Action Platformer)

Mortal Kombat II (Fighting)

Ninja Warriors (Action Platformer)

Phalanx (Shmup)

R-Type III: The Third Lightning (Shmup)

Sky Blazer (Action Platformer)

Space Megaforce (Shmup)

Star Fox (3D Shmup)

Sunset Riders (Action)

Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts (Action Platformer)

Super Mario All-Stars (Platformer Compilation)

Super Mario World (Platformer)

Super R-Type (Shmup)

Super Metroid (Action Platformer)

Super Turrican (Action Platformer)

Super Turrican II (Action Platformer)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtle in Time (Hack 'N Slash)

UN Squadron (Shmup)

Yoshi's Island (Platformer)

Zombies Ate My Neighbors (Action)


Blast Corps (Action Puzzler)

Conker's Bad Fur Day (3D Action Platformer)

F-Zero X (Racing)

Jetforce Gemini (3D Action)

Killer Instinct Gold (Fighting)

Mischief Makers (Action Platformer)

Star Fox 64 (3D Shmup)

Turok 3 (First Person Shooter)

WipeOut 64 (Racing)

-=Master System=-

Bomber Raid (Shmup)

Fantasy Zone (Shmup)

Fantasy Zone II (Shmup)

Fantasy Zone: The Mase (Action Puzzle)

Ninja Gaiden (Action Platformer) *

Phantasy Star (RPG)

Power Strike (Shmup)

Power Strike II (Shmup) *

Rampage (Action)

Rastan (Hack 'N Slash)

Shinobi (Action Platformer)

Sonic the Hedgehog (Platformer)

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Platformer) *

Spellcaster (Action RPG)

Ys: The Vanished Omens (RPG)

Zillion (Action)

Zillion II: The Tri Formation (Action)

*= European import


Adventures of Batman and Robin (Run 'N Gun)

Alisia Dragoon (Action Platformer)

Alien Soldier (Run 'N Gun) *

Atomic Runner (Run 'N Gun)

Battletech (Action Strategy)

Beyond Oasis (Action RPG)

Batman (Action Platformer)

Bio-Hazard Battle (Shmup)

Blaster Master 2 (Action Platformer)

Bubsy (Platformer)

Castlevania: Bloodlines (Action Platformer)

Contra: Hard Corps (Run 'N Gun)

Cool Spot (Platformer)

Comix Zone (Action)

Desert Strike (Action Strategy)

Dragon's Fury (Pinball)

Dune: The Battle for Arrakis (Real-Time Strategy)

Earthworm Jim (Action)

Earthworm Jim 2 (Action)

Ecco the Dolphin (Action Puzzler)

Ecco: The Tides of Time (Action Puzzler)

El Viento (Action)

Elemental Master (Shmup)

Eliminate Down (Shmup) *

Fire Shark (Shmup)

Forgotten Worlds (Shmup)

Gaiares (Shmup)

Gargoyles (Action Platformer)

Gauntlet IV (Action)

Ghouls 'N Ghosts (Action Platfomer)

Gley Lancer (Shmup) *

Golden Axe (Hack 'N Slash)

Granada (Shmup)

Gunstar Heroes (Run 'N Gun)

Hellfire (Shmup)

Herzog Zwei (Real-Time Strategy Shmup)

The Immortal (Action Puzzler)

Jungle Strike (Action Strategy)

Kid Chameleon (Platformer)

Landstalker (Action RPG)

Light Crusader (Action RPG)

The Lion King (Action Platformer)

M.U.S.H.A. (Shmup)

Master of Monsters (Turn-Based Strategy)

Mazin Saga (Action Fighter)

Mega Turrican (Action Platformer)

Mercs (Run 'N Gun)

Midnight Resistance (Run 'N Gun)

Monster World IV * (Action Platformer RPG)

Mystic Defender (Action Platformer)

Phantasy Star II (RPG)

Phantasy Star III (RPG)

Phantasy Star IV 9RPG)

Phelios (Shmup)

Populous (God Game)

Puggsy (Action Puzzler)

Pulseman (Action Platformer) *

Raiden Trad (Action)

Ranger-X (Action)

Red Zone (Action)

The Revenge of Shinobi (Action Platformer)

Ristar (Platformer)

Robocop vs The Terminator (Action)

Rocket Knight Adventures (Action Platformer)

Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi (Action Platformer)

Shining Force (Turn-Based Strategy RPG)

Shining Force (Turn-Based Strategy RPG)

Shining in the Darkness (Dungeon Crawling RPG)

Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master (Action Platformer)

Sonic the Hedgehog (Platformer)

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Platformer)

Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (Platformer)

Sonic and Knuckles (Platformer)

Sonic 3D Blast (Action)

Sprakster (Action Platformer)

Splatterhouse 2 (Action)

Splatterhouse 3 (Action)

Spot Goes to Hollywood (Platformer)

Star Control (Action RPG)

Streets of Rage (Beat'em Up)

Streets of Rage 2 (Beat'em Up)

Streets of Rage 3 (Beat'em Up)

Steel Empire (Shmup)

Strider (Action Platformer)

Subterrania (Shmup)

Super Fantasy Zone (Shmup) *

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist (Hack 'N Slash)

Thunder Force II (Shmup)

Thunder Force III (Shmup)

Thunder Force IV * (aka Lightening Force in the US) (Shmup)

Tinhead (Platformer)

ToeJam and Earl (Action)

ToeJam and Earl: Panic of Funkotron (Action Platformer)

Traysia (RPG)

Turrican (Action Platformer)

Twin Cobra (Shmup)

Twin Hawk (Shmup) *

Undead Line (Shmup) *

Urban Strike (Action Strategy)

Vapor Trail (Shmup)

Vectorman (Action Platformer)

Vectorman 2 (Action Platformer)

Viewpoint (Shmup)

Warsong (Turn-Based Strategy)

Zero Wing (PAL version) (Shmup)

Zombies Ate My Neighbors (Action)

* = Japanese import

-=Sega CD=-

Android Assault (Shmup)

Dark Wizard (Turn-Based Strategy)

Dungeon Explorer II (Action)

Earthworm Jim: Special Edition (Action Platformer)

Eternal Champions: Challenge From the Dark Side (Fighting)

Final Fight CD (Beat'em Up)

Flink (Action Platformer/Puzzle)

Lords of Thunder (Shmup)

Lunar: The Silver Star (RPG)

Popful Mail (Action RPG)

Robo Aleste (Shmup)

Shining Force CD (Turn-Based Strategy RPG)

Sonic CD (Platformer)

Soul Star (3D Action/Shmup)

Stellar Assault (Solely for the sound track) (3D Action)

The Terminator (Action)

*= Japanese import


After Burner (3D Shmup)

Knuckles Chaotix (Platformer)

Kolibri (Shmup)

Shadow Squadron (3D Freeroaming Shmup)

Space Harrier (3D Shmup)

Virtua Racing (Racing)

Zaxxon's Motherbase 2000 (Shmup)


Amok (3D Action)

Astal (Action Platformer)

Battle Garegga (Shmup) *

Blast Wind (Shmup) *

Darius II (Shmup) *

Darius Gaiden (Shmup)

DonPachi (Shmup) *

DoDonPachi (Shmup) *

Dragon Force (Turn-Based Strategy RPG)

Dungeons and Dragons Collection (Hack 'N Slash Compilation) *

Duke Nukem (First Person Shooter)

Fighters Megamix (Fighting)

Galactic Attack (Shmup)

Galaxy Fight (Fighting)

Galaxy Force II (3D Shmup) *

Gradius Deluxe Pack (Shmup Compilation) *

Guardian Heroes (Action)

Gun Griffon (3D Action)

Hyper Duel (Shmup) *

Kyukyoku Tiger II Plus (Shmup) *

Layer Section II * (Shmup)

The Legend of Oasis (Action RPG)

Mass Destruction (Shmup)

Marvel Superheroes vs Street Fighter (Fighting) *

Metal Black (Shmup) *

NiGHTS (3D Flying/Platformer)

Night Warriors (Fighting)

Panzer Dragoon (3D Shmup)

Panzer Dragoon II Zwei (3D Shmup)

Panzer Dragoon Saga (RPG)

Powerslave (First Person Shooter)

Radiant Silvergun (Shmup) *

Salamander Deluxe Pack (Shmup Compilation) *

Sega Ages (Compilation)

Shining Force III (Turn-Based Strategy RPG)

Shining the Holy Ark (Dungeon Crawling RPG)

Shinobi Legions (Action Platformer)

Sokyugurentai (Shmup) *

Sonic 3D Blast (Action)

Soviet Strike (Action)

Strikers 1945 (Shmup) *

Thunder Force V (Shmup) *

Thunder Force Gold Pack 1 (Shmup Compilation) *

Thunder Force Gold Pack 2 (Shmup Compilation) *

Vampire Savior (Fighting) *

X-Men vs Street Fighter (Fighting) *

*= Japanese import


AirForce Delta (Flying)

Alien Front Online (3D Action)

Bangai-O (Shmup)

Border Down (Shmup) *

Capcom vs SNK (Fighting)

Daytona USA (Racing)

Ecco the Dolphin (3D Action Puzzler)

Fatal Fury: Mark of the Wolves (Fighting)

Giga Wing (Shmup)

Giga Wing 2 (Shmup)

Grandia II (RPG)

Gunbird 2 (Shmup)

Ikaruga (Shmup) *

Last Blade 2 (Fighting)

Mars Matrix (Shmup)

Marvel vs Capcom (Fighting)

Marvel vs Capcom 2 (Fighting)

Metropolis Street Racer (Racing)

Red Dog (3D Action)

Resident Evil 2 (Survival Horror)

Resident Evil 3 (Survival Horror)

Resident Evil: Code Veronica (Survival Horror)

Skies of Arcadia (RPG)

Soul Calibur (Fighting)

Street Fighter III: Double Impact (Fighting Compilation)

Street Fighter III: Third Strike (Fighting)

Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Fighting)

Test Drive Le Mans (Racing)

Test Drive: V-Rally (Racing)

Under Defeat (Shmup) *

Zero Gunner II (Shmup) *

*= Japanese import


AirForce Delta Storm (Flying)

Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance (Hack 'N Slash)

Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II (Hack 'N Slash)

Battle Engine Aquilla (3D Action/First Person Shooter)

Burnout 3 (Battle Racing)

Capcom vs SNK EO (Fighting)

Capcom Classics Collection (Compilation)

Capcom Classics Collection 2 (Compilation)

Castlevania: Curse of Darkness (3D Action)

Crimson Skies (Flying)

Dead or Alive 3 (Fighting)

Dead or Alive Ultimate (Fighting Compilation)

Enclave (3D Action)

Forza Motorsport (Racing)

Genma Onimusha (Survival Horror)

GunValkyrie (3D Action)

Halo (First Person Shooter)

Halo 2 (First Person Shooter)

MechAssault (3D Action)

MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf (3D Action)

Metal Slug 3 (Run 'N Gun)

Metal Slug 4&5 (Run N' Gun Compilation)

Midway Arcade Treasures 1 (Compilation)

Midway Arcade Treasures 2 (Compilation)

Ninja Gaiden Black (3D Action)

Otogi (3D Hack 'N Slash)

Otogi 2 (3D Hack 'N Slash)

Panzer Dragoon Orta (3D Shmup)

Project Gotham Racing 2 (Racing)

Rallisport Challenge 2 (Racing)

Soul Calibur 2 (Fighting)


Ace Combat 2 (Flying)

Ace Combat 3 (Flying)

Castlevania: Chronicles (Action)

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (Action)

Colony Wars (Space Combat)

Colony Wars: Vengeance (Space Combat)

Colony Wars: Red Sun (Space Combat)

Darkstalkers (Fighting)

Dragon Warrior VII (RPG)

Einhander (Shmup)

G-Darius (Shmup)

Gradius Gaiden (Shmup) *

Guilty Gear (Fighting)

In The Hunt (Shmup)

Lunar: The Silver Star Story Complete (RPG)

Lunar2: Eternal Blue Complete (RPG)

MegaMan X4 (Action Platformer)

MegaMan X5 (Action Platformer)

MegaMan X6 (Action Platformer)

Namco Museum Vol. 1 (Compilation)

Namco Museum Vol. 2 (Compilation)

Namco Museum Vol. 3 (Compilation)

Namco Museum Vol. 4 (Compilation)

Namco Museum Vol. 5 (Compilation)

Namco Museum Encore (Compilation) *

Nuclear Strike (Action)

Philosoma (Shmup)

Raiden DX (Shmup) *

The Raiden Project (Shmup Compilation)

Raycrisis: Series Termination (Shmup)

Raystorm (Shmup)

R-Types (Shmup Compilation)

R-Type Delta (Shmup)

Strider 2 (Action Platformer Compilation)

Strikers 1945 (Is actually Strikers 1945 II) (Shmup)

Viewpoint (Shmup)

Warhawk (Flying)

WipeOut (Combat Racing)

WipeOut XL (Combat Racing)

WipeOut 3 (Combat Racing)

X 2 (Shmup) *

*= Japanese import

-=Playstation 2=-

Ace Combat 5 (Flying)

Alien Hominid (Run 'N Gun)

Castlevania: Lement of Innocence (3D Action)

Contra: Shattered Soldier (Run 'N Gun)

Dragon Quest VIII (RPG)

Final Fantasy XII (RPG)

Gradius III&IV (Shmup Compilation)

Gradius V (Shmup)

Guilty Gear X2 (Fighting)

MegaMan Anniversary Collection (Action Platformer Compilation)

Metal Slug Anthology (Run 'N Gun Compilation)

Onimusha (Survival Horror)

Onimusha 2 (Survival Horror)

Onimusha 3 (Survival Horror)

R-Type Final (Shmup)

Rygar (3D Action)

Shadow of the Colossus (3D Action)

Soul Calibur III (Fighting)

Taito Legends 2 (Compilation)

Twisted Metal Black (Car Battler)

WipeOut Fusion (Battle Racing)

-=GB & GBC=-

Blaster Master: Enemy Below (Action Platformer)

Castlevania Adventure (Action Platformer)

Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge (Action Platformeer)

Castlevania: Legends (Action Platformer)

Gargoyle's Quest (Action RPG)

Gradius: Interstellar Assault (Shmup)

MegaMan Xtreme (Action Platformer)

MegaMan Xtreme 2 (Action Platformer)

Metroid II (Action)

Nemesis (Shmup)

R-Type DX (Shmup Compilation)

Sagaia (Shmup)

Shantae (Action Platformer)


Astro Boy (Action/Shmup)

Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (Action Platformer)

Castlevania: Circle of the Moon (Action Platformer)

Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance (Action Platformer)

Gradius Galaxies (Shmup)

Gunstar Super Heroes (Run N' Gun)

Iridion (3D Shmup)

Iridion II (Shmup)

Metal Slug Advance (Run 'N Gun)

Metroid Fusion (Action Platformer)

Metroid: Zero Mission (Action Platformer)

MegaMan Zero (Action Platformer)

MegaMan Zero 2 (Action Platformer)

MegaMan Zero 3 (Action Platformer)

MegaMan Zero 4 (Action Platformer)

MegaMan & Bass (Action Platformer)

Pinball of the Dead (Pinball)

Shining Force: Resurrection of the Dark Dragon (Turn-Based Strategy RPG)

Shining Soul (Turn-Based Strategy RPG)

Shining Soul II (Turn-Based Strategy RPG)

Sigma Star Saga (Shmup/RPG)

Sonic Advance (Platformer)

Sonic Advance 2 (Platformer)

Sonic Advance 3 (Platformer)

Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts (it's a bit different from the SNES version) (Action Platformer)


Puzzle Quest was for PSP I thought?

I can't say I agree with having FFXII in a list like that - it's incredibly not fun starting at the 10 hour point for anyone not using some sort of guide. Also there were some aspects in the game design that just reek of poor, such as not being able to get a weapon simply for opening a chest out in the open.

Also, I disagree with Metroid Prime 2 being in such a list - a good portion of time is spent in a pretty bland world, and as with MP 1, as you get closer to the final battle the game starts to slow down drastically. Both games are questionable as fine games.

And while I haven't played it much, I've heard that Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops is an amazing game and well worth a play (PSP).

Edit: Coop, you missed the Megaman X Collection! How could you?!

Edit: Coop, you missed the Megaman X Collection! How could you?!

I personally think Coop missed out quite a few good games, but I'm not complaining. I'm keeping that list for future reference.

Dreamcast games that no one has posted yet:

Powerstone 2

Elemental Gimmick Gear

Capcom Vs SNK 2001 - Mark Of The Millenium

Shenmue 2

Virtual On - Oratorio Tangram

EDIT - ChuChu Rocket!

EDIT 2 - Jet Set Radio

EDIT 3 - Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

EDIT 4 - Rival Schools: Project Justice

There are so much more though... I'll post more if I can think of any... If the topic isn't locked that is.

Oh, and I think The Coop might like Radiant Slivergun for the saturn.

EDIT - Oh wait no-one mentioned Melty Blood yet?

Putting import games on a "must-have" list is kinda iffy, especially considering the means by which they are usually "obtained"...

Through my local Import Dealer! I don't know what you're talking about....

(I actually used an Import Dealer to get a few rare Saturn titles back in the late 90's....)

Putting import games on a "must-have" list is kinda iffy, especially considering the means by which they are usually "obtained"...

Well if you're honest, you buy them from one of the many places import games are readily available either in store, or online. I'm not going to refrain from recommending something, just because they might download it, or get a pirated copy from somewhere. After all, nearly every game I listed can be gotten that way these days. It'd be a pretty short list if I avoided all such titles, ya know? :wink:

the-almighty-tallest- Shit! I knew something felt like it was missing from the Saturn list. I also forgot Metal Black, Dungeons and Dragon's Collection and Layer Section II. Missed Metal Slug Anthology for the PS2 as well. I fixed that though.

Bahamut- I left that off, because I've heard (and read) the emulation isn't as good as the MegaMan Anniversary Collection. Plus, I don't recommend what I haven't played myself. Good reviews is one thing, but I prefer first hand experience :smile:

Well if you're honest, you buy them from one of the many places import games are readily available either in store, or online. I'm not going to refrain from recommending something, just because they might download it, or get a pirated copy from somewhere. After all, nearly every game I listed can be gotten that way these days. It'd be a pretty short list if I avoided all such titles, ya know? :wink:

Well, I think it's more tagging them with a "must-have" label, implying that everyone should have everything on the list. Not so practical in the case of imports.


Despite its horrible, horrible fanbase/general reputation, Kingdom Hearts was a great game. I will nominate that.

Also, for a far less obvious choice, Phantom Dust for the Xbox.

Well, I think it's more tagging them with a "must-have" label, implying that everyone should have everything on the list. Not so practical in the case of imports.

How so? All you need is a Game Genie to play import Genesis (aka MegaDrive) titles, and the cartridges needed to play import Saturn games are plentiful, and cost less than many games (with the best ones being the 4-in-1 carts, which you can still buy new). Games like Vampire Savior and Thunder Force IV are quite cheap these days, and while the likes of Radiant Silvergun and Gley Lancer are up there in price thanks to eBay sellers and their "OMG RARE L@@K" bullshit, so are the American releases for things like Marvel vs Capcom 2, Fatal Fury: Mark of the Wolves, and basically anything released by Atlus. But just because it's expensive now, doesn't mean it will be when they spot a copy. And if they look up info on a game and like the way it sounds, then when they spot that cheaper copy, they can act on it quicker.

Besides... if I'm going to make a list, I may as well make one that covers everything I really liked on a system over the years, instead of just touching on a few. The more they have to look into, the better :smile:


Cross platform; Available for gc, ps2, xbox:

Beyond Good & Evil

Soul Calibur 2

Nintendo DS:

Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow

Castlevsania: Portrait of Ruin

New Super Mario Bros.


Diddy Kong Racing (This is only here to stress that the DS version is NOT the one you want)

I can come up with many many more, but am busy now ;)

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