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While I really like the remix, I wonder why everyone keeps referring to Rammstein ~ it doesn't really give me the Rammstein feeling... but maybe I'm too much into their music to accept a lighter piece as this song as something similar.

The remix is really good, though!

  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Woah, Ausgezeichnet! A great techno rock remix, albeit a little too soft and techno to be considered "Rammstein". I love the heavy guitars, and I really love the balance Mazedude created between the background guitars and the lead techno synth. The end half of this song is a bit disappointing, though. Nothing to terrible, and definently nothing that will reduce the quality of this track, it's just a little repetitive. A well done ReMix. Check it out!

  • 2 months later...

I haven't listened to this remix yet, and haven't read any other comments about it either in order to be as open minded as possible. I'm a big fan of the game, though I haven't played it in like 8 years. It's one of those games thats always gonna be stapled in my mind. Gotta love dragonfeet, lol.


Whoa.....the intro alone has me feeling very violent.

WOW. My head is bobbing back and forth like I have some sort of vertibtrae problem or something.

The overall feel thusfar is captivating. I have no choice but to tap my foot and play drums on my peice of shit archaic laptop and computer desk.

I love how all of the melody lines sound, and the rythem stuff really enhances the feel. I love how alot of the tones are distorted, they give it that ass beating feel that I'm sure the orriginal developers really wanted on the game, rather than the lackluster sound quality of the amazing midi.

I love the phasing sound of the rythem guitars too. You didn't go overboard with it like I hear all to often. To many people out there think that they need that sort of effect as loud and obnoxious as they can get it. You clearly understand the tonal color changing abbilities that reside in this effect. I love the decrepid keyboard line at 2:50. The sound, the melody, and how it enhances the I'm gonna beat your ass with a lead pipe mood.

I think it was brilliant. I find it all to common to hear music from that same particular genre to be repetitive. You kept me guessing. Everytime I thought I certain part should end, it ended, And when things ended, I was always on my toes because you found another great thing to do with this composition.

I give it a perfect 5 stars.


This is quite possibly the best remix i've heard on here to date, i registered just to review it. If you havn't heard it, then you havn't heard it, and there is nothing i can do about that, except this: listen to this.

  • 1 month later...

Mazedude I personally think this is your best song ever, and you did an awesome job giving it that rammstein edge, keep up the great remixes man.

  • 5 months later...

I dislike intensley the synth crackles that dart about from ear to ear at the beginning.

The rest of it's pretty good, though (except for the parts near the end that seem to be hugely disjointed)

Its very good...most definitley above average (though I dont seem to be enjoying it as much as everyone else :| )

Either way I highly recommend it to everyone...even if you havent played the game, its still a pretty awesome track.

  • 2 weeks later...

As you can tell by my post count, I very, very rarely log in and post. However, this is well worth it. :D I spit upon whoever dislikes this mix.

I feel guilty that I've had this remix for so long and said nothing about it here, as this is easily my favorite remix to date. At 1:57, I love the sudden drop (forgive my lack of remixing terms). The bit from 2:19 to 2:32 is wonderful, and the ending is perfectly executed. The Rammstein edge is near flawless, which makes me love it even more, and it's the perfect music to destroy your eardrums with.

Excellent, Mazedude, this mix was damn near flawless (because nothing's perfect), and was (if you will) quite inimitable. 8)

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

This was the first remix that just recently I trying to play - The result? I suck, :( but the effort is what counts(You won't know unless you try) Anyway I'll keep trying, for this remix kicks major ass! :D:D

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

There seems to be volume problems with this. The first half is quieter. Then it really picks up and makes me really like it. Maybe it has to do with the ranges of the song not always being full, but what do I know about ranges?

  • 1 month later...

This mix rockxx!@! AT :46, It feels like the guitar/synth wants to talk, but it cant seem to get it out!

Great Rock-Techno feel that will stay on my playlist. Very inspirational to me, as I am currently working my own RCR remix. great work. dude. maze. mazedude.

  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

"Hold it! Rocko says punks can't pass!"

This is my favorite remix ever. I'm too young to remember the NES days, so with the power of emulation I've been able to play this masterpeice of a game. The boss music is my favorite, second only to the River City High music when you're near/in the building.


  • 2 months later...

My God, words fail me.

I'm one of the few guys lucky enough to have stumbled across RCR in my childhood, and that was my absolute favorite beat 'em up game ever. Double Dragon had nothin' on RCR.

And this remix? Well, honestly, amazingly enough, I can't find a single flaw in it. It lacks nothing, not even some small, tiny aspect that would normally make me say "great remix, but if only..."

This is an epic work of art.

  • 3 weeks later...

Another great one from Mazedude! It just keeps going only getting more intense! Definatly hyper and loud but in a good way, however Mazedude doesn't do his all-famous, tempo change technique in this one, well that's not a bad thing. Anyways, nice job on this one Mazedude!

  • 1 month later...
  • 8 months later...
  • 2 years later...

I'm only a little familiar with Rammstein through what I've heard in German class, but still this is excellent, awesome, and everything else. Great job. :nicework:

  • 3 months later...

I haven't really heard anything by Rammstein save for 'Du Hast', which I gotta say sounded absolutely nothing like this mix. Certainly, Rammstein's reputation isn't for Mazedude-ish synth style rocking. Which is a shame, because the world can never get enough.

A very well produced hardcore track here. Has that new Mazedude smell to it, which all good Mazedude mixes (and all those mythical bad ones) possess. And I say 'new', but in truth, I was pretty surprised by how old this actually is. It's not like the samples are amazing; I think it has more to do with the fact that Mazedude has stayed consistant throughout his OCR career and never got stuck on doing the one genre/sound. Therefore, I had trouble pinpointing when this mix was actually concieved, which is nice because it means longevity.

*sigh* And since I've literally been typing all day, I think that's about all I have to say on the matter. Great mix, great game, great mixer. I'm out.

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