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Any one see the resemblance? =P

Two of my friends had an argument today about whether or not Dark Templar were modeled after the Predator.


I think that the new team for StarCraft is a bunch of lame hacks who steal ideas from other games, like Warhammer 2K (the raptor marines...) I still intend to buy the game...

But c'mon, remember WarCraft III, the team who made that game stole a lot of names/ideas from the Blizzard North crew who made Diablo 2: Like Frost Nova or bah...can't think of another thing off the top of my mind. But you guys get the drift ><.

I think that the new team for StarCraft is a bunch of lame hacks who steal ideas from other games, like Warhammer 2K (the raptor marines...) I still intend to buy the game...

But c'mon, remember WarCraft III, the team who made that game stole a lot of names/ideas from the Blizzard North crew who made Diablo 2: Like Frost Nova or bah...can't think of another thing off the top of my mind. But you guys get the drift ><.

If you'll pardon my cynicism for a moment, 'Cause you know, obviously every game that has a Fireball spell has ripped off each other.

Besides, though Blizzard North is a different division than Blizzard proper, the fact of the matter is they're part of the same greater company, and some of the creative minds from both teams actually do collaberate. You're blowing the second comparison a bit out of hand.

Now, the thing is, Blizzard has... "borrowed" a lot of ideas from other sources, but how have those other sources "borrowed" from other science fiction? I'm not justifying pirating intellectual property, just pointing out that execution makes a big difference between ideas. Really, despite some of the similarities that Blizzard's technology may have to other contemporary science fiction, their execution and lore are usually very well developed and utilized. You can claim that they're "hacks," but if nothing else, they're damn good hacks.

If you'll pardon my cynicism for a moment, 'Cause you know, obviously every game that has a Fireball spell has ripped off each other.

Besides, though Blizzard North is a different division than Blizzard proper, the fact of the matter is they're part of the same greater company, and some of the creative minds from both teams actually do collaberate. You're blowing the second comparison a bit out of hand.

Now, the thing is, Blizzard has... "borrowed" a lot of ideas from other sources, but how have those other sources "borrowed" from other science fiction? I'm not justifying pirating intellectual property, just pointing out that execution makes a big difference between ideas. Really, despite some of the similarities that Blizzard's technology may have to other contemporary science fiction, their execution and lore are usually very well developed and utilized. You can claim that they're "hacks," but if nothing else, they're damn good hacks.

Amen to that :P. But most of Blizzard North quit, didn't they? I though they're working on Hellgate London or something :S




So yeah, Blizzard kinda... interprets things. So what? I mean it's like a different telling of the same story, but nevertheless, it has that particular blizzard seal to it. We know the gameplay will be fine. The cutscenes will be great. And while it won't have that dandy DoW40K feeling to the individual characters, it'll still have personality of it's own. Besides, maybe they will reveal a fourth race, and then it'll be nothing like the others. Chill. Bottom line, it's the gameplay.

So yeah, Blizzard kinda... interprets things.

Just like WC is one of the millions of interpretations of the dwarf/elf/magic storyline, SC is an interpretation of the galactic battle storyline. Comparisons could be drawn for days, there's absolutely no point. It will be badass.

Besides, maybe they will reveal a fourth race, and then it'll be nothing like the others.

It makes me smile when people still think this is a possibility.



I'd say it's a good possibility. I mean, Blizzard pulled out two new races from the air for WarCraft III with the Undead Scourge and the Night Elves and made it work lorewise... for StarCraft II, they have the Xel'naga all set up to make a comeback, and moreover, they set up for the possibility for the Hybrids to be a race too. I wouldn't count out that one, or perhaps both of these races will be playable in SCII. And what a better surprise to hold out for the fans?

...though to be fair, I'm still probably going to end up playing as the Terrans anyway. *Laughs*

The Ghosts are going to be in another faction. no longer associated with the terran .

That really makes no sense. Considering the Ghost program was picked up by the Terran Confederacy and continued by Mengsk when he overthrew it. Ghost units are trained specifically to be unerringly loyal and are often cybernetically implanted to make *sure* of that. As well, they're equipped with Psionic Dampeners to make fully sure they don't turn on their superiors.

I doubt the Ghosts will split away. Considering they *ARE* Terrans and that the Zerg actively hunt them, I think even the most separationist minded Ghosts wouldn't want to go it alone against Kerrigan's swarms; and Kerrigan knows all the tricks of a Ghost. Besides all of that? Where would they even go? The Zerg are after them, the Terrans would be hunting down the deserters, and the Protoss wouldn't want anything to do with them unless Raynor was supporting the idea, and even then I doubt it'd get very far.

Really, I do not see them splitting away from the Terrans at all. Lorewise it makes no sense and they wouldn't work as a separate race because they'd be far too esoteric. Also, considering they're a Terran trademark unit as much as the Marines and Siege Tanks, seeing them separate is... unlikely, at best.


I want to see the protoss/zerg hybrids. COME ON BLIZZARD SHOW THEM TO US!!!!

Xel'Naga/Protoss/zerg as fourth race in sc2 expansion or something.

It makes me smile when people still think this is a possibility.


I have to agree. To challenge the starcraft world with a new race? I doubt it. But if they do I hope for another less alien alien breed :) Like not SUPERCRYSTALPEEPS and not SUPERSLIMYPEEPS .. more like.. animal-ish . we need more hair in SC2

What was the quote again? Good artists imitate, great ones steal?

It's "Good artists borrow".

And that quote hardly makes any sense. I mean, unless you tack on " and the best create their own materials" at the end, maybe.

Even the tale about the duck who was mistaken for the princess' husband, and was blown by the princess, the queen and the court jester in one night?

Or even that story I tell where I was out camping as a kid and the howling of the wind made me think I was in open sea for some reason and ran out screaming. I see the Gilgamesh here.

Xel'Naga are the predecessors of the Terrans. Ghosts are all that remains of them within the Terran blood-line. Samir Duran was a Xel'Naga.

somebody never read the little story manual that came with starcraft back in the day, it seems


Xel-Naga are far too much like demons in Warcraft to work as a race on their own. Their simply are not enough of them to constitute a race, and the few units that they would have would have to be extraordinarily overpowered. In short, they make a good NPC, but a terrible playable race.

Also, I disagree with adding any races because five is too many and four would be making the game too much like Warcraft III.

I don't know, but I just had this sudden realisation where starcraft II plot is going. I have a feeling Kerrigan is going to be reverted back to human (maybe a cure found for her?)


I know by the hair this is Kerrigan. But she looks less Zerg and more Human.

Interesting, but it sounds like a big stretch for the story, and she can still pass off as Zerg infested (look at dat skin!)

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