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^ That's the only thing that made me sad.

But seriously, Pirates 3? More like Pirates 300.

Was I the only one that caught those parts? That was HILARIOUS.

Also: Hans Zimmer recycling...but I don't supposed anyone listened to the Last Samurai soundtrack as much as me >_<

I have probably. I thought it was more Gladiator than Last Samurai. But I enjoy it anyway! :-)

Spoiler: The whole Calypso element was just kind of thrown in there, and the part about the first pirate lords sealing her into human form made it even more obscure. Admittingly, the other plot elements were obscure on their own, but this made an already bad plotline even worse.

Well, apparently the original cut of the film is considerably longer, and there are a few key scenes about that whole setup, particularly the curse that goes with it, that were dropped much to the surprise of some of the authors.

I said of Spidey 3 that I felt like 20 minutes of the movie was missing right in the middle. With this movie, it feels like the 20 minutes is missing from the beginning to explain how they got from Part 2's "Let's save Jack!" to Part 3's "We need Jack because he's a Pirate Lord!" I'm hoping when the DVD triology box set comes out, it'll have a full cut of the movie that might take care of it.


Kinda fun to watch. Plot was kinda garbage. It's already been said here...


It was pretty stupid with the scene telling Keira Knightly that SHE was Calypso. Also the scene with Jack swinging on a rope for about 8 minutes of screen time interspersed with random battle-age was very convoluted and was missing continuity.


I fell asleep a few times in the semi-beginning. Not that it was boring, but because I was just super tired.

Other than that, for not seeing the previous two I enjoyed it.

Great movie. I was never once confused by the plot line, because I PAID ATTENTION.

Yeah seriously.

I don't understand why some people are crying about the plot line being confusing and getting lost in it.

It's a blasted Disney movie for the Emperor's sake.

Want a way more confusing movie.

Watch The Prestige. Now that was confusing as fuck. I got it though. Damn good movie too.


As other people have said, I don't know why everybody is complaining about the complexity! It's really not that hard. However, unlike most (crap) movies that come out nowadays, you actually have to WATCH it. If you are going to snuggle with your girlfriend (or boyfriend), or if you leave to take frequent bathroom breaks, YOU WILL BE LOST. But don't blame the movie for that. There are just a few things you need to keep in mind while watching, and the rest will explain itself (if you pay attention). I won't mark spoilers, since they all apply to the first 30 minutes of the movie.

* Jack's deal with Davy Jones included both himself and the Pearl. That's why the Pearl is with him in the Locker.

* In both 1&2, they repeatedly say that the Black Pearl is the fastest ship in the world. Because of that, it is the ONLY ship that can outrun the Dutchman. That's why Will needs it.

* The council had not yet been called when Tia Dalma brought back Barbossa and suggested that they resurrect Jack. The council can only be called when "the song" is sung, which they say repeatedly in the movie. Therefore, the council was called in the very first scene of the movie, when the kid was hung. In fact, that was the whole reason that Beckett started hanging people! He wanted them to sing the song so he could hunt the Pirate Lords in one location. Also, the song tells the story of Calypso, if you listen to the words.

Now, for the spoilers....

* The Calypso thing was not "thrown in" as some people suggest. If you paid attention during Pirates 2, Tia Dalma had an identical locket to Davy Jones. Therefore, that particular character would have to be over 200 years old! And she didn't just disappear either. She said to Davy Jones that she would release her cruelty on the Pirate Lords for sealing her. Then, when Will revealed to her that it was because of Davy Jones that she was sealed, she went ballistic and created a maelstrom in hopes of impeding both sides. When Jones was killed and sent down to the sea, her anger was abated and the maelstrom stopped.

* There is a false Calypso in the movie. When Barbossa told Sao Feng that they had Calypso, he noticed that Feng's gaze went immediately to Elizabeth, instead of Tia Dalma. He then dropped a few lines to encourage Sao Feng's wrong line of reasoning so that Feng would bargain for the wrong person.

* Barbossa's purpose was not to provide one of the 9 pieces of 8, since they already HAD his piece. He struck a deal with Tia Dalma that he would sway the coucil in favor of releasing her in exchange for a second chance at life. JACK'S purpose was to provide the piece. That's why Tia Dalma seemed so excited to help them get Jack back in the second movie.

* They couldn't bring Governor Swann back because he was resting in peace. Tia Dalma said this when Will asked if there was any way.

It was all there. I didn't read any outside sources. I just watched the movie. For those that found it too confusing, I would encourage you to watch it more carefully. They weren't trying to make a movie that could be watched and forgotten. They were trying to make a movie that grew on you the more you watched it.


I too found this film confusing. Maybe it's less confusing for people who remember the Dead Man's Chest plot? I didn't even remember who's heart it was in the chest. Anyway the Pristege's plot wasn't as hard to follow as this (in fact I'd say it wasn't hard to follow but anyway)

I count 2 disney shills (and a possible 3rd) in this thread so far. Keep em coming, this is entertaining.

Disney's marketing department sure loves the "people interested in video game remixes" market if they're sending shills over.

Anyway, watched it yesterday, it was good. It wasn't completely free like the second, it needed to tie down the plot lines, so it's comprehensible if it's worse. The first half of the movie was pretty sucky, save for Davy Jones' Locker, but the final fight more then made up for it. In fact, I wouldn't mind if the movie were 2 hours of the final fight.

The plot wasn't that convulted, I got it mostly save for one thing. (spoilers)Why wasn't Calypso there when Davy Jones returned after the first 10 years? That's what caused him to leave his duty and all they provide in explanation is "It's in my nature"? Isn't there any other justification?

Haven't seen the movie "yet", but... is it even cleared why Jones turned into a sea creature? If it was (in "Dead Mans Crest", I must be obviously dumb, as I've seen this one like 8 times in a row (thanks to my brother having the DVD).

Yeah, they explain that.


For as much bitching about the movie as there has been, I'm surprised that no one's said anything about (spoilers) Keith Richards being in the film at all and how stupid is role was. I know it was rumored years before the films release, but I think the cameo backfired in Disney's face because nobody in the theater seemed to recognize him given a) how old and decrepit he is and B) the elaborate costume he had.

All in all though, it was an enjoyable film. Definitely the sort you'd go to a theater to see. I'm not going to say that it was great though.

Disney's marketing department sure loves the "people interested in video game remixes" market if they're sending shills over.

Anyway, watched it yesterday, it was good. It wasn't completely free like the second, it needed to tie down the plot lines, so it's comprehensible if it's worse. The first half of the movie was pretty sucky, save for Davy Jones' Locker, but the final fight more then made up for it. In fact, I wouldn't mind if the movie were 2 hours of the final fight.

The plot wasn't that convulted, I got it mostly save for one thing. (spoilers)Why wasn't Calypso there when Davy Jones returned after the first 10 years? That's what caused him to leave his duty and all they provide in explanation is "It's in my nature"? Isn't there any other justification?

Because the sea is a fickle mistress.


I just watched it as well. It was great!

People said that it was confusing, but I pretty much understood the whole thing. I just wish they included a better explanation of all the things that happened between Pirates 2 and Pirates 3.

I still enjoyed it though.

For as much bitching about the movie as there has been' date=' I'm surprised that no one's said anything about (spoilers) Keith Richards[/quote']

Am I the only one who thinks that Keith seriously looked like (spoiler) Captain Blackbeard from the "Blackbeard TV Special" thing that spawned last year)

The opener is indeed a bit rushed and stuff, so is still the part about Jones, but if I look at it that (spoiler once more) Calisto is a goddess and said herself that she loves to take every form (as she's the goddess of Chaos - not only in the greek mythology - and god did I love "Sindbad" the animated movie, but that aside), I'd say that since she was been trapped by Jones himself, the course he got from her was being turned into a sea creature - unless I got that wrong. I tend to do that a lot.

Else it's pretty much logic, and if I look at the final scene, and the "duty" from Jones was calling, I'm fairly sure Mrs "Turner" will be happy after all. But sure screams for another series of Sparrow movies, indeed.



(Lots of spoilers so I just whited the whole post)

Things I liked:

The entire whirlpool fight. When I saw that in the trailer, I knew it would be sweet.

Decidedly more mature approach to the movie as a whole.

Good humor at most points.

The flipping the ship over was very clever, However, the method of flipping the ship was stupid.

Decent pacing and twists.

Things I didn't like:

Confusing plot with multiple motivations and conflicts, some of which never really were resolved.

Not too much explained in the plot which made it confusing.

The entire Davy Jones/Calypso is the main point of the movie and yet it has little to no effect on the direction of the movie at all.

Will/Elizabeth's love story is almost as bad as Anakin/Padme's.

The multiple Jack Sparrow delusions that pop up. They're all stupid and have almost nothing to do with the movie.

Norrington's death was lame.

I think they could have used the Compass to clear up a lot of the confusing parts of the plot. I mean it does show you what you want, and that as a viewer would have made everyone's motivations a littler clearer.

Okay. I'mn done.

Plot was extremely farfetched, but comprehendable. What I don't understand, however, is how a First Mate can be a Pirate Lord.

Are you referring to the guy with the wooden eye? That was actually Barbossa's piece, he just used the guy to keep it in. That's why he spent like half the first movie chasing it around. :P

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