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Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney ranks up there as one of the best games I've ever played, and I've played a lot of games. I liked it so much that I couldn't wait for the second one, Justice for All, to come out, so I ended up importing it, because the Japanese release included the English language option.

News came out a few days ago that confirmed that the Japanese release of the 3rd game in the series, Trials and Tribulations, is also going to include an English language option, and it's coming out a few weeks before the US release.

What do you think, fellow OCRians? Are you going to import? Or are you going to support Capcom USA and buy domestic units?

I can wait, especially if it means saving $20 dollars or so.

Well here's the thing: because Japan has already seen these games on the GBA, they are sold under the Best Price label and are much cheaper than regular DS games. As a result, when you import from a site like Play-Asia, it works out to about what you would pay here. I imported Justice for All for $30.

So you won't save $20. In fact, if Capcom decides to sell the new one at $35, it might be a better deal to just import.


I say go with the USA. It's not that bad of a wait, and it'll tell Capcom to keep bringing them over (since they took English out of the recently-released GS4)!! I hope there's another good pre-order gift for PW3


They didn't "remove" the English from the 4th game. There is no English yet. Capcom USA handles the translation, y'know, and Capcom USA isn't going to devote resources and manpower to translating and localizing the 4th game in a series when they haven't even completed the 3rd one. The only reason the Japanese DS versions have English options is because of the impending releases here. Porting the first three GS games over to the DS is more for the benefit of the international market anyway.


Right now I'm planning to import the game in order keep my collection all in the same version class. Though if it happens to actually be in a local store this time when I go to buy a game instead of sold out or they never got it in I may end up going domestic.


Phoenix Wright brought out that feeling of magic I used to feel when I first got into videogames. I had never before played a text-based game been so exciting or entertaining. I'm going to wait patiently for 3 and 4 to hit the US. Spacing out my playtime makes the series more refreshing to get back into.

I can't find my half-finished copy of Justice for All.. :(

But seeing as this is a prequel, that wouldn't put me at a disadvantage.

Ehh, not really. The cases in the game are both prequel and sequel. I think in two of them you play as Mia; the other ones are all post-JFA cases.


I know the Japanese version has English and Japanese, but does the North American one also have Japanese as an option? If not, I'm importing :-D. I bought number 2 while in Japan, and it's good fun trying to work through in Japanese. Although I'll have to find a copy of the first before getting the third ;-).

I know the Japanese version has English and Japanese, but does the North American one also have Japanese as an option? If not, I'm importing :-D. I bought number 2 while in Japan, and it's good fun trying to work through in Japanese. Although I'll have to find a copy of the first before getting the third ;-).

the first is everywhere

for $20

They didn't "remove" the English from the 4th game. There is no English yet. Capcom USA handles the translation, y'know, and Capcom USA isn't going to devote resources and manpower to translating and localizing the 4th game in a series when they haven't even completed the 3rd one.

Actually, the localization team at CAPCOM Japan does the English translations for the Ace Attorney series. Although your point is still valid.

Here are some interviews with the Localization Team at Capcom Japan that the US branch posted:




Every time I see this thread I think that "Whatchya Gonna Do?" is going to be the title for the third game.

That's the subtitle of the yet-to-be-announced Ace Attorney and Cops crossover. A cameraman follows Detective Gumshoe as he looks for clues on a case, tries to pay his rent, and has his credit card denied at a restaurant.


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